01-10-57 PC Minutes � ��-�:
R�'rU�AR �'flN�r
of the
January 10, 1957
�a,qor ATada�dy and `I'�stee� Rahn, Teresi, and Bies, �et with the �1ar�nin�
Co�i..�s�i.on pt3or te 3t� reg�].ar dauva�ry mseting fmr �he ptlrpmse of iafor�nal.ly
disct�s�3n,g items of_pa�ar,y' 3�tere�� and eoaeern. to the Ce�i.�sior�. &c�llmwing
thc 1��oris expressic►n af a�pprec3at�3.on for the Comm3.ssian;� serviee, �n
egchar��e of ide� develc�ped oza. the svb�,ects of s 1} T',cng-range planning for
mnnicipal �ater; 2} �evelopment of the iadv.striall� a�aned area aloag Wayzata
Bo�levard; ,�) T�velopmerit of T,siarel 14eaue exteacl�d agd es�ab3ishment of
proper building s�tback,s far propertiss abutting it on t�e South; 1�) The
proposed new Village �a11 and met,hods oF finane3.ag its cons�r�c�ion; 5} Fros
agd coris of long-raag� plaiaai.�; 6� CorrectiQn of fi.he published Zoniag
f)rdin�nce Boeklet�; 7} The urgenc� of developin� plans for extension of
thc�ronghfare st.reets; and lastly 8� A proposal fa� c1ar3.fyin� the funet3.oas
and resposeibilit3.es vf �he Planr�in� Co�nn3.ssimn.
�t 5:00 m�clock �.�. �esiden� Bcr�3aert called the meet3.ag offi�iall�r to order
and the fo1.7.o�a3.n� msmt��rs �aer� recorded.presenta ��rcr�h�r�, Browr�., Ewa1d,
Flannagan, Jordas�, LaBissanier�, �yneh, Fatt�rson, �ruioc�, Feterse>n, P�.tx�,
�hinder; To1g, and �'elz. �4iau�es of the r�etin� of �e��mher 13 were approYed
as read.�2`h� president ��en opened the mee�.i.ug to t,he election of officers
for t,�a.e �ear 19y``l, aad t�.e follo�ng were dn,l� aomi.aa�ed �ad �lecteds Pr�sident,
aee�ge T. Penrsoc�; �'i.ee-Pre�ident, Robert L. �aBisson3ere3 and.�e�rretary,
Ber� �. �i'�r3am.. �
B���INCr R�@U+�TS
J�hm�ahts Witnesse�
Presid�nt P�nnoc� theaa apened the sub�ect af Jeh�►vah�s Tn�3.tn�s�es r��on�.ng z�-
qnest. Etepor� vf the �or�3.ng committee d�ted Jamuar�r 10, 1957a and by r�ferenee
mmd.e a par�G of these minut�s, was read, reccsmm,e�din� apprA��.l of the rezon3n.g,
�oacii�tioned upon the est�blisYament af 15 foQt �ide and rear ya;rd clearancess,
_ so de�3.gaed as to prevent parkLng therein, and n.pon t�ie �snstructioa af a p
b�.i.ld3x�g no� ta egee�d 2Ct?0 sqv.are feet. Conns�l for the appl3.cant reiterated .
the op3nion that t�� oggh� �a be all'owed to park �Lt�in 10 feet of the lo�
73ne aad that the3.r plan eo�lied t�3.th the V'illage ordinanc�s as he ir�terpre-�ed
them. Motiox� was offered b� Velz, seconded by Horchert tc approve the report
of the zaaf.ng �omm.i.tte� and convey 3t to the Cotm�3.1 as the reecunmenda�io� of
. the Commi$sio�.. Nic�tion ea�ed wi.t�h l��ber Jord�a req�es�ing to be recorded
. as �oting t�a.�r� ia the absence of the Billage ��,tornep�$ 3,nterpret,�.tion ef t,he
ord3nan.ce� as they pertain to noa-u�e of �he side��rd area.
�thony �ane ��adie�
8epor� of the �o� comm�ttt�e da.ted J�auazy l� was read, recommending denial
of �he mqne�t of tahe Anthm� �ane Studio�, IAC. fer r�zoai.sag a� ��g].�.s �1.ve
bT., appro�tel� agpQSite 01�ia Street. Ia support of $h� request, I)�ane
Foss presented a sketeh ill�tra.ting t�ie proposed bt�i.3_cliag, a floor p]�n. of i�,
aad 3nforma'tion relati�e to r.ezoning thi.s area aad snbseqta.eatly the land to
t,he �oath, aow opera�ed as a gra�rel pit. P�. �d �xpla3ned ths general nat�e
. f -
z�o .
of the bg�iriess, �mp�,a.sia� hi.s de�3.r� to esfi,ab]�.sh au a�tra�tive builc�ig, •
saell landscaped, sad t�.t a la.ck of noi�e was a pre-reqtad.site tio bis loe�.�imn.
