11-12-54 PC Minutes � . . R�GULI�.I' MFETTNG GOLDIlV VALLEY PLA.TNNING CONJMCSSION IVovember 12, 195�. � The regular meetin.g of the Golden Valley Planning Commi.ssion was called to order at 8:00 o�clock P.M. Friday, November 12, 1954, a.t the Villa�e Hall. Memlaers present Usere Raugland, Morton, Laughland, �aBissoniere, Patterson, Hanson, Lynch, aad �'almer. The minutes of the �ctober 14, 195�. meeting were rea,d and ap :roved. The minutes of tlze Specia�. I�ee�-,ing of October 20, 195�. were also x�ead and approved, _ Mr Palme� o� the Street and �toad Committee reported on �he petition of Mr� M�10 Clark to deed 60 feet of Lot 79 Blom Addition, to the � ' �Tillage of C=olden V�lley. Mr Palmer sta�ed that llr. Cllark had ref- erred his problem to Ntr. �nghauser whc c�o�1,d present it �tfl the December meeting of the Planning Commission. Mr. Palmer reported i.hat he had attended 'the last meeting of the Village Couneil as the Ma�or had previously sv.gges�ed to support the Commission�s request for villaae maps. He stated that the � �ommission's request for maps had been turned doVrn �.tt?out being heard. Mr. `�ames Leider re-appeared regarding a ��raiver to permit a single garage to be bu3.lt i�ithin 10 feet of his north lot line, Lot $' Block g, Noble Grove Addition. Mr. Raugland, reporting for -�he minority of the �rdinance Cormnittee in favor of the waiver, stated that T'�r. Leider shola].d not be penalized for a mistake made by� i�is con�tractor in locating the house 25 feet from the lot li� instead of 35 feet as speei�ied by M�� T,eider. Mr. �orton� regorting for the majori-t�r of the Ordinance Comm.ittee who �ere n.ot 3.n favor o�' �the waiver, stated that the�r could see no hardship existing with Iocating the garage facin� Cu1.,ver Road, and that �r. Leider shovld be denied � the waiver as presented. NTr. Raugla.nd moved that �r. Leider be granted a w�.iver permitting him to build a single ear �arage 10 feet from the north lot line as requested. Voting for and a�ainst was a tie, therefore, � the matter was referred to the Vi7lage Council for � their action. N�r. Rnsse7l �mi.th presented a tentative plat, and an alternative plat for a portion of 1�0 acres a�'Parcel # 910 azd all of �.0 acres of Par�cel � �00. AFtrr. Smith also requested that �uluth Street be co ntinued thrv. from Winnetka Avenue Vorth to Mendelssohn �venue North in order to perrnit aceess �,o this proposed neUr development, The new plats were referred to the plat committee for their recomm.endations. Mr. Palmer moved that the Planning Co�nission recommended to the �illage Council that Duluth Street be cut thru from Winnetka Avenue North to Mendelssohn l�venue �orth. 1�lr. Morton seconded, carried. B Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Crandal.l pn�sented a a�u.�est to sub-divide their land into three lots; two to have 98 foot frontages and the remaining lot on which their ho�e stand5 to have 125 foot fronta.ge, Their request for this sub-division was due to their desire to retain on their lot several desirable trees. Mr L�nch moved that the request be denied. Mor�on seconded, carried, , The �ommission further advised that the lots must conform ta the 100 foot frontage and c ontaa.n the required 12,500 square feet� but may have irre�ul.ar side lines in order to include the tr•ees . Mr. Roone� presented a proposed plat of the K.M. Carr propert�r , west of Noble A�renue. Mr. ralmer moved that this plat be referred to the plat committee. Ra.ugland seconded, carried. I�Ir. MeCullongh appeared t,fl heax this Commissions opinion of a � p�eliminai� plat presented si�.ce the meeting of October l�, 19�4. After a brief discussion and after se�eral recommenda-tions were made, it was deemed no action �ras necessary by this Coimni.ssion. �Ir. Oscar Jones appeared requesting the 20 acres lying west of Highway 1Q0, east of Nlinneapolis, Northfield and Sout,hern Railroad tracks, north of 6th �venue North, and south of the Minnesota and ti�estern Ra3lroad be rezoned to Co�ner�i�.. Mr. Raugland moroed that this request be referred to th� �oning Coiru�i.ttee for further �ad�. Seconded by Palmer, earra.ed. The me2ting adjourned at ]1:05 P.M. . . � � ecretar�r � resz en i