03-08-56 PC Minutes 1��.
1�G� 1��TIlVG OF MARCH 8, 195d.
g segular meeting of �he Golden Valley Planb.ing Commissior�
was held March 8� 1g�6, at 8z00 P.M. at the Village Hall,
- �ri�h the following members presen-c: Borcher-t, Brown, E-�a1d9
Han.son� LaBissoniere, Zyneh, Patterson, Pete-rson, Pu.tnam,
Raugland and Shinder. Also in attendance w�re Admin.istrato�e
f�rens and Village Engineer Fredrickson. Minutes of the
" regular meetin.g of Februaxy 9, were read and approved. �
� Sleepy Hollow Plat
Chaiz�man of �he Plat Committee-P�te�son �epo��d that the�e
was xao ne�r ia�ormatior�. to consider rela-tzve to the Sleepy
� Ho3.7_o�r Plat.
Richland Hi11s Plat
Follow3ng presentation of the Richaland Hi11s plat by� Fred
� Jo�.es �.d discussion of i-t, and the report of �Ehe. plat
corranittee, motion by Peterson, seconded b� Lyn.ch and carried
to gra�.t pre7aminarar approval to the revised plat zdenti�'ed
as Revi.s�on # 3 and show.in,� the Southerly dedica-ted 30� street
right-of-wa.y, prov�.ded that lot 6, in block l, be incr�ased to
10�� �rontage and tha� the South 1ot line of T,ot L�, block l,
has-i-�s west termis�.�a.s at the point at which the plat property
line forms a corner.
Dietriah Plat ►�. �
`' �h� pZat commit�ee presented �or disucssion a p1.at for a sma11
area no�th of the �'laotlar�.d Addition and bovr�.ded on. -�he west b�r
the Service Rc�ad on T.H. 10� and re�erred to as tY�e Dietrich
. Pla�. It was po2nted out tha,t all o� the lots meet sta�.dard
. reguireme�.ts and that the plat p�ovides for proper e�en.sion
of e�istin� streets. Motion b� I,aBiss.or�.iere, seconded b�r �
Ra�zgland carried to gran.t prel3m.inar�r ap�rovaL to the plat.
Pat-�erson, Chairman of the Zoning Committee, reparted on. his
3n3tial egam3.riation of the R�gistersd, Lan.d Survey .(�reas under
consideration for classiFication to Resident3al Zo�.ing, arad
further that hi.s committee would presen-� a �mit�en repor-� on
this matter a� the next regular meetzn.g.
. ' . Mr. Clarence Green appeared before the Commission. requ.esting '
that it eonsider classify�.ng Meadowbrook Acres f�ontin.g on
- Turner�s Grossx�oad from open development to r�sidenti.al class.
The ma�ter was r�ferred to the Zoning Commi.t�ee. � , .
Waiaer-Conrad, �.729 Triton Dr�.ve.
: Mr. Cox�ad of la1.29 Triton Drive did not appear in support of his
request io� a building permit wa�ves� and no diseussio�. was he1.d,
Street Name change�
Refe�°red to the Plat a�e�..d Strr�et Names Comr�.ttee for a report at �h�
next meeting were requests to consider re-marnin.g 28th Avenue Nor�h
to Da.�wn. Dri.ve, Mandan Avenv.e to Aqui.la, and establish�ng a new naine
.for �ouglas �ve�.us in �che Southeas-� section of �he gillage -�o agozd
its bein.g confused wi.th Douglas 7�rive.
With referenee �o ttold" Tn�a`yzata Bc>ulevard, Lynch reported that th.e �
busine�s people 3n the area �reatly favored �°e�ain�.g the Wa�atia
Boulevard �dentification and that h�ving contacted the Post ��fi�e
Department he was in�ormed that this address met the�s approval.
�nngineer Fredrickson sta�-.ed th� the question of es-cablishing sex�ri.ee
roads on �� xighW� # 55 ��olved largel�r a matter o� who might
pa� for �heir construction and that he �rould repo�t further at the
next meeting.
Motion by Patterson was seconded b� Ewa1d and carried to recommend
that the Counci:L take action to airiencl the Zoning ordinance to provic�
that res�dential and open developmen-t v..ses be prohibiteel in. areas zoned
commercial and/or industrial.
: ffillage (xraeel Pi�
Th.e Secretary read a report dated Mar�h. 5 i.n. which the Commi.�tee named
to Qons3der disposition of the TTillage Gravel P3.t proper�y recomme�.ded -
coz�3.r�.uing Village o�.ership until the area �.ght be utilized for
municipal pwrpose. Mot3on by Brown seconded by Sl�in..cler carried, that
the Commission endorse the report and that the secretary so advise the
Council. -
Rees-Thomsors-�crogg�ns Request for Re-zoning
Messrs. Holt and Thomson o� the f3rm o� Rees-Thomson-Scroggins presen�ed
a request �o rezone approx3.mately 2 3/�. a�res ��°onti:ng on -�he ser�rice
road on the West side of T.H. 100 at Douglas .Avenue from Qpen De�elopm.ent
to Commercial. A prelltninary sketch illustrating projected use of the
area by Road Machinery 5uppl�r Company r,�as explained and Mr. ��csmson s�ated
that the land might other�Yise be considered as a site for �ra. of.fice bu�.ldin.g.-
The request was referred to �he Zon�.ng Commit�ee.
Lutheran Bible Institu�e
Messrs. A.�,. Nel�o�., W.E. Kla�ritter and A.R. Peterson appeared be�ore
the commission representing the ,Zut$n��s�. Bible Institute. They
presented a prelaxninar�r dra�rir�.g ilZustratasag their in.terest in adquirin�
approximately �2 acres between Nob1e Avenue �n.d Belt ��.e
�.Oi3, south of Noble School. N1r. Nelson sta�eci that the
school now located at 17th and Po-rtlancl in Mirmeapolis
has a curren-t enrollment o� 33o studen�ts and is in ur;ent
need o� room for°�xpanding its �acili-�3.es. In. operation
°36 �ears' the Tns�itute offers a� t�o-�ear B3.b1e eourse for
miss�.onaries, conduc�s a racLi.o institute, �d correspondence
schoal. The plan presentecl inelicated o�cupancy o�° the
appx°oximate easterl� half of the �ea by cla,�5room bu3.ldings'
a ehapel, and s�udent dormito�3es to aecomod.ate an estima-�ed
m.�x3�t�.um of 8� st�dents. 3� further illus�ra�ed an intent to
dev�lop the w�ster2y part as a par.� ara.d recrea�ional area
�'o� the Imsti-Gute campus. It was dete�rnined to hold a
speczal. rr�etin� on ^ihuz'sda�' Mar'Ch 15� 'to consider this
proposal �.ri detail.
P�r. Sh�rman Hasbrouck of the firm o� Thorshov and Cerny
presented commission members wi-�h a prospectu.s of tha-G
fir�n's ne�rly organized Planning Serro3ee 1�partire n.t,. A
. gc;ne�al discussion follo�ed regarcling the needs of t�.e
° Fillage for professional assistance on specific planning
problems, and particularl�r the demand for establishing
ara. alZ over st�ee� pattern.
� �zG'� ^ �"°L���^�-2�
� Px�e ide�lt.