12-13-56 PC Minutes �0_� � � mf �e � ��+t� �or�ssaont . 1�ecember 13, 19�i .A71 member� atteaded a, regu7.�r .msetiag o� the aoldea �a_Lleg.�].an�rig Com�3.asiou he�d De�emt�er 13, 195fi, at the 4ill�.ge..��a7.1_aud.gresided over bg Presid.egt Brarchert. �.au�es of �he meet,ing_held �avember 8 �ere read�d., follo�r3ng reg���t of �er t��ter�og t�at hi.� ��isy�" vote mn_t�he mQtion tc reco�end de� th� w�Qer request af �er�.1. ��ors �rA��_Ce�t� be �'��osded' mot3on wa.� made. secondsd aad csrr3.ed to apgrave the._��rt�s �.t�h this ame�eat. �he�llor�3.a� ,a.E�ions _of the 93 i.�e �Qt�n�il�ere regor�ed tQ the Go�mLssion= 1. gppreva,l ef t�ie t�reenera7..�Ztor� r�queSt far �►ai�er 2. Corroboratic�. of �he Eo�,i.ssiQnts reco�¢oegdati_on, m0t, tc rel�eate 3�. t�roix at i�s inter�eetiaa r�i�h Donglas D�r3,ve 3. Caatia�.t3v�_caf �he Jehc�vah�� �Titaesss� res�r�ng requs�t oa Dott�la.s . �t'iee �.. t�i�g �, f3ae�t read3ag tQ aa_erc�3�a�ee �o rezone the I�,a�year p�rapert� �o open developm�nt. � �TS �� l�aad3le - T� -_.._ �A'��*^�*� Peterson reported that his Pla� Com�i..ttee �d.not c4n4eaed .�inee th� last reg�a].ar meetiag Af �he Co$mii.ssioa, a,nd_�eqn�,sted 1�lemh�r I,aBi�soniere to revi�r the stat� cf �h� plats of Fra�k_�Qpel �d �3ietx3.eh�s R�ird Addi�ion 3.n relat3on to the pl.a.t of �in�ent d. l�andils, Ia�t �i gttditmrts Subdiv3sior� 33�. It was Peported t�ha,t l�r. �.ndile does no� 3aiterid to proceed with his plat for perh�.ps �3.�c or eigh� months. �B3.ssaniere .r�vi�wed the a�eem�nt �ith I�lr. � Top�l for pro�id3.�g an Ea�t=�'s�t .ro�,d l�in� betweer� bi� glat and the pro�ec�ed fi�dile plat. 1��1].ow3.ng fi�i.e discns�i.an, motion.ma.� effered � �,a�i��oniere, seconded by FattersQg ar�d earr3ed �.t the_ �omm�s�iga gra�t 1�ce�3 m��' gPPr�va1 �o the praposed pla� o� Fran�c Tapel a,� pregared l�y �. E. Cou].ter aud caa.ted 71/�7/5ds with the follcas�g �ovis3onss ' l. �a.� �h� p].�.t provide for ded3ca�ia� the �'or�h.fort�r f�e� ir� �+rd�r �c eve�t�all� estab7.ish a �Q-foo� roadw�' b�' P����: �:� prc�perty 2. Tha� th� finaa._ plat be d�a�ra so a� not to includ.e an,y ares. �tot�h of �e dedic�ated gortion of �opel ��ad 3. Tha� �ths �aa�3s�ion rec4�.,ex�d vaca�ia� of the Sot�therl� t�a f�:et of the Topel raad as eho� cag E. T. Dietri�h�s TI�3.rd Add3�tioa p7.��, �hereby iu�re�igg the �ize mf I,c�t 1 West of IIn3.�jr g�eat�e. �aTm. �i. �es�u lzlat ���.�...�� Ari iffiprmved dr�rir�g of a pre].