07-14-55 PC Minutes 1 � � QrOLDEN �ALLEY PLANNIN� COMt��ISSION Mianu�es �f Meeting o� July ].�., 1955 The regular meeting vf �he Qvlden va71e� Plann3�g ��.s�ion was ca11�d to urde�r at $:10 P.M., Th�zrsda�, J�1.� 1l�., 1955. �mbers present were: Loughland, ��h� Borche�� Putnam' Patterson, Raugland� Pe-�ersons La Bissoniere, Ko�t and 9elz. . The Mintz�es of dune 9th and June 18th �er� read and appro�red. Kos� reported that the �onirig �om�nittee had re�iewed the �eq�.est of' tMe �if'� �"` Hon.�e Stamp �o. for �ezoning of the �tieber pxropex°�� located ,sough of '�. H. 55 and abot�.t 2000 feet ea,st of Couneg Road 18. 2he compang interids �o erect an. offie�' and warehou.se for storage and distribution o� premiums. The t�rro ad�a- eent property owners, Ayer and Hus3.nger, �ronld not ob��et .to the rezoning i� theip proper�ies were also rezoned industrial. Kost r�ported that the �oning �om�.i.�tee reeommended that the thr8e properties berezoned industrial. gelz questioned the advisability c�f starting a strip industrial zone smu�k� of �•A• 55 �.thout consideration of the ad�aeent prapert� and its possible futare � de�elopment. He poir�ted out that T. H. 55 no� provides an adequate divider �be�een the oonunercia�l development� on the noz°th side of T. H. 55 and the � property to the south of the highway where residential development alr8ad�r exi�t� in, the Molan .�ddition. Borchert also expressed a disl3.ke for stri.p zoning arad pointed oat that Golden Valle� i� in the enviable po�ition of being a desireable locatioar for very high-class industr3.al deQelopment and shonld not be in ar�r hurry abont eneouragi.ng small indn.stries �o lo�ate here' �spec- iallyr 3n open development areas. Lynch moved that the Planning commi.ssion reco�mend to the �ottneil that the �yer, Stieber and Hus3nger propert3es � l�ing south of �. H. 55 between �o�nty R�ad 18 ar�d Molans �ddition be re�oned industr3al as re�ommended b� the Zon3ng �o�nittee. second�d b� Loughlandi carried. Dela voting NO for the reasons noted above and that �ery little infoxmnation r�garding the t�rpe of building and its location o� the proper�y were pp�sented to the Gortunission. l�r. l�kacki app�ared to reque�t rezoning of hi� propert�r at the �ta.nction o� �. H. 100 and �len�,rood ��enue to permit cons�ruetion of an 8 family �,pa�tmeat facing �. H. 10�. Longhland moved that t�his mat�er be referred to the �oniag �o�nittee. Seeonded bJr Raughland� carried. P�.tnam requested Mr. Relc�icki to prov�.de the �ommi.ttee �r3.th a sketch of the pxropo5ed devel.opment. �Ir. Wayne Went�orth�� req�.est for �aaiaer wa� de�erred as he �ras not �mres��.�. �i.r. �enneth �'e.atrand appeared to request a waiver on side lot elearance ta � permit erection of a house l�.2 fee� long plas a l� foat �arage. Due �o the irregt�.l.ar shaped lot'there woia].d be a shortage of 3 feet in side lot �lear- ance at the rear house 13ne, La Bi�s�a�iere mav�d the r�equ��t for side lo� �aai�er oa� Lot 3� Block 2, Arnold J. �nderson �dition be g�°anted becsuse the ho�e proposed 3.� no� un�.�uall� lsrge and, because the lot meet� �Tillage �tan- dards, th� o�rner �hould be entitled to btii].d a �.ous� of reasonable si�e. SeQOnded b�r Ko�t, �arr3.ed. � �2 �r. Elsen appeared, at the eeqnest o£ the Cotuieil, -�o get the �ommissioner's apprc�val oA his reeised plat which i� �o in.clude pro�visi.on for a �ex�ri�e drive alor� the north side of Lot 1 bvr�lerir�g th e R/W' of 'T. H. 55. �r. Elses �sid tha� he had the lots alread�r staked and �ould �ot like to r8vi�e the �ntire plat' bnt woal.d agxee to dedica�io� of 30 feet for a servia� drive. La B3.sson3ere moved that the �°e$ubmitted plat, providing 3t� feet R/►� d�diea- tior� almng �he nor�h side o� Lo� 1 be recommend�d for appraeal. Se�or�ded b� I,oughland� earried, � Boreher� advised the Highraa� �omm'fttee to stud3r ��,e prob3em of ser�ice � drives along restricted - aaeess highway�s �rhere not p rov3.ded b� the State. The Kirk.pa�rick-Ol�o� Maaior �ddit3on deferred because no one present. , Mr. Frank Ryan appear�ed to requ�st side �ard waiver on Lot 13, Blk 2� M�Nair �j'� �ar�.or A�lditior�' to permit canstruetio� of a !�0' g 28 t house to be bu3.1.� length- �aise on the lot and h�vi�g a 9 foot por�h with gar�xge below attac��d to t hg house. �hi� would have a �, �ide �rard oM the e ast. L�n��i moved �ha� the Plar�ing GOn�i.i�sion r�csommend to the Council that s �a�.iver be g ranted to r�i��.- ia 5 feet of the ea.st lot ].ine provided that Mr. �yan obtairi signed le�te�s �rc�a the ad�acent prop�r�y o�raers indicating tizat the� h�.d a�o objeet�ons to the granting of this wai�ere Seconded by Kost� �arried. ' Mr. La�arenee Laa�r� appeared ��quest side lot �aieer� on Lot 15f, Blk. 1, MeNaix� �anor t,v permit constx�ction of a house 39 ��e� 1��. Th� lot has 55 fQet frontage and tapers to !