05-12-55 PC Minutes ��
MEETC11� OF MAY 12, i955
�he regu7.ar mesting of the Golden Falle�r Flanni.ng �ommission was called to
order at 8:00 P.M., Thursda�, l�a�r �2, 1955. N�embers present weres �Loughland,
Lynch� Put�am.s Patterson, Bauglarsd� Peterson, Hanson, Velz and �a Bissoniere.
P2r. P�ul Enghauser p�esented a preliminarar plat oP the praperty l�own as the°
Sorenso.� farm located on the west side of T. H. 100' north of the State gra�rel
pit and egtending into Crystal� there being abo�.t 5� acrss i.n Golden Valley
ar�d 20 acr+es in C�rstal. He informed the Co�a�.ssion that he had ai�tempted to
get the Cx�rstal Council to detach the 20�acres so that the eatire plat �0uld
be in Golden �Talleg but his r8quest was refused. Za Bissoni.ere reported �hat
� the Plat Co�mri.ttee had viewed the property ancl thought th�t the plat was gert-
erall� satisfactory with few exceptions. It was st�ggested that a eonnecting
street be insertad betwesn �ax�e and Brookridg.e A�enues and that the e�trance
to the park area so�.th of the plet be made �3.der to permit more latitude in
loeat,i�g the road in this area. Several of the interior stx�eets on tt�e plat
were indicat�d as 5� ft. width rather than 60 ft. Mr.Enghauser sa3d that he
could not move closer to �he creek to give add3.tional street �.dth vaithou�
�eopardiz�ng the aPailable building area on the ad3oirLi.rig lots. A1.so the
50 ft str�ets were not through streets; bnt, in his opinion should be con- �
sidered secondary residential straets. He a].so indicated �hat the sng-
gested connecting street �ould be placed 3ust oa the Cr�stal side of the
Golden 9alle� - Cx�stal line. �
�a Bissoniere moved that t�� pla-t be given prel3.minary apprc��al pro�ided that
s, connecting street be inserted betwe�n Zane and Brookridge Avenues on the
Czystal side of th.e Golden �'alley - Cr�stal bounc�rsr; and that the entrance
tu the �'illage park area to the sonth be made wide�, also, the 50 ft. st�et,s
(all interior streets exeept Westbrr�ook) be accept�d because o� the slepe ,
problems couneeted u�ith tt�s property and becau�se the 50 ft. streets are not
thru, streets� but serve onl� the iateri.or par�s< of the plat: This act3on
is aot intended to set a precedent as to street wi.dths.
Seconded by Velz� carried. �
�- .
P�r. NetZarid and Mr. Whitman appeared to diseuss oQerall tioning in the �Tillage
aiid stxgges�t �a changes in the''Zoni.aag Ord3nan.ce:
- 1. Amend the Zoning (7rdinance so as to require �.0� of the affected
r�sider3.tial owners to �oin in any petition for a hearing on
rezoni.ng. -
2. Restudy the Tfillage Master Plan and a dopt such a plan �in the
Zo� Ofidinance so that it can b e relied on b� the present and ,
futvre home owners.
The�r stated that the purpose o� their discussion was to get the so].ution
of zonin.g pra3bl�m gtc�rt�d. By adoptir� the aboge snggestions� tb.e nc� and
old residenics and developers would have some proteetion against undes3rle-
abl� rezoning near residential. areas.
Lyrich moved that t�ie Ordin�nce Co�nittee studg the a bove suggestions for
rezoai.ng procedure and that the Zoa3x�g �omm3.ttee make a restud�r of areas
� in the �illage which �.i.ght be suitable for rezoning. These coauri3.ttees to
report to the Co�uni�sion at the next, regular mee�ing, Seconrled by Lougb-
land� carried.
1�1r. Nason appeared t;c� present a proposed plat af proper�y owned b� Messrs. .
Beisang, England, �ohnson, Olson_ a� Sweeney, b�:i.ng north of Gol.den Va11ey
Road and Wes� of Bassett,s Creek. ihe pr�per�� is quifi.e billy and preseats a
serious prablerm 3n pl�tting atreets witt�out ha�.ag excessive grades. T�e
proposed streets have grades up to 10�. The qusstion of inclading in the
plat the pr�pert�r indicated for the Mormon church was raised.
La Bisson3.ere moved that the plat be referr�d to the Plat Connnittee for
study aa�d that the problem of whether or not the �ort�om chu.rch area should
be �.ncluded in the plat b� referred to tk�e Zo� �omm��tee. Secanded �
b� Lynch, earr3.ed..
