11-19-55 PC Minutes ��� GOL.DEN VALLEY PLANNING COi�1MI�SION Minutes of Meeting of NovembEr 19, 1955 A special meetinc� of t�ae Golden Va11ey Planning Commission was ca11�d to order at 8:�0 A.M., November 19, 1955, at the Village Ha11. Members present were Erickson, Peterson, Lynch, Loughland, Raugla�d, Putnam, Patterson, Kost, Borchert, Fwa1d, LaBissoniere and Ve22. Engineer Ogard was also present. Mr. Boblett, of the A. D. .Strong Company, appeared for am un.dis- • closed clie�t to recTuest heavy industrial zoning of 105 acres of property located at the Northwest corner of the Mi'nneapolis, North- field and South2rn Railway an�. Douglas Drive. The bv.ilding would cover 200,000 sq. ft. anc1 house offices, warehouse and manufact�ur- , ing consisting of fabrication of sma11 metal pari;s. The cost was estimated at 1.2 million dollars and initial employ- ment of 350 with possible future employment of two to thr2e thousand. The building would be of the one-story type and con- ' struction would start as soon as possible. A j�ortion of this - - � property had recently been platted and th.e plat acceptecl by the rouncil. However, the plat has not been recorded and the Com- mission was assured that the plat W�u1d not interfere with the rezoning. After considerable discussion of the possible �cra:ffic problem.s which this proposal mic�ht create ancl the 3rrrprovement of streets, the Commission took �h.is matter vnder advisement and President Borchert set December 7, 1955, as the clate for a public hearing. Engineer Ogard was requested ta advise the Vil- lage Administrator to notify residents of the area of the public hearing. Private Home Construction in Heavy Use District: Borchert read a letter from the zoning committee regaraing this matter. There was discv.ssion of this problem in other svbt?rbs and it was the opinion of the members that their problems da�'fer from Golden Valleys� because of differences in terrain and type or class of home development. It �ras felt that 5ec. 602 of the Ordinance covers this matter adequately vnless there axe some specific questions or problems of which the Commission is no� aware ol" at this time. Corner Radii: The question. of whether radii �t corner 1ot lines is desirable or not had been raised and referred to the F1at Committee. �:��: Engineer O�ard presented sketches of various 3ntersections sho�- ing street ��d, lot-line radi� of different 1e�gths. It was the opinion of the Commission that the purpose of such ra.dii is to permft the maintenance of sight distance at in�ersections. It was pointed out that the newly adopted ordinance ca11s for 20 �eet radius c�rves a� the intersection of corner 1ot lines. Velz moved �that the Co_mmission recomsnend th�t ther2 b2 .no change in the re- quirement for corner radii. Seconded by Kost, carried. Meeting adjourned at 1Z:00 A.M. � Secre�ary l�es2dent