07-08-54 PC Minutes . 63
' The regular meeting of the Golden Valley I�lanning Commission
• was called to order at the Village Hall at 8:00 P.M., Thursday,
�"un.e 10, 1951�-. Members present were Loughland, Lynch, Palmer,
Hal7., �at�erson, LaBissoniere, Mor-ton, Ewald, Kost and '�Telz.
The minutes of the June lOth meeting were read �nd approved.
Mr. Russell Smith advised that the �ir�al plot of Golden Oaks
3rd Addition was not readg ior this meeting and requested that
� the Commission delegate to the �l�.t Comm3.ttee authori�y to
� giee approval to the final plat in order not to delag this
m€z�ter �.noth�er month. Patterson moved �hat the glat Cornmittee
be instructed to e�amine -the final plat of Golden �aks 3rd
A ddition and, if they ascertain th�t all stipulations
previousl�r designated by this Comrr�3.ssion are properly taken
care of, the Commiictee shall act on the approval of this plat
on behalf of the Planning Commission. Seconcxed. by Kost,
Mr. Alvi:n Witic presented the Wi�tT s �nd Plat showing the
� location of existing buildings. Mr. 0gard, Uillage Engineer,
reporiced that the road. shown as Witt Lane could be consturcted
to about �.� grade and should open on June �venue rather than
Poplar. Mr. Witt was advised that if the propertg was
, pla��ed the proposed roads would have to be constructed at
the propert� owner� s egpense. I3e was requested to have �he
� property c�wners consider this as well as t he elimination of
�he pro��osed �u.rnarourid before bringing the pla�C back to the
glanning Co�aission.
- Mr. L�S,w and Mr. Volp appeared �co advise that the land aurvey
of Sam.uelsonts Lakevie�a Addit3.on d.id not conform to the
previsously submitted plat causing sever�l undersized lots.
They presented a revised plat which did not conform to
requirements entirely and asked abou ha��t�ng the ex�ension
of Winsdale Street offset about 10 "� �`�' in orde� to increase
lot areas. The� also advised. that action had been �aken to
provide 60t width for Spring Valley Road adjacent �o the
� �nsen propert�. �oughland moved that this matter be
. ,referred to the ��at Committee. Seconded bg galmer, carried.
Mr, N�son, Gilbertson, McGrew and Dr. Bushard appeared to
present a revised plat of Westchester. Lynch moved that the
plat be accepted subject to the park area including the adjacent �
pond. Seconded bg LaBissoniere, ' carried. l�atterson
questioned restrictions to prohibit the future filling of
designated pond areas. Mr. McGrew asaured. the Commission
�hat such res�riction would be provided and properl� recorded
a� ��he t ime �the plat i s record��..
Mr. Champlain presented a new plat of �oodlawn �ark 2nd
Addition. Lynch moved ta refer the p1�t to t he Plat
Commit�ee. Seeonded b� Palmer, carried. •
Mr. WilFred Kari appeared to request a setback waiver
� �or a garage at 316 Archibald Avsnue, Lot 310 Glenwood
Addition. ��nch �eported for the Plat Committee, ad�ised
that pre�iouslg Mr. Kari had to drive over his neighbor��
propert� to enter his garage. At preaent he has begun
construction of a garage on the south side of his house,
the rear instead of the front of the garage bezng in line
with the rear of the house. The ground in back of �he lot
is low and unsuitable for building. LaBissoniere moved to
approve a waiver for construction of a �arage ahead of the
back line of the houae because of the low unbuildable land
at the back of �ot 310, Glenwood Addition. Seconded b y
Lynch, carried.
Mr. Fred Jones appeared to reques� the Village to accept
a 271t e�tension of Brunswick �venue in Ya�n�llts Golden
Valle� �utlots, plus a 643� section of road easterl� of .
Brunswick. These roads to be cons�ructed to Village
standards .by Mr. Jones. Lynch moved that thia matter be
referred to the Roads Committee and the Village Engineer
for studj and the� be instructed to act on the requeat in �
behalf of the Pla.nning Coram.i�s3.on. The action taken to be
reported to Mr. Owens prior to the next Council me�ting.
Seconded by LaBissoniere, carried.
I,aBissoniere r�ported, regardi.ng the Rees conde�anation
proposal, that, to his knowledge, the meeting between the -
property owners and the �lat and Qrdinance Committees was
not held during the past month as recommended at the June
meetzng of th.a Flanning Commission. �alm.er moved, in -�he .
interest of good planning, that �his �ommission recommend
ta the Council that an access right-of-wa� for a road ancl.
railroad spur be provided along the northerlq boundar� of
the area all ready zoned �Commercial (Indus�rail under the
new ordinance) which area lies north of Trunk H3ghwag 12 '
and westerly of the Minneapolis-1Vorthfield and Sou.thern
Railroad. Seconded by Hall, carried. •
The final plat of the Marvin Schuller property �ras reviewed
. and found to be different than the prelira.inary plat approved
at the last minutes. Zt wa� also pointed out by Mr. Owens
that �o da-te the access to T. H. 55 was not settled and 3.f
access was not obtained i-t would be necessar� to provide a
turnaround in the plat. LaBissoniere moved that -�he final
plat not be approved becaaase of changes in lot size from the
preliminary plat, no access to T. H. 55 and, no provision
f'or a turnaround should access be denied b�r the State •
Highway �epartmea�. Seconded by L�'nch, carried..
Meeting ad�ourned at 10:1�.5 P. M.