01-19-56 PC Minutes ��`� . ' . Speciai �eeting of F1atu�3ng Comm3ss��n Mirn�tes of Jan�uazy 19, 2956 Nteeting A special ffieetir�g mf t�he Plannis�g Co�n3ss3o� of Golden �a,11ey s�a,s held at �tlie �illag¢ Hall an Thvrsday, Jar�vary 19, lg5b, at 8:pp fl�clock P.M. Presided v�er b� Presiden� Borchert th� �ee�ing �as atteuded by: I,ynch, Palmer, Fa�t�erson, Petersoa, Pat�� LaBissoniere, �son, E�aa,ld, Brown, Fe�nock, Shir�der, a.s�d Velz. � . �linxa�es of �he meet3ng held Januaxy 12th �rere �ead and �proved �r3t� a carrection in reference to the motimn grar�ting appro�a2 to the � HiI1s Plat t�, read: �[�lot 2 is ta be de�ded �0 1t3�e �'f21a�e or dele�ed from the plat.a _ A•D..Strc��ng Reaos�i�e �st: ° �.� 1�i¢ chai� cspened the meetit�,g to the hear3r�g ir� the matter of re- zoning from opea clevelapme,�,t to industrial per the request mf A. �. ,tras�g �P�Y at the l�ar�t�iwest ccarner of Dauglas Drive aAd the ffi.�. & �. I�a.il�,p. Mr. Bobl2�tt, representing the S��oag Ca�Pa�.' stated that a'te�:�ative ac,�ee- ment had been reached �ith the Cov.nty on the e�ct�a.sion of i�gla.s Dr3ve SO'�'� �o ��'� �55 and that access vnto .�`55 �. bs �orked c� �ri�h con- trois t0 the satisfaction of l�lis�e�ota Hi.�hwa,t Departffieat� �te commet�.t,¢d br3efly c� the ia�em� of the Mi�apvlis Hone�rell Cefmpa� tc i�r o�t ar-�, ' at�ractiee development �d restated th.at �h¢ location o£ the 3�iti�,1, bu31d- ing wou].d be at th¢ preseat site of the Qlbrecht house. Phtterson stated that more specific and det$iZed. infor.mati�n, as re- ques�¢d, ou��it ta be presented. The �ecretax� read from l�resides�.t Borchert+s � memo dat,ed Ja�ev.a�r �. referring to. fi,he meeting of �ecember 17, at �hi-ch time_ th¢ a�pl3c�at �.s req�es�ed to prov3de sgeci�ic 3nformatfo� regarcl3�.g high- -. �ray accesses aad fi2�.e establis33men,t of buffer z�n¢s. �}?isctiassi� Y'o11o�d regaad.3�g GmI15�3'f�G�,��il C�StS �fli7� �. Hoblett �stated tb.�.� plaas fmr the F bufldiag �rovld be �rl�hia the }�(?-foot height Z3mit other tha$ probable me�ssar� � �rater to�zrs. � ��rson stat�d .objections to the re2on3ng a�d_dra�ring �n his former experience ia �a.ter tt�spc�rtat3Fon, q�a,estiQr�ed �ethe.r fi�he Haney�ell. c�peration m3ght not rreate � larg2 ra� material storage depot, �i�.h material beisg brot�ght on barges np the �ir�escta River tc �.�rage and thr�ace via rail to th¢ site. �r. Emer� S�as�soa, represr�nti�g a avmber of persons pr¢sent oppo�img the re2cm3ng of t�s �rr�„�t made th¢ fa11rna3zr�,g observatioas: 1. The laak of infor�ea.tio�, supplied by the appiicant made th�m fear- ' f�a1 af �he pok.ent�ial �velopment of the area. 2. The proposed e�ension of 9k�taglas Dr3ve wou].d constitute or�y o�e traff 3 c rc�v,te, as�d that a larg� a�amber of accesses �'i g2�.t rareell�be reqnired. . 3. �a.t prov3sion �u1d, be made for a buffer 2c►ne from the stat�dpo3nt mf tI�e �sting residences along �he East side. of �augta.s 3�ri�e? !