06-09-55 PC Minutes 10� aolden Valley Plan,ning Gomma..ssion F�i.nntes of the l�Ieeti�g of June 9, 1955 The regular meeting of the �olden �Ta11ey Plannir�g Commi�sion was ealled to order at $:10 P.Ni., �hur�da�r, Jvne 9� i955. �ernbers present �ere I,�nch, Borcher�� P`u�mam� Patterson, La His�Qnier�, �.nsAn' Mor�ona E�,r�7.da Kost and Velz, Th� r��.te� of �Iag 12th w�re r�ad and approved. . :t�lr. �av�npo�� p�ese�ted a �eqt�est fc�r the vacat3.on of Indiana �vern�,g for the M3nn.eapola.s, I�orth�ield and Southepa �a.ilrmad. The pmr�ion involved li�s b��+reen 8th. Aven�.e ATorth arad the 1�3.n.neapolis, Nor�hi`Y�ld, Sou�hern � Railroad �3.ght-of-wa�' r�a3.th the ad�oini.ng property beix� owneci b� �he railroad. Th� secratary read a letter from the 1�3.raneapolis, I�orthfield, and Son�herrs Railroad, dated June 3, 1955 and addressed to the Bi7lage Co�xt�31, requesting this �vaeation for �.he reason that it serves r�o public �oneenieAee and is ha�ardous for pnblic use as there is ingress and egress onto and a�rc�ss railrpad �rard tracks whieh would be eli�.na�ed if �he peti�ion we�e gsanted. Dis�us�sion involved the questions of wh�ther pro- per �arr�ng signs �ould adequately protect �he publi.c and pgr���nt p�ople from driving acro�s the tracks and also wheth�r it would be �rise to vacate thi� street as it could ser�e as sece�s to the park and railroad proper�y nortk� of the t�racks. The railroad no�r maintair� a erossing for �heir o�n �.s� at this poiat. Putnarn moved that the Commission x�scommend that the Couneil consider �acatioa of thc� porti�n of Indiana gven�e north of 8th Aqenue North since i� prov:i.des no aecess to property north of �he ttrac�s other -�hati railx�oad property'bu� the 9'illage shou].d r�tain an easement for �e�er, �aater, po�r�r or othe� p�blic utilities. Seoonded b� Mo�on,, carried �tit� t�o dis�enting �rotes. T�iose dissenting thought that this matter sho�l.d be stv.died further in relat3on to access to the park propert� �o the nor�h. I�r. �oblett appea�ed, for an undi�closed elient, to reques� rezom.ng to , Ir�d�.strial appro�i.matel� 100 acres lying �sastr��if Lake�lew Hei�h-�s Addition. Tl�e propert�r runs frm� tt�e Nli.nrieapolis� North�ield & Sou�hern traeks �or�h �o £�arl �tre�t ex��nded and from �'1.ag �vertue North, east to Boone �ven�.e Nax�h ex-�er�cled. T�ie request incl.uded three items: 1,.� �rrnnercial �oni„ng as defined in the Mag 3, 1938 zo�.3x�g o1^dinance. 2. Eli�ni.nation mf a� restrietion or� th� heiglat of b�ildi�s. � 3• �hat researoh laboratories and pilot plant operations incidental thereto be established as a permitted �,se of th� pro�er��r. �. Boblett addviised the Co�nission that eveatuall� 8 to �:0 b�.ldings would be �rected at a eost of over 10 million dollars re�embling a college cau�p�s; the initial building to cost about 2 million dollars arxl ineolve 300 emplo�ees; the ext�riors of the building would be brick or �ore expen- siee materials; sew�rage disposal and watep supply wocal.d be provided for pri�aatel�r;trackage woulc� be required for a 3-car spo�; grov.rid contour� �.o� wor.