12-10-53 PC Minutes �� • GOLDEN QALLEY PLANNIN� CO1�:ISSION N�EETING OF DEC�BER 10, 1953 The re�ul�r meeting of� the ,Golden Valley Village Planning Commission was c�lled to order at the Village Hall at $:00 P.l�. Thursday, December 10, 1953-, �ith the following present: Patterson, Gr�ffunder, Fcydmark, Hall, Loughland, Lyncl�� Velz , Erickson, Ferguson, Borchert. l�Ir. Conrp appeared and described his meeting with the ~ executi �ve committee of Glendale Improvement Association, in which he explained to them his pl�ns for the industrial development of the land between Olson Hi�hway �nc� the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern R�ilroad tracks south of the White House 1Vi�ht Club. He then told the Com�iission thrt his client , the Westinghouse Electric Comp�ny, �nd the owner of the� land are becoming impatient and it would be to his �dvanta�e to get some kind of ,action, of only tent^tive, on his re-zoning request prior to Janu�ry 1. He then requested the re-zoning of an area extending westward 400 feet from a north-south line lying 200 feet �est of the east bo�ndary_ of his property, and extending from Olson Hi�bway southward to the� N:�inneapolis , Northfield and Southern Railway. Nir. Patterson advised N�r. Conrg th�t he �o�zld not get ang action • on his request completely ele�r�d by the Council beflore Janu�ry l in any case because of the necess�.�y for adver- tising and public hearir�g. l�ir Conry then agreed to with- draw his request until tile Januarp meetin g of the Commiesion. Lynch presented the final plat of Brookfair Addition and moved its acceptance. Motion s�conded by Velz, carried. � Lynch presented a revision of the proposed Schuller plat ( see minutes of November 12, 1953 meeting) whieh adds $ � new lots on the west end of the plat and incorporates t�e , chan �es 3.n right-of-way and radii requested by the Commission at its I�ovember 12th meeting. I,gnch moved approval of this pl�t dated 12-10-53 , on the condition th�t Mrs. Schuller get Mr. Lidster to dedicate the land - for proper radii. Motion seeonded by Rydmark, carried with Patterson not voting. - Mr. Graffunder reported the zoning committ�e's letter to the residents. of the triangle between 6th Avenue North, Olson Highway and County Road 1$ to determine their zoning preferenee for the land in t�iat area which is �no� classified � open development. l�ir. M.L. Huisinger° and Mr. Earl Miller, residents and owners of the ma�or part of tI�P area in questi� appeared to oppose any further c4mm�rcial zoning in the trian�le east of County Road 1$. A letter from Nir. Steeber, o�mer of t}-�e remainder of the area and the portion nearest the present commercial strip along Cou�t� Road 1$, indicated his preference for commercial classification of � the �rea. 1�Ir. Huisin�er sta�Ged that although he feels _ that his land may e�entually be used f�r commercial purposes. , 3 it would be of no value to h3m to have it zoned commercial now. Graffunder moved that the area not be re-zon�d. �lotion seconded by Borchert, carried. Mr. Elmer Crowl appeared to present a preliminary plat of his addition to Merribee Hills. Lpnch moved referral t o the plat � committee for study and report � the January meeting. N�ation - seconded by Velz , carried. . I�r. Enoch Anderson appeared to learn what action had been taken regurding his re-�onin� request at the southwest corner of the Belt Line �nd Golden Valley Road. Patterson , obsereed that the commission could not properly require an additional 17-foot setback(In addition to �he regular 35foot requirement) to accomodate future widening of Golden Valley Road. He further stated that in his view the cor�struction of a fillin� station as proposed on the lot in question, ev�n under the regL_�ar zoning ordinance setback requirements would ereate ^ serious traffic haz�rd at this interseetion and could not �e accomplished without the waiver of ordinance requirements by this commission ar�d the Council. Mr.H�ns Reiss, Vill�ge Trustee , spoke from the gallery �� pbiat out �hrt although the existing commercial development at this intersection was present at the time the first zoning ordin:�nce was enacted the could not be removed, it has been the continuing intent of the Council that this corner should not be corrcinmerci^1. Patterson moYed that l�r. Anderson's request be denied. Niotion seconded by LaB3ssoniere, c�rried. , Mr. Bjox°nson o�' Anderson Aggregates appeared to review his plans for �k�e c3evelopment of a readp-mig plant and �quipm�nt . stora�e yard on the trsct of land lying ea�t of the �`Yinneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad tracks and extending from Olson Highway to Gold en Valley Road. He ren��r�d �ui.s recgn�st � for re-zoning of the tract to industrial classificatiora. Borchert moved to sustain the action of the November 27th meetin,� re�arding this tract. N�otion seconded b� Gra�funder, � carried. I,yneh presented ag�in the first revision of t he proposed p3.�t of the L.Z. Carlson Addition to Woodla�m Park. Objections were raised �enerally because the pl�t does not show han� Cour�ty Di�ch 1� is to be mrde compwtible with the layout of lots ��nd � streets as shown in the plat. It was pointed out the ther°e must be gu�ranteed access to the ditch, that thereofnre no � houses can be built upon it as the pl�t shows, �hat if this p1�t were to be accepted it would h�ve to show plans for re-locatin t:�;e ditch. Lynch moved that the plat be rej�cted once more ($ee minutes of Februarp 1953 meeting) pending solutian of the draina�e problem. Nlotion seconded by � Gr�affunder, carried. e � - � - Recomr�endations for new members � be appoi�t�d to the ' Com�ission wer� presented to Mr. �nrens for transmission to t he Council for its consideration. N�r. Owens �also �as : � ' ��ked to inform the council th,��t Palmer �nd LaBissoniere �re �vailable for another term on the �oi;n�ission and that the Commission recommends their �°e-appointn�ent. Owens was also asked to advise the Council of the atten�dance record � ^t Comrnission meetings during 1953 • Mr. Rydmark, Nir�. ° Fer�uson, and Mr. Gr�ffuncier indicated their desire not to be re-appointed to the Con�missivn for r.nother tern �t this time. Graffunder and Ferguson indicated th�t they mi�ht be available in the future. Mr. Owens reported th�t l��orell �nd Nichols Co. has proposed a pri�ce of approximatelg �700 for bringing up to date the street and pl�t map. �e also reported that the Vi11a�;e eould obtain air photo covera.ge fro�. the I�ark Hurd Niapping Co. for approxi�^tely � 1'75.00 and th�t road ynd pl�^t over- ' lays for this photo m�p could be obtained froi�i the Hennepin � County for approxim�-telg �25.00 e�ch. The photo mF p �nd � overlays �rould provide the sw�me information �s the Nlorell andNichols map. P�tterson movec� that Nir. Owens be directed ' to take the necess�ry steps to acquire up-to-d�te maps. 1�'iotion seconded by Rydmark, carried. The meeting �djourned at 12:30 A.M. .