08-11-55 PC Minutes � �� GOLDIlIT VALT.EY PLANIUING COMMISSION . Augv.st 11, z955 � Meeting of the Golden Va11ey k��anning Comm3ssion was called to order by the President at 8;07 o� clock P.M. Mzmbers present were Kost, F utnam, P atterson, Loughland, P�t�rson, Morto�, Borchert, La�issonier�, � and �wa1d. The Minutes of the last meeting �rere read and approvec�. (1) The Zonin.g Com.mi�Gtee repor�s: liost presen��ed the req�zest of the applicants Edwarcl Yo Thode, Arthur D. Hyde and Josephine Hyde, £he oUrne•rs in fee o�' a11 of ti�.e par-c oi -che east haZf of t�ne i�orthwest cru.�r�cer of Sectio� 6, ToUmship 117, Range 21, 1yin,g north oi State �-Iigliway -,� 12, (see pe�ition), be re-zonec� to cornmercial. The corranitLees �roposal was that the pe�ition to re-zone be �gr�ted. Borche�t reviewed the preceeding m.onths ection ancl statecl that further consa.deration should b� given to the area al1 a1o�g County Roac� 18. . - A Mr. Mooc�y representing the ow�ers s���ed tn�t tne sazne type o� building as General Mi11s was being proposed fo�^ the area. Putnam movec? tl�zat -cl�e coin�nission notify the Covnril that they accep� the � _reques� for re-zoning. Kost seconded �he �Motion., aaid it was c�rrie c1. (2) On the �equest by Norther� 5t�tes Fow2r Compa�y 'co re-zone fo•r the erection oi a s.ub-station in -t�z�Village gr�vel �i�;: '�re eonL�it`.eE �_fter co�'cacting residents of the immediate area, st�ted �chai, it ti,r�s a reaso�able re�uesc providing it di���� disturl� the present � location of said s�cructure as proposec. It will be 1oc�i,2c1 °to the rper of the �roperty borclerecl by Busch Crossroad, Winnetka Avea�ue, and the t�Iinriesota �esLe_rn tZailroad. The committee recorn�-nenclsron t�zi s ?�asi s that we accept the re-zoning,`�l-,o indus�rial for �he speci_r 1e use of a North2r?� S�ate Power S�-si.ation A c�.esi;?on tia�as rai sed as to whei,h.er we coulcl 1eg�11y zo?�e ior a par�cicvlar use. 1_'fir. I1c`�Z1P9 'che Village Ai,�orney, was co�sulted and he state�' i,I.at he t:�o�tc���, lJe cQV.1.d becat?�e public utili�cies are perra?�tted where deerneci �ecessa�,y -co �he Village req-uireineni,s and there 3�ei:ng no s�cor,age r�c�- ui:cements o� ofiice, he thought n� �c�L;o� necessary. Lynch �ecomz�.en�7ed to the Pla�nn?n� CorLmission ��hat Lhey reco�rnencl to�the Counci 1 tha'c ��he �1o_rtherii S-�ut�s Power� s request be grar�ted. � LaBisso�in�e seconded by motion, anci it was c��rrie�9 witl� -the �:rovision that 1�Torthern S�ates Pow�r Cor��an3T �rovid� J:i,;-�:a1:�" -�he rigl�t-of=way fo� the excensio_n.. �_ Lvsch C'rossto��. (3) Kost gatre th� cor��rnittee r�No�t on -ch2 Rekucki sequest of �;he �e-zolZing ��6 oi -�?z�� pz^o1��r'cy at ITighway 100 and G1ern�roocl Avenue, betweerl th.e D�esser ��esidence and the o1c1 Meaclowbrook School building. Mr. Rekucki presentec7 a c?rGt�ring o'' che 1 ropos��' ��a?,t_nzn i, 'j1_71��'3-=,� �_� ��v.ltiple unit structure consisting of six units with two ' beclrooms and two vni�s with o�e bedroora. KosL stated that the first dra�Ting px°esented did not a11ow ior the 200 fo�t setback along the Highway and the new drawing wit1� the setback be made before it is presentecl to the Cornm.ission. Patt�rso� stated that t�e new drawing does meet �:17e minimvm reqvirements of 200 feet beck rrom Highway 100 but in doinc� so he violates the 35 "oot setback requirem��t alnng Glenwood Avenv.e. Ttze 1oc�.tion ol the housing os�. i.he clrUw��g leaves only 22 "eet on t'_�� f_'�_ront. � Mro �.