09-09-54 PC Minutes � GOLDEN VALLEY �ILLAGE PLANNING C(3MP�.TSSIO�T NLCNiTTES OF MEETTNG OF SEP�ER 9, 1954 The regular �eeting of the Golden Vall.e� Planning Commission was called to order at t�e v311age Hall at 8:15 P.M., Thursda�, $eptembe� 9� 1951�. �embers present were: Loughland, Lynch, Borcher�, Ha11, Patterson, Raugland, xaa,son, EY�a1d a�a.d Vel�. The minutes of the Au�u.st 12th, 1951� meeting �rere read and approved. Ntr. F.K. Michaelsen appeared to present argmnents in favor of the proposed plat of Homeland Addition. This plat was referred back to th� P]:aru�ing Co�nission by the Council for publie hearing. Mr. Michaelsen re�aiewed the past history and. reasons for development of the plat as presented. He pointed out that m�mbers of this Cc>nrmission had vi.ewed the propertg with the platters aud that formal action had been tal�en by this Co�nissioa�. �(See minutes of Jt�l� 16� August 13, and �etober 8, 1953). ge also suggested that the street on the east side of the pl at covld be mo�ed to the west side which would, solve one cf the ob�ections to the plat withont reducing the si�� of Outlot A which has been indicated as a possible fuf�u.re eoimm�xlity sto�e area. 1�lrs. Snyder, whose propert� ad�oins the plat on tI� �.st, ob�ected to having a street at the rear of her lot as �e3.1. �s in the fron�. She also ob�ected to an� coYmnercial zoning of the p�operty sho�m as flut�ot A as it would depreciate her propert4y. P�ir. Dave LaBranc raised two bsead po;_n�s: (1) Is th� ���eralplan for t�his area to permit co�nereia7. development; and (2) Would this plat be acceptable if eommercial development were to be permitted? He then �rent on to sag that he .�elt that it would not be und+es�erable -�o haee homes facing Wayzata Boulevard and that Outlot A �ras not suitable for commercial develogment because the Golf Course on the west and the existing residential area to the east formed natural barriera to expansion of the area, also these home owners built with the idea that this propertg would be resid.ential. Mr. Leo Hanvi.k, 901 Utah, pointed out that� when this plat was before the eouncil about a �ar ago, a petit3.on was presented ob3ecting to the rezoning of an� property to conuaercial or communi.ty store, also ob3ecting to a street behind the present residential area to the east of tl� plat and to a�r ' extension of the service road. Fie also stated that at the time $�.e �ouncil turned dawn the request for re�oning and the plat was withdrac�r�.. Mr. �aBranc added that subsequently the plat was represented w'l�hout designation for Outlot A and that the Co�uncil had referred the matter back to the Planning Cc�rnission at this tims. � Nlr. Law pointed ont that, if the area were rezoned, a number of various types of busines.�es raovld go i� besides a _ motel. Mrs. Jacobson stated #lzat all the ad�acent p�opert� oumers were opposed to rezoning and feel that the areais subst�ntially a residential area and slaould rerr�a3.n as such. Mr. Loughland asked about 2 or 3 �ears ago when rezoning of the entire area was proposed. He was informed that ob3ect3ons was raised when a reque�t for a metel on the north side of Wa�rza,ta Boulevard came up. � Pattersori reviev�ed past nctions r�garding Zor�ing ia this ge�eral area and �pot �oning in plats. � Borehert� checked the past minutes and stated that when this matter first came up a member of this Co�nission po3nted out that, according to remoning to the east and west of this area along Wayzata Boulevard, this area should be commercial. �her� the Couneil rejec-ted rezonir�g, this Co�.ssion moved to recoannend acceptance of the p].at without including so- called Outlot �. Patterson ra3sed two po�;nts: (1) The platter submitted a plat not ineluding a11 the land �e controlled and we could not compel him to do so. �Ihat his intentions are is som,ething we canno-t resolve tonite; (2) He can repeat his request for rezoning at anytime he sees fit as long as the property staq�s ° flpen Developinesnt ianless he pevises his plat to include all , the propert�. � Ha11 pointed out that if the deci�ion on Outlot A is not made naw �e will be conf�onted with a solution in. the ` future and there m�.