Lo�agb].and ttaen moved that the Pla-t and Zoning C�.�tes be authox�i.zed te aet
for the �onueission on the preliminarg approval of the plat af'ter conferrir�g
Taith Mr. Nasoa and associates and the �illage Engineer. Seconded b.y Pete�son,
carried. '
Dr. 3himek presen�ed a proposed la�ut of a home arr� his propert�r sottth of
, his present home. The layout sho�ed the house placed up to the back � lot
li.ne �.th overhang on ��ie highuta�r propert�. The Cc�naa3ssion suggested that
Dr, SYiimek contaet the High�ay �ept. abo�.t ab-�a3.�i.�g a s�ri.p of propert�r
a3.ong the west 1ot line ia ord�� �o provide more rear lot clea.rance.
P�rr. W. H. Schaper and F�Ir. Baile�r appeax�ed to request rezoA'LI� of proper��r
east ar�d north of the White House to permit the cons�ruction and operation of
a pla.s-Gics i.ndustr�r, Loughland read a le�;ter from �r. Schaper, addressed to
the Ma�or of Golden Valle�r and dated Ntay 1�, i955, in which it was poin�ted out
that the propert� i� now �oned Commereir�]., that the proposed indu.str� involved
20 H. P. motors and� if Industrial zoning wonld be ne�essary� change of tione
was reqnested. �, sketch of the proposed bm.lding was presen-t�d and ti�e �om=
mi.ssion �ras assurred that there �rould be no noi.�e� �3.brations or ofPensive . �
odors connected �ith the indt�str�r.
Roberta Hostetler, representing the TnThites who o�m prc>pertynor�h of the R.R.
tracks, appeared regarding the present a�ce$s road throngh the pi°operty in
question. T�ey� had no obj�ection to �che rezoning but wanted a �solntion to
the road problem. The present road easement bei.ng �rer� narro�r. The� reques-
ted that a 60 ft. street be prov3ded from 6th Ave. N'orth to the Rmilroad ,
traeks. �r. Schaper indicated that he would be �a3.11ing to have this probler�
stiudied. It �ras pointed out that thers is a piece of 60 �t road alread�
leadirig north from 6th Avenue.
�1 �
Mr. Loughland moved that parcels 6050, 6065, 607s� 6080 and 6100 of Plat
35719 be reco�nanded to the Conr�eil for rezoning to Industria�l. provided that
the Schaper l�.fg. Ca., Inc. provide for the extension of a road f�unning
uor'therl� about tt�rough the eenter of the property from dth Ave. N� t� the
north bo�andar�r at a Iocation suita�63-e�#.o the Village Engineex� and the �ouncil;
�his road to be a 60 ft. public street.\ ��eeonded b� La Bisss�ffi.ers, carried.
L[r. Ed. White presented a proposed plat of his propert�r. L�ch moved that the
pla� be referred to the Plat �ommittee for stud�r and repox� at the next meeting,
taking in�F,o considerat3oA the action on the Sel�a�r proper-ty regarding the
aecess road. Seconded by �oughland, carried.
Mr. Mc Dan3.els and P�1r. �ar� appeared to request zor�.ng to permit eonstruction
of a l�orthern States Po�rer sub-station in the Village gravel pit area ad�aeent
to Wiru�e�ka A�e. �he area proposed was l�00 ft. by Zt00 ft. Mr. Lou.ghland
info�med the C�nissioa that he would not vote on this question because of
his past association �rith N'orthern States Power. Felz asked whether the su6- �
sta�ion could be mo�red back from �innetka ave. eno�gh to pc�z�nit other develop-
ment along the straet frontage. He was advised that it �rould cause considerabls
additional cost because of the additional length of txnderg�ound cable �hich
would be needed between the snbstation and Winnetka. Patterson pointed out
the the past history on attempts to rezone this particular property. �he
Village Engineer advised that all the available graeel in tlti.s area wi.11 be
. rieeded to repair stx°eets being torn up b� sewer constreiction. There was
considerable discussion regarding other possible loeations.
�r. L�neh m�aed �hat Northern States Pawer tx�r to find an alternate loeation
3.n �he same vicini.ty. Seconded b�r Putnam, carried.
NLr. Nasoa and the Village Engineer reported that attempts to compromise with
se�eral propert� owa�ers iu tta.e Yale Garrlen Iiomes area had not materi.alized
� and appeared l�opeless. �r. Nason reviewed the va�i.ous plans which had been
prssented to the proper�y�°owners. He then offer�d plats w�3.ch �ould ade-
� quately solve the probl� but would require conder+�na�ion.
�r, Loughland moved that the �ommission reco�nend to the �oar�.cil ti�at the
plats ofF'ered by Mr. Nason be aecepted� notwithstanding that some condemna-
' tion Taill be involved, Seconded b�r Patterson, Garried. The Commi.ssion was
adviserl by �oughZand that Borchert would prepare a repor� on the Yale Garden
Aomes negotiations.
�eeting adjot�rned at 12s25 A. M. �
; �.
ecr�taxy -
resident �