01-13-55 PC Minutes - �J�
��� ��z�rG c,or�nv vaLL� gr��� co�s�zo�v
January� 13, 1955
The r8gular meeting of the Golden Tfall�y Plann3.�g COirmai�sion was
called to order at t}�e �TilTage Hall at 8:15 P.I�., �hnrsday, ,�January
13, 1955. Members present were: Lynch, Palmer, Borchert, Patterson,
LaBisson3.er�, Haz�son, Eurald, Kost, Putnam and Vel�.
The minntes of t�ie December 9� 1951� meeting were read arid approeed.
Ia the al�senee of President Loughla.nd, gice-Presidex�t Borche�t advised
�ha,t re-orga.�.i.zation of the Co�.ssioa was in order and asked for
ndm3.n�.tio�s for the offices of President, gice-President and Secretar�r.
Palmer nam3.nated Borchert for President, �econded b�r Patterson, Han$on
moved �2ni�ous apprmval, seconded b� Kmst� carried.
LaBissoniere nami.nated �a,ugland for Qice-President, seconded by �wa1d.
Palmer moved ja A�+��ons �pproval, secor�ded by Patterson, ea,��3.ed.
Palm.er nom3nated Vel� for Secretary, seconded by Putnara, LaBiaso�i..ere
nominated Rost for Secretar�r, seconded b�r Ewald. LaBissoniere moeed
n�mina,tions be closed, seconded b� E�ra1d. Qelz elected Secretar� b�
voice vote.
Mr. Fred Jones �,pp��;�a �o ppesent a proposed plat of an �ddition to
Hampshire .0aks. LaBissoniere moved that the plat be referred to the
�Plat Commi�tee and the Village Engineer for stud�. Seconded b�r Palmer,
. carried. '
�ictior� on �1�e naming of �Far�.� xiiis ftoadfl defer�red for lack o�
eommittee �por�. _
Ewa.ld reported tha�G the Ordinanee Co�ttee was in favor of granting the
ha.rdship waiver requested by Mr. Johr� Washburn. Ewal..d moved that a wai.ver
be granted to permit Mr. Washburn to bu3,ld a garage to within 12 feet of
his west propert� line because of a hardship ��nni ng y�.th the land and
because it w311 improve the general appearance o� the property� Seconded
by Kost; carri.ed.
Regarding r�-zoning o� the Jensen Farm, Borcher-� asked if there had been
a meeting between the proponents and the adjacent property o�rners. Mr.
�onrg replzed that no such meeting had taken plaee. He had engaged a
firm �o take pictures of the propest�r and prepare a layout and this work
was not completed ig time to get together w�.th the property ownersein the
area, but he was read�r to present this data at this time. Fie presented
a colored pa�oramic drawing� showing the proposed building and possible
screening, and a number of photographs of the propert� and surrounding
area. He stated that he now owned the property� knoran as the Jensen Farm
� and presented arguments in favor of the re-zox�.ng. He state.d that the
n :, �
two buildings would require zoning of apprc�ximatel� the easterl�r
700 feet of the property to a. depth of about 6� feet, considering
set-baeks and roam for operations. He a1.so indica-�ed the approxi�ate
loca�tion of the praposed sp�.r track to serve the property.
Mr. Hetlr�nd of Tra1e� spoke for the ad�ae��at property oumer�, stating
that a considerable r;tEUnber of people would be able to see the develop- ,
ment regardless of sereening; that he had checked similar industries ar�d es
esti.mated that a hundred vehicles a day wo�.1.d be involved �rith man�r
t�eucks mov�.ng at night; he disputed that the property could not be
used for residential development; and that �he industry wovld undoubtedl�
devalv.ate the surrounding residential proper�y. He also ob�ected tc�
Douglas Dri�e being designed as an 80 fovt street. south of T.H. 55.
Mr. Paul Enghauser pointed ottt -that the N�aster �'l.an of the Qillage
called for residential de�elopment in thi.s area and it was this plan
which gave eonfid�nce to the people who built �heir homes in the area.
He stated that the area west of Nlir�neapolis between Sixth AQe�uze North "• �
� and Gleriwood Aeenue �a.� o�ig3nally intended and should be residential. �
�e is coneineed ttiat the Jensen farm property wot�l.d rapidl� develop
into a residential area if plotted by Mr. Conry mr others. He was
of the opini.on that the more undesirable eastern portion w ould be,
saleab]L for hv�es in the � 15.000.00 class.
