04-12-56 PC Minutes ' ���
of th� .
�pr�a 1a, 1956
A reg�lar meeting of the Colden Va11ey Planai.ng Comm3.ssion r,va.s conven�d
at 8s04 PmM. on Ap�il l2, 1956 at the Vi�.Aage Ha.11, Presiclen� Borchert
presided aa�.d.�he meeti�g �vas a��er�ded. by membe,�� Ewa1cl� Hausan'La33issoaiere,
Lq�,ch, I'etexso�, Eattersoa�, Fu�nam, Pen�a.cack, Raug].arid, S�iinder, Ta1�, and
The mi.aiutes of the regct].ar meetirsg o£ �4a.rcl� 8 and special meetings Maxch
15 and 2? v�ere rea.d a.s�d appro�ed. .
� Fl�,t53 _
.@�,.� .
Eith.�r at �he request of the plat�ers or on �he reco�nendation of the Village-
office ac�Eion was con�inued to the May meeting ��.�h respect to the J.J.�ys
P1�,-the Shnt�leurorth ����low lat a.nd a pYa� of oyvners a.d.jaeea�t to •
Goldean Va11ep Roa.d. and T.H. ##lOd ancl repr�sea�ted by George Kxouda, \ .
Die�ricM �lat, F�a.1 App�ro�a1 of Pre11�+1„ary Plauss
- --- �
. . _ . __._... -._. . . ._... . . .
I�lr. Dietrich reqttestect �iinal a . _ . .
1� pprova.l of said p1a�. Motios� by Patterson
�secondecl bq Etraald carxied to graa.t f inal apg�roval„
�testinore I�eigh�sa � �
1�Sotios� 'bp T,yttch seconded by Shinder �carried to authorize tize �lat �ommittee
vaith the appro�al of the Vi1].age Eii�iszeer to gra3it f inal a.pprova,l to Bred
Jones �or the plat o�E INest-�nore Heigh�s.
1��st-13a3.f Y�.l� Garden Homes$ �
hls. Wm:. Cavanaua. . . . ___._.
bh pres�nfecl. a p1`�� prepared bp Cart-t�right aad Olson fo� a
p°rt3o�. of the West Ha.lf o£ Yale Garden Homes. Mo�ion by Lpnch seconded bq
- �u'4�a�. a�d carrieci, �hat �he Commission,grant preli,m3nary approval to the
• p1a� for lots 15 and 16 except �he Wesf 668 ieet thereof a,nd �'or lo� 17,
�ta.le Gardea Homes.
Leland Schult�, .and o�hers appeared fo prese�-� for preli�ninarp��approval a
pla�pp oximafely � acres lying bet-�veen Gleiawood arid. Latsrel Avenue
Cproposerl) aad. East of the Trach plat. Motion bp Fetersqn seconded by ,
^ Raugbland, cas�ied, to reiEer �he plan to �he plat comm.ittee for s��d�.
Reza$ings; � �
Mr. Richaxd ]F. Gierts�sa outlined tlae request of the T�alter D. Giertsen
Contrac�ing Company to rezone acres North from T.FL. #SS to the Iuiinn.
Western �ailwa.q, and abutting tl�rea presetticlp zoned �ndustrial, to
� b .
�6.�V .
supparic an office and wa.rehouse fac3l.i�q. Motiora bq Pen�s.ock secomded
bq Velz carscied to refer the m�.tter to the Zoning �ommittee.
Rees-3`hompsosa-Scrog�s'lns= .
Fo11c�w3.�g the reaiiisig o� the �itten repor� of th� Zon3ng Commit�ee dated
, �arch iS, 1�56� aud;bp referenc� made a part Qf these min�tes, a mot3osx
bq Ve1z seconded by ��vva.�.d vaas ca.sried, to confirm the �3nda�gs of �h� '
Zon3ng Committee report aad deny the reques� to rezone to Cammercial., The
applicat�t then reques�ed �hat the commission considex rezoniag the axea to �
snpport asi office bui.lding and this request �a.s referred bp the President
to �he zoniag commit�ee. .
Mea�o�rook Acres: ,
Mo�ioi� by Lyncli secosaded bg Shinder carrie�. to adopt the recommend.ation of
the Zoning.Co�..i.t�ee *'tha.t hieadoivbrook acres �emain iri fihe open d.evelopment
district until a stre�t pattexn has been deeeloped�as�d street rights-o�-tsra.q
have beea deecled �o• the Vi11a�e". �
R�e istered La�.d S�tr�reyst _
.,...�..�.,.. .
Motion by Bisald. seconcled by Ba�aglarid carried -to recommend that �he �ollqr,v�t�
axeas be zoned Residential:
RL5 #�150 - #�303 and 462 in Shan.�ri L�.. '
RGS # 42? 3.�?. Westurban. �
RLS #127 and #286 im Spring Greeno
R�,S #2b8 in N9b Hill.
and further to deny �he residen-�ia1 �zoning classi.fication to o�her P.LS
axeas for the reasans given in the zoni.�g committees report da°�e�. 3�-1S-S6,
It �as dete�mirsed that the Zoning Co�it�ee �ive fur�her consiciera�io� to
a za�.�.n� cl�.ssificatioa for the area lying b�tween T. H. #55 arid I�argld .