�1.,a.c'_�i s�c�.t��: '�:��':, �:"_�y we:re aware oi t�h�e erz,or and i,h�t they . • . �;;11 move 'cl�� loeation oi t11e bui�c�ing �o iuli?11 th2 sei.�aek �,equ�reme��ts. iTe also stated -ci at the type o�" building proposed wi11 iace Glenwood Av�nue9 will have a one-story iront, two story rear, ap�rtm2nt type builcling. He i����ther stated �that Mr. Dresser �oes not object to �his. Mr. Kos� stated and .braught out that it was possible for four inclividual resident type homes to be built on said property but it is not too ideal. _ �Ir. Lynch stated that so far we haveno�ching cefinite as far as the a�earance of the building. 1�2r. Rekucki staLed that i� wi11 be brick constrv.ction, and that therest of the property wi11 be landscaped with the exclusion of clriveways. N[r. Kost stated that the rever�ue might possibly be �reater with this type of construction rather than resicleni,ial. He also stated that he called Mrs. John Enghause�, of the Meadowb�ook Sehool Boarcl, and that she had statect ' that the School Bcrard docs not comtemplate use of any part of this propertya _ Nf�. Rektzcki stated that he was going to build his own home i7nmedia�ely to the west of said 5�rUCi,UZ'2. Ii, was tlzen brought up what our reqvirem2nts are a�d wi11 be ior the a�ea req�i•red pe�, unit ir� mul�ciple d�elii�^ ar�as. Mro :eltiucl�i wa� ^.;?:��: ��r�� Ly�� of roof it would h�ve. He'stated tl-,�t it would b� either a ilat .:roo� or hipped, whicheverlooked the best. He also s�tate�_ that th� appea�ance would �e very rnode_rne M_r. Iiost reconulendecl that we rez"2r the �2q�uest to the Comzaittecl and that cle�inite plans, layout, elevations, be presented et the next m2eting. _ Mr. Borehert stated �tra t the residents immediately surrounding i.he a�,�a should be contacted as to �heir vieU�s, a�d that the committee should look in�o desigr�ing a regulation on multiple , vnit classification, �nd that the 1ot size and square Foot req�a.irements be ir�c?^eased to correspond with the nvmber of uraits. N1�. Borchert then referred his request to t� zoning committ'ee for study. � �� � Mr. DreSSe� statecZ th.at while he does not object too strenuously, he does not bel�eve that it wi11 add to the residentiel �rea. Mr. Pat�erson brought up what we have as a requiresne�t i� the builcling code that for multiple d�rrelling units the land must first be platted � 1�efore ar�y consideratio� vf 2oning is acted upon. (1�} Mr. Kost presented a. 1ett,er addressecl to tY� Planning Cos�n.ission dated August 6, 1955,_ from Mr. Jo11n Enghauser, asking for action at this meeting on a re-zoning of an eight acre p��cel of the 62 acre tx�act northwest oi Douglas Drive and St. Croix Avenue. It wi11 fac� 2/3 on Dov:glas Drive ancl �he remainin� 1/3 on 5�, Croix AVenue. It was reierr,ed to the zoning co�nittee by NLr. Borcherto (5) M�'. �.T.B�o�aschwig, �10 Han1e�r Ro�� presented a req�uest foi a wGSver o�' t1_ie sidelot reqt.?ire�;,en�s irom 15 ieec to �2 _fe�� on �he � �o�.:h ��,-�� oi :�.