06-10-54 PC Minutes . �� GOLDEN VALLEY PLAAiiiNING C(11�NISSION 1�INUTES OF NEETIIVG OF �[1NE 10, 1954 The regul�r meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was called to ord�r� at the Village Hall at �:00 P.N. , Thursdap, June 10, 195�.. Members present were �ricksora, Loughl�nd, Lynch, Borchert, Mattison, Patte��son, La Bissoniere, Hanson, Ewald, Kost, , �nd Velz. The minutes of the Niay 13th meeting were read, The 5�h paragraph ar�d the �econd from the last paragrph were corrected. The minutes were �pproeed as corrected. La Bissoniere presented the Flat Co�:ittee report on the Niarvin Schuller pl�t. �e moved acceptance of the plat, seconded by Lynch, carried. La Bissioniere presented Pl�t Committee report on the Golden Oal�s Third Addition pl�t. He moved that the proposed plat of Golden O�ks Third Addition be accepted with the pre�viso that 20' radii be provided or� corner Lots, 1, 9, 10 and 1$ and th�t the pl��t show the sRU�re foot �x°ea of each lot. Also thw.t lots 1 �nd 10 be incre�sed ta 100' frontage rnd lots 2 and 11 be reduced to 99t front�ge be compens�ted for tk�e overall short�ge. Ew�ld seconded, c-rried. St�r�lep,K�na, Mr. Rees, N'�r. Thomson and I��r. Elstad appeared re�arding the coz�demn^tion of property along the north edge of the industrial property lying on t�ie .north side of Wayz�ta Blvd. for use as a street and spur track. It was proposed th�t , if the �ill,�ge would condem the necess�^ry property, N;r. Rees would p�y �11 costs, including legal fees , incurred bq the Vill:�ge. Nr. Elst.�d pointed out that there is � drainage tile ��long the north line of the property vahich should be provided for in any . future construction. Loughl�nd advised those presemt that this � matter w� s referred to the Pl�.t �nd Ordin�nce Committees last month and these committees should have tir..e to study this proposal. BorcMert mo�ed that the request of l��r. Reesbe referred �gain to the Pl�t ^nd Ordin�nce Committees for consideration of a meeting with Nr. Re�s �nd other �ffected property owners ca.nd to report b�ck to the Pl�.nning Con�.�:.ieeion at the July meeting. Seconded bq Ma�tt,ison, carried. �'�r. Karl Witt appeared to present a proposed plat of Witts End. LaBissoniere reported for the Pl�t Comm.ittee pointing out the undesirable turn�rround and possible elimination of same by pro iecting the proposed road out to l�ieadow Lr:ne. Borchert moved that this matter be deferred until the Vill�ge Engineer has an opportunity to review this property and report to the Planning Commission �nd Nir. Witt to add existing buildings to the proposed plat. Seconded by LaBissoniere, carried. � • i Mr. Lester Elstad presented a proposed subdivision of � his property west of Cortlawn Addition. After discussivn, . Zpnch moved accept�nce of this plct, Seconded by Bor.chert, < carrie . Nir. Sjolseth appeared to request re-zvning of the Swenningson property, located at the northeast corner of the .�unction of T.H, 100 and Glenwood Avenue , to Community Store for t he consturction of a gasoline station. Nir. Patterson repmrted for the Zoning Committee painting out that a 200 t �etback along T.H. 100 would nearly elimin�te the poasibility of a station on this prope�ty. After additional discussion, . N�attison moved that the Swenningson property remain zoned as at present. Seeonded by Horehert, earried. l�r. Ogard, Village Engineer, presented the problems of constructing a turnaround in the vicinity of. June Avenue �nd Bridrl Path �nd the vacation of a portion of June Avenue � in South Tyrol Hills. l�ir. John Gibbons, owner of property along June Avenue appeared against the vaeation of June Avenue. Lpnch moved th.