�7_d be chang�d verar little; buildings wom7.d probably be t�to �tories ar�d basement; and that he held a 90 da�r optioa on the propert�. During the � discussion' it was pointed out th�t Boane A�enue shonld be extended along the eas� �ide of the propex� becanse the proper�y to the east is being platted� and tha� possibl� Ih�luth S�reet shou].d be exter�ded throngh th� propert�, also that the large nv�nber of emplo�ees, eeentually about I,��O, � pl�ts trucking, wo�].d make it ne�essarsr i-,o do sonside�able str�et impro�e- �at in t�,is �rea of �he �illage aver and above �rhat mi.ght b�: rec�uired �or residential nse and the industr� shoia].d probably be assessed for �. la�rg� por�ion of sueh costs. A nt�er of ques�ions were a�k�d b�r tf�e �o�ni.ssio�a members whieh i�e �obblet� could not ans�rer at this time. �resideza� Borehert es11� a special meeting of �he Planr�ing �o�unission on Sat�rday, J�a.ne 18th, at 8=00 A.M. to be held on t�ie proper�y to consider this request. �r. Bvb�lett was invi.ted to attend tlai,s meeting and was asked �o #�a,rnishas much addi�ional infoa°ma�ion as possible at that time. �. �Ii.kan appeared to agair� present a request for re�oning the Enoch Ariderson propert�* at the s. W, eorner og T. H. 1� and �'caldex� galley $oad �o per�it ereetio� of,a filling st�tion. � ��iowed a �ke�ch a�ad piazs� �or the proposed stat3on. Th3� reque�� invol�ed only �r, Ar�derson's property plus an easement on �he �ain� proper�� t,o the ��st for a d�i�ae- �a�re It was pointed out to l+�r. M3.I�an �hat the g�lan� sho�ed the �tatioa building 5 feet from the south lot line which wo�.].d not be adequate el�aranee 5ince the propert� �o tohe south was resideatial. �he previous his-torr�rr of this request �ras reviev�ed b� referring to tP�e miuutes of previ-. o�as meetiags which are outlined as �ollows: Octaber 8, 1953s A�Ir. Ax�derson pres�n�ed first request for rezordng. Advised area of lot cansidered too smaZl if se�baek from �. �. 100 and f'�t�a.a°e n�eds for �ri.derl3.ng �olden �a]1ey Road wer� �onsidered, referred to Zonirig �0�ai�tee. �tosember 12� 1953: �Lr. A�clerscan appear�d to dise�.ss f�� req�e�t, deferred for consideration at N'ov�mber special m�eting. (�a action takert at speeial . meeting). Dea�er 10, 1953: �r. �nde�on appeared; �a� advised tha� wai�ers would be needed for filling s�a-tion du� to ].ot size and station would create traffie hazard at this i ntersection. �Tillage Trus�ee �ans �eiss reviewed the historS► of the ezi�ting commerrcisl de�elopment oa the N. W. cornex� of this intersection. i�lotic�tt made that request b� dem�.���?a aarried. Ma� 13' 195Lt: �r. �nderson aga3n request�d r�zon3..n.g and pr�sented plan pr�pared b�r �ta�dard �il Go. Z� �ras moved that Mr. �rriderson�s lot be rezoned to Gomrre�aity Store for the sole purpose o� a ga� statioa e� pra- . posed b� I�lrr. Anderson aad that the dra�in� presented b� attached a� par� of this reco�runendation. Motioa carried� 8 for, 3 against� �ro not eoting. Februar� 10� 19�5: �r. Anderson's request for re�ning had come up again. and �ha Zor�ng o�+nttee had again �eiwed the p roper� and considered the • reque�t. Kost, report,ing for the �onmattee, informed the �om¢ni,ssion �hat �he Anderson, Dorr�anen and Ra:i.n� properties we�e no� irivc�lved; and, du� to � tl�e increased �itie in �he pre�per��, the setba�k fror� �. H. 100 required. oz� other parc�l� aiong �. H. 100 �hould not be rel�ed in th3s case; therefore' recommended �hat th� request b e denied. �r. g�.derso�, �r. �ikata. ��� and �r. �alberg of �oeong �acuinn were present and proposed a drug store on the Dormanen propertg in addi�ion to a filling station on the corner. A �nember� of re�ident� of the area were present and objee�ed to the rezoni.ng , be�aa.se Qf traffic hazard and devaluation of their pr operty� t�ro petitions , being present�d. It was moved that tY�e r eque�� for rezoni.ng be d�r�ied an�d th� Planning G�om�.ssioa, recomraend to the Cm�n,cil that no f�ture re�oning be done at th� Jvnction of T. H. �.f� amd Golder� galley �ad. This motion � earried. � After so�; disaa�siv� reg�rding this matter, Hanson moved that th� :Plan- n3.n� Go�n3.ssi.on reeam�nd to the Couneil tha� t�ie reques� foF rezoari.ng as p�e�entsd be deni.eal for the reasons that the lot area is no� large eno�.