07-12-56 PC Minutes 1:�2
of the
' July 12, 1956
A regular �►eeting vf the Flanx4i.ng Comm�.ssion of the Village of Golden Va11eq was
he1.d at 8s00 P.M. on Thursdap, Julq 12, 1956 at the Viliag�e Hali. Pre�ident
Borchert presided aaad a11 members vaere �in attendance except Hasason. l�ixtutes of
�he meefiings held Jc�e 14 axid June 21 were read and app�oved.
Meadot�brook Hi�h S�hoalt
� o.,�.� �.�.._�
Don Bo11 of the Village Bngfneering Department presented a dra�ti.ng by Hame1 & Green
a,xchitects, for the �ew Meaclo�ubrook High School sho�ving a layout for a stxeet on
the �ite from Glenvaood Avenae entering onto C�atelaine Terrace, then Northerly to �
the Service Road on H3.�hway #55. Discassion developed concerni.ng the problem of '
routing peak-load tra.ff3.c through oril.y one roadw�.y and into a sesidential area.
The President requested the Hightvay Comm:i.ttee to seek coasult ation a�ith the School ,
Board, its architect, and t�e Village Enga.aeer for further consideration of a
street layout f or the schooi site asid to report at the aext regrx].ax meeting.
xalph Beal F�lats �
The Chaisman of the Flat Con�ni.ttee re�sorted that he was unable to contact NTr. Bea],-=
for a conferer�ce regard3sig his piat. H�wever� inaemuok� as Mr. Beal is oamcpl�3.ng w�.th
requirement, prelira3.narar appr�oga]. m�ot�.on wa.s made 'b� Bor�hert, seconded by Peters�n.
M�ti+on Carri�d.
Meadot�brook Acre�3 ' � '
The Plat Committee reported on its meetirig with Mr. Ciarence Greea, tha� it �ra.s
not i.a fmvor of Greea*s pian for a proposed dwelliag to be setaed by�a private ,
cirive�a.p, and their suggestion to Mr. Green that he solicit the support of other �
pro�erty o�mers �ard dev�lopi�g a Norfh-South street at the West of �.is propertq.
E.E. Cro�rl �1ats
PolZorsrit�g Feterson�s report on tlae preliminaxy plat of E.E. Crotarl, the motion by/
�`�� -
Belz seconded 'by Sbinder was caxried authorizing the Plat Commi.ttee to contacfi
• Mr. Fred Wii�es and inform him that in general the Crowl Plat is eiec�ed favorablp,
a.�.d that the Co�.ssa.oa desixes some expression of his evaluation of it in relafion
to the development of his property. -
Lessar� P1ats
�Iotiox� by Fatter�oa seconded bp Shinder was casried tm refer �he p1a.t of Alex
Lessard front3ng on the North side of Goiden Valiey Road between I?ougias �rive
aaa the A+I.N. �Z 5.�. Railroad to the P1at Comav.�tee azid ta suthorize �hem ta take
� action on the appiicant•s request for prel�.minary approva,i.
Paui Esa.�hausex Flat a �
Motion by �a.ttersan seconded bq Pennock was carried to sefer to the plat co�m.i.ttee
request of Paul K. Bngh.au5er forprel3.mi.aary approval for a plat of p�.rt of B1ock 7,
Yarhall�s Golden Va11ey On-�lots. �
Hope' Ch��, -l�c,a � �
�r.�. .�._..�_
Motion by Patterson seconded by Brown, caas carried to approve a minor chas�.ge in
the ].ocatic�n of Hanley Road as approved by the Counc:Y.i and Viilage Engineer.
B�.ouda P�.ats
Chairman of �he Piat Comm:%ttee Petersoz� reported that the development iaf this axea
t�ould likely gecessitate some waivers for lot sizes and that inasmuch as a uumber
o£ owr�ers of psoper�Ey a.re concerned, it was �laaned to bring the princa.pals into
a meetir�g t,�ith �he Commission sometune af ter September 1. Motion by Peterson
secon�ed by �hinder t�as carried that as a preliminary consideration the lot of
Mandile f rc�.ting on Unitq be reduced by t-tvelve f eet and that six feet additioual
� U�
be added to ��e lots of Pay and Kncrtsou:
Paul S�el�i�n�
Applicant fos this rezoning did not appear and no discussion was he1d.
