05-10-56 PC Minutes ��� REGULAR NiEETIl"1G of the PLA1Vid'1NG COr�vIYSSION � . , � Maq l�, 1956 A regul�.r meeting of fihe P'la.nxa.ing Commissiott of the Vil�age of Gol�.en Valley was held Maq 10, 1956, at the Village Ha11. The meeting was call.efl to orc�er bp Viee President Pattesson and attended by the fallowing members: Ewalc�, Has�son, Lynch$ Pe�ock, Peterson, Putnam, Ttat��land, Shirader, Ve1z, Tolg and Jordesi. � The minutes of the meeting of April 12th �cuere read a.tid appr�ved. A ntunber of pe�sons attendecl the meeting in su�port of �heir petitio�. pr4� testing the 1QCatior� of a ho�se on Lot 6, Block 9, Dau�n Acres C4901 28�h Aventse l�orth). 1�Tr. (hriens stated. tha� constrr�ction had been halted by a s�op order. �'he chai�man stated that no ree�uest for waiver of side-lot requiremex�ts had bees� received and that the petition �vould rema.in on fi1e. - PLATS � Be�. Steta�art: Motion bp Pat�erson -secommded by Shinder and carried, to grant preliminary � approval to the B�n Stewart plat, amended �o comprise 19 lots and subject to the platter providing a re-dra�ving sho�ing contours. - Klouda Plat: Mr. George glouda Presented a prelimi.na.rq plat cahich was received and - referred bp the Chairman to the Plat Committee. West Ha1f Ya1e Garc3en Homes: The secretary read a 1e-�ter dated �1ay 2nd from More1� & Nichols ac�dressecl to • hir. Fredrickson uvith reference to �.ots 15, 16, and 17 in the West Half of �'a.le Garden STomes sta�ing �hat �1r. P�ason would. receive Carfi�right a,nd �1son*s print on this revi�ion before i� is s�bmitted to the Commissior� £or final ap�roval. Leland. Schultz Platr �hairma�a. of the P1a� Commitfee, Petesson, reported that this p1a� is now can- cerned in a rezon3.ng ma.tter and the plat was referxed back to the Chairman for � �:ssigaamen,t �o the Zoning Committee. Flq�are P�.a� (7255 Gler�wood Avenue). Mr. Fxecl�ickson renorted tha� the development of this appro�ima.tely 2-acre " area depended upon access to Trunk Highway #55, a restricted access highway. The ma-�ter was ref erred to -Ehe Highw�.y Committee to ascertai.a�. if �he platter might gain access to the Highwaq via entrance onto gelly Drive, : � �72 � LaZe:rte Fike �'lat. Mr. E. �T. Armstro�g acted as a spokesma.� for a number of propertq otr�.ers concexned with this division of lots of 100* frontages and 460* denths. These owners expressed oppositioa to the plan a,nd in the absence of A�. Paul Enghauser, who prepared the'plat, no ac�ion ti�as taken. Sch.erer*s Ad.dition; Following Mr. Fr�ctrickson*s report that the plat conformed wit�. the pr�limitnarq an� mee�s the Villa�e requi�ements, mot3on by Lyn�J� seconded by Pe-terson carried that the Plaann,iir�g Commission �ran�t £inal approval to tlae plat of Scherer*s Addition. Dietrich Plat: The Plat Comr�.i.ttee repartea that following action taken at the April meeti.ng the Comnittee grarated fin,al approval to the B. E. Dietrich Third Ad�.ition. REZONZNGS. ..� Ricl�ard Giertsens - Y-t was reporte�. that �he rezoni�g request of the Walfier D. Gier�sen Construction Compar�.y was �nrithdrawu, in vie�r� of that firm having establisheci a locatio�. ° in St. Lot�is Park. ltees-Thompson-S�crogg`ins; Mr. Thompson of the fir�a o�' Rees-Thompson-Scroggins appeared before �he com- mission. A review was made oi� _the findings of the Zoning Committee arid the actior� ta.ken Uq the Commission a-E their Apri1 meeting with re£erence to this area at the South�est corner of Wayzata Boulevard ax�d Highwaq #100, anct Mr. Thompson was snformect that anp request for rezoning in th.is area would be considered on �he iaasis of tl�ese £indings. Presidex�t Borcl�ert arrived at the mee-ting aaad assumed the cl�airrnanstxip:a Hope Chest, Inc: Mr. Wayne Fie1d of Hape Chest, Inc. Presented a plat in support of a seqt�est for rezoni.ng or� Wayzat�. BouJ.eva�d Last o� the �rookview County C1ub. 