11-08-56 PC Minutes � 20��
November 8, 1956
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission. �aas held at the
Qillage Hal1 at 8:00 P.M. on Thursda�, N�rember 8. President Borchert pres3ded
and the �ollowi�g members �rere in attendance: Bro�m, Ewald, Hanson, Jorda:r�.,
ZaBissoniere, Patterson, Pennock, Feterson, Putnam, Shin,der, To1g ar�d Tr'elz. The
mi.nutes of the regular meeting held October 11 and of the special meeti;ng of
a October 2!� were read and approved.
Admi.nistrator O�ens reported that the A.ssessoris office had established the
fact that 13� of' the �Tillage tax dollars collectible �n 1957 will derige from
business and ind�a.strial ���ablishments. Disc�.ssian followed during which it r�as
brough� out that thi� percentage �a3.11 increase substantially as ind�.strial devel-
opment already planned is constructed.
�'i.ncent J. Mandile: �
Chairma.n. Peterson presented a rough la�out for a plat of' Lot L�2, Auditor�s sub-
digision 330, and the Commission conenrred with the Plat Commit�eets general
approval, a�;thorizing the platter to proceed accordangl�r in designing a prelim-
' inar�r plat.
William R. Jessup: �
Peterson presented a sketch of Wm. R. Jessup p1at, carr�ring out the Commission�s
recommendations ma,de at the October 11 meeting. It �was agreed th�t this layout,
�ith possibl� some revision in dimen.�3ons of l.ot frontages, would be followed in
preparing a prelimi.nar�r plat.
Da�e Trach:
The plat of Dave Trach fbr l2 lots running south �rom Crlenwood .9.venue at approx-
imately Paisley Lane was presented for final approval. Eagineer Fredrickson
repor-�ed tha-t the plat met all of the Village requirements. Nlotion by LaBissoniere
was s�conded b� Peterson and carried to recommend the plat for final approaal
sub�ect to th� receipt of a deed �or adequa,te land from the pla.tter to pro�ide
for a temporary -�urnaround bordering the p1�.t at its South extr�emit�.
� General Motors Training Center:
- - l�r. C. R. Norberr�r, Argonaut Realty Di�ision of General Motors Corporation and
l+�r. Wilson, Manager of the General Motors Tra3.ning Center at Highr�ay #55 ��
Highway ,�100 a,ppeared before the Commission in support of General Niotors� reques�
�or a setback waiver to perm�.t construction of an addition to th�ir present
building. Zetter dated Novembe� 8 from Mr. Norberry �aas read, explaining the
• applicant�s desire to add additional tra3ning rooms and storago facilities at the
��0 2
South of the builcli.n�. 2n addition a site plat wa�s presented indieating the
additian �rould add 6.�37 square feet to the existing bu3.lding size of 27,2C30
square feet and come �thin 25 fee� of the South property lira.e. Building plans
were also submitted. '
The Chai�nan of the Ordinance Corraai.ttee reported: "1. The present btiti.lding is
now located a gr�eat deal cl.oser to the South lot line (street) thara. it is to the
North or East 1ot li.nes. Considering the recent construction of the entire
building, it evidences lack of planning that the new add3tion mu�t now be oa
the South s3.de. It d.oes not now look like good plasining to f�rther cro�d the
South lot line (street}, and especiall� to permit building closer than 35 �eet
to this line. 2. The zoning code, Section 6.05, elearly states that no bu3.ld-
ing shall be erected �Closer than 3� feet from the street line of any street�.
We cannot feel that recommending Waiuer for variance in this case would be ,
consistent with good plannir�g or past reeommendations.
� Further di.scussion bx°ough.t out the facts that the General Motors plans were for
standard additions to app�oximately 20 standard train.ing centers, that adding
two classrooms created a need for approximatel�r 11� additional car parking spe,ces,
that the addition would diminish the present parking area by perhaps 20 spaces, -
that Mr. Norbery was unable to state that further additt�i..ons to the b�.3.lding
m�ight not be requ3xed. The question �ras then brought ov.t whether th� fact that �
the '�street'� being actually the ser�rice road of the Highway system. h�.d any bear�in�
on the ordin�n.ce 3nterpretation, and that considerable open spaee rema�aed
between the build3ng and Highway #�55•
Motion by Hanson seconded bg Tolg �aas carried that the comm3.ssion recommend
t�:at the Co�.nci1 deny the requ,est of Gene�al Motors to build �rithin 2� �eet �
o� the Sou.th lot line.
