09-13-56 PC Minutes ���tM1 . September 13, 1956 � REGULAR MBETTNG - of the ~ 1'T.ANNTNG COMMISSIDIV A a�gular meeting of the Planning Commission of the Village of Golden Valley was held at �he Village Hall at 8:00 P� M., �eptember 13, 1956. President Borchert presided a.nd the following members �ere in �.ttendances Hanson, La.Bissoniere, Lynch, Pattezson, �'eanock, P�terson, Futnam, Jordan, �h3nder, a.nd Velz. Minu�es of the m�eting he18 Augt�st 9, 1956, t�ere read aa.id app�oved. The President appointed members Patterson, Pennock and Putttam to sexve with hun as a committee to work out organizational prb- - cedures for the Comma.�sion; and further, he inviteet any other member �ho desired to do sv to vuork with the committee. • Plats - - - - � B1QCk 7. Yarnall*s Golde Vaile Outlotss Nir. V�1z reported tliat he� had. 'been unable to determine �vhether part of Za.ne Avenue ir� fac� had beext vacated a.n �he Brunswick Coart Addition in Yarnall*s Golden Vailey Outlots. He fnrther suggested that in order to study a.n over�all s�reet plan for this area it would be necessary to have a topographical map of the terrain also showing the location of existing houses, and that in his opinion, this would �arrant tk�e services of a land planner, such as Morell a.nd Nichols. His Comm.ittee �ecommends tYiat �a.ne Av�nue should be established sou�h from McCa�.leg*s Brunswick Cous� Add�.tion to �olden Valleq Ro�.d and that Engha.user should 1aq out 2�xe Aeeau� i.n his plat so that eventuallq a north�south thoroughfaxe will be created. Mr. O�,iens reported that his office will � cla,rif q the status of the plat of Brunswick Conrt and report at the ne�t mee�ing. Follor�ing further discussion of road plaz.u�ing, Village Engineer 'Fredrickson reported tha� the dillage would soon acquire eopie� of the area survey by h�,1.fMsectioris recentlp compieted by Hennepin County. � � Rez— °� � - Ridg�Invesl:m.ent Gompariy, Inc.t� Mr. Laxrq Mala.n£arit of the Ridge�vood Investment Compaay, 602� 42nd Aeenue IVorth, appeared before the Commission and stated that he ha.d aeqr�ired a lot at the northeast corner of Golden �Talley Roa.d and Highway # 100 on which he �vished t� construct a rea]. estate office building designed as a resideritial `struc�ure. He was informecl of the ttecessity of campleting €or�al application for r�zoning, axid fur�her,, that the vrclin,ance providing for Z00 foot setbacks for commercial structures mn T. H. t� 100 �ould preY clade the use ot the lot for commereial use because of its size limifiation. Gold Bond S�a.mp Compa,ny; ' r "Chuck�' SchuYler o�' the A. D. Stror� Company in'�roduced Mx� A1m of ,�ilm Construction and Mr. Johnson of the Goid Bond Stamp Com.pany, vuho presented that firm�s plans to buiid and occupy a �aseho�se aanci office on a fifteen-plas acre tract of land fronting on ' Turners Crosssoad and north of the--tract to be occupied by the Forster Distribu�ing Company. Mr, Patterson offered a preliminary repor� in behalf of the Zonirsg Commi�tee recommendin� that in viet� of the stated use and the initia.l construct�.on indicateda . . o' r ��� . Minutes of the Planri.ing Co�nission, September 13, 1956 l. Commerc�.al, or a�t the mort, Li�h� Industrial zotting be considered for the traet. 2. Only the westerlq 4S0 fee� Cmeastxred from the I�. At. and S. Railroa.d right�of•�way and along the line of Laurel Avenue exteaded) be recommendecl for rezon3.ng at this time. Motion �ras offered by Pennock and seconded by Vela to accept the report. L1pon further disc�ssion, the motion was adopted with the follo�ving three amendmer�ts: 1. A il� foot bnilding setback from the no�th property line providing for the 8evelopmen� of Lausel Avenue in such a mannex as not to encroa.ch upon the anti.