03-15-56 PC Minutes ��� -
�cx 15, 1956.
A. special meeting of the Golden Valley P1anx�.ang Commission.
�aa9 held on Ma�ch 15, 1y56, at 8 P.M. at the Villa�e Hall,
and was attended by: Borchert� Brown, Ewald, Han,�ons La-
Bissoxiiere, Z�**n.eh, Pa�terson' Peterson� I�a�.�+.,, �a��.�y
a�.d Sh.-i.n.cler. A].so in attendance were gdm�n,a.�tra�or Qw�x�s
and Engineer �'redrickson. .
R3chl�aa.d Hills Plat
Follow�n� presentat3on of Fred Jone's Richl�d Hills 11�t
revised 3n aceordance with" action taken at the regular
meeting of I�Iarch 8' a motion by L�rn.eh seconded b�r Pe-�erson,
cax•ried to grant prelianinary appi�oval to the plat' provided
that the s�treet bounding B1oek 2 on the east will noic be
laid out so that its right-of-way is 7.ess than 25 feet from `
the hous e shown, on ?.�ot 15, �31o�k 2, and that �.f tlais
ciistance is less than 35 fe�t it sha11 not create a precedent
for allowing less than j5 foo� se-L--backs for other lots.
Luthern. Bib1e Insti�u�e
The president` ope�.ed -the meeting to a discussion o�' -�he
proposa=l. of' -th.e Lutheran Bible Instit�.�e initiated a� the
meeting of March ti, ancl established the three follow.�ng
topice for consideration: �
1. The zoning categorg un.der wlzich �he use would fall, and
the restrictions governin.g the �.tended use.
2. The poten-tial tax base of the Institute vs a resa.d.ential
d�velopment o� the 1an.d.
3, The present proportzon of tax-�ree 1a�a.c� in -the �Tillage.
Patterson, Chairman o�' the Zoning Commi.ttee, reported that
t�.e use would be a proper one under the open de�d..opment distr�ct
and cited the restrictions of Seetion 2.03 (a) and Section 3.16
o:�° the Revi�.ed Zoning Code apply-ing to �h.e establ3.shment o�'
mult3ple dwelling units.
It was brought out that if �th.e area under consideratio�. were to
develop i;n, accordance �rrith surrounding residences, the homes
would have vaivations of �18�000 to �G 22,000 and yield real
estate taxes of approx�mately ,�i 275• It was es-�iraa-cecl �Y�.at
-�he land would suppor-t appro�.m.ately 2.�. homes per acre.
Mr. C)wens reported -that an initial suxvey of tax-free 1an.ds
goveanmental and 3nsti�ut3.ona1.,, totalled 13�.6 acres of 18.3�
of t.Y� Village's 3and area, 7360 acres.
It r�as brought out that the Ins�itute, although exemp-� from
real estate taxes, would be required to pay spec�.a1 assessmer�ts,
and t'u..rther that its operation wozald circulat� mon.�y within the
Consid�ra-tion was then given -to the matter of providing for
s-treets with:i.r3. -t,tihe area, par�ic�ularly north-so�.th thoroug�f'a��s'
a,�.d specaf icall�r Rege�t Avenu�.
Messrs. A.L.Nelson and W.E.Kla�.tter attended the mee�ing in th.e
��erests of -the a�plican.t. atxi. Mr. Ne].son made the follo�ai.ng
1.. The Iiastitute did nvt iia,tend to es�ablish a�.� tax-�'�ee
residences �or staf� members, �3.tYa the except3on of a possible
earetaker�s premises.
�. The� �eaogni�e the� necessity of the3r participation in
special assessments. (Owens poixited o�zt that �hese assessmer�-�s
f or trunk and la teraYl s e wer s �rould be app roxima te l� �3�Ofl aai
3. They would accep� the necessity for establis��in.g 1�gent
Avenue and agreed that internal str�eets would have to bs
desig�.ed wi-th a view tor�aard their beirag capabl� of service
b� �fillage fire appa�°atus and road equipmen�.
�.. 14i�°. Nel�on stated that the Iristitute?s intended use for the
tract ought to be compared to a residential development o� only �
rough�..�r �lie eastern ha1f, la�.d w&�eh is high and wola.�.d suppor-t �
a residential development.
The applica�t was then 3nstructed to provide a plat �or the area'
ur3.d�r which not more than 25� of the Ia.nd�v1d be o�eupied by
bui-�-dings, no part of which would. be situa.ted less°th€� 50 �eet
from the 1ot 1in.e of ad3acen-t �e�idential areas, and �'urther that
the plat prov�.de adequ�.te of�-street parking, a�«�� t
these be3ng the restrictions �t out in. the 'Zon'1 v Code.
�he secretax°� read a le�ter of March l� setting for°th �he �ouncil�s
3�.terest 3� consideri.�.g an �ITn�tit�.tional� Zoning �istrict and �h�
Coinm�.ssion adjourned to a special meeting_to be held o�. y
l�a�ch 27th. to consider this ma.-�ter. ��
� ° C��i�-._
Pre er�.t. �