10-08-53 PC Minutes 3Q ' - � . GOI�DEN VALLEY gLAlVNIl�'G COMMISSIOiV NINUT�S OF MEETING OF. 00T�BER S, 1953 . f Th.e regular meeting of the Golden Valley Village Planning Commiss3on was called to order at -the Village Hall at � 8: 00 p.m. Thursday, October 8, 1953, Members present �rere Lyrich, �rickson, T�atterson, Rgdmark, Loughl�nd, Velz, Palmer, and Borchert. Mr. �noch Anderson, 425z �,ueen Avenue North, Minneapolis, appeared. to request consideration of his petition for � . re-zoning of a parcel of land at �the southwest corner of Fiighway 100 and Golden Valley Road from its existing Open Development cl�ssification ,to �Communit�r Store (Commercial) category, fbr the purpose of building a gasoline service station. Mr. Anderson stated that the neighboring home-owner to the south of his property had agreed to . • state in writing that he was u.nopposed to such re-zonin� but th�t the neighbor had been advised ag�inst such agreement b� h3s mortgage h.older and his insurance agent. , Nlr. Anderson was advised of the �'act that a state hig'h.way �asem.ent along �Iighway 100 arid county highway expansion plans for Golden Valle�r Road encroach heavily upon his property. It was poin.ted ou.t that 17 feet for future county road widenin�, together with required lot-line clearance �'or pumps and building makes t�i.is lot, as it now exists, too small for the type of use he cont emplates. R�dmark moved referral to the zon3ng committee. Motion s�conded b� Palmer, carried. Mr. Oweas presented the .request of Mr. Richard Orstad, 291�0 Lee Aoenue North, for a waiver of the sidelot reqirement to permi� building a garage within 13 feet of his south lot line. Palmer moved that the plat commlit�Gee be asked to meet with Mr. Orstad, and study the problem with him, � �nd make its recommendatior�s at �he next regular meeting. Motior�. seconded by Rgdrnark, carried. Mr. Kieth Caswell presented the proposed plat of a n2w addit3on, to be developed bg Associ�ted Contractors Inc. , on the south side o� St. �roix Avenue and i�est side of Bassett� s �reek. Rycimark moved referral to plat committee. Motion seconded by Palmer, carried. Mr. Scheid apF;eared �rith a revision of the proposed plat � of Scheid Terrace, a� the northwest corner of St. Croix Avenue and Golden V lley Road. The revision eliminates Frontanac .Ayenue an�. adds more lots to the subdiviaions and increases the park are�. Velz moved referral to �the plat committee; motion secondec� bg Rydmark, carried. P+Ir. Michaelson �nd Mr. Nystrom appeared for Homeland Ine., to ask that a parcel of land in their proposed Homeland. Addition which had been recorumended �'or commercial zoning, �'�i��, (see m3nuYtes of August m�eting) , be left in the Open Development classification in �ie�r of the ob jection of neighbors to commercial zoning. The�r were €�dvised that the land is already zor��d Open Development and the plat has been a ccepted. The developers then re-submitted their plat proposal as a new plat, 3dentical with �Ghat submitted ' at the Augus� meeting of the plan.ning commission with �he expection that Lot A (�che property recommended fo�r re-zoning to �Corronmercial at the Au.gust meet3ng) be omitted from the plat. Fatterson moved that �'his ne�r•plat be accepted as �. - residen.tial plat. Lgnch seconded the motior�; motion carried. ' Mr. Volp appeared for the Otten Construction Compan�r to present tha propoaed plat of 35 acres of land north of . Olympia Street and east of Winneti�a Avenu.e. It was point ed out that he needs to al].ow a 48-foot right-of-wag strip for the extension of Duluth Street along the north boundary of � his plat; to dedicate 30 feet for the �'�.tur� extension of , Pennsylvania Avenv.e along the east side of his plat, should � r�ise all lots to minim� dimensions," and should ascertain � that his street pattern has continuit� with tne streets • that abut� the sub�ivision. Lynch reported on th.e request of Mr. Arnold Rustad and Mr. Edwar�d He1m (See Sep-tember minutes) . The plat comrnittee recommended �hat two houses be allowed to be bu.ilt on �che two lots in question, but �hat both houses raust conform � , torsidelot regula-tions. He moved th at any request f�r a � sideloL waiver on this property be denied. Motion seconded . � b�r Borchert, carried. , � ' L�nch report ed on Mr. Elmer �Crowl t s request (See Sept��n.ber minutes) . R�dmark moved �hat Crowl be permitted to es�ablish _ a 50-foot right-of-way on th° extens�.an o�' Meribee Drive up � to �he w�st boundar� of �he a�.dition t�o Neribee �.11s. Motion seconded bg Patterson, carried. r Lynch rnoved_ tha� the request of Mr. John F. Washburn (see Augia.s'� minu.tes) be denied. Motion seconded by Rydmark, carried. Tt was agreed to hold a special meeting Thursday, evening, • October 22. The meeting ad�ourned at 10:�.5 F.M. � �� ��� � ��� � f��'4G��.�P.�J Secretary r Fresid iat