03-14-57 PC Minutes ftDGULAR MEETING OF 2'HE GOLDEN VAZZEY PI,ANI.VING C�I�IISSION ��� MMARCH 'll:t., 1957 A reg�la,r me�ting of the Plan�ing Commission of the Village of Golden Tlalley wa.s held at the �illage Iiall at 7s30 P.M. on March 14� 1957, presided over by Viee Pre�ider�t LaBissoniere. The meeting �a$ a�tended by members Borehert, Brown, Eirdald, Flannagan, Jordan, L�nch, Patterson, P t�.am� Raugland, Sh3.nder� To1g and Velz. Misutes of the regtal.ar meeting of Februasy 1l�.� and of ineet3ngs with the �illage I3a11 Comm3.�te� of Februas�r 2]. and 23 were read and approved. CYiaa.irman o� the Park Boasd' Ra.� Stocl�nan, introduced Board members Sheldon.Ostroot and Edwin Chagman a�d reviewed the necessit�r for acqu3sition of sites and long-range planning for development of a Village Park sarstem. Mr. Robert G. Corwine� landscape arehitect, �ho ha.d been commissioned to eonduct a Park ancT Reereatio$ Surveg for the Village� then presen.ted his repo�. . A nvmber of eharts were egh3.bited� indicating topography� present land use' exist�.ng Park areas, traffia �oltam�s, and otber data upon which Mr. Corwin.e�s recommenda�ions for devel- op3ng recreat3oaal areas were based. The svrve� proposed di�3.ding the �illage into foux° neighbo�hood areas created by Highwa�rs #55 and #100. Mc. Stoclunan reported that the Board was req�.esting the Counc3.1 to orde� a referendum vot� to pro�3.de approxima.tely $200�O�O.bO �rith which to acqu�.re park s�.tes totalling between 70 and 9(3 aeres loeated 3n general as indicated b� the survey� and for pax��.a1 land deqelopment. Motion by Borchert was seconded b� Brown and carried that the Planning Co�n3.ssion commend the Paxk Board for the planning e�for-� made in this case, ar�.d in.dieate its des3se to coopex�ate fu71�r in furtheran�e of the program. The chairman pointed out that Ma�ror Nadasdy and Councilman Rahn. and Stark were in atter�dance at �he meetin.g� and called upon the gillage Hall Comm�.t�t�;e �or presentation of the A.rehiteett� seale model of the proposed building. Mr. �Tan Hauer exhibited the mod�l� r�viewed joint meetings of the Co�¢nit�ee wi.th t�e Planr�.ing Commission and s�ated that because of the Comm�Lssion�s find3ngs at th� �tteeting of Februar� 23 the Village Goune3.l �aished. �or an expression of approval from the Planning Corarniss3on of the propased bniZding. �here followed further diseu��io�. regard3.n.� street layout a.iid parking area. Motion b� Sh3.nder was seeonded b� Borchert and earried that the Co�ni.s�ion expre�s approval of the genera]. plaa �orked out b�r the Vi7.l.age Hall Corrunittee with the up.der�anding that the Co�.ssion �ish�d to develop other plans fo� street access and parking. vice President LaBissoniere then re�erred thLs assignment to the Long Range Planning Cormn3ttee. Under date o� Nlarch 12 Commiss3on. members received notifieation of Pres3dent'PennockTs a�signments to the £ollcr�rin.g commit�ees: ZOIVING PLt�TS ORDTNANCES LONG RANGE P.LANLVTNG - Matters formerly referred to Hightaa� Committee Velz - Cha.i.x�man L�ne�. - Chairman Ewald - Chaix�nan Patterso�. - Chairman Patterson Peterso�. Raugland Borchert Putnam LaBissoniex�e Tolg Rangland �.l.d Shinder Jordan LaBissox�i.ere Flannagan Bx°own Tfelti E.R.Conr.,y ftezonin - At the request of Trv.st�e Stark �he Chairman open�d the subject of a rezoning req�.est �y the E.R.Con:r� Coastruct3on Compa� fox� property north of the Fo�ster Dis-�ributing Compa�. Zoning Comma.ttee report dated Ma:�eh 13 was read9 re-statin.g the Comm3.asionts previrnxs recc�mmendations tha� a11 0£ the land �re�-t of Turner�� Crossroad from the South gillage limits nor-th ;�o the 13.ne of Lau:Cel Avenue extended is suitable for commercia or light industrial degelopment� and fux�ther pointing out praper setbacks fo� an�* new de�elopment in this area. Mation b� �ra1d aeconded by Brc�wn. and