08-09-56 PC Minutes ��CD B�ULAR ME�ING of the F�,ANNIlVG C�NIl�LCSSI0�1 August 9, 1956 � �egular meeting of the Qolden Valle� Plar�ing Comm3.ss3.on was h�ld at the �Tillage Hall on �hursda�, �.�gust 9 at 8:Q0 P.M. �r1.th the follow3.ng membsrs presents �es- ident Borche�t, Eraal.d, Jord�xa, Hausan, T,aBissoniere, Lynch, Fatterson, Fetergoa, Putnam, Sh3.ndsr, Tolg and Qelz. Minutes of fihe meet3.ng held Ju7y, 12 �ere read and appro�ed. PLATS Enghauser - Block 7, Yarnr�ll.�s Golden Vallev Outlotsr . ..._� 19iscussion of �h3.s plat led to ft�ther eorasideration regarcl3ag the establir�hment of � Zane �.�renue. �he pla.t was referred for 3oint stuc� b� the com�i.�tees on pla�ts and high�ra�rs, with the suggestion that the� revie�a the status of the Bruns�.ek Co� �,ddition, and that these committees make a recommer�dation to establ3sh or vaeate Zane Avenue. E.E. Crowl Plat: ChA�'n*nfl*+ of the Plat �oman3.ttee reported that he had pre$ented to Mr, Fred B. Wines a eopy of t,he Elmer Crowl plat approved at the corrmLission meet3xig of Jwly 12, and t,ha.t 1�r. Wines s�ated �that he would go a].ong with i� at the time of pla,tting his property, although he did not �r3.sh to plat at this t3me.�� �T�.Lli.a�n. R. Jessug P1at - W3nn.etka 13eights gddition: . — ,,. 3'his pla� for �n. area East of �t�nna+.tra �,d North of �vl.uth Street � pre�ented for preli�nixaary approval. �lotion by Feterson, second.ed b�r �,aBiss3.on3.ere earried, to re�ect �the p1a,t and inst,ru.et the pla,tter to prov3.de dedications for one half of vul�th and Fenns�7.�rania bordering the plat on the �outh and the East. R�OIJINGS _ Jehovah�s Wi.�nesses: Cha�man of the Zon3ng Committee reported that his committee ha.d rne� �.th �r. Frank�is ��� and revie�ed �he pre�iou.g considerations of the dehova3a.�s Witnesses appli- cation for rezoning to Institutional on T9ouglas 1Jrive and su�gested that the corrr�i.ssion mi.gp.t wi.sh to pa.$s on to the Council a finding of facts, makLng no recommendation regarding the rezoraing, other than to rey,uire a ,5t)-faot perimeter setback at t,he sides and rear of the lot. l�tr. Frankv.s repox°ted that plans were being prepared to sho� the util3.zation of the lot. Motion bg Lynch seconded by Ewald was carried to den�r the reque�t for rezonin.g at t]a3.s time, on the basis of ins�fficient informatis�n. Fa.tte�son recorded a "nay�' vote. The chais- man. �equested that the $ighr�ag Commi.ttee eonsider street aecess for this area together with the Block 7 3.n Yarnallts Golden galle� Outlots and Brunswick Court, discn.ss�d earlier in the mee�in.g. Clarence Green - Meado�rbrook_Acres: Clarenee Gr�en reappeared before the Commission 3.n support of his request to buildin� on an unplatted st�eet at the rear of his dwelling at 30Q Sout,h �'urners Cro�groad. A Mr. Smi.th, OWA@P o� the house tv the rear of �he proposed ne� d�re7.13ng, and serviced by a 10-foot road easement expressed opposition �o C�een�s propogal. 7.'he previos action of th� comFUi.ssion �.erein it wa.s recommended that Green solieit the support of other residents toward p]Jatt�ng Meadowbrook Aere9 �ra� r�v�.ewed. Mot3.on by H�.nson seccanded by Tolg carrisd to deny the re- quest for waiver of I�'r. Green dated Jul� 23, 1956• E�TENSION 1�F S�S Qaai�man of �.e A3�h�ra� Committee gelz iaoved fi.h.at Douglas �9rive be e�ended So�rth.