05-13-54 PC Minutes ��
MLNiiT�S OF MEE'I'IR�G QF MAY 13, 1954
The reg�.lar meeting of the Golden �'alle� l�l�nn.in�` �ominission
�aas c�lled to order at the V3.11age Hall at 8:00 P.M., Thursday
Mag 13, i954• Members present were Erickson, �oughland, Lynch,
Palmer, Borchert, Hall, Mattison, g�aterson, Raugland, II,aBissonier�,
Niorton, gost, �and Velz.
. Mr. R�dmark appeared request3ng vaeation of Bassettts Driee
(°Ualle� V3.ew Road) between the Minneso-�a Wester�Railroad righ.t-
of-z�ay and 2 blocl�s northeast. Rgdmark advised �he �ommission
that the Village A.ttorne�, Mr. Kane was� of the opiaion that thi�
street could be legallg �acated. �f�er discuss3.on of po�sible con-
strv.ction of ut3lities, suc h as sewer �nd water, along this
� stree�, Mattison maoved that the commiasion recommend to t he Couneil
�hat Bassett� s Dr�.ve be vacated pending legal invest3.�atio�a by the
V3.11age Attorney and pro�idi�ng all rig'�'�9 of easements for sewer
and water lines or other mUnicipal uses �e retained bg the
Village. Seconded b� Raugland, defeated.
Mr. Boblett appeared �'or an unidentif3.ed, large, Minneapolis
compan� requesting re-zoning from open d�velopmeat to commereial
that part of the W2, 1�d4, Section 6, Township 117, Ran�e �. 1�'3ng
� north of' �fia�'tiata Bouleeard and know�a as the Keller Farm. The
. sov.�herly 600 feet of th3.s tract being �lready zoaed commerc3al.
He also asked for mo d3.ficat3on of the buildin� height restriction
�o perrn3.t construction of a 6 story a�f�.ce buildin� which �n3.gh�
� also include re�earch laborator�.es. �att�rson advised the
�Co�i�sion tha� he had diacussed this request with Mr. Boblett �a�d
that he had reqv:ested the members of' the zoning eo�t3.ttee to look
at the property prior to th3s meeting. There was co�siderable
di�cuasion regarding the �od3.fication of the height restriction
and the type �� 3ndus�rq involved. Mr. Boblett stat ed that h�
was ac� a°ble to disclose the name of the concern et this time.
In ��.e absence of theae ��,cts Patterson moved that the Co�asion
reooromended for�ally that �he Council call a public hearir� o�
Mr. Boble�tt4s request and that the Co�nission alsa formally state
to �he �ouncil that the tract of land ir�. ques�ion is suitable in
� size and location for a desirable industry. Seconded b� Raugland,
carrie d..
` Morton reported tlaat t he C.J. T31'l�an matter was dropped.
N�r. �lar�nee Scherer presented � revised plat of 3�is propert�r
in l�elph3.an g�ights conform3ng tAtitY�. previousr�e.somYrtendations
of the Plann3ng Co�3ssion. This involbed ~��-�-� property no�
platted 3n 50 foot lots and �he �Cmrnmission fe�ls that �h,�� �-r���s�•n
. � �is an improvement over the old plat. Lyt�ch moved that the
�gy 13s 7-954 replat of Lots 1 thru 6 Blve1� 5 of Delphian Heights
be accepted. Secoaded by Morton �arried.
Mr. �lphonse Charette requested setback waiver on Lot
2, Bloek 3, �avalis Cederd�le Addition. Mattison mo�ed this
matter be referred to the C3rdinance Co�n3t�ee. Second�d
by Bo�chert, carried. �
luLr. Alm. p�esented a request for permissioa to form lots , ,
fo r home cor�struetion along a p�3�ate road �n the south
� edge o�' his 10� west of 1�eatwood �r�.ve. He�ll moved th�t
the Plann�ng �Co�iss3on recorarnend that bu.ild�.ng permits be
granted on the b�sis pres�ented with the stip�.la�Gion that
no m�inten��ce of s�3d ,.pr3.vate road will be doae b� the
Village. �econded by l�a�tiso�, c�rr3e d. °
Mr. Wm. R. Blume requeste�. set'back waiver on Lo� 3l0
Belmont A,ddition. Mattison moved mat-Ger be referred to
Ordir�aace �Ca�ittee� se�o�ded bg B�rchert, carried.
Mr. Robert H. Carlson presented 1�.3.s problem coacerning
the S'� of Lot 8 Meadowbrook Acres. This be3.ag �, problem oF
a substandard lot, Lynch moved to refer the matter to the .
Flat Committee, seconded b� R�ugland, carried. �
Mr. S�olset h �ppeared to request re-zonrhng of property
at the N.E. Corner of T.H. 10� and Glenwood �ven�.e. Morton
moved that this matter be referred to t�.e zon3.ng comm3tt�e,
secon�.ed b� Borcher�, �arried.
]i�r. G.L. Nason presented the revised. plat of �3idden ,
Valley f'or l�ir. Olson, This pla� 3.r�cluded dedication of
roads thru ad�aeent propert�r as previou.sly request by th�
Comtr.�.ss�on. Lgxach mo�aed to approve this plat providiag the
square foot area of the lots be ahown thereon. Second.ed b�
I,a Bissoniere, carried. l�r. Na��a ad�ised to have plat
revie�red b�r the Hennep3n Connty �ngineer and that �t wo�.ld
be necessar� to establish c�rae� mor�.�aments as neees�ar�
aeeording to the discression of the Village Engineer.
P�1r. R.E. al�on reques�ed s3.de lot waiver on Lot 10,
Bloe� 6, �lden O�,ks Secand� �ddition. Borchert moved ma�ter
be referred to the Ordinance Cornm3.t�ee, seconded by Mortio�a
c�rrie d.
Proposed plat prese�ted bg M�rvia aehuller. Borcher� •
moved refer�al to Plat Committe, seconded by P'Iat�ison, Carried,
Proposed plat presented by Lester �lstad. Palmer moved
referrs�l to Flat �ommi�tee, seconded. by Barchert, c�rried.
Mr. Enoch Anderson a�ain prese�ted h.is request gor �he
re-zoning of Y�is lot at �heSW corner of T,H. 100 and Golden
9alleg Road. He subm3tted a 7�rou�, prepared by t he °
St�ndard 031 �o. , of � proposed gasoline stat3.on fo� th3s
lat. Palmer moved that th� Plann�uig ��mmission recomaend
to the Couneil that Mr. Andersonts lot be re-zoned to
�omm�ariit�r S�ore for the so7.e purpose of a �as stat3on as
proposed by P�r. Anderson and that the d.�awing pre�ented b�
attached as p�rt of this reco�nendation.
�orto� seconded, car�ied, 8 for, 3 a�ainst (Patterson,
' Hall,� Er3.cksor�), two not voting (Loughland, Velz).
Minutes of the Apr31 8, 1954 .meet3ng were �ead and
approved with the addit�on of Mr. Bo�ch�r�is name to
th,ose pressnt at th�t meetin�.
Mr. Owens presented � proposal made bg �lr. Rees �orr���e�
regarding right-of-wag for a street and spur track fo req�f as b�/o� :
ocated at the north side of Wayzata Boulev�.rd. �
Borchert moved this matter be referred to the Plat
a�rd ��dia�ance Comcnittees. Seconded b�r Morton, carried,
M�eting adjourned at 11:30 P.M.
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