07-16-53 PC Minutes � .�. GOLDE�T VAIrLEY PLANNING CON'iNiISSION NiII11UTES OF I�iEETING OF JULY 16, 1953 �' A spe.cial meeting of the Golden Valley Village Planning Conunission was called to order at the Village I�all at 7:30 P.Ni. , July 16, 1953 with the following members present: Ferguson, LaBissoniere, Rydmark, Hall, Mattison, Patterson, Amble , Loughland, Lynch, and gelz. This meeting was called due to the lack of a quorum at _the regular meeting on July 9, 1953• The minutes of t he previous meeting were read and approved �3.th the following revision: " � Patterson asked that that portion of lines, - 2, 3 , �d y., p�ge 14 of the Dook of �;inutes de�oted to his statement requesting further st��.dy regarding the request to re-zone to Commercial, the parcel of land on the Northeast corner of 19t� Avenue l�orth and Noble Avenue in Westurban, be rev�ised. This was done by means of an addendum to the minutes of the previous meeting. Velz stated that his name should be included with t he names of Ferguson and Palmer as casting a dissenting vote on the motion by Hall regarding this re-zoning, Loughland reviewed a request presented at the informal meetiflg on July 9, 1953 bg a delegation from Golden Oaks �ddition No. 1. This delegation represented home o�rners who had protested the �oning Commercial of the Village gravel pit site and the ad�acent property ov+med by Smith and Shost�d. They stated the Council had refused the request of Nir. Bliss and h�.d referred �is zaning back to the Commission. They wished to be informed of any long range plans for this area and to be assured that it would not again be recommended £or zoning to Commereial; I,ynch moved th�t this matter be tabled due to the lack of an � official reque`st for action from the Council. Seeonded bp �ydmark, carried. ' Mr. F. K. &�ichaelson, Homeland Inc. had presented a preliminary plat of an a rea bordered on the south by VJayzata Boulevard and on the West by Superior Golf Course at the informal meeting of Jul� 9, 1953 with t he request that the area , bordering 1�ayzata be zoned Commercial. Lynch stated that the plat was accepteble to the Plat � Committee. Rydmark mo�ed th�t the Zoning Committee review this r�quest and report back at the next meeting of the Gommission. Motion �econded by � Ferguson, c�rried. Patterson moved that the request, that a certain non-existant street shown on the map be named "Yosemite", be passed over due to lack of � information. Seconde� by Lynch, carried. Nir. Arnold J. Anderson appeared to present the f inal pl�t known as "Arnold J. Aaidersofl, lst Addition� consisting of th�t part of the NE� of the SE� of Sec. 29, Township 11$ Aange 21, lping south of the right-o�f-way of the Ninneapolis, Northfield and Sout�iern Railway. Lynch moved that it be recommended � that thi.s pl�t be acc�pted. Seconded by Rydmark, C�rried. Lynch mo�red that action on the Fred Jones plat t�e passed until next meeti,ng due to lack of � m�.terial. Seconded by Rydmark, carried. P�r. Harry P. Lucas, 132l� �elcome Avenue appe?red to request a waiver �f side lot requirements� to allow the construction of �n additional g�ra� ad�acent to his existing attached garage. 'The proposed garage would be 7 feet from the l�t line 3i� feet from the nei�hbors house and appro�tel� 20 feet from the neighbors unattached garage. Patterson stated th�t he felt that the data and sketch submitted were not adequate and that the ordinance and a letter of instruction from the Village Attorney quite clearly state this side lat requireme�t �hould be w�ived only in cases of hardship ruaning with the land. Lynch moved that the m�tter be referred to the proper committe�. Seconded by 0elz. Wi.th Velz's consent, �dattison added to th� . motion that additional data., as required on the ge��.tion, be supplied. S+econded by Ferguson, carried. l�r. Henry F. Ye11en, �.