02-14-57 PC Minutes 2�� REGULAR MEETING OF � GOLDIIV �ALLEY PLANNING CONIl+�lISSION FIDRIIARY 7.1a., 1957• �'' �� 7:30 oiclock P.M. President Pennock called the�eting officiall� to ord.er and the following members were reeorded as presenta Borcher�, Bror�n, Flannagan�dordan, LaBissonie�e, I,ynch, Patterson� Peterson, Shinder' Tolg, Felz. Minutes of the meeti�g of January 10 were approved. as read. R:�ZOIVING Ga7.��i�r Temple Church Report of the Zoning Connnittee on this subject �as presented anci by reference raade a part of these minutes. Motion was made by Bro�rn� seconded by Borchert tha� a copy of th3s repnxt be sent to the proponents of this rezonia�g matter for further ix�ormation for stud�r by the Zoning Co�n3.ttee and motion was carried. Robert E. Earl,y , Report o� the Zoning Co�nittee on thig sub�ect was presented and b� reference made part of these minutes. Motion was made bg Peterson, seconded b�r Tolg that this report and it� recozrnnendations be accepted and that the Commission reconu�endeol denial of req�.es-� for rezoning. Motion carried. Anna He1d & Robex°t J. Et�le�, Spring Green Addition • R�port of ,Zoni.�g Cormnittee wa� presented. and b� re�erence made a part of these minu-�es. Motion was made by Brown,, seconded by LaBissoniere to recc�mmend approval in accordance with Committee fteport. Motion carried. �nthany Lane Studios�Inc. Douglas Drive N approximately opposite Olym�ia St. ._.._ Zoning Comm3.ttee report of Februar� 12 was read and by reference made pa.r�t of these minutes. Motion b� Borchert, seconded b� Shinder that the Commission reeo�nend approval of the rezoning request. Motion carried with the follor�i.ng members eoting �Nay� : Patterson, Lynch, LaBi�soniere, B�own. PLA.�19 Thotland�s Tw3.r1 View 2nd Addi.tion Tn the op3nion of the Plat Corr�mittee, this Plat could be given prelimina� acceptance as presented. Motion by gelz and seconded by LaBissoniere, tlsat preliminary approval be given this plat with the stipulation that further negotiatio�s be conducted bet�een the o�aner and the Village Administrator for possible aequisition by the Village for Paxk areas. Motion carried. . Edwax�l. F. White - White Acres The Plat Co�unittee reeormr►ended prelimi.raaxy approval of this P1at. The question of Park land �aas raised. by the Gillage Administrator and Mr. Brc��m. Motivn �ras made by Petergon, seconded by Lynch to grant preliml.nary approval in accordance with the reeom¢nenda.tio� of the Plat Co�nittee and the motion was carried �rith Borchex't wating t��,�r . Dubersteiri Pr�� �ectivn 18 A repoa^t of the Plat Gonnn3.ttee was presented a�.d b�r reference ma.de a part o� these minutes. The Plat was referred back to the px�oponents for them to endeaeor to �aork out a solution for the ex�ension of the street to �oledo Ave. as recommended b� the Plat Corrunittee. �14 ��� Replat of Lots �. through 8 - Keene Higbee �ddition � A report of -Ghe Plat Coirmdttee was presen�ed and b� referen.ce ma.de a part o� these minutes. Motion was made b� Boretnert, seconded bg 1'atterson giving preliminary► approval of the street pattern for development � o� thege lots. Motion carriede -�- WAI VERS Dan L�nch, Glenwood & Edge�rood Av. - � Motion b�r Velz, seconded by Shinder der�ing request for reduetion of lot wi.dth and recommended that deposit be refvnded. Motioa� earried. STRE� gACATI0R1 Trito� D�iee between �ent & Quail Avenues Petition �ra.s presented signed b�r abutting property owne�s requesting �acation of abo�re street. Motion b� Borc�i�rt, seconded bg Patterson to aeeept Coaunittee report and make its reca�r►enda.tio�.s that of the Commission. Mot3.on ea.rried. The Roael Committee reeommended denial of request on the grounds that this street was neeessar�r, to best sereice the neighboring areas and for fut�u.re deaelopm�nt to the T�e�. � ATTORI�EY�S RII'OB� Stan.7.ey �. Kane, Village Attorne�r was pre�ent at the meeting and submitted. his repox°t in regards to Hardship and Variance Waivers, together �aith a propo.�ed amea�d�nent to the zoning code, ehanging certain sec°tions as applied to hardship and variance waiverg. A eopy of this repo�t was presented to each member of the CoY►unission for stud�. Motion bg Lynch, seconded by Shinder to refer the Attorne��s report, together with the proposed amendment to the Zoni.ng Co�nittee for study and report a�t �he next meeting of the P].ax�ing Corrffnis�ion. Motion carried. Mr. Kane further reported that the re-publi�hia�g of the gillage Ordinance� includin� the Zoning �rdinance �ra� 3.ra. the handg of the printer ar�.d page proofs of the zoning ordinance wovld be available to the Planning CoYrnnission at an earl� da.tea There- follo�aed a discussion in regard to the zonin� ordinance as it effeets setbaek requ�eme�ts of parking lots in hea�vier use areas �here the� border o� legser use areas and it �ras suggested that an amendment be drawr� �o the Ordinance to more clearl� speLl out these requirements. Further claxifieation of setback requirements fram Clover Leaf intereections was discus�ed and referred to the �oning Committee. Zoning of the County Pi�ol Range property, Fire 3tation property and the new Village Hall site was referred to the attorney. PARK BOARll SUR�EY Ntr. Pennock reported on a park board meeting he had attended in regard to the repo�t of Rober-t Cox�cairae, Landseape �rchitect. This report wi11 be presented to members of the Commission �.s soon a� e�pies are available. Ther� followed. ad�ournment. ��f,�,� Secretax�r , � �v � Z22� % Presiden