�r be more pressure after the plat i9 ° aaceptad. ° • Loughland informed the Covaaission that our No. 1 pr�iblem is to reconsider theplat rather than rezoning. � Raughland moved to refer this matter to the Zoning and . P].at Comm�=_ttee. Seconded b� Ewald , carried. NIr. He.nr�r Norton, President of the Hermepin �ounty Animal Reseue League� presented a peguest for the vacation of the al7c� bounded by their proper�y in Glen�ro0d .Addition. �r. AclQnan also appeared in favor o f the �acation. Ha11 reported that the High�ray Committee had �i.ewed the property and ezplained the general layout. Questions were raised regardir,g use of the a11eg by- ad3oini.ng property owners� possible future � maintenance b�r the qillage of the alle� were�developed, and the possibilit� of setting precedent. Ra�gbland moved that the Commission reco�nend the vacation of the a11e�r from a pc�int 14 feet north of the south ]in�s of lots 35l� and 369 �� � , eutsnded north ta the northerly 3ines of Lots 360 and 361 extend�d, provided that the southerl��l� feet of lot 35� be dedicated tv the Village as an alle�. Seconded by Borchert, easried. Regarding the petitioa of John E, Foss far t�he vacation of Wirasdale between Gett3tsbex�r ar� �'lag; Ewa1d moved that this matter be referred to the High�ra� ComYnittee for report at the negt meetir�. Borehea� $eeonded, carried. Mr. MeGrew presented the final plat uf Westchester and ' poi�ted out that the previously designate.d par� area in the S.E. coraer of the plat was now Qu.tlot A. It was suggested that the proposed turnaround at the south end of Douglas Drive be made a t°;mporar�r turnaround an� provision ma,de for a 1�0 foot easemen� for the possible future extension of Douglas Drive to the sauth along the east line of Out].ot A. There a1.so was a question as to the designat�on of east and �aest �estchester Girele. ��n.bers di the �o�nission pointed out that the poad area in $].ock 2 and the drain�ge easement therefrom should be sho�n in the final plat _ arnl that proper radi3 be shoram at all street interseetion. Lyneh moved tl�at the Plat Co�n3.ttee be suthorized to review the fina7. plat after the above corrections and additions have been made ` and act on it in behalf of this coirm�i.ssion. Seconded b�r Raughland. . carried. 1�lr. �arold Olson appeared to suggest th at the developer be allc�ed to grade a praposed plat area prior to final sta�i.ng of the 3.ots �rlth permanent markers. It was his thought that soms aetion could be taken on a preliminary plat which would insure �he .developer that no�serious changes would be req�ed, the grading could be done� the final survey made and the final plat submitted which w�°uld agree closely to the preliminary plat. Thus the developer co_�ld reduce the surve�* costs and permanent markers � wou7.d not be lost during grading. �orchert suggested that the Co�nission study the pl�.tting requirements with t h3s suggestion in mind. �lr. Olson presented a reyised plat of Woodlawn Park 2nd �ddition shor�g the location f the Count� ditch. L�rnch advised ti�e Co�nission i3�at the Plat o�.ttee had �ie�aed this propert� � several t�..mes and moved that �rel�.m3.nar�r ��oro�al be given this plat with the suggestion.s t+�a Lot 7„Bl�ck `2, and Lot l, B].ACk 3 haveshorter radii and that a uitable name be se1e�-ted for the easter7y str�e'� in this plat. Seconded by Borchert, carried. Mr. David B� �ach appea�ed to present a propesed p].at of paxt of Govt. Lot 2, Section �., Township 117� Range 21. Lynch mo�ed to�refer t�is p]at� to the Plat �o�.i.ttee. Seconded by Borchert, carried. • �, Da�.e Runquist, 1628 endelssohn Avenue ap�eared to request permission to build a detached garage, approximatel� 18x 20 on Lot 16, B7.oc k 13, L eeiew Heights, so that the garag� �oUld be about 20 �eet to the rear of the�house and about 10 z'e�t from i�e north ot 1ine. Rangland, reporting for the Ordinance �oma�i.ttee, who had v3a�ed the propert�� stated tha� due to �aper Street beir�g soa�e 10 feet above the lot ar.id � thex�e being no possible a€�ess to this street and that the structure would not block the view fra�n a,djoining property, it ,�ppears that the request should be -ranted. R�ugland moeed that �s•. Runquist be allowed to conc�tru.ct a detached garage to �aithin 5 feet of' the nort� line of said lot. Hall seconded, c arried. Mr. James Ro�alty, 3025 Ma�or .