10-20-55 PC Minutes � ��
Mia�utes of Meet�ng of October 20, 19�5
A specia3. meeting of the Colclen Va11Ey Planning Commission w�s called
to order at 8:15 P.M., October 20, �.955, at the Village Ha.11 for the
puxpose of completing tanfin�shed bus3ness from the October 13�h regular
meetin.g. The following�members were presen�s Loughland, Boschert,
LaBissoniere, Hanson, Rost, Velz, Mayor RTadasdy, Adm�r�istra,tor O�rrens, -
and Engineer Ogard.
- The sainutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with
� correctian.
J. J,�Oys, Propertyz
P'!z'. J. J. Oys sent a letter ta the members of the'Planning Cflmmission
reQuesting that they investigate the matter ofi a, building perm.it �or
his proper�y at tlze southwest eorner of Sweeney Lake. Mr. (h�ren,s re-
port�d that he had taken this problem ttp with the Village Attorney and
read a letter �rom the A��orney 1 which, in sttbstance, ind3ca�ed �hat
the problem �ra.s primarily a private one. A �.eighboring property owner,
Mr. Binder, hacl raised ob,�ections to the issuing of a bu3lding permit
, to Nfr. Oys and cited Sec. 3, Paragraph 17-f of the village ordinance.
Mr. Oys appeared and informed the Comm3ssion that it was his intention to
divie7e his four acres of p�operty into about th�ee or four 1ots, of which
only ane wo�.1d have frontage on a publfc street, vnder present conditions.
Mr. Owens, Village Administratvr, s�ggested that an all�y or private lar�e
be prov�ded on the Oyst property to provide access to future lots.
During the discussion, Village Attorney, Kane arrived and was asked to
ccmim.ent on �his problem. He stated that it �ra,s his opin3on tha� Para-
graph 17-f of Section 3 3n the V311age Ordinance was unconstitutfonal
and that a building per�3t could be legally granted to NLr. Oys for the
construction of a home on the property.
Regarding the solu�ion of access to future additional homes on the
property, the Cormnission suggested th.�,t Mr. O�s have a layout prepared
showing how he i�.tends to a�v�ae the property and showing th¢ location
of an a11ey or private 1ane.
MOVED by Loughlaz�.d that this matter be referred to the P1at Cammittee
and tYaat Mr. Oys work with the Committee and the Village Engineer
tow�.x�d a sui�able layout. The Plat Comm.ittee to be authorized to act
for the CommiSsion in this matter. Seconded by Ve12, -earried.
Tennant Compariys ,
l�. Kane, Village Attorn.ey, appeared to advise the Cfl�a3ssion tha,t 1ega1
action had been. sta�ted by property owners �o prevent the rezoning �or
the Tenna�.t Camp�nny. He briefly rev3ewed this probleiu for the Comm�.ssionis
W�.ldronTs Drug-Maren Lane:
Mr. Hanson reported �,hat the �rdinance Committee had viewed the property
and �.s of the opinion tha� it wvuld not be ob,je�t�onable to waive the
35 foot setback �0 21 feet. Svbsequen�ly, the committee determined that
there �ra.s no reQc�irement for 35 foot setback in this case and so inf`ormed ,
the Adm3nistrat3ve Assistant. Thus' no formal action was required by the
E. E,� Di etri c�i - Setback s
Mr. Dietrich adv3sed �hc� Gc,mmission tha� he wished to withdraw his re-
Mary HiZ1s P1at:
No final plat was presented and na interested parties were present. �
Engineer Ogard advised that street construction �ra.s in progress:
Trach Cons�,rtaet i on Compas�y, P1 at:
No inter�sted parties a�peared--matter de�`erred.
Re-P1at W� Yale Garde�. Homes� °
Mr. Nason and Mr. Wehrman of More11 !4 Nichols a�peaz°�d to presen� � re-
vised layout of this area. AEter rev3ewing the plat, the Cflmmissic�n �.s
, of the opinion that it should be submitted to the property owr�ers for
their study. Fresident Borchert called a special meeting for Ns�vember 17,
1955, to discuss the plat with the interestecl parties.
