08-01-55 PC Minutes � ��
� Miintrnates of Sp��ia'� Mee�,ing of Augu.gt l, 19'"�
� special meeti�ag of the Golden Valle�r Planning �ommission �as held at 2s00
P.M., Monda�r� Augast 1� 1955' at the Conory proper� acros�i�om the �hite
�OT].S@ e
�embers presen� w�re Borchert! �anson, Rauglarml' E�ra].d' Ls Bissoniex�e' Pat-
terson, Pe�erson, L�nch, tioughland, and 9elz. Cownci7�an �g� Stark a].so
attended and advised the �omm3.ss3on that Dr. Holzapfel holds ar�. option on �
the Cpnroy� proper-ty lyin.g south of �:�H. 55 and north af Minneapolis' Nor�h-
field and Southern Railroad tracks across from the �hite Hause, aad has
r�quested re�oning for the erect3on of a clinic. The property i s no� open
d�velopment ar�d there is also to be a hearing or� �n ordinance ch�e �hich
would make eslini.es a p�rniitted use in the open development zan.�. he clinic
proposed by Dr. Hol�apfel �rould be a one story, rambler type buildi.ng �rhich
would be placed o� the easterly portion of �h� propert�r.
After considerable disc�ssion regarding the proposed ordinanc� ch�nge,, and
the rezoning required for the clinic� Lynch moved that the �om�.ssion recon�-
mend to the �oun�il that a def3.ned a rea at the e asterl� end of the �onro�
pro�er� be ie�o�.ed �o�nereial for the speeific p�.rpose of es�ablishing a
elinie. Seeonded b� Hanson� carried.
Yatterson then moved that the Planning Coi�nn3ssion reco�nend to the Coune3l
that there be no charage in the Zoning Ordinance regarding permitted.u�es 3n
the 6pen Development Category�. Seconded by Loughland� earried.
Hanson reported that the Ordinance Committee had viewed the p�per�r and
conn,Bidered Mr. Lanners reqnest fo r s ide lot waiver� on Lot 1�t.� Blk. l,
Mc l�air �anor .�dditio�t. The Co�3.ttee recommea�ded t� the �cmnn3.ssio� that the
side lot elearance� be 5 feet oa the �ast and 9 �eet on the �egt. �he lot
is odd �haped and less than 50 feet aa�'erage �rid�h and -�he pr�a��:nt Ordinanee
would �equire side lot el�arances of 5 feet on the Wes� and 9 feet o�. the
East. Beca�.se the hrna�e to the West is buil.t ve� cicase to �r. �anner'�
lots the Co�ni.ttee felt �ustified in recomrnending the above ehanges.
�anson moeed �l�at the �e�rrimission recommend to the �ouncil �hat the side I.ot
a1e€r�asices 4n Lot 7_lt., Blk, l� Ntc �Tair �Ianor Addition be 5 feet on the East
. and 9 �ee� on the �Test beca�.s� of the odd shape of the lot and the loeation
of. homes ort the ad�acent lots. Seeonded b� Loughland, carried.
Meeting ad�ourned. .
' Secretar,�
" s�.elent