10-11-56 PC Minutes ��� October 11, 1956 ' . REQ�II�AR �TT1VG � of the . PLANNING CQ1�IMLSSIOAi A re�l.ar meet3s�g uf the Gc�lden 'Palley Plaauling Co�mmisgion was held on �hursday, October 11, 19�6 a� the '�311age Ha].l at� Sa00 P.M. �aith the fo7lowing �rembers ia attendaace: Pres3dent Borchert, Brown, Ewald, Han�on, Lyneh, Patterson, Penaoek, Peterson, Putnam, Ra�.glan.d, Sh3nder, Tolg, '�e].z, Jordan. 1�dmini.strator Eh�e�s ra:ported Counc�.l Act3on oa the fol�ow.i.ng matters pre- vios�sl�r before the Co�niseioa�, �. �e�..al of (�cald Bond ut� rezoa.ing reqnest. 2. �etex�i.r�.ation that �ane �1ven.ue was prev3.ousl.y �aeated in Bru�n�rl.ek Co��rt Add3.tion and So�.th to �-�. C�oix. . ,�. �pproval of the �omm3.asiont s �°eco�endatian for additional . , r3ght-of-way aeqizis3tioa� on th� La�t of Penns�lvan3a �t wh�,t- ever t3me thi� stree� might be �idened. � �.. B�dgeting for an additiori�l. man and fu11 ti.� seca�etar3.a1 serv3ee for the engin�ering depar�ment, making a.�ailable to the eommission 4 more plaru�3.ng �ervices. Fred B. '�'ines Letter da,ted September 27 and directed to Mr. fh,ieris b� Fred B. '�lines was read, stat3ng Is3s den3.al of ha�3xi� made a�r agreement �n.th Mr. �7.mer G'�rowl c��n.cern3ng the platt3.ng of either of �he3r p�°operties. IIpon rev3.ew3ng the �utes of the cam�m3.�sion meet3.ug of Atzgnst 9, �hairman of the Plat Com�ttee Peters�n �tated that �hey acc�.ratel�r recorded bis nsiderstandings of thi� matter at that time. � Qillag� I�a11 Si�e Pres3dent Borchert opened the di�auss3on of the :�o�c3lfs eons3d�ring a�quisition of addit3onal land ax°�a ad�acent to the pres�t F311age Hal1. Folle�3.rig general observation� that �he area in wh3ch the Hall is no�r situat�d present� a �wnber of problems for � develop�nt of a .cosaplete civic eenter, the following mc��ion �as offered b�r Brown, � seconded b�r Pennock and carriedr xesolved, that whereas the off3cial� and citizens of`the Village ought to see hor� an evea�ual Fillage C�n�ter should fit 3nto appropr3ate s�rroundings, �Ghe Gomm3.s�ion reecmmends to the Cotu�c3.1 -�ha.t �h�y engage a professional plaYU�g fi�°m to produce a d�stailed land use plan for the �.rea between T.H. #55 azid the Mi�nesota &c �iTestern Ra3lroad and extend3ng � �tle East and�itest fro�n `Winnetka Averaue. , Rezor�3ngs . Nleadowbrook Fligh �chuol Re�otting Mot3.on b�r Patter�ott, s�conded b� �aald �d carri�d to �°eeommer�d tl�a.t the Cc>�ncil:, upon receipt from Meadowbrook Sehool Board survearor� of a legal description of the �.rea to b�: used b� �he �Tew High Sehool, proeeed with re�on�.ug 3� to In�tit�.t�onal. c�.tegor�r. 196 � Jehovah�s Witnesses - I�r. C�ustag A. Larso�. prese�ted �.ddit3.ona1 in.formation �.n support mf �ehovahi s i�Titne�a�s petit3.on for Tnstitv.t3.m�l Re2,oa�n� on 1�ougla.s 3)rive, explainfing �h� propo�ed str�et�.re, p�.rkin.g, and nature of use of the bu3.lding. Tt was brought out t�.t the sxetc� in.ai�at�a. 75 a�.tomobiles �oulcl. be parked by usi.ng the � �GP�.fi.E't8Y° area to the lot