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06-21-56 PC Minutes
����. It�GL�LAI� D�T�G _ of tlie �IP�TG COMNIISSIOT�'� June 21, 195G � F. reg�ila.r meetin� o� the �'laruzing Commission of -L-Ize Vi11a,�,e oi Golden Vallej� was helci June 21, 3956, a� -che Village Hall. The meefiing �aa�:s calle� �co orc�er Uy 'che Vice �residei�� Pai,�erso_r, ir? �1�e aUsence o� che �res. P�4r. �orcLeri:, a��c� tvas ati,encle�l U3� che i'ollotivii?; nemuers: T�Sniclz, tennock, �a33issionieie, Jorda�Z, t`�.eterson, Shincler, ta�i:erson ancl Tols. �2,:�OT��1'6G OF ��,T�4IT^; i�GISTI:PrD L�it�TD SITRV.EYS Te�r. t��.�.terson Yefcrre� to his report of A�ril 12, 1956 de�.lv.�� tivi�i�. -t�ze zonin; oi c�r�Lain regis'cered la1-?cl surveys �;o residen'cial, ancl s�a'cec �lzat unless -�here �vas new ma.teri�.l, saicl report ca�riecl his commitfiees �ecom— � menda�,ion. Tliere being izo n.ezr maceria?, �he Co_mmission reaa grmec i�s action oi ��rzl 12th. ��F4T'�tv Ir1G C�P,;P�II7.l�� PR(}�LDUtZES 1�ro C7wens �reseiz�ecl a r�,�ort ob recorr�ne�zdeci procedures aor �he Plannin; Commassion. ,�1i�i:eY a le�g'cliy discussioaz oL the peport, no-'cion Uy Tol� �ec— or_clec bg� �a.I;issonieYe carra.ed �ha� a commi�ttee i�e app�intecl by l�resident Eorcl�eri: ai. �he Jul;T meeti�zg i,o mai,e a de�ta.iled s-cucy oi L�a.n�?ing �'omuiisszon proceclures. PL�'il S P.11ey l�roper i y Be��reen 6t11 ,qvenue Pdor�h alzcl T��iaren L�r�.e �-@.,e ..m nTro i rec?ric��soM re}�or L�ci i,I�e acq�tisi�ion, oi -che �.11ep- property Letween 6_'ch Awenue I'Torth ai�d P�Iaren �,a,ne (appro�irna�cely 2�d reet wes�c oi b11ii2ize'c1�a �,ve?�ue, a..s cleiizzec? by �eecls on i,',1e), IJ1r. Frec?ric�;sorz repori,ec luri;Izer tiha'c ��� sinc� �,ze ct�ecls to �ti�e lanG have Ueen acquirec, actior: "oy i.he l�lza�ning Coruiissioi�a wo�ticl be r�c!ui5-ed �o �roceec? r�i�h ii.s ctedicacion. b�Iotion b�� LSmch, sPconcl,ecl b�� �hinder earri�c? �o reeonrnencl the �ece�-'canee o� tiie alley l.yin.v appro�s.mately 200 feei; wes'c of ��iix;ne��.a laver.ue, anc? ex'cenclin� i•ronl 6-�ii Avenue -co P•4ai-en �ane. �XT�NSI011 OF ST"K�ETS Doug�.as I3rive . , T�v'o repori: �roni 'che Ibi�hwaSy Cor�mii.�c'ceL, cteferred to J�ly rnee'cin;: �iT�ET rdAA� CT1�'°1G�S P>?a.me Cl�ange —� 26�:h �veilue T3or�:h i�ir. 1 e cerson oi o�he t?at Commi�i.ee re�or�;ed 'cha-� clze pro�osed nsaae chan;e froni twe�z�y—�i�1i'ch .2venue I`Iorih 'co "Dativnviet�a. Terrace" carxiec? tS?e apZ�roval of lzis commi'ctee, as vae11 as tha�: of -clze posc of�ice and �he residen'cs oE �he �r�a:°= ,Movecl by 1'e�erson seconc�ecl Uy SFiiilder ca.rried 'co cl�ange 'cl�e r_ar�ie of 2�th t�venue i�;ort)z irom T•:ob1e Avenue �o IIi�l�evay �00 to "Latvnview Teixa,ce." T�darie Clia.ri��v --� i'dor i.h Half of Do�1as �ven�te ' T�?r. Fe-cerson repor�ted �ci�a� peop�e u1 �he area could noi: aar°e on a netv nam° for i.Yie sLree�c bu�t tive?°e in a�reemen� �ha'c �cliey tiaa,n•�ecl -to ch�az���e the namc clue �o 'che confusioi? witlz i�ouglas Drive,. AIe. le�e?_son furth�r reported ci�a'c �he tos'c Offic� I)?p��f�':���'c izucl s�i�gestec� "illieasan'c Terracea°' T11is narne t�aas re= jected Utr �che coru::ission clue to it� ?ength. A�t�r �o urtl�cr discuss�on, r,iovec: by L�cIi seconcled �,�y SZZ?nde� ca�riecl ��� �Izat n.or�h 1za.1f OLf 170Ll�las I�venue (iron I3�ghw�.y 1pp -�o T�Tatchez Avenue P�Tor'clz) be named ];orchert �ivenue in hoi�or of otx Fresicent, P�Zr. john i�, Sorcher 4, in. recognition of h�s long, i�ai�Iif ul ancl meritoriou`s service . as �he 1an� suf�erning Fresiden-� oi tlie Flanning Commission. The Com� mission ins�ructed tha� �he Csty o� St. Louis Fark be iio�iriecl of the nvne clia.nge �roposed aUove wi�h i:he request t;za'c, sho�ld tlzey disapprove � _ �Ize su�gestion, -�hey propos� an altezna�e name. (Dou�las Avenue borders Uo'ch t2ze Vi11a;e anc the City of St.. Louis �ar1.). , . Tdarie CI�. ¢e �---. .�1��dan @.venue T��ov�d Uy �?e��rson seconded by 1'olg ancl ca�ried i:ha� �the si:ree� notv c�11�c1 '"�1�-i'id�a.�" C�e�zveen "'��Ynou�1� ancl r'lquila) Ue cl�:.�,nged to Aquila �iv�nue P�dor�1z. Vaca�i.ion oi ,5�;� Cro?1;: � .� .�, — Nioveci by ,�yncn seconcled Uy �?iinder, carried -co recommencl �hai: St. Croix Aveizue be vaca�ecl tivhere i� lies within the limi�s oF �;he �roper�y nc�tv oz,mect Uy RZinnea,�olis Honeywell Co. and re-routecl a1on; �he norcl� line of i:Ize I-ioneyvuell pxop�r�y, - r��°��������F,�� , - . Tlie Comnzssio� ',-,�a�, prior �o the complei:ion oi� said va,cation, �he Vil?Zge ' ' Cotu�cil accep'c a deecZ i oi tlie new rout� of S�. Croi; �ivenu� - Mo�ion was made, seconded and carriec �o ��journ the m.ee�ing. ' (I�iCtiil�) SeC_re i 2„ry Fre sicien� - - � - '