Avenue fro�. Glenwoocl �o Wisuietka Avenc�eso
Hardshi� Waiverss Qnentin Wessm.an;
—- �e.�..
Mo�ion 'by Raugl.aiid secondeci. by Ve1z was carried to gra.nt Quentitt Wessman
per�aission to reverse the �ide lo� rec�uiremen�s on his lot a�,1209 l�ode
Tsland allo�ring h� to build a gaxage on his 10�. ,
R�rs. B.C. Schwar�zt �
1��o�ion �b� Rr�.u�ya�na.- secouaea, by �a�.soa carried to conf irn the act3c�n -take�a
Uy the.Com�iss3.or� k�eb�c�arq 9 ��a�iicing pe�.%s��,o�. to B.� Crs.ppen Schi+va.rtz
fo� a 25-fooic setbac� from the s�reet on Lot 7 Block 1 T�iotland*s �°sari.n
Vier� Terarace. . ,
, � �.
Enaco, T�c.a �
Pat�1. Engha�se� appea�ed before the Co�missiott req�es�3.ng a waiver of the
front a.�d side qard requireme�ts for Lo� 2, B1ock 1, �oble Grove A�dition.
gt v�a.s expla�i.iect that d�,e to aa�. �rror in locating the ho�se on the
ac�jo3si3ng lot, Lot 2 haa a �rontage af on.l.q 69 feet. R2oved by Patterson
. seconded by La�issoaiere to gsa,�� permission for a 25-foot front setba�k a.nd
10 fooi side pards provided that the assent of both psopertq oramers abutting
the 1ot ura.s 5ecured.
Mr..Bngha.�ser presented a prelim3s�asy plat for an axea bettiveen Sharlgri4La
anci T.1�. �1�0 a�a �hi� rn.a�ter �aa� �eferred bp the �hairnan to �he Plat
5.5. Mielkes
' � Fo11o�►�g presett�ation of the request of S.S. M3.e1ke by D.W. Foss for
v�a.ivez of �etback requirements for coraer lot at the SW Corner of �lpmpia
ax�cl Sumpfier, motion bp Rauglaxid seconded by Pui-n.a�n. a�d carr3ed to refer the
i.sa�forina�ion �o the Ordisaan.ee Comm3.ttee for their recomm.endatiom.s of a general
pol3cy govexsain.� corner lot setbacks 3si this vic�.�.3�ty.
J�W �if� .
lti�tot3on by Han.son seconded bp Shinder was carried to deny a waiver of ss.de
lo� requ�xxemen�s i or Lot 20, B1ock S in Daven Acres Lst Adciition. The
�ccretary r�a.s instructed to tvrite the F&R Realty Companp cieariy enumerafing
building loca�cion restric$ions and sta�ing the Co�ao.3.ssiou*s intent to
� . insist upon compliance wi�h them.
Lutheraza Bib�.e Ins�itute3
h2ess�s. A,L. Nelsoa asad W.E. R1�wi�ter reported to the Cossani.ssaor� that
the Tastit�te was �0 longer interested in the Nob1e Aven�e si�e asacltnrere
considerin� the area at T.H. #55 and the N�TS Railroad co�nonlg referrecl
� to �s the Jensen gaxm. Follot�uit�; a brief discussion of the Conmmi.ssi0a*s
interest i�a. projected roads tlarou�h the area, setback requirements and the
status of sani��.ry sewer facad.li�ies, it was suggested that theq prepare
a sketch 311tts�rat3ng their intended use of the area for consideratio� by
the Co�n3.ssio�..
Pru osal of 3`horshov & Cernys
1►�Lr. Shermaa Hasbrouck of the fa.rm..�.'horshov & Cernp presented their proposal
� in writitig, and riir. Ilasbrouck alos introc�uceci I�Ir. Car1 L. Gardner of the
fir� of Car1 L. Gardner & Ass�caates, CF�icago, e.�piaiv.ing that Thorshov &
Cernq had af�iliated ta►ith A4r. Gardner*s firm to offer pla�nang services.
� M�. Gaxdner "brieflp commentec� on -Ehe proposal ar�d his f irrn*s expexience in
mUnicipal pla��u�,p. The preside�t named Pa�terson, Raugland, P�ain,ock,
� axtd Lq�ch to com.prise a special corranit-te� to de�erm3.ue the need. o� the
Village for professio�al pla�nso.ing assistance.
Relocatiun of Pl�mouth A�e��e; . _
�elz, Chairman of �he H�gh�a.p Comnaittee, pre�e��e� a susveq for the locatioa
of Plymo�th Avenue i� the 1�E� of �he 1��4 of 5ec�ion 31�11�•21, �he Ge�era].
A�i11s research area. Motion by Ve1z seconded bq Fatterso� carried to
recammend that tlie Coun�il vaca�e the prese�.tly dedicated Plqmot�th .4�enue in
this area. and accept deeds for the zelocation of Plymouth accordi�� to the
surveq. '.. �
There fol].m�ed adjourr�.ent. 'f '` <�,�""
' �...,.,.
�'` (/� Ci�.°;y�L',s.,.� ,
retary •
Pre dent