02-10-55 PC Minutes � $� Regular Meeting Golden �alley Planning �omm�ssion February 10, 1955 The regular meeting of �he Golden Valley Planning Commission was called to order at the Village Hall at 8: 10 P.M. Thursday, � Februar� 10, 1�55. Me�bers present were Loughland, Lynch, Peterson, Borchert, Putnam, Patterson, Raugland, LaBissoniere, Hanson, Ewdld, �ost and Velz. The minutes of the Januar� 13, 195� meeting were read�d approved. Presiden� Borchert revie�ed committee appoi�tments �ith m�mbers of the Conlmission. He also introduced �r. �arl Peterson, ne� mernber of the Commission. Kost reported for the Zoning Commii;tee on Mr. Enoch Anderson� a request for re-zoning of thepropertg at the SW corner af the Junetion of T.H. 100 an d Golden Valley Roa d. The Committee had viewedthe property and discussed th.e matter quite thoroughly, He revie�r�d the past histor� of this request. He pointed out that th.e present reques� for re-zoning included �hree properties; Mr. Anderson� s, the Dormanen property to the south and the Kaine propertg to the �aest . These pareels have approximate dimensions of 130 feet depth east and west and 220 faet frontage along the Beltline. Because of the increase in th� area requested for re-zoning, the Committee felt that tk�.epractice of requirin� 20� feet setbaeks along the �eltline should Mot be relaxed- ir��this � case. The r�quirementaf' a 200 foot setback would eliminate the , possibilit� of eomm.e�cial development on these pr�aperties; there- fore, the Comrnittee reeominended that the request �or re-zonin� be de�ied. , Mr. Anderson int�oduced Mr. Mi�an who is to be �he developer of th� propertp and Mr. 1i�alberg of Socon�r Vacu�n. Mr. M3kan e�plained th�t t�.e propoaed devel�pment was �o inelude a • g�,soline s�ati.on on �he corraer proper�� and a drugstare on �he Dormanen proper�y. He indicated that only an e�semen'� for driver�a�s pu�go�ea would be requir�d o� the Kaine proper�q but, for �n ad.equ�te station, a portivn of�he Dormanen proper�Gg �aould have to b� used for pump islauds e�nd drivewag�. The r��ai�d�r of the Dormar�en property to be used for � drugsto�€�. No use of the Kairae proper�y was indieat�d. � Lou�h7.and and gta.�nam reviewed the history of the eorrnmmereie�l proper�y on �he NW corner of th3.s interseetion, poin�ing ou� that th3.s property was developed commereially before the �Tillage zoa�ing ordinance was in effect and should not be considered as an ir�dieat3on that this type of co rner develop- m.ent is eonsidered desir�able. Loughland �also 3nd3eated that v�� � . ���.i he di d not co nsi der the re-zonin� of' the �E corner a s goo d planriing becauss it wauld be "spot" or "postage stamp" zoning, and the expansion of commercial=_zoning in the area is limited by surrounding residential areas. LaBissoniere pointed ou� that the I�1EEcorner was vaca@�t �nd if the request for re-zon3.ng was �ranted it would be al�nost 3mposaible to deny sirailar �e-�o�ir�� of �he 1�T� eor�ner. Th�.s wo�ld be �xtremely u�desireable in view of�he surro�andin� residential proper��r. Patterson pointed ou� that �hould anythin� b�t � fill3ng stat�on be placed on the property, such a� the proposed dru� store, the ordinance would require off-the-street parking. This could hardly be compli�d with on the available propert�. A considerable number of residents were at the meetin� in opposition to the �e-zoning. Mr. John I�ashburn and Mr. Klflud� pres�nt�d petitions i� epposit3.on and seve�al o'�hers spoke a�ainst �he re-zor�ing. The ab�eetions were ��i�t commere3al de�elopmen� wo�.ld reduce the resid�ntial propertg ualues; �r�ffic in the �r�ea is a prmblem r9.ow and would be further a�r�'vated; and no hardship to 