�.riat�r plat for �n. 8. Jessu �as �as exp].afa�ed tha� tb.e pl.atter '�rished to �aiutaia..the_sli F �'@�e�ted. It ��,Y �gsr �o�h- ���h dimensiAn� an the �orth.tier of lot� in order. to more fsvorab].�r place he�ases ara, �.er�. �,�iQn b� Feter.sog��as secox►ded by I,aBissar�3.ere aud carried that the t�o�i.sssimn grant pre73�aary apprmval to..the :plat of '�'m. R. desst�p far `�ienetka �'eights .Addition. . �0,� ��_-: �� � � $. �oat� . c`�A�,°��� .af �he erdinaace �o���ge gan�oa reported t�at. �'r. Bc�o�h �rish�d �o withd�a� the �ai.�er req�es.t _be�se ca.f lac�..oj' a �or�rl� p].a.�tt to ce�z�t,�r�ct a daul�l� gara�e .�. �a1_�rk�.e�a.Tarrra�e. �tiis�m by Han,son �e�e�nsled. b� E'�'a.1cl w�. carr3.�zd to_table fi� app]3eatioa=aaci to re�o�end ret"und3.r�g_:t�h� fee_.presen�ed with it. �EfbTII�1�r �� 9alleg of.P�aa�e� .�a�heran. Ch�ch _ ._..___ ��i,�� �atterson.�r�p�ed tb�,�..the_agplie�a.t,i�, ca� ��11�e� af:F�a�e Ya�theran � �rc�. fc�r Tgsti�t�io�.]..,�or�.at ?�?}�0 �ass�tt �eek_�Iriee d3d not suPP1Y . s�fficie�t inf.er�a.�3.oa tm. be ac�ted npQn. �t.icaa.by Pat�ers�on .�eaoAded b� Bre�.was_ �arried ta defer. actiea�_�endigg.reeoip� �f. ��ific�a��n� re- �ar'ding b�i].d3r�_�3.�e, loca���,u,..off'-s�t����G ga��. area� et�: , . �r.dsh Lp �aiver - �n Bia7.i.ck ��._ ._ Sa� Biali�k � pesred befmre the �oaa�i.�si�zn 3u s�aggort o� his reque�t Far a wsi.eer �c� �.� faot side gard setbacka fa►r. a �0-�oot 1.�t a� 18� �ler�rood Pas�a�. Iuas�.�h. a� trhe applicat3.Qn.itsEe].f .was a0t bef�re the �o�i.�sio�, m��n was o�'fered '!�r L�Bissvn3eere, e.ecoaded by 3hinder aad carri�d, empox- er3.r.tg_t�he C�dir�ance.�mmmd:,tt,e� tc act on the applica�i�n and_to_repart at t,he ae� reg�.l�r__�eet3s�g. �/�ation - Stre�a��..ix�.Sh�ri�Ef�.� �di.o,.�c�t�r. Prot�rt� dc�un. 8.. H�r�ve�r c� the ��nnep3aa..��t�r�At��t�►��� office presen�ed the Co�at��� requ�st f�rr vaca�3.ag str�eta ia the, Co�� Sheri�f�� Radio-F3.��o1 �e are�.. It wa� ,repart�d t�h�.t the�e were xp��er �ree��w �hEch wonld got. be reqn3.red .ta se�ve a� resi�,�a.�s ia t3�.area, l�ii�ion..by Fe1.a wa� $e�onded by �rown. aad �arr�es� tba.�,the Ca�i.ss3.Qg reco�ead tha� th� �e�unc3.l �ac�.te �'rie.� F]a�.cz� betwe�� Bloa�..�3 a�d 9.and the. all.e� �ho� iA �lock � of Zak�ai� IIei�ts, sad it�her �a.at �the _Villa�e_A��orraey� regar� om the �Qnir� �a.�v.s ef the area. �s rela�ed �Q it� use f€�r �, P3.sto1 Tar�et range. �onia�..of. �rki�� Lot� . ��...,�..��.,� �i6c. �a.t�er�ag report�scl mn,_th� c�n�ideratione_�el�van� to es�abli�sh3.�.� aff-street parki�,g are�, ans� t� h�,,� �c��i.ttee would,h�.