12-09-54 PC Minutes � GDI�DEN PALLEY PL�TAtING Ct7MMISSID�i � ��ING �F DEG�'lBER 9, 1954 The regular meeting of the Golden Va11ey Planning Commission �as cal.].ed to o�ler at the Village Ha17. at 8:15 P.M., Thursdag, December 9, 195l�. M�bers present were: L�ghla�.d, I►y�eh, Palmer� Borcher-�, Ha7.l� Raugland, LaBi.ssonier�e, Kost, �i�1.d, and �Telz. The Paul Fnghauser presented a proposed pla� of the �ilo �. Clarke property� in St. Louis park shotiaing ha� the development of the property d�pended upon a road thrc�. Lot 7, Blc�cck l� Arcridge A,ddition, whieh lot is otaned b� PZr. �larke. Sia�c� tYaer� �re�e no s�rious ob�ections, the eo�mission �.t that faQOrable action on this matter would sti�ulate good �i.11 between the �wo villages �.ieh would be an asset should Golden Valle� resider�ts ever ha�e a sim'[.lar problem. Palmer offered a re�al�ation that the Planning Commission wouJ.d be in favor of the px�pos�d street proszding the street raoc�l.d be part of � thrn street �Oet�reen Texas A�enue and Wayzata Boulevard; and prov3ding the prope�t� in St. Louis Park is deael.oped along the lines p�oposed; ar�i further that the affee-ted streets i.n Golden valle� are improved to tk�e standards requised b� th� 9illage Engineer. This resolution was unanimously� appraved. " Regarding �he tioni.a�g of the Jensen and �h�mas property l�.ag so�.th of T.H. 55 arad west of the M. N. and �. Ra3lraad: �r. Lvu,ghlarul, re�ad a memo from Mr. Fatterson wh3ch br�dfly stated that the easterly portion of tl�e property m3ght feasibl� accomodate a su3.table ind�.strial b�ailding if the c onto urs o f the gro und were not redicall�r changed and adeqtaate screening was prbvided to preatect adja.cent residential aress. Mr. Ccanry and Mr. �avenport appeared �o present the tantative floor plan a� arc�itec�ur�]]. sketcY� o� the propssed building which would be a regional office arid parts warehoase f'or �inerican Motors. The bnilding �aov].d hae�e a 170 foot front on T•H. 55 �a a depth of about 203 feet, contai�i.ng about 1�5��300 square feet. The plan eal.ls for a.notber tl sirni.lar buildi�g to house Kelvinator vffices and parts warehouse. The estimated cos-t of these two building would be abon.t �650,Ot�. Each building �aould have 80 to 90 offiee personnel plus a much lesser n�ber of warehouse emplo�ees. Th� location of the buildi�.gs on �xe property is fle�.ble �.d �ro�a].d be in aecorclance �rith the best inter�sts of the gillage as far as possibl�. Buffe� zones and plantings co�.d be provided tfl sereen t�he development fro� the residen�ial propertg to the south and west. �r. Conr�r pointed c�u� that this pxroperty is adj�.eent to the rail�ad traeks across �.H. fra�n �he indv.stria]. propert3r ��a beirg developed for the manufac�ure of paper eartons, the proposed t1s� �ould be non- manu:faeturing-strietl� offiee and warehou.se, ar�d the sS.ze of the property is la.rge ea�ough. go that 30� to �.00 fe�a�G buffer zanes would be�le�t on tdle south and �rest sides. The prap�rt�r has approximate7:,y � 1100 feet cf front�.ge on T.H. �5 anal about the game depth. A considerable nvmber of people livi.ng in the areas a�jacent to this propez�t� were presant and were asked to �press the�.r opinions. �nong those speaking against zoning fi.4�e propert�r were Msssers Hedlvnd� Glannagan, Smith� I�i.11 and other� from , Tralee urho felt that t�e industry w ould �evaluate their propert� � r.. �:. , l�ecau�e it �ould not be adequate].y screened, and �a3.d eause mor� t ;, ' 1° ` rai.lroad and truck traffic �.n the area, there are other areas P� , alread� zoned �Y�.ere it eould �o and the sa�ving� 3.n taxes eovld , ,, �,' $ot pos5ibl� offset -the deval�.ation of th�.r pax��rrper�g. � D�. Bushard askec� wh�,t t�pe of �oni.r�g �his �o�a3.d be. He �� 3�formed mf �he varic�tas zon�.ng catagori�s in tl�e �T3.11ag�; ar�d, that this �cm3.ag woe�.ld be indv.�trlat �.nder �he a�r ordin�ae. H� stated that !