03-31-55 PC Minutes � special meeting , • GOLD�11i VAI.LEY VILLAGE PLANNINC� CONIl'�CSSION �cx 31, 1955 ' The meeting was called to order at 7:1�5 o�clock P.M. Ro11 Ca11: Those present were: Borchert, Raugland, Morton, LaBissoniere, � �wa1d, 1'u�n�n., Kost, Peterson, Hanson, and Loughland. ' Norris Ogard presented a request for a hardship waiver for Ro1�.nd L. �rickson for the north part of Lot 11�, Auditoi��s 5ub-Division 361. The request bc:ing to waiver side 1ot distances; on-the north side 1� f eet on the south side 2 feet, in order to keep his house in line with home� already built. A letter was presented from the surrounding neighbors (1�) stating no objections. Putnam made a motion to approve� the hardship waiver, seconded by Morton. Motion carried unanimously. _ Request for re-zoning the Homeland Addition was brvught forwa.rd and presented by Mr. Fie1d and Mr. Bobblett. Mr. Fie1d representing Hope Chest �o., stated thatthey wan�ted the southerly large paxt of this area- 380 ���t on the west, 600 f2et on the east, and approximately 5l�0 �'eet fronting on Wayzata Bovlevard-be re-zoned from open development to commercial for the purpose of erecting an office-warehouse fbr his husiness. The building to occupy the westerly half oz" the property, leaving the vacan.t easterly half for future sa1e. The northern portion of Homeland Addition would in the future be developed residentially. A drawing �ra.s presented. of the type o� building and the location on the 1ot. It is to be built of cement blocks with either briek faeing or paint on the west and south sides, suitably planted to present a neat appearance. H� stated that the nature of the business in this building t�rould be mostly wa.rehousing and office space. A1so that there �rould be a m�imum of 6 or 7 truck pick-ups and deliverys a day. No semi-trucks at a11, only sma11 delivery aazd express trucks. The office fo�ce would ccrosist of approximately 1�, people, with no n2ed fos any expans�ion seen � _ at a11. ' Mr. Law and N'ir. Robert Boyson �rere present re�present3ng the prq'pert�r owners in the imraediate area. Mr. Law spoke for the ma,�orit� of the residents, objecting �the to re-zoning proposal for the fo�.�:owing reasons: On the nor�h. side, the east side andthe south side a �r0ss the highway are nothing but homes� He felt that the re-zoning from open d�velopment to commercial would badly hurt the vaJ.ue of t ese propert3es, since the loca.tion is very desireable for resiclen ai1 area. Trucking of any kincl was not wanted traf�icwise so near a residential �.rea. He also added t1�.t on the west side of the roperty is a go1� cov.rse, whose r�,n.agement migh� o�i�ject to the �oropose • re-zoning. l�orris Oga.rd stated that along the golf eourse read, �ihich bo ds the � property on the west side is a private road, allowance should e made �or any futur� residential development. The property o�rn.ers s ould allaw 30 fee� for one-half of a road on their side. He added t at Hanley Road should be lengthened and a service road be constru �ced across the front vf the property. �`Yte c�v.estion w°a.s a��ed of Mr. Fie1d of what business would con ist of. � He said that 'it wou3d be ab5o1utely no retail trade, justii�.e pa,cking o� I ' I, �inens, silverware, etc., for direct. delivery to homes. He expects the bu�lding to cost between 120 and 150 tho�sand dollars. The size of the 1�uilding would run approxima.tely 13,000 square feet; 10,000 squaxe feet of wasehousing, 3,000 sc�uuare feet of office space. The qu�stion utas asked of Mr. Law if he thought th� adjacent property owners would object to any commercial use. He a�.swered that, for him- se1�, he would find no objection possibly, if there were no t�ucking � involved. The mee€ing wa� closed to the public and the commission retired to executi.ve sessien at 8:�0 o�clock P.M. Considerable discussion led to the re-reading by Kost of the minutes of the following meetings: September 1951�� October, 1951�; Ju1y 16, 1953; August 13, 1953; �ctober 8, 1953. This brought out th�.t this problem has been before the commission ma.n,y times before, and had been approved once, and subsequently turned down. �rald moved $ia.t the pr�posal to re- zone said property be o1.enied forthe following reasons: 1) the area is � bordered on two sides by residential properties, which have set the patte�n. 2) ther� is no evidence tl�.t the proposed re-zoning would result in any monetar�r bene�'it �o the village,. 3) that re-zoning this ' area would be '�5pot Zoning��. �.) the objections of the neighboring resident5. 5) That it deals with only a portion of �he original p1at, l�aving the remainder sti11 open development. Kost seconded. the motion. 1�fter more discussion it was desired that more information be obt�.ined astA th� economic bene�its to the village and to the school a:rea, �rhich . might hr�1p cl�.rify thr� situa��on for the objecting residents, It was recommended that the village assessor be contacted to give approximate ta.x valuations on residential as against this particular commercial building. Also to set up a meeting between the commission and the vill�ge council before the next regular meeting to d3scuss the assessorts � findings. Kost then withdrew his second and the motion died fo� lack of a second. Nor�is Ogard presented a new plat by Paul �nghauser for the subtdividing of Lot 18, Block 1, Westurban on the corner of Gold¢n Va11ey Road and Noble Avenue. LaBissoniere moved the plat be accepted, Putnam second.a;ng, ��;1�� motion carried unanimously. ' l�orris Ogard presented Wes Sjostad�s request for a hardship waiver on the corner of Valders and Plymouth Avenu2. It �ras referred to the ordinance committee for action. � Th� meeting adjo�rned at 11 :00 P.M.