Mr. Legat from Ske11� Addition spoke against the zoning. He built
in Golden galley tfl get a�ay from industry and the proposed projeet
would devaluate his and adjoining residential propert�r. He didn't
think it was �rise to place an indta„str� in the middle of a generall�
residential area.
Dr. Bushard stated that a£ter stud�ing the proposed re-zoni�ag �e was
ag�.inst 3�. He said that his recollection wa�s, that at the time of
the Westehester Plat, it was indicated tha,t Jensen farm was eonsidered
suitable for residential development.
�I�r. McGrew sai.d that �iestchester probably wou3.d not have been developed
as it had if there had been an� idea that the property to the east
would be industria].. The high type hoem o�aner could not be induced to
come into Td�estchester if the Jensen farm was z�ned indn.strial. It wa.�
his opinion tha� the entire Jensen property e�ld be`developed with
homes in the � 15�(H� tc� � 18�000 or over class., even on the east
er�d. If this.were done, �he entire area, from �he tracks west to the
, �un�tion of T.H. 55 ar�l Gler�roed Aventa�rauld be a niae re�3dential
area. •
Mr. Anderson of Tralee spoke aga3ast an,y eutension of Douglas Drive
to the south as it would butt into res3dential property and �e �
people ir� the area �ould object to it.
Mr. Coriry was requested to estimate the cost of th� two btaildings
proposed, He statec� a figure of about � to 7U0 thousand dollars
for the tcao. There folJ_o�aed some disaussion rega,rding tax revenues.
I�r. Patterson elari.fied his p�sition r8garc�ing statements he
supposedl� made about the re-zoni.ng and the extension of Dougla�
�r. Pinch pointed out that the M.RT. and S. tracks in the area were
considered a spotting a.rea rather than a switehing �e�rd as m.entianed
earliep b�rN1r. Conry. He also stated that he was not in f�vor of
r�-zoni.ng. Asked about the ta� revenue from the industrial propert�
he sta,ted tha.t it would be desirable tax wise, b°�t there was a moral
. ob�igation to the people in the area not to permit an industr�r to
come in.
There �ras vther diseussion regarding the industrial development on the
north side of �.H. 55. It was the general opinion of those present
�hat T.H. 55 should be the dividing li ne and would be a suitable
buffer between industrial development on the north sid e and resideniial
• de�elop�nent to the south.
; Lynch moved that the reqaest for re-zoni� the Jensen farm propert�
� be denied because the pa�tern of obvelopment between T.H. 55 a�►d
� � Glenwood Avenue �eems to be residential in character. Seconded b�
, Palmer, carried.
Mr. Roone�r again presented the F & 8 Realty plat located north of the
Noble Avenue School. �utnam questioned the provisioa for Regen't Avenue
� in the plat. He suggested that either �uail or Bsgent be made a
through street from Golden Va11ey Road to Cr�retal. The Commission
requested that Mr. Rooney revise the plat -to provide for the suggested
thru street and, in so dozng, avoid substandard lots in-so-�a,r as
possible. The members of the Corr�nission agreed that minor deficieneies
in lot area would be agreeabl� i f necessar�.
Mr. �arold Olson presented a revised plat of Woodlawn Park 2nd Addition.
LaBissoniere moved that the proposed revisions to the W�dlawn Park 2nd
�ddition Plat, creating an egress at the southeast edge of the plat for
connection to a future road to the east and relocating a portion of
Scott .Avenue �Torth as shown, be approved. Seconded b� Palmer,carried.
Nlrs. Hasbx°ook and Mrs. Borchert, representing the League of Women Voters,
appea,red to obtain information on the okrrk of the F'].anning Co�ana.esion
for a. ���,dy they are doing on Village goverrunent.
Mr. ?�a�r Stockman, Chairman of the Park Board, appeared to request assistanee
froin. -the Plann�.ng Co�n3.ssion in obtai�.i.ng more �.iad better park areas in the
. �illage. $e asked the �ommission to ca11 in the Park �oard to look over
a�r areas that platters might consider undesireabl.e for development so that
. the Park Board might deter�.ae the suitability of s�h areas for park
�urpcses before the� are desposed of in some other manner. FIe pointed out
that there is onl� one big park in the �illage where a ba11 fi�Z,d can be
laid out �nd stressed the need for other such areas. He s�ated tha.t parl�
areas s�ould be a 2�11.n�*��m of three acres in size i� order to be �
effective. � -
Box°ehert advised the Commission that he wonld make eor►�dttee •
appointments a.� soon. as possible but would defer thi� matter
because of the late hour.
Meeting adjourned at 12:15 ,�°•N�•
. ��
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