06-14-56 PC Minutes ���.. R�Gt�AEZ ����T1P�C 0� � PLI�I�IING GOb�'ITSSIQN June 14�, 1_956 �i re�ul�.r me2�in� oi tl�.e P1�nra.inb Commission of Colc�en Va11e�� was call�d to orcle� a� c;QO P.A2. a'c i;h�= T��_].l��e IIa11 on Tl�urscay, Jur?e 1�. Thc me�ting was piesi�ec? over by Presicl�n�c''�orct_�ert and �I�e iollowing membe�s atiend�cl: rwald, I�anson, Lyncl�, t�atterson, Pennoc�., Peterson, Puicna.m, I,aBissonie_re, Slzind�r and Tolg. The minu-t�s oi �t1i� m��ting of nlay 10 were read and a��prov�d. 1�IGADGWBROQ�: IIgGI-I SCT300L Fo2lowing cons?dera'cion o�` �;i�� maL�cer oi road access, mo�tion U'y Y,a.�L�LC�1"5017 ' seconcec� Uy Shinder was carried 'co recommencl the estaU2ishment or an �� foo•t right-or-��aay nor'ch _rom G?�nwooc Avenue immectiate?ST cvest of �h� vo�s� line o�' -che Jeppeson propertq, provicin� tlia� (a) i.He si.ree-t sho�ild U� la?� out in � si��.i,h� • line suifici�5zt1S� far to service a11 lo�cs wh?cI� rniglzt be develo��ec� on adjournin� Zand hel� '�Z� A1�ssrs. �ri�,ha�?s�r ancl I�enclerson, anci (b) �he stre�t sho��l_d be taicl o,,t so �s not to cr�a-ce loi:s �vhich are sub-s�tanclarc� Ai�11er in iron-ca�e oi area;; z urther, tha� adclii.ional access anci in-Eernal roa�? patt�rn shoulcl be worked out in consult�.�ion wi�la �lze Village �ngineer*s orrice and the Pla� and S�reets Committees or �he Planning Corunission. � COP�Y1ITTrE .-2SSI�Td�1�1�TS Tl�e pres�cicn'� announcec: tha'c he wished to assi�n memUer Clarence To1g to i:he Orclin�.nce CommiLtee and �d Jorc?an to tlze Str�ets anrl Hi�dzway Corumiii;ee. P�nis . �. Eeal I�Zr. �al�h Seal pr�sen��cd a request i o?- prelsminary approval o� �. p1a�t oi 2,v6 acr�s, Td.W. or ClenurUan 3Fd Acldition. �do�ion by Pa�t°rson, secon�'ec? Uy ��va1d, ca�r�.,�c3 i;o re�cr �he pla� to the p9a'c corrm�iti;e�, � F:lo�i�a I�la� 1'�terson r�por��c? tha'c -Ehe princil�als l��.c? req�,estec� post�onemen� oi con- sicleration oi th?s pla�. ti'V�'ST.Tia?f Yal� �arc?�n IIomes _ i et�rson report�c 'ch.at informa�ion h.ar1 no'c be�r� receive� �o permit ±-ec- ommenc�ai,.ion i or iina.l ap�-roval o{' ��he clzange af�ecting p�rt of lo�s 15, 16, a.rzd 17, ia� the West Hal�� of I'a1e Garden Homes. Meadowbroolti Acres - Follodving -fh� a�p�arance of h1r. Clarence Green solici'�ing 'che support of i ��� l���;e �ctvo -- C�I�e�tin^� o� -I.hr pl�.i�nin� Commissio�, �uize 1�, , 19�C, -t�.c planniiz� commission �or ��_s request i or a builcling permit on a lot tivifhout fror?tage oi1 a public s'creet, motion Uy LaBissoniere vvas secori- ded by �wald ancl carrie� to re:�er the mat'cer or d�termia�in� th� way to . establish a s'cr�e-t pa-tiern for Nleado�vbrool� Acres co a joini m�cting or -ch� ' Corunittces on I'la�:s, S�ree�i:s anc� Hi;,hwa,ys, anc� Zonang. (It �vas ayreed �hat ` � �cl�is meeting would be helc� a�c 10:0� �1.M. , Saiur�ay, ,�uzze 23, at the Villa;e Hall.) IIen S'cewart !lat Biscussion or Lhis plat led �o tl�e obsertTation Uy LaBissoniere that 2 comUina-tion oi �wo 1�1ans �rawn �or this area, crea�in� a U-5trne-� oif Ric1��+�2y Av�nue would providc t1Ze same number of Iots and elimsnate a cl.ouvle intersection with Ridgway Avenue, separatecl on1g� by apl�YO;>ima�ely 150 reet. It was movecZ by Peterson, seconcked by Lynch, and carried, tha� �4r, S'cecvar'c submi�; to �h� p?a�i, commi ctec a. re-dra`ving combining these two layouis as ^�proved, and tha� �Iie F1at Corinii.tee Ue c?e1e�,atecl au�chority .to grani: prelim- ir�ary apl�roval �o �che }�lac so revisede E. �. Crowl � A-1oi:ion by LaI3issoniere, seconcleci by Pennoclti, to refer the plat of E.�. Ca�oivl co tl�e 11at Comr�i�tee ior preliininary study, carried. Sclza �r PYat l�e�erson re��ortec? that no ne`v informa�cion liacl §���en P�CC1Vec?. Harcl� Lr1at �Ioti�n L-y Lynch, seconded Uy Peterson, carried to �ran'c prelininary approval 'c� a plat for �o-c 12, �ud�:�or's Subclivision ,�322 provic?ecl that tl�e ' p�at-c�r dedicate 30 fee� lrom �lz� south sicle oi` clesignatec? Lo'c 4 for p�s�bl� f�i�ure stree�t use. P.�.-�Ord IP3GS �1.