�venue North appeared to request a side lot waiver for constuetion of an attached breezewa� and garage on Lot 9� $7.ock 11� Nobel Grove, Raugland reported tha.t �he �rd3nance �o�3.ttee veiwed this propert� and took raPasurements to existing buildiaigs. The new structure �rould be so� thirty fee� from the ne�t house but would come to about 7 feet from the south lot li�e. . The Co�n3.ttee felt that tl� garage should not come closer than 15 feet f'rom the south lot line. The Comnd,.ssion pointed out that ita ap�n3.oxi should not be tempered by the large side-�rard clearar�e of the neighbcr. The applicant's wish to build the �arage and. breezeway as proposed cause d the r�quest for waiver rather than. at�p hard�h�.p. �r. Ro�altg was asked whether he had explored the possibility of placin� the breezeway beh3.nd the garage thereb� eliminating the need fbr a wai.ver. Raughland. moved that the . request be denied because it was not demanstratedt�ia� there was a haxdship running with the lald and other avenues, be expbred . �or a s ntution. Seconded b� Borchert, carried. Hr. James M. Co�per�ntan appeared to request a vaiver �o �r�it him to eonstruct a hame on Zot 1 at the corner of Ardmore Dr3.ee and Poplar brive in Glenwood, �ddition to �rrol Hills. Thi.� - Iot is l25 feet long on Ardmore and onl� 38 feet �rlde. Ae proposed to build a 20 g 60 home so thst �he 60 foot .��d� wovld . be 5 feet from the back, or east lot 1ine. The ordimance states that the yard c�c�arance should be 9 feet on the east. Borchert � r�oved that t Y� reques-t be referred to -the �rdinar�e �o�rm�.i.ttee. Seconded b� Eura7.d,,carried. A�r. Lester �7.stad, appeared to advise the �orarnission that the grading work has been c ompleted on his proposed Cotartlawn Addition and the Villa ge �ngineer has appraved the gradas. He � r�quested that the members look oeer the work dor�e so far so that - �hey will be familiar with tlae area whe�. the final plat is presented. P�r. Wi7.]„i.am G. WarY�ol. �,ppeared to request approval of splitting his Lot 5 of �ud3t��s Sub-divisic�n 361 in Shangri-La � into two lots, one about 95 x �00 �ere his home is located affil, the other lot to have agpr.axi.mate].� 107:.5� �t the front, ?a1�� rear and 186� depth. The div3s�on of thi.s property �ras previ.ously proposed in 1953 ( see minutes of ineet3.ng on September 10, 1953) Borchert moved to refer this matter �Go the Plat Co�nitte�. Seconded b� Rangland, carried. Mr. Patterson repor-�ed un the �.tter of rezoning the Swenni noson property �rhieh �aas referred to f�e zon3.ng ca�.i.ttee at the August meet3.r�. He stated that the �oimni.ttee was aga3nst � 7� rezo�g of thi.s propert� �c�+ two reasons} (1� b� mainta3.ntng a 200 foot setback from T.A. 100 most of the proper�� would ramain open development and the remaising small area in the � rear would not be especially accessibl.e from T.H. 10� except � through long driveways; (2) the S.W. corner of the inters�etion of T.H. 100 a� Glen�rroc�d �venue has a ver� ni.ce new home on it which demonstrated the possibil3.ty of, residential development of this property. It was also pointed out that there are no corr�ercial development along T.H. 1� south of Olson Highwa�r and that rozoning this area would be spot rezori'LTIg. Patterson mo'�ed that the request for rezorli.ng be denied for �he reasons stated above. Sec rn.ded b �r Borchert, carried. There was a short discussion of overall re�oning in the Village b�r the Cormniasion. . Meeting was ad3ourned at 12:00 midnight. . � ` esi ent