01-12-56 PC Minutes ���� Gc�lden Va1ley Plannix�g Ca�ission �iautes of I�eeting of Jan. 12, 195b The regul�.r meetiag of t,he Golden Valley Plaruiing Comm3ssion �a.s called ta ordQr at 8:15 P.�., Ja.a. 12, 1956, at the Vi11a�e Ha11. Members pr¢sent �ere �issioaiiere, Patterson, �lorton, Borchert, Haz2sfln, Ve1z, Brown, Ra.ugland, I'¢tersoa, Schindet°, PaZmer, l.yrich 8 Penaock. e ° Preside�� Bo�chert intr.oduced the new m�tabers of the Commission. He thea advised that reorgamizatioa of the Commission was in order and askesi for � nom3�ations for t�¢ offices of President, Vice-F�esiatent ar�d Sesreta�. I�resident: T.aHissoniere nomiaated Patterson for Fresicl.en�t, seconded by Hanson. ' Pattersan aomina�ed Horchert for President, secQnded by Nfortcra. L�ch mo�red that nc��.iaatim�s be closed, seconded by T,aBissioaere. Borchert �ra.s elected President by ma�jorit�* eote. , �Tice Presid�a�r �touglar�d nomiaated Patterson for �TiceePresident� seccmded by Faiffier. Pal�er moved ncrminatio�s�be closed aad a vn�:nimous ballot b� cast ia � favor°of Pa�tersoa, seconded by Lynch, carried. �ecrefi,ar� L�Bissoaiere acimiria.ted Bert Putnaa� for Secz�eta�, ser�nded by I'almer. �Telz nominat�d &ougland far Secretary, secor�ded by &�.ason. Ran.gland nominated I�Bissionere for Secretary, secaaded by Palmer. Hax�s�n �oved nom3natios�s be closed, sr�conded by Mortoa. I'ntnam � e3ec�ed Secretary by �ajorit� vote. ' � I'�itn�m bei� absent, Velz taas asked to ae� as Secretazy �or thi� meeting. Borr.her� asked tl�at fi.he ne�r Secre�tax�y be notified to wr3t¢ letters to the ret�iring m�mbers of the Commission afl.d to th¢ Village Engir�eer,, Q�ard, comtaeadiag them for their ser�rice to the camm3ssion and the Village. , The mir�utes of the previous meetiag were read gn.d �pprov¢d �ca3th � correction. Honey�aell Re2oxiiag: . Presy.deat Borchert advised the Ccm�miss3or� that this mat�er was beiag deferred vr��i1 the Jan. 19th meetiag at thr� request of the H�eywell Co. in order to give them more time to study the prohlem� iavvlved.. - He requested that his letter o�' Jan.. J�, 19�6, to the members of the Gommiss�oa be i�- ' corporated imto the miautes as a report of the Zonir�g Cc�nittee mee�iag held on I3ec. 17, �955, regardiag this r¢zon3ng request. 1�. Emory ��so� reques�ted that �h.is letter be read for public inforr�at3on. The Secretary read the letter. � ° ° Lynch i�ormed the Commiss3oa that fi.he Lions C1ub had req�ested him tc eoav¢y the messag¢ that they were in favor.of the Hone�ell Cc�. eomiag to Goldea Valley; asid that their Secretary had been instr�cted to �ri.te a letter to the Gompaaz�r e�rpre�siag this sen�imen�. Capies of this letter are to be sent to �he meffibers of the Covn�il & PZanni.r�g Commi�sion. ��� E. R. C�ra.o Rezanir�a�.� r. �. . Concry preseated a reques� fc�r re2�i�g to Bv.s3�ess � Prof¢ssio�a.l�c�.�egor,y_the p�operty across from the �hite Iiause, -11�i�.9 sou�h of T. H. � 55, e'ast of the Holzapfel Cliraic asid no�h of the R.R. tracks. �Ie prc�posed c�rrectian of.