D. W. Foss-- Sou-thea�t co2^�zer of St. Croix and Douglas Drive:
Inasmuch as rezoni.n.g within this aa:��°ea wou.ld be af�ected by any char�ge in the
intersection, Engineer �'redrickson reported on the question of alteratio�.s to
this intersection. The Engineer exhibited a plat of the M�s�.neapoli� Hone�rwell
Area sho�.ng thei:r pla,nned exit entes�ing at a right angle to Douglas and
approximately opposite St. Croix Avenue. He reported that Tai.th the present
right-of-ways, considerable widening of St. Croix and �ree clearing to improve
visibility will be done at the intersection. Motion by Ewald, seconded by
Jordan, w�s carried that �.ereas gas main is constructec� in the present �i�ht-
of-way, sanitary �ewer is in the process of constructivn;,: and the Count� Highway
EngS.neers agree that an adequate intersection can be established, the Commi_s�ion"
recommends not to relocate St. Croix1 intersect3on with Douglas Drive. .
Chairman of the Zoning Cvmmi.ttee Patterson then reported on the request of
D. W. Foss for rezoning a plot of land at the Southeast corner of' th3s intersection
running 175� .on Daugla.s Drive and approx3.mately 2�.6� on St. Croix for th.e pu�pose
of building a ga�olir�e filling station. The Zoning Comm3.ttee+s finclings were
tha.�, in addition to th� problem of establ3.shing sueh a facility at this a�ute
angle intersection, the Village ordinances would prohibit the establishment of
a filling station at this location, eloser than 2�0' to e�istia�,g residences.
� �
. ��'. .
Nlinutes o� Planxiing Commi.ssion, November 8, 195d
�n �a3.thdra�uing his appl3cation, l�. Foss pointed aut that the area was low land,
unsuitable fo� res3dential development and that, because of ad�acent industrial
zoning, stated that he might wish to apply at a future time for rezoning for
• some other stipulated purpose.
Dundee Lands�aping - 912 North I,ilac Drive:
N1r. R.�,y Sackter, partner in. Dundee Landscaping' appeared before the Commission in
support o� a request �or commercial zoning of the area at 912 L3.lac Drive North,
currently used for� the raising of nnrsery stock, in the no� existing open development
axea. Mr. Sackter stated that it was his understanding that rezoning wo�a.ld be
necessaz� so that he mi.ght erect an advertising sign. Chairman of the Zoning
Commi.ttee, 1�, Pa,tterson, repor�ed that as long as the geaeral nature of the
business could be characterized as "farmi.ra.g, truck gardening or such", a pex�mitted
` use under "Open De�relapment", no r�z�ni ng was �alled for ar�.d fu�her, that regardless
of the zoning category, eonstruction of a billboard-type si�n �rould be proh3bited
along Iiighway #�1�0 as stat�d in Item 33 'u.n.der Section l�.03 of the zor�.in� code.
Mot3on by Ewalcl. �econded b�r Bro�ura carried to adopt the report o� the Zoning Committee.
Motion �as then offered by� Patterson seconded by Brown that in vie� of the sign
prohibition the Commission recommend refundirig the �25.00 posted in snpport of the
rezoning appl3cation.
The 9illage Eng3.neer submitt�d h3s repoa°t dated November 8th �r3.th referenee to
land use a.nd tra.ffic study o�' the �illage Hal1 ares. Tn ge�.eral the Commission
members concurred in the conalu�ion that through acquisition of the Holzapf el
. and Glorviek properties a desir�ble civic cente�site would be pro�ided.
Corrmiunication dated 10/22/56 from Mr. De7Roy C. Pe-terson of the C3t� of l�inneapolis
Planning Co�a-i.ssion wa.s read, 3nviting the Village to name a representative to
participate in planning for a corLference of the American Society o� P]..anni r��,o
Officials -�o take place in Minneapalis in the Spri.ng of 1g59. The president
requested Mr. Pennock to secure additional information from Mr. Petersor� reg�,rcling
the participation of such an appoin�ee.
' Zoning of Parking Lots
A general discussion followed regarding the desirab3lit� of establishing regulations
governa.ng off-street parki.ng facilities for comme�cial and ins�itutional usages.
Pending the repart of the Zon.ing CommLttee, no decisions were reached.
Planning Comm3.ssion Procedur�s Report
The I'resident read a prelimi.na,r� draft of the Committee1 s recommendations for
improving Fla:�ni_ng Commission procedure.
On m.otion the meeting ad3ourned. �� �
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