11-28-53 PC Minutes � ���� • GOLDEN VALLEY YLANNING CC�,�.ISSION R:INL;TF� OF I�: �F�TIi•JG OF ivOV. 2$, 1953 A snecial m�etin� of the Golden Vallev Vill� �e Flanning - Corir:ission was c�lled to order at the Vi11=ge Hall at $: QO P .I�'. Frid�y November 2$, 1953 • - g�en:bers present were Erickson, Lou�hland , Lynch, Graffunder, Palmer, Rydmark, R�'.attison, Fatterson, kau�land, �rr�ble , LaBissoniere, Velz, and Borchert. . Fresident �ou�hland introduced n.r. her�an Olson, Flannin� En�ineer for the City of �.inneapolis. l�.r Olson talked to the Commission about �eneral probler�s of plan_�ing. He en,phasized the in,portance of a file of n;aps which are kept current and show det�-ils of streets and plats , conto�sr and drain��e of ' the land , land use , buildinp;s , �ae of buildings , utilities , and " other fe2tures. He also stated several principles which are con:rn�nly used as �;uides in pl: nnin� what tracts. of land can be zoned or re-zoned for co�urr�ercial or industrial purposes; a plannine� corr_mission should discourGr�e rezoning for the benefit of �ersons who purchase the 1-nd for specul�tion on t he ass�arr-�tion th-t they can profit from re-zonin�; it must consider `'�the t�.x-revenve needs of the vill��e; it n,ust avoid zoning or �:?��e-zon�n� that *nrill denreci:te existina �investments; it n�ust ,_=`. �onsider the restrictions ir.,posed unon land use bS� topo�raphy �° .and drainage. - J�. ?. pt the conclusion of �is �eneral ren�=�rks, T��_r. Olson answered srecific questions fron: mem.Uers of the con.rr,ission ��nd others . pre�ent: � �,raffunder: a�'h2.t consultin7 services are �vailaUle to a corr.missi�r� sucti as this ? Olson: Limited services of the Le�gue of Ninnesota I�;unicipa�ities; or services avail�b� t� mer.bers of th.e A.ir�erican 5ociety of F1-nning Officials, incluclin� monthly and s�ecial advisory reports on problen,s , ��' �?annin,;--nerr.bershi� perhaps �lOG per year; or services � � �vailable for fees fron� any professional consultant. � � Owens: To whom does the cernrrission need to listen in the case �k ' � of a rezoning req�:est? Olson: In A�.inne= polis a request cannot ;���t ' � even be presented to the con,��ission without the signed : �ree�ient �: of all propert3• owners ti=ithin 100 feet of the parcel of land in ; r�' , ouestion. Then when the corr:rr,ission considers the re�uest, anyone � � frorr the nei�*hhorhood(defined loosely) c�.n appe� r and be heard. >�,,. .k. x:" � C�wens: How do vo�,� decide whether a new pl�t propos:1 is cornpatible with the over-all trunk sewer plan? Olson: Be able to locate _, ever}• plat and pl� t propos�l on a n�ap that shows the contours, � the trunk sewer routes and spot elev�tians at critical points zlon� the sewer trunk route. � - ;;a =,� , i � i . #:. t � . G,- � LJ►!J/ • r F�lrr,er: About 12� o� Golden Valley is now zoned for _ Cor;.n:ercial and indLStri�l use. Yet Cor..n�ercial Gnd � � in�ustrial developments dontt seen. to want to �o � � to those a.reas of the village. Should ��le therefor� ch?n�e our pl=n dr=stically% Or should we stick to it and not be concerned? Olson: �ou �re now �:oing throuah the process af re-studyin�; and reconsiderin� the question of the proper �nd rrost valuable use of your land. You shouZd strive for con.�act 2reas of rel-tivel� hor.