•a one story bu�.lding for �'.he ¢atclnsi�e use af insur�nce compariies �d sho�d an arch.itecs dra�img o� the buiidiag. Borchert advised that the Z�i�g Com��t�ee had �tudied th3s request and. had recc�emd.ed its �spproval. � also stated t1�,t at le�.st some of �h� � reside�ts of the �rea had beea advised af this prQposal �d he had �c�� heard af a�y vb3ectio�s. l�r. �s:'y read .a le�t�r dated E1c�. �a 1955, , ac�ir¢ssed to the l�pc�r' settis,�c �or�h the int�a�idms of �r. Coaory anc� Mr. Hol2a��"el to develcrp �h3s ptrop¢rty alo�ag these.1ia�. Fatter�cm pointed � tha.t �his piece of l�.nd �ras no� pa�ti�sl�rily desirable for hcmes, cited the aeed for a Buu�iAess aad. Pro�'ess3c�na�. zome i� the gillage ord.in�ra.ce, aacl i ts �arkab i l it�r in f.hi.s cas¢, He asked Nir. Con�ry t�ther the prc�posed bnilding �c�,1.d be.u,sed b� one ecmpa�y or a grErup �f agents. Mr. Cgn� replied tha� i� r,ac�t�,td prabably coatain ��vver�l bt�acla mr a'�strict off i ce,s ra�her tY�aa� one cc�afly. Borc�ert �ta��d. tlr�.t 3t �as his,capiaiQa ��hat .the Cvmmissica sho�.d act oa �,his request at �hi� ti�e bec�use. of. th� 1¢A9�bY Previcn�s dis- cu�sioas �ich ha�r� been held regardia�g this� .gsr�ic�l.ar piece vf pr�pert�t. He��cited th¢ follc�ai�g poiats �h3�i afFect the t�� tca which the_pt��pert� cs� b¢ pnt and adva�ages of this proposals 1. The auisaace value flf the �3te Iic�se aad the fact t�at the prope�rtyr is at a 1�r �l¢vati�n:t� the �.i�e Ho�se, make it �desirable for homes. 2, This praposal �cra9.d elimimate the v,�e c�f the r�ilroad tr�.ck, 3. 1'�e ad,�aceEat resid�tial areas are � s�c� higlu�r gr�.d �r� pravides a b�fer in height al.one. Falmer moned �hat th� �3ssian, recc�mmead ta the Cou�eil th�t the pr�pert� sauth of T.T3. �55, e�.st of the xol2apfei Clinic at�d r�orth �f the s�.3lroad tracks b�. rezoned to Biasiness as�d Prefessi�al categc>ry accard.ing te the proposed new ordinar�ce,. Seconded by �..aBissioni�.re, carried. M3T °FIi11S P'�.�$: . . LaB�sson ¢re regmrt�d tha� the P1at C�mmittee recc�nmead¢d �hat �.Y�e Mary Hil1s P].at be given f��a.1 apprcaval �3th t�ie fallo�ring pra�vismsa l. Qa�].o� 2 b¢ deeded to t�ir� Village far po�disg area. 2�ie Yillage Engiaeer ha.d a���sed th� Committee tha.t Mr. P. B. Qlsoa h�d i��e�..�ions of deediag other praper�y.ad3ac¢nt to flu.tl4t_2 �o the Village �nh� he plats. . � 2. The north baun.dry.of Lsat 5, B1ack �, be e�e�nded a7� �es� a1o�.g t�e aarth 13ne of �he are�..sho�> as aot i�cluded ia the-plat, and ad,jt�st th� �st Zi�e of L�t 5' e,�C�rd3il�1�' th�reby inCreas3ng the s3�e c�� T.ot 5. , 3. Tlse ��. ir�dicated as not iaci�sded be i�cl�.d�d in the plat as Lct 13 or ebage lot av�bers as requ3red. �'r. Thomas G�y�, r�preseat- i�.g �. Ro�r 1�cBride, �rppiared and remasked c�a th� provisos as fallcn�s: �e`f��� �.. I�clua�ing the a.rea iadfcated as pnat iaci�dedp �rc�].d b� agreeable. b� Fa�].a�rgiag Lo� S� B1�r�k !