03-11-54 PC Minutes �� GO�1DE1\T �l'A1,LEY �1'ILLAG� PZAI�TIVING COI�ilIiSTO1V Minutes of P��.rch 11, :t95�+ Ine regular �neeting o�° the Golden Valley V�11a�e Pl�.n�.3.ng Co�iss�on, �laa dec.tarec� in o-rc�er a� �3;�0 p.m. a� �he villa�,e ha.L1, T�I�rch ll, 1954. NTem��rs �resea� were Hal1, La�isaon�.er�, � Et���,ld, Lynch, Pa��erson, Rau�l�nd, and Bo-rcher�. Pat�e�son �re��dec�; Borclzert acted as secretary. M�„ G�or�e Hedi�.r�7. az�peared represenzing ��Zr. Joe i��ollen (see previou.s minut;es in th�s book, pp. :LO, 15, 5�). I�ec�la�zd pointed p out t�t Mol!en ha.d brou�;h.�; su3.t a�ai�s� �-�,11e state �'or dana�ea done �o �he small -tria��.�o or .�and in c�uss�ion t�r:t�en tYze � s���e �.�ol�.�ced �he tract betti°Jeen olci 6�h Ave. N. and new Highway� 55. T:�e si,�z�e p2id ne�;li�ible d�ama��s, and the eovrt and �u�y h�.d • st�pg�ori,ed. �h.e s-tate on the grounds �`i�l.zat �he hi�hwa� had �nh�.z�.cec �he 1.and, for comme�^ci�l pur�oses. 1he owner now iu���ler arguos tYaa'� �l�.e .�ana is no-� sala.bl� for resic�en�ial purposes, �i� the gz�ounds of' the ha�cLship 'clzus created , ji,he. owner renews his request t.�at the �r�ct in question be rezon�ci so ti�t he can sell_it. Af�er co�2siaer�able d.iscussion Rau�land moved. th�.t al�. � remai�i�.g open-c�evelo�men.-� ianel e�st of Co. rd, 18 petween f��h A��, N. �,i�c1 Olson H,y. be zoned commercial (commua��ty store). Mo�io�. secondecy. by Borc�.er�t, carriea. �Ir. �l�aer C�°owl a.�poared i.o w�.thd.raw izis earlier �la t of the 1s�i, �.dd�.t3.on to T�teri�ee H�.ils �na ���ies 1y sl�e-tch his plana �'or a new deves.opment be�ween H�.mp�on Rd. az�d 27�;h Ave. N. _ ��Z�. P. B, t�laon a���. ��JZ�� I1Tason o� T�o�resl and N3.chols �o. ap�ear�d ta �.iscuss pl�.na fo:� the Hidclen Valley subdivis�.on. N�son e��lairzect tne severe l�its on pl�nning �h3.s area -�L-�a t are in�oaed bg tre slo�e conai�Lions. It ��aas agreed �izat a iza.rcts.hrp �xists «h.ich jus�ifa.es sub-minimu� �'rorlca�e on lots f�cing the cul-ae-sac a'c the e�.d of Inc[i�na Avenue. O.L�on anci Nason were ' �cz�risec�. cha� �izey must consul� cou��.ty au�lzora.�.i�s CDI1f:£l�nin�; the p�,rt o�` their pian E�n3.ch c�lls fbr al�,er�3.n� the course of � �asse�t' s C�eek. Rau�iaY�,a no�rer� z�°e�'e��ral to the P�.at �om�nit�ee �ar s��ae�y �nd report �,t Apri� meetin�. Boi^ct�.c�rt seconcteot; mo�3.on � ` carried.. � �ir. Ka�,e a��eared. '-� discuss �he ques�ion of Uana-� ��eas s�zou►d be included �ancle� 'ci�e �es�dential c�a;�si�'ica�ion in. '-�nP new zoning ord�nai�ce.. It ti�aas a�reed �ha-� �ie shoulct inci ude all psa��ed areas plus such .�uc�i�or' s Subctivis ions as Sha;�ri-1.a and, t11e �J1oli en �.�d.di'cion, �Jhieh are a,lre�cy in f�c-`� residei�tial. Ii, wa.s a�.so reco��nended that the la��a�.ge of -�ie ordina�,ce pe cha�ed to �equire a minimu� o�' 150 �'eet �ror��Ga�e and 18,750 squ�ra �'ee� a�.'ea and a ma�imum of two ki�chen areas �'or two-i'a.mily dwel.L�.ngs in any zone. �� Lynch aresen-tea �.ae Gormiey P1a.i, in the �1.u0 block on �he we t • � side o�' `�dinnet�, �ve. N. ai�.d recom��endecl �.ecep ca�.ce on �he � cor�d�.�ian that �he pro�osed. tt'rn-a�ound rloes not z^equire Lmi 1 , Blpck 1 a.nd Lot 1 Bloc�. 