$09 34th Avenue North appeared to request 'that he be allowed to divide lots 1 and 2, Yale Garden Homes, corner of 34th Avenue and Noble Avenu�, with a total fror�t footage of 200.4$ feet into one lot of 91 foot fsontage and or�e lot of 109.4$ foot frontage. This would enable Mr. Yellen to comply �-ith present side lot r��uirements on the large lot , vaith the ex���ing house and unattached . garage. This woul� �2�� ���t� the ov�ner of the large �� lot possession of a row of trees. Patterson sta�ed � that we hc_ve rio assurancs that a�'uture house "on the 91 �foot lot would not ereate a future side lot " problem. �Iattison mo��d request be der�ied. Seconded bg Patterson, carried. R�ir. Don Fischer, 1�1$1 .Hampshire Avenv�e North appe�i�ed to request a waiver of side lot requirements to erect a home on a �2.33 foot wide lot which - had been created out of a portion of old lots 15 and ' 16, �ale Garden Homes 1�ddition. The proposed house is 5� t6n long �nd would s�t 11'6� frvm one side lot line. Patterson stated that this �ras a problem of a house too large for the lot and that no hardship running with the land existed. Lynch advised against � referring t�ie matter to committee. Velz mo�red that the request be denied. Seconded by Rydmark; carried. �,�ughland stated that the matter of l�s. Alma Hultquist, re-ratification of pl�cement of garage w�s a Council problem. I,ynch moved that the Comrnission reaffirm their previous action on the matter. LaBissoniere seconded, carried. Nlr. Geae Thotland and Mr. Gaulke appeared to discuss a preliminary plat of "Tho�land Twin . View Terrace.� Lynch recommended that plat be given tentatiee approval with provision that certain . recommended changes be made� Rpdmark moved that we . recommend acceptance of the plat when t�e following changes as shown on a marked plan h�ve been incorporat�d in it. 1. Proposed TQledo Avenue and lots 7 thru 12 be dotted in as proposed part of a future plat. � 2. That the required radii be shown on all carners. 3. R.��id betweerr Thotland Road and Alfred Road now marked Toledo Avenue be called William Place. 4. That a letter be obt�ined fror� P�:r. tJys guaranteeing a 30 foot wide strip of land, for dedic�tion by him for the continuation of Angelo Drive. Seconded �i� �����i carried. �� � The petition bp residents of that section of Glenwood bounded on the north by the A�inneapolis , Northfield and Southern Railway, on the South by the Olson Highwa� �� the ea�t by Franc� Ave�ue a�d o� the �es� by Indi� Avenue be zoned residential was discussed. Loughland stated, that , if the C�mmission complied wi�h this request �e would be acting adverse to a previous Cauncil request. P atterson stated such co�pliance would create a non-conforming restriction whereby no change ceuld be made to existing commercial buildings in � he arca. Patterson moved that it be recommended that the petition be denied. Seeonded by Hall, c�rried. Lynch moved that any action on the plat � of Clarence Sherer be passed over due to l�.ek o£ information. Seconded by Velz, earried. '�e r��.��� ct�' Don Moorhead, 2940 Cherokee Place, �oodla�+m Park for a waiver of sidelot requirean�nts - to allow constructiom of a detached garage in line with existing breezewa� and five feet from the 'P rear lot line, was presented by Ferguson. A letter £rom the adjacent property owner, Mr. Douglas Farnham, 2945 Perry Avenue stated that he had no ob�ection, to this location. Ferguson stated that Farnham intended to build a �arage in corresponding -�" location on his lo�. The proposed location for • ti�ese �arages conformed with the master plan for residential buildings and g�rages in this sub-division Patterson moved tha� it be recc�mmended thdt the locations shown on the presented plan be construed to indicate a location with not less than a 35 foot setback from Norma�d Place and 5 foot rear lot line on lot # 11 �nd lo� � of Block 4 of t his addition. Seco�ded by Rydmark, c�rried. Rpdmark moved th�t we reco�nnend to Counci� that our " �iaster Plan tt map of the Village with a scale of ltt = 400' be brought up-to-d�.te, kept � current in the future and suitably framed and mounted. Seconded by ZaBissoniere, carried. Meeting ad�aurned at 10:30 P��M. �'��`"�� �`���1 �\:, , � ' �� reside�� � ��� , �� ��'� _ , � ,. ;�5- ;. ,, �'� �,�� J t ecret2r'q �