lines. Nfotion b� Penn.ock seeonded b� Velz tha� th3s 1a�rout did not meet the requirement for oft-�treet parking and therefore to derrt� tlae rezon3.ng request. Mot3on earr3ed. �tan.dard Oil Compan� Mr. Glen Brand presented infor�.ation in support of the r�qn.e�t of the �utanda.rd Oi1 Co. for Industrial Zoning of approx3matel� 20 acres o�a High�ap �18 Sov.th of M3�ne�ot�. Western Railr�oad to ��pport a service �tation �aerchandiae warehov.se and olrum fill�ng of oil �rom �ank ears. Motion b�r L�n�h second.ed b�r Shinder wa� carried by vot� of seven �A�es�' and �i�c ��To��� that the eonm�.ssimn grant prel3.minar� appro�ral to the rezoning r�squest sul��ec� ta �ons3.d�rat3.on of ��etba�k, b�.i7.a73.�a.g u�� a�.d other r�qu3remen�s �at a sp�cial meet3ng of the co�n�ssion to be held at 7:3p P.M. W�dnes- da�r, Oetober 21a.. It was determ3ried.�tl�at the zon3ng co�m33.-G�e� would meet �aith rc�p- r�sentatives of the applicant�on the site in aal�anc� of the special meet3.ng. Plats Vincent J. ManaLi.le Motion b� Lynch seeonded bar Bro�m earr�.ed, to ref�r to the plat eom�ni.ttee for s�uc�r, a plat of �fineent J. �I�ndile for an area ad�acent to Golden Valle� Road and �.H. .�1Q0. TnTm. R. Jessup Mot3.nn by Raugland. second�ed b�r Jordan carried, that the P1at Com�n.3.tts� contact Mr. TnTm, R. Jessup �o stud� pl�.�t3ng h�.s area w3tM. a h.alf street ded3cated. on Nor�th and Somth and a full w3..dth ���ee�t East West thro�.gh the center of the plat in • � order ta elir�i.nate lots �.t,h double street frontages. Arn.old Anderson - Sleep� Hollow Pla,t Chairma�n of the Plat Cormnittee Peterson repo�ted tha� not�thstanding the Corm�.ttee1s conditi�nal recommendat3.on �or prel�asy appro�al of the Sleep� Hollow plat at the meetirag of Febr�.ar� 9, the platter be permi_tted to cr�a�e the � �aesterl� lots as orig3.nallg planned. Motion b�r Sh3nder was seconded b� Raugland �ad carried to reeo�end -�he plat for final approval recogriizing that Lot 1 in Block 2 eloes not meet the minimnm size pC;C],'t7.3.P@TFl.EII't. �84�' `�'rBG�t �otion b�r Pet�rson �ecmnded �nd carried to grant pre13m3na.r�r approval. to Dave Trach for .plattiTag s3x lots running South from Glenwood �,venue �3.th the pro�33.so that the platter ereate a temgorax� t�zrn-aroun.d at the �ou�h. . . ���` M3anutes of Plann3.ng Comm3.ssion, October 11, 1956 Hardsh3.p 'Wa,ivers 3].11�. K�rle Ave. North Mot3on by 8au�land seeonded by Tolg carried, that the commission reco�nend tha.t the Cour�cil grant a �raiver for a 25� setbaek fror� IS�le (I,ot 19, Block 2, Noble Grove ,�,ddi�ion� to �Zel Crrevich Constrn�tion �o�an� because of the �harp drop of the lot au�.d to eongor.�. to ad�jacent houses. Inte�°sect�.on St. Cro3x & Douglas Drive �'he Pres3.d�t referred the question of alterat3�ons to the in.tersec�ion of 3t. Cre� and �ouglas Dri�e to the Highwa�r Committee and Village �ng:ineer�� Offic�. There follor�ed adjourru�ent. _ � �dr ��/Jf�fJ f�,�..».a.,... .mifJ!/`� � � Secretary � , ti � 1 /� � �f y':,� � ���, � �� i �.� Pres ider�.t��; �