2 �o �e made sub-mina.m.tun in �'ro;���e or� area, anc� vl�ovictec� proper ract�.i are all0�r12Ci a-� fi,��e in��rsec�ion �di�1z t�Tin:�e���a A�ve. Mo�ion seconded i�� Borcher��, cari�Zeci. La�issoniere reco�ended. -�Izai; i'�tture pl�is sraouic� shot°T i�he area � oz' e�,eh �oi, tahe�.z �l-1ey are �-rese�?cerl �� Ghe co�a.ss�.on.. i�2r5. C. J. '�illr�an a�zd �?�. �lle�? Rice of �he Sprin� Co� a��e�red �co inquire l�` ��rs. Til.�.m�.n ean sell 1Lot ,��, Blc�c�� 6, �-l�nu�r�an,. �'or p�.rposea o�" buildi�.g a resicier�ce. Borcher� raoved i°e�'e�ra.� �to pl�.c coL�ni�-�ee s o� s-cucly �n�. r�comr�.eizd.ations. i��io cio�. �ecoi�ctea,, �y Lynch, c�.rried. Mr. C. Rya�ark a�peareci i�o requ.est v�aca�ion az' Basse�c�c Dr. so tha.t ` ac�joirlin� �roner�f a��rne�^s c�:n beavtifi'y the land. Mr. R�rc�marl� f inall� a�reed. �a a�l� �he vil.la�e a-�uoz^ney` s o�inion on the � mos� pr�,c�c�c�l aispos��3.on oi' �his lana and �epor� �o tMe ' � co�ission a c its ��ril mee-�in.�. This a�r�e;�en� cam� a��ea� _ mer�bers al ttle co�a,�ission poin�en ou� -�h.a� �rie !���.c� coulc� E�e p�^es�►ably beau�cifiecl t�rithou� be�.n� v�,catect, just �s s��re2� fz�ont�.�e laizcl on pu.k�lic ri�ht-of-ti�ra� is I�ou�oi�.ly be�t����'�.er1 f�y ' " aa j oi��.in6 pr opert� ot�Jtiers, an�. �t�.wt vaaa-i,ion o� the larld mi�h� " crea�� mo��e prob.�e�s i,l�,,n 7 t t�rouic� solve. . TZ�. �narapZai�z appeared. fos� L. Z. C��lson wi c1z a;z o:Lci pi�i, oi �ile � � propo�eci �n.d. Acldition to ti^luodla.ti�a�1 P�.rk �o a�.c�uire tiThe�che�.� an � accep-t;ai�se �la,�i� cau.�c� t�e developec� from -`�he �eneral o�atlizle �r . �he oid �la�. Ti�e o1.d p�at avoias creatin� bui�.c�in� loi.s o�i _� Coun.ty �i�Lch .t� wh�.clz were o�jec�io�.ble fie���ures o�° o����.er � � �roposecl �lats zlhich the comr�ission }��s re�ectec� �'o� 'chis are�. �� ` 1�Tr. C�.�mplain ��as encoura�ed �o ���oceed ��rith his pro�osal. . ° lhe Co��aission discussed -�he request of Lola. Shoq�aes� �x�d o-��zers f'or rezoning oi' a 1ar�e �ract oi lanc� �e�ween 6th Ave. �?, �nd � ', the Mii�zeso�ta ���estei�. Ry. , l;�ing 5.m��ecliately trres� of Llz� ����2ct � now zor�ed for industrial purposes �.nd located a'c �he SOL1��1L'T(,S V cor�z�r of the Mirnlesota o�;e��ce�n and N1. i�T. & S. 'Ry, junc�`�a.on. .; Rau�la_�d repoi�teci �hat the �nanuf�.c�Lure�� concernec� z�i11 �.c�en�ify hirnself and e�;plain the r��ure of kzis opera.�io�z �i, �he ti�e of �. public hearing. In '��ze aY�sence of these �'a,c�s t?�e com�ission �.�reed �o ��e eommend feri�slly �I��; �`i,�.e COL111C�..�. call �. ;�ubl�.c � '' ' hearing on �Y?e Shoquest request. The com�ission �lso For�.ally . sta.ted �o the council tha i, �Ll.�e ���.ei, of l�nd in ciuesi,ion ?s , suitable in aize ar�d loca.tion f'or a desira�ye indu,:tr�. Tne co�.ission a�reed 'chat ine�bers of tl�.e zoninb commit�ee �.��a o�her in-L-erestec� nemUers ti�ai±1 appear at �he hearin�. �l�e co�ssion reco�raendec� tha-� a.c-�ion ve '�ualien by '�he courcil on the requesf, a� �he �ime of �l�e hearing, Ra�ie�,izd. movec� ���ese �°eco�a;ilenda'�ions and aereer:ieiZts `be 'cra,nsmit�,ed to i,he council. NioLion seco=�cled 'by La3issoniere , ca��ried, ���� , �. �---- - , �c���a��y � . � a � � ��`nL�� . 8.�.- �i� SI�.Al1� �