�s rro��erty i,o a'1o5,,r ior expansio� o� ��i� 1�uilding sp�ce. �Ie s�at�d thai, h� hacl :� si��2d lcttei iro�n che a-�rect�cl . �esidents, and Lhat tlzey were ir� ac•reeme�i, z,rizh allowing hi�n �o do . so an� th2t �ch� house iinr�.��iately to the �orth had as an adcitional garage- ti�rithi�i f�ve ieet oi the prope•rty 1iz�e. l�Tx'. T�Zo�Lion r��ommenc�ecl to ��he Council that -chey acce�t the waiver TrJ1Lrl. the understanding that the pr2vious waiver grantefl wi11 be rec�nded by this action, �d that in �11o�,ring this requ2st it wi11 not affect the line of the neigh.��or' s home. Mr. Patzecson seconded b;� motion and it was carridd. (6) i��Lr, Z^7ayne Wentworth presented a 1e�ter stating i.hat he bo�ght a hor�ie � at 5025 st. �roix Qvenun �_z� that thc ho�ne wa� const�uct•a� �too, close 'co the ?o�c 1inne The house �ui1� �y 'Te,�i,ti:�o_r_th C�r1s�..9 i: �_l vic�l�tio�� oi �ur ordina?ices 7nc co���ec;�:cn'c1�r 1zz ?s •rec�uesti�g a �rave�°. _T�7r.'� Borc�.ert s�ated ��hac il0 c'lCt1Ui1 ��7 -1,�7�? CL�L1i�7.Sr�J1� _:� _�'�C��,�'�''L�j% �'� ��,: i].�'11.;_ i_ . •'ZY :`�C'�T ��Ui11�', a`LZC1 ZJl�'1L"?111� ���i'JC�'L:U.i�� 1S L10� 171 �V�."..G'i�C�a ���� NTl. Loug�ila.�,�. �;ovtu tria� no a c����n was c:eemed necessaa;;ro "�Ry. �T��Z,orto�_-, secoa�decl the lnotio�z and it was ca�i i�d. ` ' (7) Mr, Lann�rs �P;�earec' i�� belz�ls o" �-�.iti� previous �eq�ae�s�� fo.t�' ti��1^iv��.�� r � . � Oi S:iC�G�l�l, .�'.';;L�l1i�:�IT1EY1�5 O'LZ �l':� j.CV�°Y'ti,�7'. �`121C,'Y` GJ i�.hz 1(1'i�UL�::� Jf` ��~�vious ineeti�lg 1°or descrip-cio�Z)a Tize rEC�u�st ,��s to build within " t1�^ee ieet on �rl� wes`t �ic7e oi his prop��ty wds sup��orLed ;vy -�z� fac�� that the acljace�t home to the wcst is only 3Z�. inches irom �he , ro�e_rty line and tha-i 'c,ze liome to the east is approximately li� �ee� �w y. He is going to stay 5even feci, aU��y on �he west s�de a�d ruilc��'�fri h�r� �ri ee =Peet on the e�sti s?Qe e T'z-; lot, ?��ing only 5�' �`�_'c wi c2e, ti,ri 1' ?21 OiCC" �v CJ[liJ::'1:1 i;.� i;��!' :;:i.:.". .'_GL Y'���11�'Gi�i.;1.tS' 2�7c`�.�ie ��lo YlOt1S` -�Oi. long and. narrow and therfore ruin the appearance of the neighb rh4od. a Mr. Putt�am moved tha t the cgmmission sustaifl the action of the 2ast mee�ing to der�y t�e request. Patterson seconded the mot3on an it carried four to th.ree, with Lynch, Kost and LaB3ss�niere votin No, �or the reason that it was plenty of room on tt� east ar�. the ouse on the �rest was in eoilation already, there�ore, it would be puttir�g �.�g �l��l�nof a penalty or� thepresent pro�erty oT,�mer. l�o fu�ether actior► � i � , , � �(.7 (8) NIr. W.J. Kavenaugh, 3311 Regent Averiue North, pr�sented a plat for the division o� Lots 15 and 16 Ya1e Garden Hoanes. After mv.ch discussion, it was Mov�d by LaBissoniere to refer the plat to the � plat commitLee and that they be instructed to check the co�npatability of this plat Wi�n tn�L of Morell and �ichols,seconded by Lou�hland � and cnrried. (9) v1:c. D�vid Trach presenied a proposecl plat ior the sub-division oi Gove_rnTnent Lot 1Y, Tow��.shi� 1_17, R�d7�221, tilra Ogar�1 �tated th�t sllowsnces sl�ovld be made for Juclicial 3litch No. 6 �rh3ch rrcuss �pptroximately nin�t�r feet w3.thin the south edge of �he property line. The 1at� on the plat sho�r only 99 fer�t frc�ntages and the� �st be 100, ancl beca�s� of this Mr.L�Bissor�iere moved tlzat it be referred to t he P1at Committee. Lynch