� cipated sesidential development'to_the nosth. 2. Adequate eonsideration by`the Council and �h� deeeloper to provid� suff iciex�t off-street parking �rithiA this aar�a �o serve the initial building. � �. Determi.nation of the ultimate parking needs of the applicant and proof tha� the lancl area is l�.rge enough to meet these requirements� considering pla,ns for addi� ' tional buildings. � `,' Pennsylvar�.ia A!venue Nort�eet Ri�hf�of�utay: A number o€ persotts were present in suppor� o£ their petition that thd Villa.ge set a , policq for the eventual widening of Pennsylnania Avenue. Following the report of �he V311age Bngine�r, motion by Jordan was seconded by Shinder and earried to r�cammend that the Council p�an for the establishment of Pennsplvania as a sixty-foot righ�«�of�ay and that the aecessary dedieations when the street is to be further developed come from the property on the east of the existing Pennsylvania �ivenue. Off ice Citq; , , . . Mr. Owens reported that in his opinion, the intere�t of petitioners desir3.ng to retain the re�idential nature of the area adjacent to the planned "Office City" develQpment is best served by maintaining the present`status of Donglas Av�nue. The Commission con� curred i.n this opinion. Meadowbrook Scho�l • Road Access: The secretary rea.d a letter dated Au�ust 18, 1956 from Mr. Velz, Chairma,n of the Highway Committee, regaxding his me�ting �ith t�e Meadowbxook School Board, wherein it was deter- mined that an emergency surfaced wa.lkway or bicycle pat�i. of approxima�ely twenty feet wo�ld be dev�luped £rom the High School to tnee� the �turna7r`ound at Chat�l�in Terrace. Hardship Waivers � � .��.......�. ... Meado�ubsook Acres - Robert H. Carlso,n�Sr.: ' �._.,_. ....� .. Mr, Carlson appear�ect bef ore the� Comm3ssion revatewing the Commission*s i orm.�� agreemeat to reccm�mend that he �e �a].lowed to establish three lots of 95 plus foot frontage on Turners Crossroad. He �as assure�i that, not�vithst�anding the planned denelopment of T:aurel Avenue, there woald be no change in the Commissions's recommendation. He then ' stated his williugness to execrzte a guit claim deed �o the_soufh thirty feet of his prope�ty for �he developffient a� a s�r�et. � r - ,..� ��� Mi.nutes of the Planni�g Commission, September 13, 1956 Lot 24. 331ock 5, Lakeview Hei�hts - Bob Bird, Town Realtq: Following presentation and discussion of the request for hardship wainer o£ Mr. Bird of Twon Realty, motion by Hanson vsras seconded by Pe�erson and carried th�.t because of unusual terrain of the lo�c and in consideration of the location of acljacent buildirags the Commission reeom�,ends the g�antirig of waivers of corner 1ot requiremen�s to �ermi� the applicant tv construct �. 30* x 24� house fron,tix�g 30* on Mendelssohn and pro- vidatng a 17� setback from Dulu�h ,tseet for Lot 24, Block 5, Lakevietnr Heights. Rezoni.ng « Jehovah*s V�itnesses. Attormep La.sson, ,representing Jehoeah�s Witnesses, stated that ,thep. desired to submifi informa�ion to reopen tlae3x request fqr Snstitu�ional 2oni.ng on Douglas Drive. Motion by Velz seconded by LaTiissoniere aarxied tha� the Commission would receiv� :this infoxma�ion, suggesting that it be presented through the Zoning Committee. The Coaanission discussed its budget requ3rement for 1957, a,nd the de�irability of having more engineering service anailable to tlz� Cammission. Motion bp T'atterson ' seconded by Jordan was carried that a Plaaning Commission budget be established to provide one•hala` the �xpense of adding to the stafi an engineer qualified to render planning sc:rv�.ces, $250.00 fox the purchase of aerial maps; and $25.00 per month for secretarial serviees. Th.ere followed adjournment. °�' � �����'_ . �ecretary . ( . Presi t —_`