09-10-53 PC Minutes � ', �
MINTITES OF MEETING OF September 10, 1953
_ ,,
The regular mee�ing of the Golden Valle� Village Planning
Commission was called to order at the Villa�e Hall on lhursda�'
Septem.ber 10, 1953� at 8:00 P�, M. Members present were L�rnch,
�'erguson, Gra�'f'under, R�dmark, Mattison, Fatterson, Raugla�.d,
.�mble, Velz, and Borchert. The rainutes of the August meeting
were read aad approved.
Mr. Arnold Rustad and Mr. Edward Helm appeared to reg,uest
approval of the crea�ion of two substandard lots from the
division of Lot 52, �ud.itor� s Subdivision �330, at the
' northeast corner of the int�rsection of IIighway 100 a�.d
Golden Valley roa.d, in order to place �wo large hou.ses on
the lo'cs, Matitison moved that �he requests be referred to
tlae Plat Comm3ttee for "study and report at the �.ext mee�ing.
Patterson seconded; motion carried,
Nlr, Lqnch, for -�he Plat Comm3.ttee, pr�esented the final plat
of Spring Green South. The plat had been approved in
preliminary form b�r the glanning Corr�ission and Council
in snbject to construction of storm se�rers.
Latter are now under construction as required, according
to the Plat Cora�n3.ttee. Lynch moved final approeal subjec�
to creation of proper radius at corners of Lot l, Block 2
and Lot 2, Block l. Mot3.on seconded. b�r Velz, c�rried.
Mr. Frank Gaulke appeared with the proposed plat of Thotland
.�ddition to request that lots on the 1ow (east) side of
Angelo Drive be given blanket waiver of setback requiremen�s
�nd that a uniform, subm3nimum se�Gback be established f or the
street at the time of formal pla�ting. He pointed out the
fact that the street cannot be moved �estward because of an
ex3sting house, and the slope between A.ngelo Drive and '
Sweeney Lake creates a potential buildir�g hardship that �.11
reql.�re Uraivers at the time of building. Mattison moved that
�the Plat Committee look at this land and determine what
minimum setback should be establ3.shed for all lots between
Angelo Drive and Sween.ey Lalse in �he new lhotland �ddit3on
and r�port to the Commission at the Qctober meet3.ng. Mo�ion
seconded by Borchert, carr3.ed.
� Mr. Williarr� '��arhol appeared to inqu3re whether � Lot 5,
Bloc7� 2, �i.�.ngri-la subdivision, could be subdiqided to
crea�;e one rectangu.lar lot wi�h 100 feet of frontage and
approximately 200 feet depth, and a second 1ot 962 fee�
wide in front, 30 feet wide at the� rear, �n.d approximatelg
198 feet deep. No action could be �aken; since no formal
reques� was presented. Nir. �rdarhol was advised that. he could
` sell the substandarcl lot he proposed to create, but the buyer
of tb.e lot would have the most ex�rerrle difficulty� in obta3.n3ng
• a build3ng permi� for it. �
Mr. R. V. Dubay, 2�01 Cherokee Pl. , requested waiver of the setback
requirements established b� the accepted master plan for
garage construction in �oodla�n, in order to build an
attached double garage o� certain design and relationship
to the bas3c structu.re of his house. Borchert moved th�t
the request be denied because no hardship runs w�.th the
land i� this cas�. Motion second�d by Raugland, carried.
Mr. Elmer �rowl appeared to request that he be permi�ted to
plat a 50-foot ri.ght-of-wa� on the extension of i�eribee
Dr. eas'�ward into the proposed addit3.on to Meribee Hills
su.bdivision�, Mr. �rowl maintained this narrow rig�t-of-wa�y
is nece�siatated by the placement of existing houses on lots
on the outside of the present intersection of Nleribee Dr.
and Lee �.ve. together with an error 3n the first survey of
the south line of the lteribee Hills ct. Borchert moved
that �his question be referred to th�����n3.ttee for study.