=t the Planning Commission recommend that June Avenue not be vacated and thet a turnaround at the specified location is poor planning. Seconded by Hwald, c�rried. , - Mr. Alphonse Ch�rette appeared re�;arding lot line waivers for a double bungalow on his lot at I�rincton �nd the . cloverleaf at Wayzata Boule�ard. Ew�ld reported th�t, in the opinion of the Ordinance Committee, this lotis not �dequate for a double bung�low structure according to th� present ordinance. Patterson pointed out thst this propertg � is prrt of an old pl�t and that there is adequ�te unencumbered property between the proposed structure �nd th� exisi�ng service drive. Borchert moved ths�t l�r�r. Charettets request for waivers be granted, seconded by Kost, carried. Patterson, Mattison and Ew:ld voting "NOn because of the possibility of � setting a �recedent in f uture rec�uests concerning double � bungalows on small lots. Mr. Otten �nd Nir. Law presented a prvposed plat of Samuelson�s L�keview Addition Pl�t. A storm sewer now running thru this property should be investigfited �nd reloc�ted to follow property lines. The loc�tion of this sewer should be shown on the final plat. The narrow seetion of Spring Valley Ro�d �djacent to the Hanson property should be clarified so there �rill be a full width road. With the above stipulativns, Lynch moved for pre.liminary approval of the plat. Seconded by Patterson, ca ried Mattison voting nN0". • � � ��� �r. White and Mr. John Nason presented a proposed plat of �hite�s Addition. Mr. White wus advised to present a more complete plat to the Plat CQmmittee whv �ou�d consider it at th�t time. Mr. Patterson pointed out two possible problems � � involving the railroad crossing and access rnads. NIr. White was advised to talk to the Village Attorney and Mr. Owens regarding these probleme. l�tr. Robert H. Carlson Sr. presented �his ,_.roblem regarding . platting his property lying west of Turner's Cross Road about midway between �Tagzata Blvc�. 2nd Glenr�ood Avenue at what is known as the Green Road. Borchert moved acceptance of Mr. C�rlson's offer to dedic^te 30'along . the south bo�ndry of his property for a road and for the Planning Commission to go along with his proposal to divide the frontage on Turner's Cross Road� in�a three lots, . ,, approximately 95� wide, because nf a hardship whieh r uns vv�th the l�nd �nd for this reason not �o be considered as _ setting a pr�ecedent. Sec�onded by Mattison, carri�d. , Kost reported on Nir. R.E. Olson's request £or waiver on Lot 10, Block 6, G�lden Oaks 2nd Addition. This prablem � w�s settled by transfer of property by adjacent owners. ` Nir. Blume's request for waiver of side yard cl�arance on . Lot 310 B�lmont Addition wa.s considered. He has a 50' corner lot on which he desires to construct a 25f wide house which would come within 20' of Hampshire Avenue. Ewald mov�d to reeommend ap�roval of a 20t side yard clearance boarder,ing Hampshire Avenue. Secondecl by Erickson, carried. Mr. Loughl�nd read a letter dated May 1$, 1951� to Nlrs. Joel Green regarcling division of lots in and Auditor's sub=division. I�1rs. Green was advised that a division of lots could be made provided the newly creGted lots meet th� eYisiiing requirements. l�iembers of the Commission discussed the form in which pl�ts have been �resented. The Commission suggests that Mr. Owens advise all platters that plats must be drawn according to the p�escribed form prior to being placed on the Planning. Commiesion agenda. Nir. Owens was �lso r�quested to �i�rnish a copy of platting instructions to each member of the Planning Commission. Patterson reported that on Januarg 19, 1954 the �Tillage Council adted £o form a special committee, consisting of P:.K. Pa�tterson, Paul Enghauser, and Walter Kost, to studp �� and make recommendations regarding the Village gravel pit and adjacent property. �Ir. Patterson read � letter containing the committee's report and submitted a copy to the commission. � Mee�ing adjourned at 12:25 A.M. 'c�� . _._.__ - ��°• ' "� �� __ ' e arg �f-�--�-- - - �-- �'����J - c President