�h �o pe�mit �onstruc�ion o.� the proposed station withont waivers, that i� would create a �aa-�'fic l�azard �t the intersec�3on of T.. H. 100 and Golden Valley Boad, that the policy of setback from T. H. 100 would have to be waived in this a�.se� that 3.t wo�al.d be �spot� zonj.ng �hich wowld have �rex� �;�tEd possible expaa�ion, th�� i°t may set a preeedan� for re2on3.ng mther cornsrs o£ this or othe� ma�or intersections� and tha� tha �eax�b� residen- tia]. propert�r ovmers s�rongl� ob�ec� to the �e�oning. Se�onded b� Kost� carried, l�r. Pe-�e� �],sen appeared to presen� a proposed plat of h3.s pro e�t� at the S. W. Cor�.er of Glenwood Aven�e and T. H. �5. The �3.1]a ge �ngine�r advised tha� the �fil.lage 3s i� the proc�ss df negotiatin� for sesv�.c� road� along �. H. 55 in this ares. It was qnestioned whether �he con- strueiom of serarice drives �rould affect the plat and also whether �he plat �ould af�e�t aecess to prope�G� to the west. .�f�F,er considerable ciisc�.s- sion� I,a Bissoniere moved that the plat be reao�nended for approeal a� presentea provicled -�ha� a�,,y� house plaeed on Lot 1 be Iocated on the �outherl� portion of �he lot so that it would be po�sible to construet a �er�ice drive ae�oss the north portion of Lot 1 should it be desire- - , a�le to do so in the fu�ure. Seconded b�r Palmers earried. �ir. A. T�T. �eu�i� app�;ared �egarding the �I: _���;. t�o: req�est for hard- ship �aiver on Lot 20, Blk. 19, �innetka Add. to permit constructioa of a house to w�.tYun 6 feet of the So�.th lot line and 2� fe�t from Phoe�;$ Street. Af�er discussio�, Putnam moeed that the Ni & L �o. request for wai�er be grantved provided the2house be placed 35 �e�t from Sut+r�er A�e�e, 20 feet from Phoenix St. and ].1�. ft. from the south lot_lise; a.r� sub�ee-� • �o inspec-�ion of the neighborhvod b�r the �illage Engineer to see�that this would ereates�no serious co�fl3e�s �rith the g��.eral. developr�.ent of the area. Secorxied by Ko�t, carried. ARr. C. E. Coulter apgear�d to present a proposed plat of the Wines propert� lying east of Noble �ge. and nor'th of �olden galleg Road. P�,�er moe�d �hat the plat be referred to the Pl�t �o�nitte�. Seconded b� Putnam, carried, r � . Mr. M� T?an.iels and �r. �ards represent3ng N. �. P., appeared to discuss othe� possible loeations for tl� proposed sub-station (see minutes of 1�ay 12, 195��. They adtirised the �ommission that no other suitable site r�a� fo�:td and, to moee back from �innetka, would cost �.5 �0 50 thonsand dollars for underground condu.3.t. The Gr�mmission �as against permitting the sub- s�atian to be placed ia� the 9'illag� gravel pit area b�cause these 2(} aeres ���� are the l�st large pareel of prop�rt� owned b� the �illage which i� aeail�ble for f'�.ture use as a civie eenter o� othep gillage b�3.ldings. The eonstrrc�..ction o� the �ub-�tatio� as proposed would prac-�ically eli�i- nate such futcire development at thi.s location and might require t�e �illage tv mal�e ara expea�e�e land acq�l.sil�3.o� in the future. After con- �iderable di�c�sian, Lyneh mov�d that' ia view of the information at hand, the N. S. P. request be den3ed and °�hat Nor�hez°az States Power lovk for another loeation. Seeonded bg Pe�itr�a�� carried. Patterson then mo�ed that the chairman expre$s the eie�rs of