09-08-55 PC Minutes � ��=
� �iinuteg of �t�eting of� S�ptember 8, 1955
� �! r�gul�,r m�eting of the Planning Ccmmiaoion_of Gold�n �l�,lley
w�,� he7.d oa S�ptember 8, 1955 �t 8:00 P.M. �t the Pi11ag� Fi�,11. The
fe�ll��is�g m�mb�re w�r� pr���nt: P�,ttermon, R�ugl�,nd,I�Ost, Lcau�hland,
Lyn.ch, P�t�r�o�, LaBiesoni�r�, Eavalrl, Borchert, Putnam, Mdr�oa �.ad
H�,n�oa. 'Pill�,� �,dmini�tr�tor Owens w�,s in �,t�end.a,n.c� .
� The ffiiaute� of th� r�gul�,r m�etin� of Augu�t 11 �erc �pprov�d
- �,� r��d.
�. � -
Tennant Co. Rec�u�st for Rezoain�
� Discu�si�a �r�,� ap�ned o� th� req.��et o� thQ T��nant Co. te
- r�zone a tract of l�.nd aor�t�.i�in approxiffiately 19 �,c�ee froati�ig on
13i�hv��y �r140 'bound�d by �i�hvuay �55 a,nd Minr���ota �P��tarn R�,31roa8
fro� o��n dee�logm�nt to indu�tri�.l to �eup�ort th�ir manuf�etur in�
plant �,nd ge��ral offia�. Chairman Kost of th� Zoning Comffiit�e�
, report�d th�t th� Committ�� ' s findinge �r�r� th�,t the nature of th�
bu�3ne�e �r�,s � �uit�,ble u�� for th� 1�,r3..�, and th�,� th� m�.in probl�m
involved in this d�velopm�nt �rould b� th� �3.t�w of traffia in �xid out
o� th� �it�, con�id�ring that th� tract Y�ad only on� acces� to th�
_ s�rv3e� ro�,d. o� H3ghway -�100. 1116rr. H�nry Shipke, Con�ultiag En�ir���r,
�n.d Mr. G�org� Pe�.ock, an offic�r of the Comp�np re�ort�d th� follo�v-
ing infc��ztion. Th� ma,n.u��ture of floor machin�e would consti�ut�
�,1ffio�t the tot�,l produati�g of th� pl�aa.t; shipm�n-ts in, ar�d out �ould.
b� 18�� by tru�k; approxim�xt�ly 200 ��ployeas �ou1.d. be �ng�,g�d on a
� �t�,g��r�d h�ur b��i�, �om�what les�en3n� th� tr�,f�ic con���tion;
�st3.a�a;ted. �xpanditure �oulcl b� �1,�00,400.
�r. Lou�hland stat�d th�,t �,e on� mcmber of th� Commi�sion
v3.aitia� the Tg��.nt pl�at it w�s his opinion th�,t th� op�r�,tio� �ras
d.e air�,'ble, th�,t th� Companp app�ared to be 'good �hou�ek�epers, ' th�
pl�,�.t h�v�.n; a lo� eound l�vel �nd axe�ting no obnox3ou� fu�ee.
, Mr. �7.b�rt Red�urn, 551� �ho�nix St. obj�ct�d to th� r�zonin�
sta,ting �h�,t h� f�lt 3.t to b� �n �na�o�,c3�m�nt oa a, r�eid�ntial �.r�a,
� . • and r�,i�iag a qu�stios �s to how far suah induetr3al zoning might br�
exteaded. in that �re�a.