��a a fc�ll repor� at �he n�t, .rega3,�r �e�tiag. - . , Setbacik �ram C]s�4erleaf ��rrv3.ae I3�°9.�e , � �. P�enngck_repo��ed t,hat .t,he viLla,ge. At�aragy t�i�hed to app�ar befor� ��he �o�a.s.sion to e�cess his. op�.ona rela�kive to setbacks_tYom �loverleaf Serv3.ce 1�ive and. ���gge,st�e�i t�t twh3.s ma:�fifi,er be b�augh� forr�a�rd to �.e n.e,xt meet3.ng. � Fennaek reported a7.s�o..on his carrr,act. wi�h the l�.r�x�eap�lia._I�7�a�iz�; .�o�rt.ssio�. �o� -3- l+�n�.tea of �lA��.._�o�mion m�etia�, I�ecember 1,�, 195b �ad sngge�t�cl tha� i� � a�t be aeee�azy for. the 9ill.age �o �ame �, rep- re�enta�i�e to �he: 1959 P'lannia�_ �onferen�e earl3er than. �ext-spria�. Q����„ �.eaop�� ��er �`redri.ck��n reperrted t�.� th� Vi1].,�e..�.d.wen�er$d iato �onder�atio� pro�eec�s to �c.cquire, ths ��gf�al and..f�i�r���_p��per�i��._ and that his office wm.s �or�i.ag_witY� the Cuuur,�ty Eagineer� �a�w�,rd t,la,e iffipr�ave��.t of the ia�er�ec�iag af C,�olden Va71ey--�aad and.Si�th._��enns �iorth, IIe atated fUrther �iat he � recmmmendsd .�ct�.on t� �.eq�e.r.�gh�-of-w� for a street egter3ag oato '�anstka �.�eg�e.t�em t�h+a �fillag�_prsapert�r, Tt wass repor�ed that �he �otmcil s�as a�r�ging..�o ].ea�.e the_�1Q�vick grope� �o the f3rm �f �Todla�td:Barbsra�sm.. fc�r .�se a�.au Offic�e .and �aterial_�tar�e.depot and �h� ��,inee� was 3nstrr�etedL to appra3.sse t�ca� �he..4311a�e,.�fieials of �hi� appareA.t aon:confQt�,g �� ia.sa �9peg �seelog�nt area. k�la� - E. T. t�ro�l, N�ibee �'ill� 3rd Addition �'he Eagirieer �i.i.bit�d p].a�:vf Elm�er �ro�1=s Merribee. 83.17.� 3rd Addit3an s�abmit�t�d far fiaal apgreva.Z, 1�3,�cu�sic�t,_de�►elaped th� fact t�ra.�t th�.s pl#t had r�,aei�r�d pre73�i,aar;�.�.pp���val b� action.o� �hc� �ouucil ir�..g�g�st of 195b and tha�G i� d3.d aot pravide an E�.�ste��p st�r_ee� egres�s f�cam the area. �a.e dv.I�r actians of t�ie .�lat �ommi�tee �nd �Q�si�an_ia�.._de�er�iag the impmrtan�e of su.eh_ egre� �ere reviewed, to�ether trii�h. the report at the.t t3me that the P11���r �ta�_ a,g�s�ab7.� to establ3 ah_� ��ch an._ontl��. Motion 'by I�ym�h seconded bg �,BissQnisre wa..� carr3.ed_to de� aggro�al. of the �erribe� Fl�.11s_ 3r_d Addit�3.on glat beca�.e _it dc�s. not prav3,de a�cess b� street egten�3oa �QUgh,�at,_8, H].mek. 3 �o a� evea�ual creek eras�iug ther�b� ft�rg3.�� str�et ssea�v3.ce to �he �area �.o the F,ast. f�i motioa, t,�ae mee�3.rag ad�ot�,ed to a �pee3.al_orgat�a.t3_ona].,,.mee�iag to be c�.].ed early 3n dan�a�.y � the Fre�ident. o� � —. Seeret,�r esi e