'T`he plat provided for appxo�imatel� Z acres �o b� o�c�apied by �he �3ope Ches� Office . and warehouse, extension of Hanley Road, and for 15 �eside�tial 1ots. The plat com�ni.ttee discussecl the necessitq for clarificativn of the Westerly rQad and staggested that the open tract be plat-�ed into lots and tlza� it mi�h� �aot ioe rezoned rasatil the surround�.a�.g area had been deeeloped residen�iallp. The request v�as referr�d to the zoning committee. - � Jensen �arn1: � Commissioner Rau�land presen�ed a plan ill�astra�ing in�ended utilizatior� by �he Lutheran �ible Instifu�s of approximately 24 acres South �.nd �Test of Highway �.� � #55 and the M. �T. & So Railroa.d. In doing so, RaUgland sta-�ed -that he wished to a�s�ain from v�sin� on the re�uest of L. B. I. for Institutional Zoning ior this axea. NIr. L. A. Nelson of L. B. I. briefly explained their plans and - stated tha� �he �ir�. of Lang � Ra�aglaad had been their axchitects foz a num- ber of years. �}r. Jackson reported in behalf of residents of adjacent areas that t�ieq felt faeorable toward L. B. I. lac ating os� fhis traet. The chairman declared a brief recess to allow the zoning commi-Etee to consider the request. Subsequently the committee reported that tchep believed the land suitable for the proposed occup�cp, th�.t this use would resolve considerable neighborl�ood conizoversq over �he development of this a.rea, and therefore to recommend that �he Co�ncil rezos�e the land exceptin� the West 40 feet to Institutional class- �fic�.tio�. with a p�coviso that the West 40 feet be ded�.ca'ced for a street. Mo�ion bp Ewald, secosaci.ed bq Tolg, carried that the Co�aission approt�e th� Zoning Committe�*s report. W� R. �. Nelson: Motio� by Pennock caas seconded by Velz and carried, to refer back to the Or�in�ce � Committee reques� of Itoger E. Nelson for sidelot wa..iver mn. Lot 17, Jessen*s Addition, graating the Committee authority to resolve the ques�ion of an 112 foot side yard i.n con.sideration of previousiy gran.tecl waivers in �he acjacent area. Robert Hari:r.�.z Motioa by Lqnch, Seconded by Pe-�erson, carried, �Eo arant approval �o Robert Hartman to es'Eablish a 70-foot 1ot width at ?111 6th Aventae North. with the provision that side-1ot requirements shall not be waived. R. P. Nelsont Motion by Ha.nson, seconded by Pat�erson, carried, to deny the request of R. P. Nelson for a �u�.iv�r of s3.de�lot requirements ir� order to bnild a double garage at 1406 Wiscoxssin Avenue No. , S. S. R�ielket Motion bp Hanson, seconded bp Velz, carzied, �o a11ow a 24 foot setback from Olpmpia Stree-E for a lot at the S. W. corner of Olym.pia & Sumter, and to establisl2 a Sotath side-lot area of 7 feet. Motioa bg Ve1z seconced bq Pennock was carried to refer to the Zoning Committee _ the reqt�est of the Jehovah's �4itnesses prese�ted bp Swan Erickson for Tnsti- tutio�.al zoning for LOt F in Registered Lan.cl Survey #331 to suppor� an ' Assemblp ftalZ. Lynch xep�r�ed brie�'ly on �he f irsclings oi the com.�i-ttee appointed to consider i:he propos� oi° Thorsh.ov & Cerny For plannirig services. The co�.i�-�ee ��� reporfied that the prime need oi` the Viilage was for an over-all road pian, sug�esting that the commission might undertake its dev�lopment as a special assignmeat, using pro£essionai services largel� to sum up the comm9.ssion*s findings and to prepare a mapshowing projec�e� planned streets. The pr�sident requested a continuatio� o€ the discussion to the nex'c _meet�g. Tb.e meeti�g was adjo�rned. Secretary ��'�.1�` �i'�� 1�'I�� Presiden