- erly £ro� T.H. �55 by Pas�ing �x'augh Outlot 1 at the South boundary of West- ches�er Addition to meet w3.th Edgewood Ave�ne. Mc3t3.on was secvaded b� Ewald , ��V �LL �.��3.�ds �Telz fur�her reported t�ia.t the high�a� comc2i.ttee reco amnends th�t Lo�isiana Avenue from T.H. ��2 �o T.H. �55 be Za.i-d out �o p�.ss to the T�e�t of the Qolden �a11ey Baptist Chnrch propert�r at Crlenwood and Harold A�renue. 3'he High�a� Com�ittee repor�ted on their considera'tioa of street egres� from �.he new Meadowbrook High School property. as follows: 1. �'he Commi.ttee di�app�oved rout3.n.g Northerly ta Chatelain Te�race on the basis that thi� �ou1d cr�ate a de- viflus ro�.te and move heavy traffic over strictl� �esidential streets, 2. Alter- native s�ggestions in4olved {a) looping tlae stree� West and South to retvrn to ' C�:pss�n�- Gle��ood Avent�e , (b) �a��g t,he I�.N. & S. Railx°oad tracks and entering the ��rvi.ce ro�cl on T.H. �55 nearly oppos3te the W}iite Ho�se. The Coa�m3.ttee rea- o�aeaded the adop-�ioa� of Alterna�ive (b}. �IF �TAT� �uane M. Haenerr Mvtion b� I�aBissorLi.ere seeonded by Ta1� carried to accept �Ghe recommea�c�at3on of the ordina.nce com�i.�ttee to der�y a waiver on Lots 7 8e 8, Block 21, W'inn�tka �ddit3.on on the basis that the applicant can �rithout hardship eogstruct a dwelling to fron't oa� Quebec Aeenue. � - Lot 36, Block 1�, Westu�ban Additions Mr. lhamas appeared be�ore the .commiss3on in �uppor-t of his request �or wa3ver per- �tttiug a 13' side �ard on t,he �lorth side of his lot and a 30� setba.�k from. Regent ��renue. Motion b� Hanson secmnded 1oy �Telz carried to xeeommend the gr6��a�a,�.g of th.e �aiver ag �.pplied for, beeause of the vnusual topograph� of this 7.ot. Offiee Citys Ac�ini.strator Owen� reported that his office had been presented with a petit3.on �rom residents o� the are�. near t,he proposed u0ff3.ce C3.tattt p�v�ect at Wa�a�a Hlvd. &i� ��;�. T.H. �QO �ec,�.esting the Council to either vacate �OU.g�.8.9 A46ZtU.8 West of T.H. �`100 or to den� public access to it and �.nforming the Counc3l of the peti.tions and pe�G- itioners desire to retain the residentiel zoning of the area a:buttin� the develop- raent. Jeho�ah�s Tntitaesses: Follo�a3.rag fnrther stuc�y of t}�.e_ordinarices, Pa.tterson reported that park3.ng would be prohibited within a 5�-�foot perimeter on the interior boundaries of a trac� soned nInstitutional�. Moti.an �ras then o�fered by Lynch, seconded b�r E�ra.ld, and carried that the reques� �or Tnstitutional Zonin� by Jehovah�s �itnesses on �3ouglas �ive be den3.ed on the basis t,ha.t the land under consideration is not large enough �o support off-street park3ng. �he cha.3xroan thea requested t,he Zoning Comm3.ttee to gi�e ftarther considerat3.on to this prohibited use within a �0-.�oot boundar�r and report at the next meeting. � We st Half - Yale �rarden Home s: It was moved, geconded and earried, to recou�aend that the Coun.c�.l gi�e f3.aa.l approval to the R�arrange�nt of Lots 15, 16 and 17, �n the T�'est Ha.lf of Y�,le Gat�der� �oaies �r3.th the pro�i.so that Lowsy Terraee �rithin this area be desi�nated-�.s Scott .�ven e. � . There �ollowed ad�ou�r,tm�rtt. '�F � � �-_.� �, ��i`��� SEC:RETARY �.�ID