10-14-54 PC Minutes ��
. , October 14, 1954
The re�ul^r� meeting of the Golden V�lley F„l�.nnin�; Commission
was called to order �t the Vill�.ge H^,11 at �:05 P ,�i. Thursday,
October lt�, 1954. Niembers present were Loughiand, Erickson,
Lynch, Yalmer, Borchert, F�tterson, Raugl�-�nd, L��issoniere,
N�orton, Ew�-��d , Kost �nd Velz.
The ��inutes of the �epteg�ber 9th, IIieeting �uere re^d � nd
P_r. �T�-mes Leider ap_�e��red to request �. w�.i�er to permit build-
in�; �� single g�r^�e to within 11 feet of his lot line. He
st�ted th^t, due to an error on the par�t of �he b�ailding
. contr�ctor, his hnu�e w^.s construct�d 2� feet from the lot
line instead of 35 feet as pl��nned. This property is Lot
$, Flock 9, Noble �rove addition. Rau�land moved to refer
thi5 m�tter to the Ordin�nce Comi7;ittee for report� at tYie
next meeting. Seconded by Ew�ld, carried.
� r. Owens reported that, due to peculidr lot and ownership
char�cteristics in the Yale Garden Homes .�rea and large
sewer assessments facing these owners, it �ppea_re�3 desirable
to develo� �. new �nd �dec�uate street layout to prevent portions
of the arer from becoming blighted because of lack of access.
It was his opinion that here w�s �n op;�ortu.nity for the Village
to do some �ood plannin� and suggested that the engineering
firm of l��orell and Nichols be ret�.ined to rnake the necessary
survey ^nd map of th e arer . I�lr. Bert Putnarr� of 32t�5 Noble
P.venue appeared and spoke in favor of the proposal. l�ir. N�son
of Nfiorell and Nichols appeared to look over a map of the area
but could offer no suggestions at this time. Borchert moved
to recomrnend to the Council th�+.t the firr� of l�jorell -nd Nichols
be en,�:�ged to �re�are � �r�ap for use in pl�nning streets in the
are- bounded by No�ale Avenue, Lowry Terrace, T.Fi. 1�0, and 34th
Avenue North. Seconded by Raughl�nd, carried.
Nir. John Foss appe�red reg�.rding his req_uest for vacation of a
portion of �,�insd�le - Str�et in Lake�►iew I-i�.ghts. P�lmer, report-
in,� for the Ro��ds Committee, st,�ted th�t it w^s not necessary
or desirea.ble to vac�te the street inorder for l�'�r. Foss to
� construct �= �ara�e on his property. The proposed grrage could
,� be moved b^ck into the hill �ar enought to get it 5 feet from
the property line k�ut ^ny .further set��ck would cre�te � great
hardship. Eva�1rJ moved that the Comn�ittee' s recommend�tion,
to grr�nt �a w�iver for the construction of the gar=��e to within
5 feet of 'nTinsdale, be �ccepted. S�conded '�y I��orton, carried.
� Nir. N�ilo C].=rk appeared to request permission to deed 6G feet
of Lot 7, Blom A.ddition to the Village of Golden V�lley for �.
street to run southerll-- through Lot 7 to the St. Louis P��i�
lim.it,s. P�lrr�er moved to refer this rc;atter to the Road
Camri�ittee. Seconde�. by Raugland, c�rriad.
Mr. David Trach appe�red re�arding a pr�posed F�lat of
�2rt of Lot 2, Section l�, Township 117, R�nge 21.
Lynch, r,eportin� for the Pla.t Corr�:ittee, suggested that
the pla.t be approved, providing thdt proper radii be
sho�rn at street intersections arid so moved. 5econded by
N`orton, c�rried.
Lynch, reporting on the Homel�nd Addition pl�t, stated
th�t bhe Plat Committee agreed that some solution ¢�ther
than those �reviously presented should be worked out. No
representative of the platters w�.s present. Sever�l
�dj�cent home owners were present �nd they reaffired th�t
the�r woul�. ob �ect to ��ny commercial zoning- in the area.
Lync,h r�oved th�t the pl��t before the Commission be re,�ected
and, 'j if the platter so desires, he should j�resent - new
�evi��ed pl�t. ��conded by Fwald, carried.
1��. 1��cCullou�;h ap�eared to present � proposed pl�t of
property between �ane and Brunswic� Avenues in $lock 6 and
7, of Y�rnall' s Golden Valley Outlots. This plat includes
more pro�erty th�n w�s� included in a pl�t proposed 2 or 3
ye�rs ago. Lynch moved : o refer to the Pl�t Corr�r�ittee. �
Seconded by Palmer, carried.
Mr. Lester �lstad appeared with the final p1=�t of Courtlawn
2nd Addition. Lynch reportec� for� the Pl�t Committee �nd
moved that the pl�t be accepted. Seconded by Palmer carried.
R�r. Willi�m ��larhol appepred reg:�rding the division of Lot
� 5 , Auditor's Sub-division 361. Lynch, reporting for the Plat
Committee, indicated th�t the �roperty prob�bly eould be
divided so that the newly created lots would be �dequ�te for
homes. The Con�ission �dvised l��r. �Tarhol that an accurate -
engineerts pl�t should be prepared showin� the presant bu�lings,
the proposed division of the property, the accurate dimensions
�nd �re�s of the newly created lots and a sketch of how a
home eould be placed on the new vacant lot. v�hen such ? layout
is presented, the Commission would reconsider the request.
Raugl�nd reported on the request of J�arues Cooperu.an, for a
w�iver to construct a home on Lot 1, Glenwood Addition to �ithin
5 feet of the east lot line. Raughland moved that Nir. Cooperman
be permitted to construct a home, as proposed, to �vithin 5 feet
of the east line inorder to preserve as much front yard
clearance as possible. Seconded by Erickson, carried.
Mr. Owens presented a map showing accurat�y the areas which
have been zoned in Golden Valley. He pointed out three areas
which should be considered for action by the Ylanning
Commission. He also submitted list of platted areas and
auditors sub-divisions in the Village and requested that
the Planning Commission make recommendations as to wY�ich
of the auditors sub-divisions should be designated as
residenti�l in the nc�w aidinance. President Loughland called
for a special meeting on Wednesday, Octdber 20, 1954 at
� �
'7:00 P.M. to take action on this matter.
Mr. Ogard appeared to advise the Commission on what steps
have been •taken to obtain en up-to-date Village Niap.
He proposed a pl�.nimetric map, to the scrle of 1 inch to
100 feet, as prepared by Niark Heird Aeri�l Survey's Inc..
Included in this propos�°l would be contact prints of aerial
photo�raphs and a �^ster rr,ap to the scale of 1 inch to
200 feet suitable for w�ll mounting. He _also distributed
copies of his letter to the Council regarding a new Village
map. Rau�land moved that the Planning Commission recommended
to the Council that the proposed mal�s be obtained. Seconded
by P�lmer, carried.
Ne�ting was adjourned at 11:30 P .Ni.
. ,s,
Secr ry