08-12-54 PC Minutes � ,.���° ,
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Mr. S�olseth appeared to rec.uesL rezoning of tl�.e Sweni��`gson
• pro_r�ert�, 1.0 -:a�Led at the norti'neast �corner of the jLu��tion
oF T. �I. 1G(� and C�lenwood Avenue. , to Con�rnunit�r�,:�='�o�e ior the
cons'cruction of a b��oline s-ta�txon. Nlr. I����son _reported for �ctze
Zoning �omm,_tte � ,��n�'�u�, ,�1a.��C,-�. 2008�-��etl�,ack along
T .H. 100 would �ly el,,�in�a-te the po��-sibili�y�-�-��ation
on this property.. Af� � �dditiona�Pa-c�iscussion �4attisQn
moved that i�he Swennin�g' son propc�y remain zoned. as at present .
Secondecl by Borchert, carried-.``�
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Q�older� Valle� Villa��e Plannin� �omm3ssion Migutes �f Aup,�.st
i2, i95�+•
The regular meeting of the Gold�ra Valle� Plenrling Comm�.ssion •
was call�d to ord�r at the Vill�ga Hall et 8:00 P.P�., Thur�d��r
Ata,gust 12, i954• Member� presen� were: Kost, Ewald, L�neh,
Loughland, Patter�on, Borchert, Morton, R�u�laad, and L�-
Th� minutes af the Jul�r 8, meeting wer� read and approe�d.
A�r. D. °�quis� presested a reques� for a side lot distance
waiver for locatin� a new gara�e at 16z8 Meadelsshon Ro�d.
Mr. Raugland moved tha� this request be referred to the
�lydinanee Commission. Seconded bg P�or�on. ��rr�.ed.
P�Irr. & �s. Ro9elt� present�d a request for a side lot dis-
tance waieer ia order to at�ach Q g��a�� and bree�ay to �heir
present home. Referred to the OrdinanCe Committ�e by � ,
Seconded by Ewald. ��:rried.
Mr. Frc��. dones presented the fin�l plot of Hampshire Qak�
Add�tion f or final appr�val bg thi� commission. Mr, I�yn�h
mo�ed that the plot be accepted. Sseond�d b� �al�, ��rried.
Mr. Fred Jos�es presented a plo� sho�rin� the portioa of
Brunswick ,�venue requestir� the Vill�ge of Golden ��lle�
accept as a eillage street. This por�ion of Brunswick
.�venue ��ing in Yarnells Golden Valley Ontleta, consists
ofi 271 feet of' road�ray constructed by Mr. Jonea. This
request alsv includes � 6�.3 foot sect3.on of roadwa�r runn,ing
East and �T��t ogf of Br�a�nsw3c& Avenue between lots 1 & 2.
Mr. L�nch moved that these two roadways be accepted. Borchert
secoaded. Carried.
Mr. Champl�fa preseatsd a re�ised plot of �oodlawn P�rk
2nd Addition for final approval. Mr. Patterson moved �hat
the plot not be acoepted because �easurernents ahown on lago�t
did nct a�ree with the scale of the drawin�, aad beEause
sll inPopmatiQn required b� tha �oz�mi�sion .was not sYaown
thereon. Mr. Ewald seconded. Carr3ed.
Mr. McGrew and Dr. Banchard presented a revised plo� of the
p�opos�d �+ee#��e��e�e-�e�-��e-s�ea Westchester Addition
alor�g with proposed res�r3.etions for thi$ a�ea.
� Mr. Morton moved that tentat3ve approval be given with the
stipulation that !�0 Peet aloag the Past bound�r� be dediceted
for the eateasion of Dougles Drive. Also prov3d3.ng th�t
tha lo�r water f�.11ed area� at the Southeast corner o� the
plo� be le�ed o�t for future developmentr, or shown as �x-
culded f'rom this plot. Th9.s aetion to supersede the action
taken at �he July 8 mee�ing of the Planning Commissioa.
Mr. Borchert seconded. Carried.
Mr. P��tter�on moved t}aat the res�ri��3one Por this area b�
acc�pted as presented. Borchert seconded. �arried.
Mr. W. Glover appeared regard.ing v8.cation of Faribual� Anen�.e
betweer�, Rh.ode Ialar�.d and Quebec .�venues.
Mr. ��nch moved that the request of Mr. �lover be denied.
Seconded by Mr. Pettersor�. Carried.
Mr. James Ka3ne appeared with a req�est for re-zoning the
, �outhwest corner a� Highw�y 100 and GoldeB Va�lley Road
for the purpose of building a liquor store.
Mr. LaBisson3ere moeed that the request be dea�ieci. �iortoa
seeonded. Carried.
Mr. A. C. �vdward and �lr. Edwards of the Pure Oil Cvmpaa�
appeared in beh�l� of P�r. S�elseth for the purpose of re-
zoaing to commerc3�1 the Swennin�sen property at the North
east cmrner oP Hi�hway 1�0 and Glenwood L�eenue for a sereice
station. This was referred to �he Zonin� Cornmittee.
Meetin� Qd�ourned a� 11:15 P.M.
� �