secvnded the motion and it carried. (l0) Dawn Acres 2nd Addition plat �ras re£e�°red �o the plat committer�. �, (11) Gc�lden Oaks l�th Addition. Nlr. LaBissoniere moved that �he p�t , o� Gold¢n Oaks 4th Addition b+� accepted �rith �h� following change�a The 17th Avenue Nmrth be changed to North Oak Dr3ve and that Zylc�ti . Avenue be changed tm �Tisconsin Avenue. The co�nission also q�e��io�ed tl�e r�asos� �or c,�c�tendir�g- the west boundary to�th� qu�rter secticm � line a�d leaving an ot�tlot. With these pro$isions, th¢ ccr�.i.�sion recc�mmended to tY� Council that the plat be aceepted. Mot3on was ' seconded by Lynch, and carrieds (12) Mc. S. W. Sayle,s, representing the W.H• SC�].'dP.P�' �fanvfactur3ng Company, preseated a preliminary pLat fax� the cammercfal 9.vts on � , their praperty. NIr. Ogard review¢d pr¢vious action that the lots sho�m �rith3n �o11o�r �he recominendatior�s of the Planning Comrn3ssion �.nd �ve�rthing seemed to be in order. LaAisson3.ere moved�that the pl t bs approved to th� satisfaction of �,he �illage Engis��er on th� s�-�.oughland seconded the motio� a�d it carried. (13) The req�¢st for re-zoning of the �resterly 300 feet of the elinfc on OZson Highway ecress from the White House, located on the I�anti J. We�aex� pro�erty, consisting of ap�oximately 16 acres, bordered by Olscm Highway on the north, Cloverleaf Terrace on the wes� and the �inneapolis, l�erthfield and Southern Railroad on the south. The structvre 3s to be 90 feet w3de, !�5 feet deep, �ith a side cancrp� ove� the driv¢�r�y �nd tha� they are going to create-a lea�dscape pofll to the wes�t. � Residents of the immediate area of Cloverlea�' Terrace presented their �dews on thwmatter. They are against it becavse of the possibilites of other types of commercial development being brought in o� tl� r�st of the Iand. They were in favor of the �roposal if it is for clinical use on1y. After a very lengthy discussior�, Mr. Putnam moved that wher¢as Dr. Fr�d C. Hfllzapfel has presented a request to co�rt��t a bnngalc�r type building for a medical center, the planning Cc�mmission Tecommends that the Co�ncil re-2one the westerly 300 feet of' the aboqe mentiflnr�d property to accommodate only the proposed clinic, � � �r�d thet the �*� � be made effective only upon iss�ance of a builditag permit. � Mr. Loughland seconded the motion and it carrie d. �� £���c��ti@t���f���s��d�i�i�g���'i�i �i'�t�I��i1 was referred to � �� , (1�) The Cl�irman, John Borchert, presznted a 1is� of changes o� procedure and cozr�n3.ttees to the coznmission. They are as �ollows: l. Each standing cozrnn3.ttee of the Com�n.ission to hold one ' � regular meeting each month. • Comm.ittee me2tings to be closed to the public e�cept by ir�vitation� but ar�y other member of the commiss3.o� welcome to attend. CoTnmittee meetings �nay be he1c1 in the iield, home o� a committ�e � membex, by �hone conference, or in any other way deemed appropria�� by the committee chairman any given mon'ch. Coznsnit�tee meeting to be h�1c1 _rec�u17r1y about one we�k beio_re Lhe regv.la_r co?nm�ission °RC�L?L�1C�. , 2. S�anoling Committee mesa.bersh3p to be reduc+�d so each member � - of �the commission rieed serve on only one �omm3ttee. The ptsrpose of this is to �voicl aaay me�nber�s h�ving mox*e than �wo regular, meetings to attend each;month--4ne meet3ng of the fu11 commission and one commit�ee meeting. l�vmbe� of standing commit�ees to be reduced to three. � The reco�.ended committees to b� constitc�ted as foll�vas: Zoning Committee-5 members Plat Cc�mmit�ee-5 m�etabers , �i'C1�Ilai1C2 Cf�.