� �Ir. J. C. P�xker, cv�m�r of a traot writh 105' front�.g� on High-
�aa,y �55 i�diat�ly �outh of th� axsa uacl.�r con�iderat3on ob��etc�d �o
t�e r�zoning �tatiag that h� pur�hae�d th� 1�,nd fo� r��identi�l us�, 3t
a�ould be d�valued by th� rezoAing and. that h� w�,s p�,rtiaul�.r1� aona�rned
�ith the volu�� of traffie v�hieh it m3ght creet�. H� further �tat�d
tla�at h� h�d. contaet�d oth�r residentg in th� �,rea �nd. that �lthou.�;h t���r
w�r� not in attend.anE� at the m��ting th�y �igh� �1'�a be ob�eetors to
the rezoaing. �ir. Shi�k�, reported that h� h�.d v3�3t�d a11 of th� imm�-
c�i�,te �roperty a�n�s� expl�ining th� T'�nnan� Compa,ny pl�.ng i� detail,
�,�,d t�t th�y m�ic �ith no ob��ctions. Sp�cif3��,lly, he �atimat�d th�
m�,ter�.al in and out o� th� plaat �,t 3 tone da,ily, a,ad that to �,ccoraod�,te
thi� valwc�� u�ou3d re�,uire at a m�.ximum t�� tr�il�T truck�, a.nd th�.t it
� � would not 'be impos�ible to �et�,blieh e�res� from th� ar��, onto Hg.�'55.
Y� ��'a'
' �Tx. 1's,tt�rson suggest�d that some con�ider�tion ffiight b�
�iv�n to a,n addi�tional op�niag oa th� �arvi�e ro�,d o�. Hy.�1�0. � �
A motion by gQ�t secor�ded by Loughland v�as ��,�cri�d �o
r�QO��nd to the Council th�,t the prop�rty ur�d�r �on��dera�io�
b� r�zon�d Industri�,l to �.ecomod�t� the T�nn�nt Company ir�du�try
� 1. T3a�,t �dd it ion�.7. �ev��s to �Iighv��,y �55 out
of the Southerlgr a�arn�r of thc �rop�rtq ba
��tabli�h�d; ,
2. T�t a e�oo�d entr�,n�e to th� property from
s� the ��rvic� ro�,d on High��,y �10� b� ��t�,blieh�d;
3 a U�� of the land con�ply �rith ��tback r�c�uir���at
� of 200 F��t .oa Hi�hw�,y �1Q0.
� J. En�h�,u��r R��.ue�t for Rezonimm� ��
Ro�t ��ported that hie Zoning Co�itt�e h�d. met on th�
�ite of a etrip of 1Qad ru�aing �,p�rox3.ffia,t�ly 40�' an St. Croi�
Avenue and. 1500' on Dougl�,s Driw�, co�priein� �bout 10 �,eres,
r�qu�et��. by �tr. Joha Engh�ue�r to b�;{'zan�d. Co�era3�1. �otion
by Reaet, seoonded by Ewald, �arr3�d,` to r��ommend th� r�zoning
of th3s a re�, to Co�rc3�,1 for th� :f�.tur� devele�pment of a, sh�p-
' ping dietr3et.
Str��t P�.tt�rn in Scuth S�v��r Inter���tor Di��riet
L�,Bissoni�r�, Ch�,ir�.an of th� Plat Go�itt��, rsporte$ -
�an th�ir study of the �eport of th� CO�ITTEE FOR DEVELOPMENT
PLANNI�'� 0�' �AY��TA BOUZEVARD It�TSJUSTRIAL A.RE� d�,t�d Au�u�t 12, ;
1955 a,nd ite r�lation�hip to pro jectio�. of �gi�ting street� �,nd
dev�lopm�nt of ne� or��e withig thi� g�n�ral ar�a. �otion by
La,Biaeoni�re ��,s ����nded by Loughland �nd Qarri�d to ��prov�
the es��,blis�m�nt of L�ur�l .A.eenue �,nd th� etreet run�ing South
from it to V��,gz�,ta, Boulee�,rd aa ��t forth in th� r�port ,of t he
CO�IT�'EE �'OR DEVELOPMENT P�1��]'ING, �nd to aacsept �,s �, guid� '
in �st�'�li�hing a futur� s�r�e:t pl�,n b�t���n L�,uge1 and Gl�n�rood
Avenu�� the �la,t Committee 's 3ayou� for �.dd.itional North-South
`I'T�,t3h P1a$ ,
�Iatica L�,Bi��oni�r� ��c�r�.d�d by Lynoh a�,rri�8, �o �iv�
pralimiaary approval t� the Trac� plat provided th� pl�tte�r
reduo� the Ea,st tier of lots on �dgewood Aveau� fr�m t�velve to
el�v�n in order tg give �de�u�.t� �asem�nt �o b� detern�ined 'by
th� Vi11�,g�Atto�n�y �or th� re-egtablishm.ent of J�u�3a3�.1 Ditah
�6 thr4ugh th� Sou��he�st �oraer �f thi� gro��rty, and. .,fvrth�r
tha,t th� plat m�et th� �ini.mum r��,uir��ntg of 100'� fror�ta�e�
for the lots. �
C �
� ��
' Cavaa�u�h P1at
. �'s. �'m. J, C�,v�,�,augh and B. J. Carufel preaented �r.