�. Mic,�it �at a grade separatioa be required at the ia�erse�tic►n of • �ouglas i�ri�re and Golde�. 8a11ey �Road? ° 5. The added traffic �:ald congest ad�ac�¢nt r�eighborhood road�ys. �,�c,i�' 6. The hope tha.t not�rriths�audin� egtensive bmffer aanes as;d so= called na�tractive� design the progosed develc3pment m3ght be loc�.fi�ed ° so�..e�here else �ri�.hin the Village. ° P�. S�ra�son f�rther suggested that perha�s the' ccsts of developir�g access roads and sui�a.ble b�fer zc��.es might equal o'r exc:eed the cost of building on the Wayzata Bm�leroarci si�e, r�h.er� i� is conte�d.ed add.itional e�pense �.1.d be iAeolved ia establishing sc�itable f�.dations. �. Albert gimtiugton, 191a I�oue�las �3ri�e, s�a�ted the pasitioa that snas�y mod.er�, i�ciustra.al. plants ar�.attractive aad that the development � vnder c�ider�a.tion mi€,�ht not detir�.ue hom�s �i�hin that gemeral aree. 3�.ie PreSiden� imr3ted the follotiring to ca�ent on the proposal: ' �. Paui �gha�ser stat�d tha.t in. regard to ha.�.dli�g of tra�ffie I�diciae Lak� Road. cc�].d b� pro�ected East�d to iatersect �Ith Belt Line #1�O i� additian to its Qesterly inter5ec�ion witb the praposed ae� He1t Line csn ee►. I�r. ,� 18, and that the improve�ent of �iougZas 1)rive �d �reate aa adeq�sate �'orth-S�th facili��. H¢ stated tbat he ha.d an otaner=s im�erest i� the praperty and that his firm estimated that the ar¢a s�Id be s�aited for homes iA the �12,QC�3-1�.,000 class if c3c�velaped residen$ially. Tt�,stee Ralph Stark ccrmmented tha� Co�a�y eommiss�o�er Earl ains�arth had e�pressed to hi� the des3re of the Cauat�. eomm3ssicners to have Iic�.eywell r�sa�a.im �rlthit� 13eem�epfn �ozmty, �id that. the C�at�iit� wa�1.d pay for ec�nstrESCt- ing a '2la.t 9-�on rsad on 7Jouglas T�iee. _ 1�._Douglas �ees reported that his �irm, �rorkir�,g with �. Rc�y Thorshcnr, Architect.and the T�rin Ci�y Testi�.g I.aUorator� h�.d,: established tY�at added costs of construc�tang the pl.ant cg his '�Tay2ata Boulevard s3te woere a�prox- imatel� 65� a sq�are foot and �ha� he was �s�ently n¢gotfatin� wYth:the Hon�ll mat�.gememt to de�relc�p their interests in �his 1oc�tion. . Presid.ent Borchert cc>mmeated that ap�aro�imatel�r 1� of t1�e taf+al area _ of the �311age is now zoned to cc�mnerci�.]. a�d iadus.tsial, and ti�a.t if �h.is , area �re re2oaed this per�et�tage �ro�].d be 3ucrea.sed to 1J�, and c�apared . this to approximately 5� so zoned as of 10 years ago. . °� Iqynch moved that 3a consideration of the ,�. D. Strong Compat� request �a,d 1imi�ed to the i�terests of the �Iinneapolis Iioney�,rell g3egulatc�r �a.�g, the Fia�min� Commission recommend �to th¢ �icil. to re2one the 105 acres �ander €ar�sfderat3oa to an Industrial c�tegory provided the �vncil feels ti�t t�his is an accdptable pro3ect arid proper road as�d bnffer ze�nes ar� prc�ided: The mot3on sdas s¢can.ded b� Palmer. 