�0 feet a� the �ear. Ad�acent hou.te� do not cor�or� to side lot requireinents' �he house on Lot 15 b�ing 3.l� f�rom Mr. Lanar� lot line. �e �tould lilce t�o maintain a 6 foot side clearar�.�e o� this side r�h3.�M �rc�i�l.d put his house �i�hin 1 foo� of the lin� of Lot 13. The �° ho�5e on I,ot 1� has 36 to l�� feet side�rard or� tt�is �aide. La Bis�csmiere "°°� moved re�erral. to th� �i°ei3.nnane� �o�mi�t�Gee. Se�onded b� Rost, car�ieda � . � _\ Mr. �a�e7.]. appeared to a�eques� approval of the final pl�t of Uolclen Dak� �1�� �.tl� gddition. The final plat s�o�ed �onsiderable changes from the prelimin- axg plat, there being a number of sc�bstandard lmts. There was considerable . discussion regarding the problerns of platter� fir�ding diserepancies between old la�d sur°ve� dimensions �.poa� �hich pr�eliminar� plats are based and actv.al dimensiotts at the time of s taking. � It was pointed aut that when the Planning ��m�ission approees a prel3.niinarsr plat 3t does not g�.aFante� the platter approval of �he �.umber oflots� bv.� � _ rather the general layout. Shou].d the pla�ter �i�d �hat he does not h�ve adec�.a�e ].�nd area to acco�oda�e �he preli�a3.nax� plat w3tl�out �x�es�ing ��ta- �tandard lot� or�treetss then the plat should be revised to conf'orm �o th� �vailable land area an.d Village platting requirements. L�nch moved �Ghat the plat re re�ected and that ar�y new plat presented shou.ld provide for lot� of at l�ast standard size. Second�d b�r Feterson, �arried. Due t0 prablems with stree� names in the Golden Oaks 4�h �cidi�ion and ad�a- ce�t area�, Borehert advised the Str�e�G Names and Plats �oanni.tte� to revie�r �he nam.ing of Stre�ts in this a rea. 1�r. Ntelein Moot� appeared to��eq�.est the rezon3.ng vf the Edwaa9d Thode arid. � �� Ax�l�r A�rde proper�� (E�, NE+T 4, Sec. 6, T. 117, ft. 21) lying north af T. H. 12 and east of Cc�un�� Rc�ad 16. Part of this proper�y� is nor� zoned ir�du�trial and the reqaest is f or the remaining portion. �h�*re w�s nm - �peei�i� u�e of this propert� indicated at this time. Loughland mo�red referred t0 the ZoTI].Ag Ca�unittee. Se�onded by R�g�nd, carried. A�rr, F�ed done� apPeared t�o req�est approeal of the fin�l plat of Hatrspshir� Oak� 3rd �dd3.�ion. Naughland mvved that the Plann.i.ng �o�rnni�sion reaQmm�nd � to the Co�.nail that �his plat be approved. Se�ond�d b�r La �issmnier�' . aarried. , La B3ssonier� report�d �or �he Plat �ommi�tee on the �ines pla�. He s�.g- gested tha-� the �urn-a-rour�d be eliminated, �ha� the stree� be prc���ct�d tl�ra Lot 12 -ta the �outh boundr� of �he property and a te�porarg turra-a- xound be pro�ide�l at t.his point. This would permit fnture s�ree�s t� tie into the street s�stem of this plat and make the��a �,or8 aceessab].e �� , the p�blie e�ergene� vehicles, 1Vo provisioa for a park ar�a i�. the pl�t � � also di�c�.ssed. The �illage �'ngineer suggested as easement stt°ip along Bas��tts Creek be designated as park as this strip eonld also be ti�ed a� a wo�g are:a shoul.d it beeome neeessarJr to improve the creek in the future. The c�eek, being a aa�u.��.l. outlet for storm water, ma�r becc�me inadequat�e � 3n some areas as �he �illage g rows. Borehert sugges�ed that th� Couneil be advised that the adequacy of Bassetts Creek in the future is q�es-�i�nable and reeo�end that the Council �ngage an. engineering �irm -�o stud�r the drainage area and possible future needs for �torm �ater disposal. La Bi�oniere mov�d that preliminary approval be given to tha-� portion of the Wines plat l�i.ng sfluth and west of Bassetts Creek sub�ect to the ad�u.�t- men� of the 1.ine be�een ].o�s 6 and 7 as sketched o� the p1at. Seconded bar Pat�ex�on, �arried. Kost, chairman of the Zoriing Committee� discussed th� pxc,bl� of making _ a compreh�nsi�e. s-��ad�r of th� gillage in regards to additional cc�unercial and 3.r�dus�a°iia.l zoning as sugg��ted by �he �oimni�sion at va�io�.s times. He wo�.ld 13.ke -�o get �tarted on thi� project bt�� was �or�.e�rhat i�a doubt a:� , to �he be�s� p�ced��°� �e �hought it m3ght be advisable to �e� �erc�e exper� o�ztside help. g�r�ous members of tl�e �oamlission s�.gge��ed �hat he ge� -�1�� Committee �oge�h�r ss soon as pvssible aMd tY�at the�r �t�rt b�r �rorkix�g on c�r�ain se�tions of t�he Village� such a� al.ong Gmunt� Road ].8, rather than the ViLtage as a �ahole. La B3ssoniere moved that the Planning �orranission hold two meetings per month, om �e�scond and fo�rxth �hursda�� and li�pit the meeting �o ad�ourn- ment at 10:30 P.1"l. The motion was t aken under ad�iseanent by the chair. �eeting ad�ourned at 12:30 �.M. ecretary �esi en