C�,va,n�.ug3�' a plan fox s�reet and lot �,rrang�ment of �art of the
�Je�t 0��-hal� of Y�.le Gard�n Hom�e. �. Geor�� N�,�oa r�ported
that this �egm�nt of �he atreet would b� � do�rnhill road oa
�hich it �rould be impoe�ible to provide prt��r se�rer aervi�e, -
e,nd. pr�e�nted hi� f irm'� �u,gg�eted layout fo� th� Ca,van�,ugh
propert�. Mcat3�n °by L�,Bissoni�r� s�oo�.d.ed 'by E�ald v�rri�d., ta
def�r �,ation on th� Caeaaaugh pl�,tp�ndi�.g further con�ideration
of the '��et On�-ha�lf of Y�,le Gard�n Hom�e.
D��tiaa L��i��oni�re �econd.ed by Lou�hland. req,u��t3ng
the Vi11�,g� Ac�m3.nistrator to adeise �iorell & Nichols to proc��d
�rith furth�r and f in�,l coneiderat3.on of �Ia� repl�,tti�ag of the
, �Pe�� one-h�,lf of Y�,1e G�rct�n Home�.
Dae� �c�e� Thi.rd Add.ition
Follo�ing th� r��ort of th� ah�,irman of th� Plat
� Comrnitt�� it was d�t��mirl�d to r�tu�n thi� pl��c fo� r�-�sub�3�aeia�
�.� prop�r form to comply �vith subdiv3.sio� require�n�e.
- Scha�aer M�,nuf�,csturin� Co.
Chairm�.n of the Plat Comm3tte� report�d th�,t th�
Saha�er peo�l� ��r� to hav� prea�nt�d �.notY��r plan to hie Com-
�itt�e, anci h��ing f�,il�d to do so, no �c�iaa eould b� tak�n
° at thi� time.
� Fr�d Jon�a PZ�,t
F�llowi� con��dera'tion of th� mat�ria,l pr�e�nt�d bp
Fr�e1J�n�� for devele��m�nt of an �,���, ad�acer�.t to B�u�a.a�aick Av�nu�
�ad abuttin� the �P��tbrook Additicn, it �r�,� d�t�r�ain�d �hat a
r�-study of this ar��, �vould be eubmitt�d at the n�xt me�ting.
Bruns�f�iak Court
Mr. �'. �V. P�eC�u1�y tiv�,a in�truct�d th�„t 3n order to
r�c�iv� fin�,7. �.p7orov�l his plat rr�,�� provid� th� follo�ring:
� 1. Indic�,tion o� the dr�na,�;e o� th� �,r��.
. 2. S�r��ts to be n�.med.
3. St�,tus of Z�r�� AB.�au� to b� dst�rffiin�d.
4.Turn-ar�unds to be deaign�ted �,e t��por�xy
� �aa�gm�nt�.
5. Pr�file� fc�r street� �CO b� �gt�,bli�h�d.
glton John.son �J�iv�r "
�ot3.on R�,ugland e�aond�d bq H�n�on vu�,� e�,rri�c3,
, � r�co�xm�nd.iag the g���ting of �, �aiver to Al�Goa Johnsom to
�llo� hi� to con�truct � �ddit����i g�rag� unit �n hi�
hou�� �t 523 J�nalyn Circl� to �ith3� 1a feet of th� ��et
1�� lin�.
�1�d `1'ru�man
�. N�d T�ugman of 23�3 Fr�,n�� dv� . S, requ��t�d
�er�i�efon to d3.vide� a lot 186 f��t �ri�de and 200� de�p, Lot
a5 in Audit�r 's Subdivisio� 361, i�ato t�ro 1ot� c�f 93'
fronta,g��. Hie requeet 4r�.ginated in vie�r of fo�'chaom3�ig
e�wer a���aa�nts. Lynah movc�d to� ��,nt the reque�t provid.�d
that no w�,iv�r of eide y�,rd requir�n�n�a wou].d be p�rrrii.tt�d
�n the aev�ly ��te,blish�d lot�. �Iotion �r�,s ��cond�sd bq P�t�r-
aon �nd fa,iled '�o �a�� on �. 6 to 5 �ot�.
