02-09-56 PC Minutes ��� GOLDE[+T VALLE� VILLAGE PLt�NNING �O;:I�ISSIQN I�YNUTE�S OF b�TING 0�' F�B�iTA��Y 9, 1g56. A re�lar �eeting of the I'lanning Comrebi.ssion of the Village �f �olden �Talley �cas held at the Village H�..11 on Thux°aday, February 9, at �.��i o'cloc� P.Fa�. Tl�ose in attendanec �vere: �orchert, � B�co`vn, E'�Yald, Hanson, Lynch, Pennocl�, Peterson, Fntna.m, Raugland, �P�inder, an.d Felz. 1�Linutea of t he �ee�ing of �arivary 19 were approved ae re�.d. � 7�he Preaident a�anounced that he had bee� reqtl�ested by fl�ayor Nada9dy to appoin-t a co�mnittee of three membera o� the Coa�nission to consider tfie question o� sale of the Villa�e gravel pi� property,and he appoi�:�ecJ. Putnam, C�.m.ir�a,�;� Lynch ancl Petter�on, �mbers. , The secreta�y r�ad a 1e.tter from Donald B. Pal�aer,Jr. offering his resignation fro� the Co�iseion due to his ina.bility to a�tead meetir�gs. There followed a discusaion of the two on.rrent vacaraciee in membership and a ffiotion by �rrrald seconded - 'by Brown was Earried that the Coamlission nrge the Council to •reappoint Walte-r Ko�t to �ill oae of these eaca.ncies in vie� of his former reeord of service. �'red Jones re—zonin�5��,rna11's Golden Vmllev Outlots: The secrctary read a report da�Eed Februarg 6, from Patterson, C}aairman of the Zoniiag.Committee in �rhieh he stated, �vith referenee to Y'red Jones' requeat that Lot 1, 2, 15, and 16 now v�,eated of Yarn�11'e Golden Vallep Ontlote, "Jon.�s cdid not tiv3sh to preas the m�,tter �urther." In the absence o� the Chairman of the �onia�g Co�aittee, disc�sio�. , of re—zoning from Open Deeelopmen-� to I�esi�ential various registered land surveys was deferred. ° Ri chla.nd Hi.l l s• � The Plat Goimm.ittee ha.d not l�o�vledge of a Richland IIills plat, nor - did anyone �,ttend the meeting in the inte�est of this matter. Slee�v �allo� Plat. � �. I�.�• �lnderson app�ared in. behalf of B.,A. Shuttleworth with regard to preliminary approval for a plat of Sleepy Hollo�. Peterson repor�ted. tha,t the Plat Com�i.�tee had vie�ed the a,rea and that �i.ere �ere a number of �roblems involved in sub—divid.ing the area ancl that alth�ugh the �lat ma.p �a.ve shor�comings it ap�eared to be the only avaiTable e�olution. FollocTing discussion of the plan aau7. its relations}�ip �6��djacent areas, motion by Peterson seconded by i,ynch c�.rried that: provided the platter re—a�,nage � . . 158 � 4 �vesterly lots numbered. 4 throngh 7 into three lots, aad tl�a.t the lot low occupied by the Shuttle�vo�th residenee be inaluded, the �lat be accepted for preliminary approval. ti9ai�er—Thotland's.T�via Vi e�v Terraee s I+'ollowing comr�ittee report, motion by. IIanson was seconcled by Rauglan.d anci csarried to. establiah a mi.nimam of 25 f�:et aa a setback requirement for lo�e gumbered 1 t�ugh 7 i8 �lock 1 Thotland's T�vin View Terrace Addition. This action �ras taken im vie� oif the ehort depth of lot e��ated by their steep desc�nt tow�,rd the lake. Dr. �uuel �inder agapeared� reg,uesting tha� in vie�r of his deaire not t� obsta�v.ct tlae lake vieW from other homesit�a in his block, that he be gr�,nted a �*aiver to allo�v a 25 foot set—back on Lot 1, Block 7, TPnatland's T�in View T.erraee. �ir. �ason,owner of the nezt lot, and �r.�.gene Thotla.nd spol�e in aupport of Dx�. Binder's request. ]�Iotion by Velz, seconded by Shinder, ciarried, tm graxit a w�.iver to allow a 25—foot setbaelc o� Lot 1, �loek 7, Thotl�,nd's Tari:n Vie�r Terrase. The ma.tter of nauain� the cnrrentlg aesignated Countg Road #' 41 �vas referred to the Plat and Street Alaming Committee. _ Thex•e fo7.lo�ved a discuseion regarding �the advisabilitg of definin� the term "Btiffer Zone" and this matter �r�s referred to tlae Zoning Cor�ittee for fnrther consider�.tion. - The mee�ing �.�.j ourned at 10:30 P.NI. �� - H � �" ! . �����s'��� "`'�%-1„• i .' Secretary Pre d.ent •