�e �oul.d be �,gair�s� an iad�stxr.�]. aoai.ng whi�h wovld per�tt h�a� ind��a.stry bu� �uld r�ot be agai�.at a 73ght iadustri�7. zon�Lng. He �2s0 �a�.d that he w�uld li.ke t� have mor� cmmplete in:Eor�.tien before atatirag �a opinio�. fsr e�r �.gainst the proposal. Iia sn�gested a cautiot�s app�roach and thorot�h study of this a,� d s3mil.ax� proposals. l�rr. MeGrew, represer�tixig the 1�'estchegter deeelapment, app�ared in oppos3tion to the zomtr�g because it weuld have a sea�3.o� effect on the �alue of Westehester. H� thoug�it �a� 3.t �3.�� be possible to have a ]3ght industr� et�st of the Jensen hct� but �onl,d oppose zaai��g west of t here. He �as asked �rhett�er ° there �res a char�€e tl�,at re�3.der�t3al bvildi� cov].d be pro�ect�d east of �'a�t�hester all the �a�r to ttie rail�ad. �is answer ws..s� probabl� nat� �t a residential area ec�uld taper fram Westchester tei ak�ut the eT@]a98I1 �30tlSe T�.'G$ f83..Y'�..� �.@A hom��. , Mr. Legat �ho ]3ves east of the ra3lro�ei ob3eeted tt� tY�e �ior�i.ng becav.se it ra�uld devaluate E�i.s and other property 3r� that �rea. Loughl m3d st�gested that tl33.s m�tter of zoal�rig 'he turned over to a joint commi.ttee �onsisting of 3 to 5 persons appointed by the residents of the area� representatives of the industr5r an.d #be ra3.lrr�ad, ar�d tl� Zoning Ccxnmd�.ttee. He �eq�.ested thcse residents present to appoint 3 �0 5 p�rsons but attempts to do s0 at the meet�t�g �er� mot snecess�a.l. N�r. �1 �rs. Thomas, pa.rt owners of the propert�, spoke far the x�e-zcnirig and stated that there werc�'a°r�tnber of peopl� in favor of it who �ere not �.t the �.�eting. �o t�at s�aas of the Ab��tor� tc� t�iis �onix�g wer� in faQOrJ�fle zo�ai�g for �3 �, C. ��. �a � �.��� e the paper carton factoxy which was close to Thomas� home. Now thes� same geople were objecting because it is gettin.g close to thein c��m.es. Palmer moved that t�ii.s matter be refer�ed �or s�i�dy to a 3oint � eon�n3:ttee eonsis� • � ' , - � _ . � 6� � residenfi.���f �he `i�a�., Mr. �c��s �nnd " 1�. ;Ilavenp��i�:'��p�esen��:iig �the piropi�rien-�s; arid°tli� Zoni.ng' C�3.ttee. Seconded_�� :�or�h�rt; '�argiedx by;a. �aci�e of 9 �rea�, on� gc, Borchert . . • .. : - td�i3.I1��IlE1._, ._, , _ Loughl�d instru.cted the residente of the area to turn over to I�lr. �ens the names of the 5 persons a�ointed by them to a�r�� on this com�ttee. In r�gards to zoning the E2 of the N�T4 �of Section 29„Loughland read a �emo from Fatterson �aherein he su$gested that the Cc�i.ss3on eonsider incrlud3n� an additional 20 aeres in this zoning, which propsrty raould be the E�, NW'� Nt�'�, Se��gon 29� Mr.� Davenport of the �.N. and S. Ra,ilx�oad Compan� inforraed the Cc�i.ssis�n that there is an industry �hiah wonld like tm acquire about 50 to 70 acres of this propex�t�r for a public warehouse and distribution poiat. �e had ao plans to show at this time. Borcl�ert stated that the Vi11ag�, shotil.d 'be carafu.l about permitt3ng industrie9 �hich mi.ght be a detriment to adjaeent propex°ty thre�ugh escessive smoke, noise or other auisaaee. After further discussion about streets in thi.s area, Borchert moved to recommend to the Cauncxl that the propert�r deseribed aa the E�, NI�'�, Section 29, Townsh3.p 115, Range 2l �xxeepting there- f`rc�m laaads deeded to the M.N.� and S. Railwa�r and excepting road� and hig�r�ys aoA ex:i.sting over and across said prem3.ses and exceptin� the �res.t l� feet of the ea,st 305 feet of the nc�th 208 feet of the ��'4, Se�tion 29, �ownship 118, &�,n,ge 21� be zoned to 3ndustria _1 categor�r w3.th the restrmctions that (a) the Go►iacil e�tend the courtes�t of consultation to New Hope and Cxgstal; (b) that the Gotincil take preeaut3ons agaiast smoke polut3.on b�r industx� using �his la.nd; �e) th.at proeis3on be made for theextension o� Du7.uth Strest as an. 84 foot sti�eet, fram �Tia�netka Av�ae to St. Croi.x �iverme �.th proper grade separation at the �I.N. aad S. tracka; (d) provide