1�1r. Ve12 stated. that he dic� rac�t believe the proposed road to be �the bes� soluticm. 1�lr. Patterson stated that he q�estioaed thea:w�tllingness of the a�plica.nt to spend mmaey to de�ele3p roads and tY�at he was cri�tical mf lack of is�c�z�atioA presented , � by t�ie a�plic�nt. �`h.e motion failed to pass, rec�ivi�g f� A�ES a.�d six Id0 va�es with 2 abstentions. F�llo�ir�g a short recess the m¢eting �as called tv order a�id T.yneh af'fered a moticn that in coasidera.tion of �he reques�t mf the Ad.D. Strong C.�mpa� and limited to t.he interes�s Af f,he Minneapolis Hone�aell Regu],ator C�mpa� �he P1a�ing C�,mm3ssior� recammend tc fi�he Co�ncil_ to re22c�ae the 105 acr�s �der �on�i�erat3oa to ari Izielustrial categor� provided the Conrscil feels that this is an acceptable pre�ect, �at proper road ar�d buffer zoues c�. be established, and with a ft�rther provision that: 1. Medicine Lake Road or a reloc�.tion af it be i�raved to prov�e fe�r traffic lanes bQtwee� Belt L3ne #lE� arid Ca�snty Raad �18, a�d that Dc��].a� Dri�re be imprcnred from �Iedicfae � �toad to T.H. #55 to prc�vide fo� tra�fic lanes. . . - - � _�. e�� 2e xoofed buildings be limit¢�. to �5� eac�aA.c� af the tmtal land area. . r 3. 1� 200-f�at buffer zane be created �ith rcads a�d lar�dscaping. The �tion was second.�d b�r P�aer and, pa,ssed, ra;cei�ing 1� ,�ea v�tes, or�e ffiQ, and oae abstea,t i o�. f7QFffiTTEE A�SI�]�R1T5 � The President appointed the�follawi�g Cc�mmittee members: � H�i�h ` �it�ee Z€�nin� G�mmittee e 2, thairman . - erso�, C�a3rmau Gra�don Eiaalcl Ber� D. Putnam a Joe Bra� iieorge Penaock Plats �.Street l�ames f�ciir,+as�.ce' �amittee Pr�terso�, �rman ' H�ro �Iar�sag, rm�n I�ro1d- _.. �h ----- � � I�obert i�s.ugiaad Robert I�Bisson3ere C�don E�,].d Hyma�n Sl�i�der ' WEES___T �Y,�I.E G�DEBT H� �: , l�r. . porge �asan ,�f M rell & �'ichols preseated a re�ised draf;t mf �he street and 10� ].ay�u� for �h¢ �Test cne-half_of Ya1� Cr�rden Homes, rel�c�.t- �a9 33r� A�e�e T�esterly a�xd Bt�r�th�ard and eliminating from. the plaa the IVmrth-Sot�th street former].y l�id Aut fvr fi�he Svuth.port�on. � majority of the affected prc�pert� or�.ers �ere in a�k�ettda�.ce amd f411owlag an �- planatian by l�r. Nasan of the 2a�c�tt, motion by Palmer sec�nded b� �e12 � �a.s carried �o recc+mmen,d the Cot�c31 a�pt th� pla.� ider��ified as Sch¢me �• re�ised 1-I3-56 as the stre¢t patt� f�r the �Test Half of Yale Garden . Hc�es. Those presea� e,xpress�d a d¢sire to have f.he work cc�ra.er�ced c�n the �ons�icuc�ion of 33rd from Reger�t to Lo�aey Terrace ar�d. L�r Terra�¢ ��hrmngh the propc�^ty at the earlies� possibl¢ time. , REZf�G - �,ARNAI.L �r('�33EN �� �UTL�TS: c�,es� o red. JQnes or e cvmmfssion to consider rez�ing ta Indnstrial cat�t�ry asi area in:.the �Tat�h par�t of Yarnall Cc�lder� Val�cy � Qutlots �rest of 7�agla.s D=.ive �ras referred to the Zeming Committee. The meeting .was ad�ovr�ed: ° G�.c�./ '• - ' CT2 1 ` �