�, involves l�. �¢�song asad he shoul,d be , c0asr�].ted. .: Mr. EQi$ong,, beigg preseat�. isdi�ated that the 1ot , li�es 3n ga�s�3o� cavld be �d.3usted, but prabably no� exa,ctly as ., �he C�m�ttee suggested, c. gd deed for (9a�lot � is now �n escrow frc�m �tr. S�reeaey to �r. P. B. 02son, therefAre the decis3oa as t� deed3ag this propr�y to the V311age she�ld came from F�r. 01san. At'ter ft�rther discussioa reg�sd3mg these it�ms, LaHfssoniere moved th�a�, the plat be give� ffr�al gpprona,l pr�vided t,hat: . ].. Tb.�. �'illage �g3neer �et �ic. alsoa�s c�nse�at tc deed t�tlo� 2 to the Villa�e. � . , 2. The lines of I,at 5, H1.ock !t, h¢ �.d�sted to � satisfacti� of the prc�pert� owr��rs aad the Village E�gineer. _ 3. Th� area sh�a on �he pr¢seat pl�.� as �no� i�cluc�ed� bs 3n- cluded in the pl�.t anfl appropriately n�mbered. L�3fssoriiere i�ferm�d the cvmm�ss3m� �Lat outiots � & 3 �1��,1.d be pe�itted to r¢maia in the plat as shmr� be�use o€ aa e��hange of prc�perty se� forth ia a sigr�ed agreemest attaehed to �he plat. �at� ,�cres 2ad Add. Plat a L�Bisso ere moved t the re�ised plat as presera�ed be giveg pre- li�inaz� appronal. Sec�nded by� L�ach, c�rried, J.J. s �P1ats � . �To a� or� on this plat has.been takea by �tr. E)ys and the V311age Ad- �in3stratc�r faas ac�s�.� to 7.eave th3,s ma�ter off futvre agead�s zmti2 snc1-� time as �'r. Cays presents a plat. � �a.3ver, �,�� 6, 81ock ���i,ks 3rd Adds 1�1r. I�arml��3s,. of the Fairv�i°uc�iaa ComP�Y� �PPear�d to advise the �m;ission tha� his compar�y had pr�� in a fcuada.`�ion c�n Lot 6, �3thont }�,a�aledge of the 35� sid�rd setback an cors�er lots. T�ie r�.y the fv�datioa 3s plaeed th�r� t�ould be a 15• side �rd bet�aeen Ke21g Dr3�re �. aad the garage. xe reqv.ested �hat a �r^d.iver be grar�ted for this situaticm. �s�s reported that the fardinance Commit�ee had � Lc�oked at t�,3s prflpert� arid sugges��ed �that �he prapased �asr�,geel be mov�ed �o the rear of the h�se so that a 25� �ide �rard c.�].d be obtai�ed. �to�agl�ad moeed tbat the Coa�ssica rec8mm�s+3 �o the �c31 ttaat a mai�er be gr�nteit to perm3t cc�astz�ctiaa �f �h� �arage tm �ithia 25r . o� 8eily �rive �t. S�cogded by 't3�son, earried with 0ne d3ssentiag vote by . �r��A �o stated �he reasan for h3s vo�e �a.s that the partp �as clr�arly in �oilation af �he ordir�ce; aad., if he ha.d obtair�ed his bn3ldia� permit befcre constt�t�,ction b¢ga=�, the s3tuatioa would r�ot have develcrped. The C�miss�on, �mo�aiag of this viola�ion, sh�,1.d . aot be2 a party to. condosiag it. He �.,s addised that this saine prublem had beer� discassed an nther aecass3ons �rith the �u.ildtr�g �sp�stc�r • and the C�ci1. , � 1�uc.s- t 7 Block 1 Thutlandts T�rin°View T�erraces • e req�a,est o Mr._Schw�rta or a va3ver �o permit ccrostrt��tiaa of a garag� to within 15� of his front lot 1ir�e t�..s preseated, �rae �o • incomplete 3uEormation and Mr. Sch�z not beiag pr�seat, Fres. Borcher� advised that no actioa c�uld be tak¢n. ��� T�aiv�zr - �r,�edersoas F7r. F�derson appeared to reques� a �ront y�rE1 waiver for a propa�ed h�rme aa his lot a� t,he S.E. �orner of Pc�pla�c i�rive & Meadow T�e. H� pr¢se���d �t�n proposals; oae for a 15 t� set�ack t� �.he gara.�e and �2 t to the hc�use; and ano�&er for a 23= setback to t�ie garage and 35� to t.