the ca�►urd�sio� �ore f�11� in� a � 1��ter to the �o�anc31. S��or�d�d by �ostD carriede Mr. Field appeared r�garding re�oning for the Hopechest building. FI� advised the �orr�ission �ha� he was ao�r requesting T'@�OT11I7� fOT onl� the 3 acres �pon which the b�ilding wo�.ld be placed, and the re�sining pa°o- per�y woia].d be platted and home,� bmilt on some of the Zots at �he sam� time or prior to construction of the Hopechest buildir�. �e would obtain a firm carmrd�tment from son� home b�.ilder to eonstruct home� am-:�a.]1 ].l�. lot� e�rentua]1y' thereby ereatia�g a re�idential ba.ffer �on� be�een the Hmp�ehes��� building aad e�Lsting resident�,al propert�. Cha3r�a Borc.��r� s�zgge�i�d tha� aetion be deferr�d temporaril�r until repor�s by the �oning and rdinane� Co�tte�a� � z�equested last month �aere heard. l�r. and �'rs. Ed. �.i.t� appeared regardiaig th� plat of their �rop�rt� bo�- dering �reeney La�e. La Bi�soniere� reporti�g for the P1at ommi.�tae� pointed out that the area of odd shaped lots was not shown on the plat and that there �aas no park area prpvided. It wa� the Qpiriion of the �offi- �ii.ttee that a park area should be provi.ded w�ich would provide aaeess to Swe�ney Lake from the Park proper�y to t�e Eas�. �he qu�stion of shc�wir� outlo�s i� plats �ras also di5eussed' there being ts,�o in the '�`hi�e plat. I� was suggested to the �hite� that t�he plot be revi.sed to elim.i.nate the o�tlots �nd �tend th� road tlare�.gh a grea�er portion of the area indicated as �u�lot A, prov3.d� par�s area along a por-�ion of thi� raad �d�a- , cent tfl the ].ake, and r€de�a.gnate the remaibing portion of Outlot A as a definate lot even though it i� not bui.ldable at this time. �iThen these ' snggestions are eomplied �th theyr �ay reb�t�Ad.t the3.r plat for �.ddi�ional consideration. Mr. �.'ract a�peared t�o present a revised plat of Part of Govt. Lot 2, Sec. !t 2. 117� R. 21. The reason for r�evising the plat �aas that F. H. A. Ioans eould not be flbtained on t�e original proposed plat. This property �.s not very large and PP�rr. �raet �as asked Tahether �r not he could get ad�aeen� pro- per��* awners to �oin hia� in plattirag. �e said that he wonld favor this idea but he has not been able to get the other owners to agree. A.Eter consider- abl� disc�zssion regarding the indu,str3al property to the south, the future p�ans for Laurel Av�nue an.d the existiag undergroc�nd stor� sew�r knc�,m as �, Judicial Diteh' it was suggested to Mr. �'rae� to Ye�ri.se his plat to p�- vide for a !�0 �t. street plus a 10 ft. ease�ent for the diteh along the � . . south boundrg of his property and make adeq�.ate provision for a temporary turn-arou�d in tbis $ame area. Chairman Borchert called forzeports b�r the Zoning and �rdin�ce �'o�runi.ttees as i°equested last month on the s�.ggestions of 1�Ir, Hetland and �r. Whitman. �o� �'r. �ost reported that he had been out of to�m and �as not at t�,e last m���ing sca no action had been taken b�r h3s 6ummittee. There also was n� repo� bg the Ordinanee Com�ttee. The lack of these reports preeluded t'�.rther action o� the Hopech�st matter. La B3s�soniere reported on the Biesang, England' Johnsan, �lsoa and �eenep pla�t. He inforrrseecl the Go�ssion t�t the �at Comraa.ttee gave prelimin- ary app-roval of �he p1at; and, on 'the a�v-ise o� the Village Attorney, -che . churcls propert�- would be excluded from the plat. He also advised th�t, aft�r discussion �,rith the Village Engine�r, i-t was decided not to use Alteraiat� Road A. �eet3.r�g ad�ou.an.ed at 1:10 A.M. ecretarg residen �,