02-23-57 PC Minutes ���
�EBRII.ARY 23, 1957
A special meeting of the Planning Co�.ission of the Vi7.lage of Golden Valle� was called
ta order by President Pennoek a-t 8:30 A.M. Saturda�� Februaxy 23, 1957 a� thegillage Hall. �
The foll,]..owing membe�s were present: Brotan.� Jordan, Patterson, Flannagan, Peterson,Putnam
ZaBisso�iere� Lgnch, Raugland,Tolg and Velz. The President annouaced the puxpose of the
meeting was to con9ider info�a.tio�a relative to plan� for a new gillage Ha1l, and �ated
that the Gonuni�sion had bs�;r� requested b�* the Qillage Ha11 Gomm3.ttee to take formal aetior�
� �egarding the proposal.
Engineer Fredrick�on summarized prev3.ous conncil ae-ti�i.ty in thi� matter and explair�.ed
the preliminar� building and site plans prepared b�r Architects Haarstick and Lundgrex�
dated. Februarar 12� 1957 for a building of approxima.tely 26,000 square feet at an
estimated. cost of $20.00 per square foot.
Discussion established these findingss
1. The property oa �hich the existing �illage Hall is situ�.ted., together �i�h
tlae axe�� referred to as the Holzapfel and Glorvick properties aequired b�
condemnaticans coa�atitute a s�;�.itable si�e for a Village Hall.
2. The site su.gges-�s a buildi.ng e�nphasizing utilitarian design more than appearanee.
3. Fire Departm�nt equipment ought to have diree�t access b�r its own drive�aa�s �o
�ao main road�ays.
�.. Believing that facilities for the ftoad Department equipment sturage and shops
should be logicall� de�eloped at the rear of the site, the CoirBnission recom�nends that
�, attempt �e made to "tie in" the e�.sting garage building Taith the new construction.
5. Public off-street parking for 2�0 cars with cl.r�ie��ra�r and paxking faeilities 5et
back 15 feet from lo� 13.nes ought to be provided.
6. �he Commi�sion concurs �a.th the indicated 100� front �rard setback o�•the building.
7. The anticipated use suggests that the axea r�qn.ires rezoning to 3.nstitn�ional
catagory' and the Commission will act at the proper time on request to rezone.
The follo�ring motion was o�fered b�r Tolg, seconded b� LaBissoniere' and carried: RESOLVID
�HA�,�hereas the shape of the building illustrated by the submitted plans does not appear
well adapted to the site, the Commission recon�nends �hat the axchitee-ts prepaxe and submit
other preliminar�' plans ineorporating the foregoing sn.ggestions and for a building
emphasizing eeonom� o� eonstruction and mairitenance.
The president �epo�°ted that the Park Board desi.red to meet �ith the C sion, and it
�ras determined that this should be done at the regul�.r mee ' g on Mar l , 1957•
There followed ad ournment. Signe � �
� Secretary
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