�e hocise. Ha�ison reported that the �rdi�aace Cammittee rracommended th�t-so coasider- atioa.be gieen to th� first proposalc�f 15� set�ba.ck; but the secoad propr�s�l of a 23� setback to the garage and 35t to-�he house appeared to be reason- able because of the irregul�r setbacks on adjacerit homes, amd because it �uld be ia genera.l coaformance aszd compa�table �ri�h the developm¢�� of the area. Haasoa moved that: the �c�issioa recos�end to th� Cm�aa�il that a waiver be gs�rited to permit� cossstr�ct3on of a gar�ge to �aith3r� 23� of �he �. lmt 13ne. Seconded by 5chi�der, carri�d. � _ Fred Joae - R est fcar Rezanin, e . a . ones agpear�d reqaes�ed that this ffia.tter be d¢ferr�d na�il the a� meetia,g. Al1 - dth ave. �o. to �ren Lanes .Act on e erred pe� gg t�al mf p1a�s ar a spe�ifi c prvp�s�l. Street � Chan e - .Arcla;ib�,1.d �venue: sso ere, repo ng ar .t Piat Camm3�tee, :mo�ed �.t ,�rchfbald Ave. b� changed to Parkvie�r Terrace No.; aad ttja.t Parkview Te�rac�� b�tr�es2 GZen�mod Ave. and 1�rc�1 Ti��.il, be changed to Parkview Tr�rra.�e �S�rath; aud - the C.ommissioa ftasth¢r rec�e�a1s that the �cil c�,sider e�a�ging the 300 e part3na of Tyrol Trail ,j�t �T. of T�ayaata. Bl�d. tm Parkeiew Terrace South a.s �Il. Seconded by Pe�er�en, c:arried. a H�erh�.�r-�xse Tfistrict: , Hbrch�'"2s�ed�terso� to pz�pare laa�aage that t�,7.d re�isr� mr delete cer�ai� prtioas of t,�ie e�rdia�ce p�r�ainiag tm p�s�aittiag h�,e c�n straetion is heav�� use d3strie�s, Ges�lemen: . � 1�e rez�a3ng reqziest af �.�. Strong Com,�a�,y in beha�.f of l�iiameapolis FIane�ll. is carrying c�er �r�m 1955 to 1956, �s a res�lt 3,� is ge+i�ag to �caae before a coa�missio� �ch �3,11 be con��3t�ted smme°r�ha,t d3ff�reatl� �1a� th� boc�r �ich �s cm�as�dered �he reqaes� up t� �his time. Ther�fore I am writing this me�oraaclv�, t� s�etc�a the sta,te c�f affafrs as it. l� d�velvped �p �o t�is time, The reqaest ineAlves a 1�5-ac�e tract nor�h af the Mpls., ��}afield' � and Soa�hern �. and west Qf �ouglas 'Drive, Fios� �f thee lasd is no� Opea I�velap�n�at; .� narr�r strip alaag the.�re�t side pf D�aglas 1�riv�� 3� � � � �t_.� n�rth of St. Crcix Ave. 3s ncs� acmed Co�aer�ial fqr Cc� mtmit� s��e p�rpcse�. �0. part3crn. mf ttie land is imcluded f� �the ,�,rn��d J. Ande�rson resid�ntial:��. plat. T`ha�, pla� has rece3ved fima.l:appr�va]. by t&¢ Pla�raig� Commissian, and i�hr� T�latter ha.d begcu�,,to grade �h.e streets. However the plat has aever beea �inally a�proved by, the crnyncil; and the land iavoiv¢d fiad nat ye� be¢n piaced fa �he R�siden�ial 2onitj.,q ca�egmzy, � �:�. The request was first prr�sented to th¢ Plaras�ag Cammission at a spec3al meeting mn Sa.tc�rda�' marning, Nc3ve�ber 19. �he matter taas referred to t�e ac�n3��..��i�tee fc� stud�. The_matter was.ther� take� up �b� �th� r.c�mmission at � �9ece�bc:r 8th meetin�. . 