02-21-57 PC Minutes 2 I �_ SPE�T.�iL MEE.�IATG OF UIJ�LAGE OF GOLD�T VALLEY PI,ANNING CON�lISSI01� Februar� 21,1957• Pursuant to dne call and notice hereof, the Pla.nra.ing Commi�sion and the d�aly constituted s�a.b-co�n.ittee of the Village Couneil stud�ing the con5-truction o� a new Village Hall, me� at the �illage Hal1 in the V311age of Golden TIa11e�r on Thursda�r,Februax�y 21,1957 at 8 a 00 0�clock P.M. It was agreed tha.t a memorax�dum of this conference be written b� the Vil].age Administrator, in lieu of formal minutes. �he �c�.tninistr�.t�r introduced M:r. Rflbert Van Hauer and Mayor Carl Nad.a.sd� to those present. Mr. Robert LaBissoniere, th� Vice President of the Planning CoYmnission assumed direction of the meetin� in the absence of Presiden.t Pennock. Ma�or Nadasdy upon being 3..n.troduced to those present stated that he and the Council regaxded the construction of the new Vi.11age Hall as being s�iilar to the eonstruction of a modern industrial plarit in Golden Va11ey, in that the details of the constr�ction of the hall is a matter for the exclusive study of the Village Council. Mr. Robert Van Hauer then repor-ted the progress of the ne� �illage Hall Comm.ittee and explained that the Corarnittee had taken into consideration the probable growth , of the goverr�nent of the Village of Golden �alle� and 5u.ch matters as direetl� touched upon the building itself� but that the Comrn3.ttee was desi.rous of learning the Pla,nn3ng Commiss3onts thinking regarding setbacks, siele].ots, �t�°eet acc�ss' and other p1aYU�ing mat�ers. Ma�ror Nadasd�r then suggested that the Planning Commi�sion, if it wished, might elect •ane of its m�mbers to ��rve on the n�w Village Ha11 Go�n3.ttee, in. v3.e� o� th:e fact that Mr. Ni. Kingsl� Patterson requested that he be relieved from acting as a member of the Co�mnittee. It was thei� MOV� by Borchert seconded b�r Broti,m carried tha.t Mr. Arthur Flannagan serve as the Planning Cormni.ssionts representative an the New Vi.l.lage Hall Co�ni.ttee. TheCo�.ission agreed to meet specially regarding problems raised b� Mr. �Tan Hauer _ , on Saturda�r Febru.a.r�r 23, at 8s30 o�clock P.M. in the Village Hall. The Chair then decla•red the meetir�g adjourned. . `� �-��.�--- ecret�ax,y "-�� ��� Pre ident �`� � MII�IORANDUM OF CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 28, 1957 This was a eox�ferenee b�°tween the new Village Hall Co�nitte� and the members of the Planning Comm�.sgion regaxdin� the action o� the Commission of Februa:r� 23,1957• Tn additiea to the mcmbers of the new �'i7.l.age Ha11 committee arid the P1a:n�i.ng Cormni.ssion, Ma�or CarZ Nada.sdy was pre�ent. Eber� point raised by the Planr�.ing Corrmi3.ss3.on on February 23� 1957 �� �udied at length. _ Speeial emphasis w�s placed upon the stat�ment in the Febx°v.ary 23 meeting minutes to the ef�ect that "F�.re Dep�tment� equ�.pment ought to have d3xect aecses� b�r its o�c�. drivewa� to two anain roacl�ra�s�. Rep�esen�a-�ives o� the architeets stated tha.t the� had eon:ferred wi.th the State Fire Marshal and the local representati�es of the Natin.a]. Board of Fire Unde�miters and that both of said agenciex have agreeci that the present aecess pl�.n. of th� new ViLlage Ha11 was better than perm3.ttiag the Fire Departmen� to have direet access onto a main travell�d road� although the said rapresen�a�tive� did recom�ne�d� and �Ghe arch3.tects asZd eomm3.ttee did approve, a�ad auxil3.ary roadway from the fire station tci Go1de�. Va�.7.ey Ro�.d to be used in cage the �Tisanetka �venue acce�s is block�d. It was agreed bet�een Cha3rman. Ralzii of the ne� �illage Ha71 congnit�tee and the Planning Corranission that the Plarming Gommis�ion could raise an� quest3.on it w3shed, �ven thov.gh such ques�tion might be outs3de of the pvx�riew of the Plannin.g Cor�nissiaa. Membex�s of the Gor�n.3.ss3.on then disc�.ssed the building itself. Members c�� the coar�ttee �he�. p�o�eded to e�plain to the Cominiss3.on the man� reasons for the size' sha.pe arid geaeral �on�ox�naa:t3.on o� the building. After lengtl� discussion, it was apparent that the Plana.i.ng Coa�ni.ssion agreed and endox�secl. in pri.nciple a11 actions and recommendations of the new Vill.age Ha1.l con¢ni.ttee, including the site' the general. natv.x�e of the bu3lding� and a11 other pextinent ma.tters. The�e �011.o�red ad�ournmeat. �% - Ro�ce W.O�aens Vi].lage Administra-tor.