Motion seconded b� Rgdmark, carried. ,
Mr. �i. J. Glover appeared to requeat that Faribault Stree�
be �acated between �,uebeo and Rhode Island .�ve. Borchert
moved that the matter be referred. to the Highwa� Corr�nittee
for s tudy. Motion seconded by R�rdmark, carried. . � ,
Mr. Donald Bailey, representing H�lander Sales Co. , Inc.,
appeared to request the opinion of the Commission concerning
possible future rezoning of 19 �.cres of land to commercial
on the southwest corner of the intersect3on of Highwa.y 100
and t}a.e Minne�ta 1�i'estern Railwa� to accom�n.oda�� a commercial
or industrial structure at -�hat� place. After m.uch d3.scussion
Lynch mo�ed that .the question be �ef'e�red to the �oning �
Coramittee for considera�Gion and report before the next
regular meeting of the eo�ssion. Nlot3on seco�ded by
Ferguson, carried.
Nir. Fred Van Beusehen, Lot 3, Block 3, 2nd unit of Delph3an
Heights, appeared to reqla.est �raiver of s3.deline requirements
to build a garage 3 feet from his south lo�t line. He was
advised that this request could no�t be granted.
Mr. Leon.ard Jensen appeared to renew his request for reZOning
of his store propertg (aee minutes of .�ugu.st meeting). After
some discussion Lynch rn,oved that present zoning of the . �
Dahlber� plan� be extended to include all parcels of propert�
f�,c�.ag �he south side of 6th Ave. N'or�h from the Dahlberg �o.
plag� �restward to the east s3de of Winnetka �ve. Motion
aeco�ded b� Ferguson, carried.
Lyn,ch reported on the Fred Jones request conce�ning the
e�tension of Brunswick Ave. N. (see minutes of Augu.st
meeting) . �fter considerable discussion Raugland moved that
Mr. Fr�d Jones be granted the r3ght to exter�d Bruas�rick �ive.
N. at h3.s own expense under �uperv3.aion of the village �ngineer
insofar as the street right-of-wa� 3s dedicatad to the villa�e.
Mot3.on seconded by Patterson, carried.
L�nch recommended that the request of Ntr. Russell Carlson,
210 Turnpike Rd. , for sidelot wai�ver (see minutes of �.ugust
meeting) be granted because of a hardship tha� ruris �ith the
land. Mr. Sta�le� K�.ne, who was present at the meetia�g ad�vised
that there �s a 15-�'oot sideline requirer�ent es�ablished b�r
deed rest�iction in Spring Green wh3ch supervenea all
comrn3ssion act�on. �atterson further argued th�t no hardship
. reall� e�ists in this case. Rgdmar]� moved that reques� be
denied because of the existence of the Spring Green deed
restriction. �atterson seconded; motion carried. �
� " L�nch reportad on the final plat of Golden Qaks. 1�atterson
po3.nted out that plat does no� have prope� rad�i at street
in�cersec�ions and i�.cludes two substandard lots. Mattison
moved tb.at the plat be requ3red to be resubanitted to complg
with lot-s�ze and radius requirements. Motion seconded by
Borchert, carried.
Raugland presented the final reporic of the �rdinance Coznm.ittee
. on a revised building code ordinance, incorporating the findinga
of several meetings of the committee and the su�gestions growin,g
: out of a special meetirig of the comrnission to study the
� conna.it�ee t s prel3mi�nary reeorruaendat3ons or� Thursda�, August 27,
1q53. I�at�erson moved th.at this report be adopted b� the commisw
sion and sent to the council as the cornm3ssiont s reco�nenda.tio�
° for action.. Motion seconded by Mattisoa, c�rried.
Lynch suggest.ed that a special executi�e �%eeting be scheduled
for Thursday, September 21�. The suggestion was adopted bg
the commission after several mem.bers present had expressed
• themselees pro an d con regarding a proposal �o meet tw3ce
Rydma�k reported on the proposal to bring the Master ilan
map of the Village up to date (see min�tes of July meet3ng) .
� The acting president appointed_Ray Amble cha3rman of a
' committ�e to proceed, within money limits set by the Council,
� to f3nd vut what k3nds of maps need to be made and obtain
cost figures for the work.
� ✓ The meeting ad�ourned at 12:30 �,.M.
- Sacretary
. �