for the �stensimn of �edi�ine Lake 13oad as an, $(3 foot street ta fi,he Belt Line. Secor�]ed b� Eauglaud, carrled. Mr. 0sca.r Jones appea.red to request zor�3.zag of bis property ly3.ng sov.t� of the �ir�n. Western. Rc�,lway and west of T.H. 100. He stated that he had no specific proposal at this time bnt would 13ke an e$pression'of opinion from the Ccm�.ssion as to whether they Would look �avoraU]�r upon zor�i.ng tT�i.s proper�y industrial. Laughla.nd read a memo frc�m Pa�terson who suggest� that there ahoald be a specific proposal before zoning; access to T.H. 100 and T.F. 55 should b� clarified and a 200 foot setbaek from T.H. 100 provided. N1r.. Davenport informed the Coa�ni.ssion that this industr� would�aobabl� be a fdr�n � �nachinery part� distributimn eenter. Aft�r svme di�e�ssic�n, Mr. Joaes wa� informed that this prt�per� wvuld be considered fa�rarabl� for • z0niag if ar�d when a snitable indua�r� wa.a brou.ght fmr�rard. � �+tr. Casr��ll pre�eated a px°ope�ed plat of Golden oaks �.th �dditiou. I,yach �eport,�e1 ��at tY�� Plat Com�ri.ttee had eiewed the property. 1'�r. Ogard had a.lso viewed ti�e area and had gone over �he plat. He - sngge��ezl that consideration be given to a regulatian ea1].iaig faa� fntvre pl��ters to construc� blacktop. st�eets, ei�rl� a� gutter, and atorm se�rers. Fde f�lt that �omeof this work �rov.ld be r�quirecl� ni3 this plat. Mr. Cas�ell indicated that ths pl�.tter in-tended to put in. �ila�ktop streets and that the drain�ge would be taken care of. Lg��ch moved that t}� plat be gS.Yen pre7.iin3.nary approval �aith � resex�ations as �o �treet n�o.�a and shawi�g Orkla �a°i.ve eb �he pla�t. Second�d by Raugland, eaa�i�1. - T�rr. Roone� of F �,nd � Raa].t� �ompa�y Iresented a prppos�d�Qrtl� o th� property west o� Noble A�e�v.e' soutkt of Cul�er l�a.d and �oble �venne School. N�r. Ogard pninted out tr,.e prAblem of th�a drain- age wa�r thrarigh �he propert�r �nd prov3.ding a �afe walkr�a�r £or school �hildre� along Noble Avenue. �here was coasidex�a,ble discussion aboro.t these items. L�eh moeed that the plat be accept�d prcjv3.d�d: (a) Minor eorrections gre made as ota�tlined by the gillage �in.eer. (b) Adequate right-c>f-wa� is provided for the a�nstruction of a protec-t,�d � �ralkv�ay alamg �Toble Avenue and (cj The drainage di�eh pr�lem is � resolved; also tY� C�i,ssion hereb� authorizes -that t�ie Plat Ce�i.ttee aet on th� a�csptan.ee of this pla.t after reviewing tl�e corr�etions and revision� �r3.th the Villa�c Engineer. S�oaded b� Ha17.� carx°�.ed. The vaeation af P�.rkvie�a Bovlevard �xter�ded bet�een �,or �ri�ve a�d. . Zenith gve�e ��rth wa� discussed. Palmer moved that this portio�a of t Parkv3ew Bo�.le�a�d be r�eoimnended to the Council for va�atio� with the reserrrati.c�n of ��se�ents for publ3c uti].ities. SecAnded, b�r Bor�hert, �axaried. Mr. Nasmn c�f I�or�ll and Nichols sha�,red the �o�ni.ss3on a pr6apos�d ra- platting and s�reet la�rout for Ya1e Graden Homes. Thi� preliminar� work by I�orell and �ichols is most e�mmendabl� and pr3.nts of the la�o�z� - should be distribu.ted t�o�lie propert�r oT�nars for st�d�. �fter con�i.derable discn.ssion, �oaghland tentatively set ��e 3ra ��u�saa� in a�nu�.r�r a� a special meeting for a p��.blfc l�eax3ng on tY� SE� of the propo�ed layo�t. Ewald �aoved that the request for hardship �a3ver fr�m Mr. John �. Washburn be refe�d. to the Qrdinanee Commi.ttee. Seeonded b� Bor�her�� Carri.ed. Palmer moved that the matter of street nam� E'Fa�r�ie�tt H311s Raad" be referred to the �lat and Street I�ames Coaa�i.ttee. Sec��ed by Zyr�h, . eaa�ried. �o�hla�d advised tY�e Ca�arnission that the �.egt �eet�.sg �rc�ta.ld be th0 , reorgarli.zation meeti.�g. Sever�33. n�me� were gi�en. Mr. (3r�en,s f�r s�zb�ii.t�al to th� Cotaneil for t,�.�ir con�ider�.t3on in filli� vaea�acies on �he Comnd.sgion. Meeting ,u�aed a�°�:12s30 .�.M. ��. V , � ��.a ' �4 o.�x. x. �; � ,;� �=� �d����� .p � e�r� �� er