04-14-55 PC Minutes � I APRIL 1J�th NLETING PLANAIING COMNIISSION The regular meeting of the Q�oZden Valle�r �lanning Commission was called to order at 8;10 P. M. �'hursday, April 14, 1955. Membeps p�esent were Erickson, Loughland,Lynch, Palmer, ��stnarn, Patterson, Rougland, La �issoniere-, Hanson, Ewa].d and �felz. � The minutes of the meetings of March 10 and March 31, 1955 �era read � an.d approvede Mr. Boblett again presented the request for rezoni. part of Homeland Addition to �oimnercial for the Hope Chest Gompan�.�See minutes of Nla�ch 31, z955). He informed the Commissionthat the portion of the building facing Wa�rzata Blvd. would be brick constructior�. The ' Hope �hest building would �ecupy the westerl�r portion of the property to be zoned �rith the hope that other suitable cormnercial buildin�; would occupy the Fasterly portion at some futnre date. This proposal �ras the most desireable �o the deaelopers; however, it was suggested that the �asterly portion of the property might be developed re- sidentially as a buffer between the Hope Chest building and existing homes. Mr. Boblett could no� assure the Comm3ssion that this would be acr_eptable to the developer. Mr. Boblett was asked whether other areas already zoned had been considered. He stated. tha� all the property along y��.�a.ta Blvd. had been looked into, but much of it was too high priced for this business. A considPrable number of residents living ad3aeent to the propert� in qu�stion were at th�.s meeting. Mr. �nyder, speaking for these people, stated that they �aere aga.i.nst commercial zoning of the propert�, or an�r pa�t of it. Mr. Law, a reslident in the area spake against the proposal of zon3.ng onl� � sma11 area for the Hope �hest Building and the remainder of the propert�r residential. The homes to the east would �ace the sid� wa.11 of the ba3.lding which wat�l.d be concrete block and unattractive. Th.e � homes which would be buil� under these circvmstances would probably be low cost; and, more likely, the lots would remain vacarzt for a long time; and no re�idential baffer zone w ould develope. He also pointed out that it would be difficult to make a good residential pla,t out of the propert� east of the commercial b uilding. Mrs. B�mtree, who liees in the vicinity� said that a number of people stop in the neighborhood and ask whether home sites are ava3lable on this propert�. It was her opinion that, if the property were b�atted, homes would be be�.ilt very soon. Rougland read a letter from Mr. Pinch� Village �ssessor, regaxding the ta�c return from the propert�r if it were developed residential as against a combination of commercaial and re�3dent��1.. �7 Several naw residents in �he a�ea obj�eted to the groposed zoning a.nd stated that they would not have located in the area had thera been a comme�eial zone as proposed. �rald infromed the Commission that the Brookv3.e� (�olf Coub would also be opposed the commercial development in the area. Patterson stated that in view of the proposal for reZOning as presentec� being non-reconsilable to the property owners; and the sma11 ba����,gv proposed being not significant enough 3n vie�r of the ob�ection �� -���se ad�acent propety owners; and spot zoning; he therefore moved that the request for rezoning be refer�ed unfavorabl� to the Council. S�conded by Rougland, carried. Mr. Fred Jones appeared regarding the plot of Hampshire Oaks 2nd Ad.3ition. Za Bissoniere reported that the Plat Committee rec�mmended acceptanee of the plat as presented and �o moved. Seconded b�r Ewa1d, carried. Mr. Mylan and Mr. Engle, neighbors of Dr. Shirnek, asked for information regarding the waiver re�uested by Dr. Shimek. They were informed af the coaditiorys and aetior� of the Commi.ssion to date. Mr. Bromschwig, 310 Hanley F�oad appeared to reqaest a 3 foot waa.ver on hi-g fx�ont �as'd c���,x�ance for an add�:t�on to his present home. The waiver would permit the front o� the new addition to be 32 feet from th.e �ront lot 13ne. Mrs. Noer, neighbor, stated that there were no objections. Lynch moeed that the waiver be granted. S�conded by Putri.am, c�rried. Mr. R. E. Olson appeared to request a side lot waiver to permit building a home to within 25 fee� o� his north lot line,(�'l.gmoath �reenuej. The 1ot 3s Iocated �t the �outheast corner of the intersection of Pl�mouth an� Valders Avenaes with an 80 foot frontage on Valders. Mr. Olson proposes to construct a !�0 foot home facing Valders, maintaining a 15 foot side'elearance from the �Sou�h lot line. Th€�re are no homes to the east which face on Plymouth and there now is a garage to the east which is only 15 feet from P�ymouth. Hanson had viewed the propert� and mosed �hat the waiver be grarated as the house proposed cort�o��ns in other rospeets with homes in the neighborhood, lin�ng up wi.th those . facing Valders. Grant3n�o� this wa3ve� is made on the basis of the circvmsta=nces peculiar to tj}�� lot and location and does not constitnte a precedent re�arding waiqers on 80 foot lots. Se conded b� Lyneh, carried. The Village Engineer d3scussed the proposed improvement of County Boad # 18. Ae suggested tha,t the Planning Comznission consider setbacks along Count�r �toad #� 18. The possibility of commercial developrnent along this road from the Telephone building north to Plymouth �venue was also discussed. The members of the Zoning Cornrnittee were advised to review this propert� £or possible rezoning. Meeting ad�ourned at 10:30 P. M. • . �� �� � �e�� . , � � � -