A�land Nlant�acturin� Co.2 .
�.�� i.A.ir �
Follorn�a.ng the read.ixsg of the plat commi.ttee report dated Julq 12 recommending that
the counc3l rezo�.e to indus�rial oaly that portioa of the described proper�ty lying
South of a line paxallel to and 158* South of the center liue of Golden Va.7.leyi�iBc�,a.d,
thereby creating a continuation of an open development buffer zone o� 12S*, m�otion
bq Veiz was secottded bq Broev�a. and carried �o adopt the committee�s_report.
.�A. McarPB� .
1�atterson presented �he report o£ the Zoa�ing Co�oittee dated July 12 recommendiug
the rezorliag of ?.71 acres Wes� of Tcutisers Crossroad to �ommercial categorp and
providing �or a buildirag set'back 1.irie of a. m.i.nimum of 11�* west fram �he ce�ater
line of Turaers Crossroad, anticipating the eventual widen�ng of Turners at �his poinfi.
Mrs. Arma Etzler and her sons spoke iz� o�position �o the rezoaing, believi.ng that .
it would haee an adverse effect apon th� sale of her residential properfiy on the
East sid� of Ttirr�ers. She revie�red prev3.ous opposion to the rezonirig of this land
and the V3liage*s de�ial of hex reques� �or rezoning for multiple dwell�.ng cmits
of her prope�ty on -tlae Last side of Tux�ers. Chai�man Borchert stated that �he
customary heaxan.gs would be conducted bq the Council before final a.ction would. �
be taken. �otion by ,Toraan seconded by Ewald toaccep�E th� Zo�aing Committee*s
repor� ancl ref er it ico the cousieil was carried.
� Laurel Avenue:
Report dated Ju1y i2 of the Flat Coann;i.ttee was rea.d by the Cha.ismasz, secoffin.ending
i�at Laurel Ave�ue (extended) establisl� the Nosfh boundary of area cearrentlq
zoned indus-�ria1, and f�artber that an area iqing RTorth of the suggested boundaxy be
removed from the Industrial cate�ory and re-esta.blisTaed as Open Developm�nt land.
Harry Ha�a� spoke of his plans f or developing his land in relatioa to this zoning
committee reporfi. Tt �as brought out that future requests for r�zoaing bepond
�iis limit coa�ld, of c4urse, be entered aad rec�ive consideratian on �he basis of �
the extett� o£ the area to be &Ffected and intended use for it. Mo�ion by Lyach
seconded by Tolg carried �ha,t the Commy.ssion adopt �he Zon3.ng Committee report
and refer it to the Couucil.
Jehvvah*s Wit�es, sess
Motion by Fennock seconded by La.Bissoniere was carried, to denp the reqc�est for
Iastitational rezoning on the basis tlza,t the applicant submiicted insufficient in-
fosmation regardi.ng the p1aa.�ned location of the building, adequacy of off-street
parking area, aaad �he 66-foot io-�s abutting the Iand cm.der corasidera�3.on.
Motion bp Fenaock seconded by Futaam to refer the �eques� of R�r. l}uma.s for Hardship
waieer of Lot 36, B1ack 4, Westurban Additon to the Ordi.nances Co�.#tee �.s carried.
Ms. Loren I3elling requested the co�.ssion to reconsider action at the previous Plan-
n3.ng Commissian meeting asid to aut�horize the constructio$ of a baloonq up �0 18" to
eahance the appeaxance of his house at 4901 2�th Aeen ue North. Motion by Ewald
seconded by Tolg ca:rried to reaffirm the previous action �aken recommending removat
of the balcoay.
Motio bq Putnam second d by F ock carried to adjourn. �
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