03-27-56 PC Minutes �.6� SPFC2�.L I���N'G of the � � P�l'1VN�TG CflM.MISSION . March 27, 1956 g special meeting of the Plann3ng Commissior_ of Gol�en Valley was held March _ 27 at 8 P.M. at the Vill.age Ha]1 and was atte�.ded by the follawing: Borchert� Ha,nson, Lyneh, Pat�erson, Pennock, petersc�n, Futnam a�d Velz; A1so in at- _ tendance wex+e Adm�,n-i strator O�rens and his assistant, John Pond. Mr: Ralph Worinsbecker, 3200,1Vorth T,?lac Dri�re� appeared befor� the Commission to express his int.erest 3n creat3n� some eventual raod access for his propert�r in the West HaZf of Ya1.e Garden. Homes. Follawing NSr, ��Tormsbecker�� presen- -�ation, motion by Patterson se�onded by L�nch carx�ied, that the Gorrmnission reco�nend to the �ounc-i 1 tha,-t they attempt -to secure right-of way of either 50 or 60 �eet �or Lowr�r Terrace from Regent Avenue t�Test to the Sex°vice Roa,d on T. H. �100. 9 " The chairman opened the discussion of establishme�t of Institu.tional Zoned Distriets. The secr8�ar� �ead a report date� March 26, from the �on�g Conun�.tt�ee commenting upon the proposed establishmant of Institutional �oned Distric-�s restricted to parks9 hospitals; charches; schools; seminaries and other institutions of learning� cemeteries; sanitaria� rest homes; countr�r clubs; golf clubs and courses; prieate clubs; an.d simular uses as set forth 3n the natice appearing 3a the March 22 issue of the Suburban Press. Dis- cussio� folZowed r�gax�ing the necessity for eontrollin.g certain insti�utional � lan.d uses and the means whereb�r saeh control would be most ef�ecti�ely accomplished. Motion b� Hanson seconded by Pennock was carried, that in. the light of the ' report o� the �oning Comm�.ttee of the Pl�nni.ng Commission dated Mareh 26, 1.956, the Commission recommend that the followasa.g classes of land use be added to Section 3:I7 in the priated "Zoning Code of Golden 1Talle�r" dated Sep-�ember 30, z955a _ � . Parlts Churches Schools . Seminaries an.d other �.a.stitutions of �earning : Rast Homes Country C�ubs Gol� cl.ubs and courses Priva-te clubs aad sim�lar uses and tha� these same classes of land use be deleted from section 3r02 of said printed code. ���' The Co�r�tission then considered deficiencies o� -che printed �i�onis�g Code of Golden 4alle�f1 dated September 30� 1955, and the necessity for correcting this material. A�ot3on by Z�a.eh seeonded by Petersori carried that the Commis- sio�. ca]J. the atten�ion of the �ouncil to the �act -�hat numerons discrepancies ' exist be�reen the printed copy of �Zoning Code of Golden Valleyn dated Sep- tember 20, �955, and the intended �ording of the Co�a.ssion� that there�ore the Commission recommeads tha�t the Councal rescind its action in. adopt�ng this code as printed and adop�t a cor�cted version� that the V�31age ,�,ttorne� is a�aare of the necessax� corrections t�rough conferences with the Zonin.g �omm�.ttee of the Pla,nning Comrntssion and further tha� -�he Commi.ssion f inds it increasingly difficult to work with this erroneous �ersion of t.he Zoning Ordinar_ce. There followed adjou.rnmen�. � ,� e � . Ls� �� N 7s'�?-ai�--,, . G c�eereta.r�r r °en