Re-P1at Klouda, et a1:
Mr. Nason and Mx�. Wehrman of More11 b 1Vichols presented two possible
replats of this property at the �o�th¢a.st eorner of T. H. #100 ar�d
Golden Va11ey Road. Messrs. Klouda, Woehning, and Klipstein, af£ected
property own.ers, appeared and infox�med the Coffimission that they were
amazed that the Village had h3sed engineers °to work on this problem and
tha� they h�,d �.5o had an cngineer or s�.u•weyor working on i�,. They ��e
concerned abvut who �ra.s t4 pay fbr the �rvrk done by More11 & N3chols.
They were ir��'ormed by N1r. Or�ens th�.t if they �rished to have their own
engineer do the work,�the Village would take c�e of the Mvre11 & I�ichols
costs to date, as�.d that the two layouts prepared so far would be �turned
over to them for their use. They agreed to this proposal and aceepted
the layouts. The Commission iz�f'oxmed t1�em that it would drop thi�bsa.a'tter,
leaving it entireley up to the proper�ty o�une�s' vntil such tirae as they
bring in �. proposed solution to the problem. '
Street IUame for Extension of Glenwood Avenue:
, LaBissoniere reported on the proposed street pattern fvr the so�ath�est
portion of �he Village in regards to the extension of a stree� westerly
from Glenwood and Edgewood. Some praperty owners in this area are re-
c�st3ng access to the back of their lotsm Loughlar�d moved that the pro- ,
posed street beginr�ing at Glenwood A�enue in the vicinity of Edgewood Ave. �
� North, and extending west along the north 1in¢� of Seetions 5 and 6,
T. 117, R 21, bordeF3ng the north edge of the General Mi11s property,
to Covn.ty Road 18 be named Western Avenue. Secondecl by Hanson, carried.
Namin� of Service Road at Hol3day M�tor Hotels
- LaBissoniere mo�ed that this matter be deferred to the next meeting.
S�conded by Kost, �arried. •
Rezaam�ng 0lympia Street:
LaBissoniere moved that 0lympia Street from Winnetka �rest to Orkla Drive,
be renamed to North Oak Dr�ve. Seconded by Ve1z, carr3ed.
('.ulver Road:
Engineer Ogard in.z"ormed:the Commission that the Village has fi�ally got
act3on 3� obta,ining the piece of Culver Road between Regent and Scott
in Woodlawn Park, first and second Additions. This section is to be
covered by a Registered Land Szrvey and deeds wi11 be forthcoming.
Sqv.are vs 20 Foot Radius Corners:
LaBisson3ere reported that the Plat Committee wi11 consider this
problem �n the near f�xture.
, Vacat3on o� Zane Avenue and Private Lane:
In connect3os� �rith the Brvnswick Court P1at, there has been a request
for the vacation of Zane Avenue and so-called?Frivate Larie in the area
of the plat. LaBissoniere reported that the P1at Committee had vie�rred
t�iis property and recommendefl that Pr3vate Lane be vacated as a svb-
stitute street is provided in the plat and vacate Zane Avenue because
of its close proximity to Bassett Creek and plat layout, ho�eves,
retain utility e�.�ements along present Zane�Avernte. He also pointed
out that the committ¢e did not �,�rish to imply that they �rer9in fa�ror
of street vacation i�. g¢n.eral but this seemed to b a special ease,
especially in regat�ds to Private Lane. After disct�.ssion, Loughland
moved that Zan¢ Avenue be vacated from the south line of Lot 1, B1oek �.�
through lots 2 a.nd 3 of Block !�, and a11 of Private Lane be va�ated from
Brvnswick Avenue North to Zane Avenue in Bruris�sick Covrt Addition. Ea.se-
ments for utility ptuYposes to be retained over the vacated portion of
. Zane Avenue. Seconded by LaBissonaere� carried.
. • Privatc Hame Construction in Heavy Use Districts
' President Borchert referred this matter to the �oning Comm3tt�e for
. �
� ��
E� Ya1e Garden Homes:
Engineer Ogard aclvised the Co�ission abov.t char,.ges in lot 1ine� affecting
the Riegert property.
The meeting was duly adjourned at 11:00 o�clock P.M.
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