�o�tio�. by &�rehert �ras second.ed l�y �e1z and earried t�ha.a:t, ia tl�e 1igh� of the
additianal ir�£ormation present�d, 1-.�.e Comm3.ssion defer �ctic,ss ora t,he zor�.ag
eomm.i.��ee r�port a�d that the reque�t be r�ferr�d ba.el� to the eo�3.t��se far
addit�anal cor�sultatioa �3.th the appli.ca.nts.
` �TA.ZP� �EQU��'uT� '
Claregce �chePer, 322lF l�.c►r �ive, apppared befc�re the �o�1.�siDa �.sking con-
sid�.ration for se�baEk �aiv�� in Bloek 6 of Sehererfs Add3.�ion. 1�Iot3.on b�r
Bcreh�rt was sec€►gded_by Bro�a s.ad carried t}ee.t upon th� co�pletian by A�.
ucherer of the proper applicatiozi. for waivea, request be re�srred �c the
ord3nance cc�mit�ee empc�wering tYi� ta recomm�nd cl�rect tc9 �h� Cowa.e�1, r�portin�
their find3.ngs at �i.� n� regul.�r �ommi.ssion me��iag.
�'F�.`�S '
The platt�.r did got �:ppaar �nd � f�rther ac�ion t�� taken .o� the �� �. Je���p
Fa�7. �ng�i�,aser exh3.bit�d � sket�h for the rep]..a�.ttin� of �o� 7 Y�rnal7..ts 0'�tlats.
aiac� �. Fredri�ksoa had bg t,bis t,i� left the m��tin�, no ac on �aa �t�kk�n
pe�.d,irr� adv3c� of the �giae�r.
Fd�aral. F. �i.te, �.712 Olsoa �e�rial Highwa�� Presented � plat af �nna. �. T�hi�e
a�ad: rothers fo� '�.i.te icres� a.t the South end c�f�.Svaeene�r �e for preli�minar�
appPOVal. �tion by �,a.Bisson�..ere, sec�ded b� Fe1� �o refer �he plat to the
plat Eoa�ii.t�ee wa.� carried.
l�err3.bee �3.11s 3rd Addi.�ian �
Follow3.ng the read�� and di�ct��ion .of � lette� of �'�a� ?, 1957s addre���d
to l�r°. E1m�ar Crowl bg �°arl P�tersan, Q�,sirrnaa of the Plr�.� �omm3.��ee, motion
by Bor�her�� �ras second�d by �i�,1d a�d carri.ed th�.t a�-copy of �lr. Peterszbnts
��m�t.cat�on be f0rr�arded �o the Eouncil and �ha� �he Co��sion stronglg
reaffir�s its.previous reco�enda�ian �ku�e.t fi.�is p]..a�t praviide aca��s oa the
E�.st �ar e�reatual street crossing Bassett�s Greek.
Automobile P�rkl.ng Begulativm,s .
' Chai.rman Patter�on of the_zen3.gg C�mmi.t�ee repa��ed that �cnsidarabl� mc�re work
i� nece�s� to adeq�aate�p pr�p�re ordinaaoes reg�latiug �he .par�l.n�' �f auto-
�ob3�le�, a�d 3.a�e3.ted. all. ��e:cs of th�. ce�ss3on �p�ezpres� epinions a� �o
�.� �t ordi�.ee shoul.d ecu�t�.n. �. Pa�tersom poir�.t�d m�.t the m�ece�s3.t�r o�' �
elerarl�r defin3�a.� uff-stre�t gar�Ctn� as � 1.ar�d �e sud the n�ed tm pr��erve
prAtecticg of t,he higher-�oned are�.
The Presideat tyhen reported that_he �3.shed to defe� �akin.� �u�it�ee as�ign-
�sents�, a.sking tha� presen� com�itte�s. eont3nu�; tha.t he-�r3.�hed to inau�ratc�
commend3ng t,b,e meeti�s �.t 7 s�0� t�.� he won].d arrange fer �mb�rs to be
eqnipFed r�ith map�, ordi�ce i�formation.axtd other �aterial._ available.
_.-3- �� �
�: �iere followed adjovrnmeat.
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