�. Corner - T.Ii. #100 �.nd Glenwoo� Avenue I'ol�owin� �3�e reaclin� oi the Zonir_g Commi'�tee r�port cla�ecl June 6 rec- ommending denia? o�' th.e request oi l�au1 Sj��in for re-zoning i:o Comm�rcial an �rea on the N.r. Corner ol IIi�htvay #1Q0 and G1�ntM1�ooc? Avenue because o� Iimitec? 'crat i ic access, insuf i icien�c size �o meet setback rec;uirenents, an.�? opposs�ion to "spot zonin�", Lhe applicant requested that the Commissinn clefer action to a subsequent meetinb. Leland Sclzulz I��io-cior. by Fatterson, seconc?e�l by r�a1d, carricc? �o ac?op� thP report oF - �`� � Pa�e three -- Nleeting of the Planning Comnission, j une ���, 1956 the �oning Cornrn.i��;e� clated June 6 tl�ai: "any unplattecl ?-emnants (o� the Leland Schulz I�1at) ?�emain as op�n cevelopmen'�; until a conerete proposal for use is of�er�ct for stucty," ��are Plai � l�do repor�E srom the Higdzway Commii;i,c�. I�o � Ches�,,,�nc. Fe'cerson re�orted �hat in i:he opinion oi I�ss commi�tee �.nd tlze �'i1]�.ge En;ine�Y t1�e pla�, oi Wa�ne Fielci provic?cs �.n adequat� street patt�ria a�1d iot arrangemenz i or an a.r�a on ��IajTza�a Boulevard ?mmecli�,�L-�?y yast of ]3rool�v��w Coun'cry Club. R�7oLion i�y LaI�issoi�iere �vas second�cl vy Pennock and c�rriecl �o aclopt the �•ari�cen report oi 'che �oning Conmi�tee c'�,�tecl June 6 wherein it is recoinmended to a�piove the re-zo�.in�; oi 2.1 acres in th� S.W. Corner of the plat to Commercia� to suppor� the I�op� Chest building conc3iiioned «pon withholc�in� �h•- e4iective dai.e oi re-zoninb un-ti1 "residences are under construc�ion on aL 1eas�c si�- loi:s n�arest to t11e Commerci�,Z area on the I�TOrtl1 an� th� East." ,�ehovah*s T.�itnesses - Minnesota Circui� #3 ArI�ssrs. �T. Y�i��elson ancl Louis 1�. Franitus apl�earec bei ore the Comm- ission to discuss the re�uest of Jehovah*s wi�nesses tor re-zonin� to Ynsts.t- utional a sii.e Y or construc-�inn of an �lsser+iUly Hall. The Cl�airman oi tY:e Zonin� Committ�e reportec tha-t the applican�s l�ac� transf erred th�ir in'ce;-es� f�com the S'c. Croi,a a.� Xenia �v�nue site to one on the �ast side of Doug1_as Drive Idor�h �f St. C?-oi_, Aver_ue. lt was furtlzer reported tliai, no acf�ion could be t�?�en u�on the request pei�ding c?arii ica�i;ion of �Iie rela�ionship to the need for fut�re platfing in the area oi 66 foot strips on the I�ori:h ai�r_� South sic7�s of�-': the proper�y tanc�er consicleration, anc? furt?�ermor� that tiZe al�p?ican'c has failed to e��ecute a formal request for re-zoning, Alotion by �w�ld, s�conded Uy Hanson, c�.rriec? to acc�p'c t�ais report of tlie Zoning Commitiee cLa.irman. AtZancl Manufac'c�rinQ Com�aizy IuIotio� by La�issonier�, seconded by Ewalcl, carriec� �co r�fer to the Zoning Commi'c�ee for stucly, iche request oic 1he �iland Nlanufacturing Comp�ny i oi Inclustria? re-zoning o�� 3.9 acres '�'dest o� the prog�r�r'cy occup�ed by th� I�[inr�eapolis �as Company and a���roximatelg #�i�1�45 Golden Valley Ro�,�, • GV�IIVT'�.S I�orm PEoone lnc. P�1r. �orm �ooney appearecZ UEfore thc Conmissson revi�win� the circum- stances ctnde_r v�rhicl� his cons'Lr�iction r irm �rred in I�lacing a Izou.se at �!901 . 23�1z Avenue �tor�h encroaching at the f ounrlation s�v�n inches into th� L�I��t side lo� r�qttirement of 15 f�et. 1�r. A.�. I�rieser, of �'��OS v8'ch Av�nue Pdorth, 1�8 r�la'cec� his obj�°ct9ons to this encYOachment an� a 44 irch overl�an� or balcony r`�urth�r �rojec'cing into the requ?rec side lo�c. Dr, l�riese� revi���ec also the p�ci'cioi�. re�sen'cec; at �he May mee'cing in protes i to the locat?on oi �his Iiou.se. Ila.nson, Chairman oi the Ordinance Cor�mittee, reported that his Commit��e had uiev�ed Lhe property anc? he offerec � motion 'c1�a� the Corunission recorrunenci i;o the Council thai: �h�y Uaaa.ver the 7 inch encYOachment and orcler tize removal oz`' �he t�alcony. The motion was seconclect Ugy Pe�znocl� and a�p�-ovecl by � vo�e of ei�h-c ayes and 2 nays, Moiion was mac�e, secondec anc? carriecl to acljourn the meeting �0 7.3J �.IeI, , Thursday, J�°ne 21 a-t the Village Ha21. a' " r � v�����i-�.. ..cietary � � � �r d nt