carried to accept the repor-t and refer it to the Coun�il as the Commission�s �ecoarQaendation. �.Lr O PLATS Dv.berstein Prope�,Section 18 - F�o�ed b� L�ch� secor�ded b� Ewald and ca�ried to gran-� prelimin.ar� approval to an amended plat submitted by Mr. Mike Halek incorporating �eaom- mendatior�.s of the Village F�gineer and showing a proposed road eonnecting �.H. 100 serviee road with Toledo Avenv.e. Villa Co�stru.ct3on Comparky - fteport of the Plat Committee dated March 11a. �aas read, wherein the eom�nittee recorrunend�d prel�a3.na,xy approeal �or this plat' p�ovided that the area a� the 9ou�h of the turnaround be ded3.cated to the gillage rathe� than held 3_n. eommon o�,m�rslaip b� the fu�ure lot o�mers. The P1a���rs were pre�ent and ix�.dieated tha.t the� wished to give furtl�er ec�nsideratio� to thi� mat�er. Enghauser-Yarne]l�s au�tlots - �+totion b�r I,�rach seconded by Rat�.glan.d carried to �ecoaem�r�d granting fina7. approval to the pla� of Paul K. E�ighauser for Block 7, Ya.x�a.ellt s Golden V�,11.ey Outlots. Thotland�s �n View Terr�.ce 2nd Add3.tion - Motion b� Velz seconded by Shinder carried that upon presentation � t e latter of the proper plat drawings the Corrm►ission reeommex�ds fin�.l appro�al for Thotland�s Tt�in View Tex�aee 2nd Addit3.on sub�ect to the engineer�s determiaation �hat there are no discrepancies between the final drawirigs--a.nd the plat submitted.. Amer Crc�wrl Merribee �I3.].�s 3rd �ddi�i�n - Moved b� Lynch seconded b� Borchert and caxr3.ed to recommend appro for the plat of �Ierribee Hills 3rd Addition, the Platte� now having pro�33.ded for a 1�0-foot width �treet dediaation establishirig a poss3ble eross3.ng of Bassett�s Creek on the East in conformi-�y w3th the aetion t�.ken b� the Conmais�ion at it� regnlar meetin.g o� December 13, 195g• ftEZ01�]ING REQIIE,STS Golden 9a11e�r Methodist Chureh - Moved b� dordan seconded b� Bro�m and carried tm reeommend Institutional Rezoning of approximately 22 acres betw�n T.H.�`55 and Harold Ave. ea$� of Co�t�age Grove lAts on Rhod� Island �.�enue in accordanee with the zoning cormnittee�s w�3.tte� report of P2arch 13. . Calvar� Te le Ch�.rch - Mx°. Iierman Olson, former Miru�.eapolis �Planriing Engia�.ear, reported ,�� ora. � t e px°ca3ected plans fox� �stabli�hment of Calvary Temple Chvreh on Tr�un,k Highwa�r #100 south of Clover Leaf Terrace. 1�Ir. Ol�on discu�sed traffic, exhibited a revised prelimiiiar� dra�is�g showin.g the building and park�.n.g faeilities, and. o£fered hi� opinion that no tr-aEfic problems �aoul.d be created by this developmerat. Motion bg EY�ra1d seconded b� Jordan carried requesting the applicants to submit all of th.is date to the Zoning Committee fo� eonsideration. STREET NAMES - Motion b� Borchert seconded by �Telz and carried to desigaate uYUiatned �treets �chaper and Forster properties as �-ttar�a and %�nia 9eennes respectivelg, �s reconunend�d b�r Plat Conurdttee. JIIiOgAH t S T�IITNESSES - F�iigineer Fredrickson shc�,red a drawing and �eported tha.t t�.e interior d ens on of the proposed dehovahts T��.tr�esses assembl� hall comprised 2250 sq. �eet. Moved by Ve1� seconded by Jordan and ca��°ied that the applicant has not eh�,n.ged the si�e of �he buildin.g sufficient7,y to alter the pre�i.ous recoimnendation of the Com�iss3on. CONSIDF�tATION' OF HA.RDSHIP WAIVII�S � It was de�erm3.ned that a speci.al meeting of th� o ssi�n s to e held at 7:30 P.M. Mareh 28 for the purpo�e of con�idering amended • proeedures for the har�dl3ng of ha�dsh.ip �raiver applicat3ans. REZOATING - Vi11�.ge Ha11 Site - Chairman gelz read the zoning eorm�nittee�s report da.ted . . Ma�°ch 3 on t e su �ect of rezoning of the Village Hall si�e. M d b� Borchert seconded b�r Bro�m and carried to aceept the report and refer t to the o�anc as tY�e Commi.ssion�s recommendation. There follcs�ed adjov�runent. �� � � �e�a�y I�� �esi �n