�ogsneous land use separated by buffers . If �on�e land that is :now zoned con�� erci2l c� oes not n�ake sense to }�ou in th� t . cate�ory, chan�e it . Perhaps others should be rr,^dP cor�.n,erci�:l frorr, residential cate�ory. If actu2l land use is inh�rmonious with zonin�, somethir.g m�:�r be b�sically wron�. But ask yourself if your plan is logical as it exists. If it is logical, t hen just wait; remember this villa?e is cnly beginning to grow rapidly, and your commercial and industrial zones rri2y sin.ply need tir�:e to ' � fill up. Borchert: You n�entioned "buffer zorles'1. V�'h�t n,akes a�` good buffer zone? Olson: Establish � n.inin:un, dcreags re4urierr,ent for an industrial �lant or cornn�ercial ce�er. Base tr.is on a rel�tion between pl�:nt size , number of:- en.nloyees , ��rkine� � rea needs �nd total l�nd . Trien rec�ire an ad�?itional ��lowance of say, 1C._ to 30C feet for land- scapina. �lso, l�ndsc�=:ped super-hi�hways are good bu�'f�rs, Gr=ffunder: �r�'hat sr,all we do �hovt set-1�- c� requiren,ent5 alone� t'r:e Eelt line--esnecially -t intersecti :ns? Olson: . St�.���; the intersection; see wh� t its futurP traffic is �oin� to be. I�` �llowance for future consturctionat the intersection works a hardship on t he present owner fron. tr�� oint of view of devElo n�ent of t he land then encoura�e �` P P , � �'`_ the nro�er public -�;enc}� to buy the land. � �'. Follov�rin� this auestian period r.r. Lou�hl:nd expressed the : • Corrr�:issi�nts ap��°�c�°t•i�on to �<_r. Q1-��n for tiis c�ntrib:�tion �'`� • and �-r. Olson left. Lou�hl-nd then c•�lled on Graffunder to present the report of the zonin� cor,i. ittee concernin� areas that might be consider�d ' �'�r re-zonin�. n=r. Graff'under said t'.:e con r�.ittee had �a����derP�3 the followin� five p�rce�t�f land: (1) an �red at t�e intersecti _�n of Hy 55 and Count;� kd 1�; ( 2) rn are� at the southeast corner oi County Rd. 1$ and A.edicine L2ke Fto�..d. (31 front= ae a.lon� the P�:inneapolis , Northfield and �outr�ern � ' Railwa�� bstween I�_edicine Lake Road and Douglas Drive; {4) _ ^ strip �f land alon�; the e� s' side of the R.inn . ��� P�lrner moved that Parcel �� of this group not be zoned to Commercial or industrial at this time but be classified as open development under the new zoning ordin�nce. N�otion seconded by Rydmark� carried. There was considerable discussion of Parcel � �. NIr. Loughland - instructed the zoning committee to cont�ct the residents of open develonment area bounded by Hi�hway 55 and bth �venue N. �nd County Road 1$ to see how they would like to hrve the � �rea zoned. Gr�ffunder moved that the area bounded by Tv'iendelssohn xvenue. l��e�icine Lake Ro=d, Earl Street, and Ensign ��venue be rezoned to c o�mercial c�te�ory and that a 200 foot���ride setb,� ek reau3rement be est�blished a.lon� all four side of the tract. Niotion seconded by N:attison. Niotion carriedl0-3 with dissentin�; votes by Rydmark, Velz, �ncl Borchert. Patterson moved to reconsider. 1�_otion seconded by Graffunder, carried. N'ir. Lou�hland urged all memUers to look at the tr�.ct and Graffunc�er urged them to consider the question of what setb�ck t�rould be advisable and �That future development is . lil�el� there. � l�ydmark rrioved that the Hie�rway Committee, in connection with � P-rce1 � 5 , be instructed to determine whether future plans . for the intersection of Highwa�T 100 and Golden Valley Road would require the use of the piece of property in question. T�otion seconded by Graffunder, c�rried 12-1 with a dissenting � eote by fl�lattison. � No' action was taken concerning parcel No. 3 . P:atti.son m�oved that the village ,�r�vel pit and adjacent property . owned by Shostad and Smith be recommen�ed -for re-zonin� witn , - the est�.blish��nt of a fif"ty-fo��t setback r�quirem�ent from the 1�Iinnesota Western .Ra.ilway right-of-way, except thzt a s�ur track m�y be constructed across the setback zone. ��otion seconded bZ� Palmer, carried< � � The n,eetin� adjo��.rned at midniaht. � �- � -y-�-- S e c e t ary ' � Prpsider�t