�iehasd H�,lve�r�on
H�.�on, Chai�ffi�.�. of th� Ord.i�.an�� Com�itte�, r�-
port�d on th� ra�ue�t of Rivhard H�,l�orson for eide-ya,rcl
��it�rg ir� t�rd�r to build � 3-bedrQOm hous� �. th �. front
dimen�ion of 55' on �n 8�� lot at 730 Utah Av�nu� �outh.
�ot3.on by �iarton s�oor�ded by Hanson aarri�d �o de�.y th�
r�q,u��t. ,
C1QVton Lia�
Clayton Lisy �,pp�a,r�d befor� th� commi���.on r�s-
qu�sting �. �id�pa,rc� �r�3v�r to ��r�it h3m to build �. ?-fo�t
�,d.c�ition to h$s hou�� �� 3235 �a�or A�enue (Lot 1 Block 11
�'0'�1� Grov�) , �o �r�.thin 13�--' of hi� South lot line. It
� a��,� brough out th�,� th�r� �c►u1d reffia,in 26' b�t�r��n hi� hou�e
�nd �h� South n�ighbor, Ed Goluaky, 3�25 Ma,jor, and �h�t hi�
cQnsent h�,d be�n obtaia�d. �Iat3on bg Han�on �eco�.d�d �p �
�a�t �o reQammend th� approv�,l of th� 12 ' �aiv�r of �id.�-
y�rd requir�m�a�t ea�rrf�d.
Jo�s��h V. St�j�ka].
Bdotion �y Hansora second.�d bg Ra,ugl�,nd v��� c�.rri�d.
t� reco��nd d�ni�,l of the requ��� of Joeeph V. Ste��ka,1,
2730 I�yl� Ae�:aue (Lot 6 Block 1, Go7den Vall�g Gardens) for
wai��r to allo� th� Qone�ruot3.�� of �, ge��,ge caithin 19 ���t of
hi� front lot 1in�.
Y�le G�sden Ho�a��
�c�tion L�Bi�son�.er� ��coad.�d by �Iorto� to d.�eign�,te
n��� o� str��ts �,pproxi�.ting 3�� ��iu� m�d 3� Avr�1u� �.�1
Y�1� Gasdon Ho�s a� Lo�y T��r�.c� and D��k� Road, r�s��ct�.v�ly.
�o't�.on ��,r��ed.
Th�re fallot��d B�am� g�n�r�l dis�u�aio� r��a�cling
th� Counci�' s publ3.shed not�c� of h��ring fo� �gpteffib�r �0
to consid�r r�zoaing L��d. �nct li�3ti�ag it� us� ior �, ra�dice,l
� ���
c�nt�r p�r the r��ue�t of D�. �`r�� C. Holz�pf�l �s�3�au�s�d
�� th� Commis�ioa's m��ting of August 11. �pee3f3c�.ly th�
dieous�io� canoern�d the Counoil' s inteat t� con�id�r as �n
�,lt�rnativ� to thg limit�d uae, th� e�ta,blishm�nt of �, �e�r
[Te� Di�trict t0 be kno�tn a� Offioe �,nd. k�rof�gsion�,3 Buildin�
Dist�3ct. St was f�1t that es eont�,in�d. in tla� not�.e� such �.
�'e� Di�trict �rould not b� �v:Efiei�ntly restrictiv� to m��t th�
Pl�aia�g Cor�ai��io$' a r�eor�r�nda�io� for this particular aa��,. .
Th� Commi��ior�'� PP�e,idt�nt sta,ted hi� �iil�ngn�s� to ap�°ar
�t th� h��,ri�.g to r�l�y this information to th� Cou�i�a31.
Th� ���tin� wa� duly a.d�ourn�d �,t 1:25 �.�t.
'�� �—Gt,���'�
' , Ae�iag 8ecr�t�.ry
. Pr�s3d.�nt