0ppositicn �a.s e�prr�ss�d by th¢ r¢sidez�ts of t.he ad�jQining area to the south. The c,�aairman of theaoaiag c�mittee �a.s aot preseht to report; b€�t members. oF the cc�tttee �9a.o �rere present expressc�d the conseas�s of the cc�mmitt,ee, They believed, aad. the other members o� the coaranissioa. coacurred' that t� ma3or proble�s ma�.st be solved if the land 3n q�esti�a. is fi.c> be �onsider�d for industri�3. �se: (1) ma3or fa�ilities must be bn31� to ma�e traffic be��en the site amd a�a`at�erial rc�te--eithers �1son I�,igh� or �he Belt Liae,• C2� an effectiue bv.ffer must b� de°�el+aped bet�re�a the pr�posed ind�str,� at�d �th¢ develc�ping residential area n�rrth of the Gc�ldea �Ta11ey Golf Cvurse. Mr. Ba�lett accep�ed th¢se cas�ditiot�s--r�tid a�rreed to report th¢m to his clieat,. the Honey�ell �mpany*. Th� �ission toog no ft�r�her action. . . f�n �ttaro1a� morsiing, �cember 1?, the zoaing oo�nittee held asioth�r special meetiag. fi'he meeting �as held at the request of N1r. Boblett for �he ptirpc�se of,g3v�tr�g an officer of Honeywel3. aa Qpportunity to h¢ar the zaniag ccr�itteeis tho�tghts mn raads. for access as�d road5 or other clevices as bu�fers. �.�T�oc�d� treasurer of Honey�?:1, �s �resent. The meet�ing ended in agre�m�nt that Honey�rell, br3th fnll �mderstandir�g of. the plaz�ning problems inharent�in the. d�velvpmea� of the land ir� q�estion aad t�e desires of the P1.a�igg Cumaaissic�, �u].d tura the grc�lem over #.o its designiAg as�d ¢�gineeri�g firm. I� was agreed that th¢y �1.d ccime tip �Yth th� best plan they felt they cauld�afford; then we cc�.1.d decisle �b.e.ther the p1as�, is adeq�ate _ ia ovr ,�udgeme.at. t � �r. Boblett c�.11ed. me a Friday, �cem'ber 34, to ia�form me of s�bsequent devel�pm.e��s. The Hoaeyw�ll peaple have c�nf�zr�red wi�h the ��y Highway �e�artment ca�cern�ng co�,t a�d var3ous al�eraatis�e �ays to prc,�ide access to the Be1t Line mr C�3.son High�, The �,iat� Highway �ept., according to Mr. Bat�lett,. has ruled �rut the e�ension. of �ediciae .Lake Rd. to the Belt Line, T�ie c�an3r has ruled €sr�t the possibility of �sing fc�lde� Valley Road. The pc�ss3birit�r of ¢x�ea�iatng �cr�glas Ifrive tc� QTsc�n I�. aad making the necessarg improveffients is sti11 �der.stndy. �r. Dc�glas Rees has revived intere,st i� the iadustriall�-2cmed land aloag �ia�za�a. Blvd.; and that poss3bility 3s aow being re-s��died by the cc�oar�r. I� appears, then, that the ccr�oa� has seither fully preser�ted the request nnr �Ythdraran it at this time. Therefore, at the request af the campar�r, the matter is not li�ely to �ear cn the ager�da f�r the reg�lar _ Pla�ir�,q Cc�mmission meeting Ja�ary 12, 1956. Mr. Boblett iafcn�,s me that t]�e c�a�r may b¢ ready to present its complete pr.oposal at fi�ie meet3ng of Jan�ry 19, if it is pQSSible to plaee the mat� �. the ageada of that � meet3ng. �The Jasn�ary 1� mee�ting is a special meetiag for the p�rpose of set�l3r�g the re�ris¢d street �nd 1ot plan for th� �est ha].f of Ya1e Garden Hvm2s.� I belic�e it wi11 be passible, i� it is aecessaty. 7sic�aing memb¢rs of the C,�nission may �3sb, to read the minuice.s of previous meetings in eart�.ectio� with the Hone�we].1 requ¢st or other items. The mirnstes ar¢ on file at t,he vil2ag¢ hail. . Sa.ncerely, ° John Borr1;¢rt, Presideat M�r.ti�g adjovrned at 11:30 P.I�. � .