06-18-55 PC Minutes ���
SPECIAL I+'�E�I�T(3� flF JiT1�E 18� �955
A �pecial mee�3ng oP the �olden Valle� Plann3.ng �o�iss3on was held at
8:15 A.M. or� d�.ne 18' i955 at P1�.outh and Flag Avenue. �ember� presen�
�reres La Bissoniere� Kost, Rau�l�nd, Putnam, Borchert� Ewald, Petersan �
L�ch, Patter�on, Morton, Erickson and Vel�. _:-
A9r. Pinch, �illage �ssessor� was present. Mr, Boblett and �r. A�1vin l�ooty,
representing the petitioners� also attended.
� The g�oup v�..��r�d the praper��, appro�ima�el� 106 acres l�ing ea�t�rl� of
Lakevi.ew I3eights Add. �rhieh �as prespo�ed as the fut�.re lc�ea�io� of a
research c��rater and pilot plant at the 3ast regula� �aeeting. Mr. Boblett
ad�rised the Co�unissior� that he ti�s still not free te disclose the na�nae
of the compar�p invole��d. He did reafirm the information given at �he last
mee�;ing but had little more to �dd.
Discuss3on in�laided the problems of traffic thx�. adjac�nt area.s' s�r��t�
thru �d aroun.d �l�e prvperty and the resta�ietioa on heights of b�.i1.d3.rrg�.
It was�opiriimn c�f the �ommi�siou tha� the logical t��:r�eet3on o�t raffi� �le�t
from the prmposed development rao�ld be to Cour�ty �oad 18 and tha� the plans
f0r the developmen� should be made wi.tka this in m3nd. Regarding streets�
P�r. Boblett advised tha� �liere �ould be no ob�ectio�s to dedicati.ra� land for
streets along the perimeter of the propert�� bu� i� would be undersireabl�
to have s-�reet� go3ng thr��ithe prop�rty. Eagardi.ng height of buildings,
the petition requests �h�t thes�e be no restrict3.o� on height of buildin�s.
When agked r�h� this requ�st �as �ade� Mr. Boblett said �ha� there wex�e ao
� immedi�te pl ans for b�.ildings hi�her than 2 0� 3 stor3.es; but, �o�e time
in t�.e fi�.t�e, a to�rrer or higher building might be n�cessar�. It �as the
opinion of �he �o�unis�ion that a restrict3on on �he he3ght of bui.Idings in
this are�. �hould be set at so� reasonable fi�a.re �rhieh would be acceptable
ta �h� Compan� aa�d the V311age. B�r.��ch action, the new ordinanee probably
. �rovld be in le�s 3eopard� than if no res�Griction �as set. It was felt that
thi.s problem should be �aken np �r3.th the �i]lage .Attvrne�.
Mr. Boblett indi�eted that if the request for �oning was appro�ed, the
�ompany �ould begin preparation of plana w3th �he first b�.ildin� schedtaled
fQr construetion very soon. The r�mainder of the dev�lopmen� would be on a
5 �ear plan and �oul.d involve 10 to 12 buildings at a total. cost of 15 to 20
millio8 dollars. Building� would be of the colleg� campu� typ� with exte�iors
of brick� stainless steel and glass. H�s reaFfis�med h3.s estimate that niti-
� mate �mplo��nt �rould be abomt l,000.
So�� �oved that the petition bg �ir. �obert Bobl�tt to have rezoned tea Indus-
�rial eategory for the speeific use of a re�eareh e�:nter and pi1o� plant
operations the approximatel� 1E36 acr�s deseribed a� fo]1ows:
The bTor�k� 22 aere� af the NE�. Sf� 49 Se�. 30' T 118� � 213
The S2. SE�. �T4, Se�. 30, T. 118, R 21, exeept -�he 1Vorth
3 aere� of the East 53 1/3 rods thereof;
�11 �hat part of the NE4, �inT�. S�� 31, �.118, �t. 21, lyifig
FJortt� of �l�e northea°ly 13ne of R,f�1' of the Elect3.a�� Sho�°�
Line �3. �, as said R. R. R�ght-a Wa�r i� now locate�, �b-
�ec� to road eas�ment conveyed to the gillage of Goldan
�s:lle� over part of the pr�:n�i��s by deed filed as Dac�nent '
�o. ?69657 in the office of Register of Deeds� Hennepim
�'Z1C3 �v''}�'4' `l�4f `�@f3 3�' Z°• 1.1.8� �� �ls
Go�encing at the �aarth�rest �02'Y1@P flf �south 18 acres of
t�lE�' S`�T43 thexice So�.th to a point l.�18 f�set l�ox�th fro� �h�
S6d. corner �hereof; thenee East 118 feet; thenee So�.�h 209
�eet; thence So�th 209 feet t� the ���.th line of the RTE4,
S'6d4; the�ce east to s�ztheast corner thereo£; thenee �os°th •.
tm n.ortheast corner of south 113 ae�°es of NE4J SW,�-�; thence .
w�st to beginning.
be gran�ed s�v.b�ect �o the fe�llc�ring:
l.. Trafficr �esig� for maximum tr�ffi� f'lc>�a ta�aarcl Co�nt� . -
o�ad 1-$.
2, Height of Buildings: Hei�ht r�striction to be maintained
at a reasonable gigure so a s r�ot to 3eopordize the a�r
3. Perimeter dedieation for streetss On those portioa� of ,
the property abut�ing Fla�, Hoone and �arl ex�end�d�
th�re shall be a !�0 foot width dedicated for stree� �
Se�onded b�r �a1d� carried.
Meeting �d�ourned at 9:35 �.1�.
re�i �snt
�,ro �'�titio�.s submitted to the Secretary bg ��. Boblett were turned '
, in �o the Village Office for submittal to the Village �ouneil.