-11 ffiP.YT1�12T3 3. The th.ree c�s►un.on classes of pla�ning commiss3on business - will be h�dled as follaws: a.Gdaiee� x°eqties��: Applicatio� form must be filed.�t t1�Vi11age H�11 b2fore the 23�'d of the previo�.s mnnth for Commission action at that month�s meeting. Chaix�aan of the ordinanee eomm�tte� �r3.11 see that he obtsins the waiver requc�st forms on file. ec�mm.ittee wi11 process �the requests at its regalar meeting; and committee reco�mendations for act�on �ri11 be presented at the meeting o� the fu11 cos�n.fission. b. Platsz P1ats to reeeiv¢ san.e tx�eatment from P�1at Co�n.ittee. Chairman will see that a11 plats on file gor Co�ission consideration are picked up at th� �Tiliage Hall. Cornmittee wi11 process them at its rggular meeting, and make recommend�tions . .for actioa at regular commissfon meeting. c. Re�oning. Sa�.e procedure. Advance emzarnittee proce�siag wi11 have r�o effect an rei ght oF residents to appear at the time of the f�a11 co�issioat s consideration of thc� reqra.est. This procedv:ce crna.ld be �aaived in an extr�ordinary circumstance, for ex�mple, the Counc3l reqtaested the eo�aiss3on to hold a formal �b1ic he�r3.ng. ��o �r�y waiver r�qra�sts, or re-�oning reques�;, wi11 �o� ' noz^m.a11y be placedon the a enda af the f�.i].1 commission � me¢�ing, if they hav¢ not been Ei1ed at the �Tillaqe �I�11 in_ti�e far n�rr�mai �dvance eommi�tee processinq. � � !�. PrOposed �ovrse of action or� �aiver requests, plats, � �nd re-zoning requests at regu].ar m�eting of the f�11 oo�nsnf ssi ons � �. Ce>mm.ittee recommendation. b. Discussior� of cosnraitt�e r��c�aeadation b� full c�.is�ian. c. Ap�ropri�te amendment, modi�i��tion o� re�x�sa1 of r,romm�tt�e �ecom�e�dation by the Fu11 comrnissivn, �r retvt�n to co�It��� . � I� recommendatia� is adopt�d� a�y �o�n or x�eversed t1�e , comm.3ssi0n w311 have given the m��ter its full cons�dera�ion. , ° • PFesvmably adaption af the cc�mmittee recom�endat3os�, with modi�ication� or am�ndm.ents' �rould be most common. � �. Ob,jecti�res o�° th�s p•roposed re-organi2ation of committee � w�rks � � a. To direct disc�assion of thes¢ three classes of bu�in�ss �to�rard a particular, recommende�. �co�rs� of action. T belis�re ' this w�11 �horten discussion� �c1 �ake th�m more pro�itable. ' b. To m.�ke each discussion of a request by the �ull comm3ssia� result ia final action r�ther thara referrai to a comm3ttee. . c. To a�roid the eommon situation 3n which a m�n waits h�lf the evening, or ffiore, to present a reqa�st to the cmm�.issimr�, 0n1y to be told, a�ter conside�able discussion, that the matter wi11 now be refet�red to a corr�ittec; and �rt�l � actioa w3.11 be taker► in one month. d. To m�ke time in the £u11 co�a3ssi�n meetings for polic�- making and pl�ning. T"he commiss3on moved that they be accepted and the motion �ra� � carried. Mr. Ogard ��at�d �hat consideration b� giv m to setback requ�rement� along T.H. 12 and that aetion b� taken° �t the next meeting. Th.e meeting ad�jo�rned at 1:15 a.m.