1�Ir. �,�derson �hould be considered becau.se he bought a residential propert� �ith the e.xpectation that he could get i.t re-zoned �°or his or�n gain at the expense of other residents in the are�; and these people ob�ected �Go any re-zoning �t the �unc�ion of T.H. 10� and Golden Valle� Road. L�. Bissonier� rr�oved �hat the requ�st for re-zonirag be c�nied and the Plan�.ing Comm,iss3.on recorrun.erad to the Counail tha� r�o fu��are re-�c�ning be done at the �unetion of T.H. 100 and Golden �Ta11ey Road. 5�conded b�r P�utnam, earried. D�. Shimek appeared to request waivers to perm3t buildin� � house on tl�e southerl� portion of Y�3s property at 116 Oi�tawa Avenu� �outh which cor�taing about 9,375 squar� fee�. �e would like to sell his present Y�.ome at that address and build a smallsr home. Lou�hl�nd moeed that this ma�ter be referred �o the Ordinance �mmittee. �econded b� �aBissoniere, carried„ Dr. Shimek was req�zested to have some stakes se� ou� sho�ring the 1ot boundries and prob�ble house locat3on before the �ot�nrcti�tee looked �t trie p�ope�t�'. - T�ir�. G. �iarhol pres�nted � surve�ror�s plat of the proposed div3.sion of Lot 5, ��.ditorts �ub-division 361 as requested by the Commission l�st �ctober (se,e minutes of eotober 15, 195�- and �eptember 9, 1954) The pla� did not comfor�a in all r�spects wi�h the request ir� that it did not show the location of existing bui'lding� and drain field. Th� Comm3.ssion r�as conaerned �rith the fact that the proposed new lot wo�ald b� � � �nder the mi�imun area requirements and waivers mi.�h� be request�d when a ne� owner decided �o build upo� i�. T� was suggested tha � once se�r�rs are ins��llsd, �he divisior� line cotald be mc�ved over �tr. WQrho �s pre��t drain field thereb�r increasing the lot area. �g�,eY� moqed that �rhen a houee p1.aM is presented �rhich would not require setbaek o� side lc�t waivers on the new 1ot �h�t � buildin� per��mit be gra�ated, pronided �hat Mr. �'arhol deed �ot 3l�, Audito�� s Sub-div3.ons 361 to the Village for street purposes. Seconded by Loughland, earr3.ed. Regarding �he Arnold J. Anderson Plat, Mr. Ogard advised that Y�e had reviewed, �he plat and Mr. Anderson was making corrections on it. The Comrni.ssion discussed the Yale Garden Homes re-platting. President Borchert called a special meeting on Feb�uar�r 1.7, 19�,�at 7:30 P'.M. for further discussion of th3.s matter. � 1�. �wens presented ano�her request from the Minnesota H3ghway �epa r�ment for re-zoning of State Gravel Pit 1957 A and B �o �+erm3t const�uction of mai.nten�nee head- ` c�uart�rs bu�ldi ngs. This proposal was similar to the original proposal exeept that it p�ovided for a 300 foot setback from � the searvice drive on the west side of T.�i. 100 and deeding to the Village a 300 foot strip on the �rest side of �he propert�r a�.ong Bassett*s Greek for a park. Ogard pointed ou� tY�at it �ould be better if' the westerlg l�00 feet were deeded to the V311age because then i� would be easier to construct access roads along the creek. Lgnch moved to reaffirm the actios of the Commission on January 11}, 1954� except t�.at the ��:�:lagbT, be permi�ted to acq�aire the westerlg 400 feet of the proper�G� fbr park purposes. Motion seconded b� Ewald, carried. Mr. Qgard presented � proposal for a ddition�l serv3ce drives along T.H. 55. Th3s was discussed b�iefl�, but .no ac�ion was taken. He also recomrQ.ended to the Commiss�on �he problem o� s�reet intersec�G3ons which are not at right angles, particularily the �.nteraection of �t. �roix, Dougl�.s, �3riv�, and proposed �i.lu�h Stree�. `�he Commission referred th�°.matter to the Highwa�rs Committee t'or stud�r. - i�eeting ad,�ourned at 11:25 P.M. ' Searetar�r Fresi en