04-11-57 PC Minutes 2�2 � R�GULAR MEE7'ING GOLDEN �ALLEY PLANNING COMNlISSION APRIL 11, 1957 A regular meet3.n.g of the Planning Commission of the Vi7lage of Golden Va11ey was held at the V317_age Ha71 at 7:30 P.M. on April ].]., 1957 with the foLlow- 3ng members present: Jordan, Lynch, La.Bissoniere, Patterson, Putnam, Ra.ugland, Shinder� Tolg and Velz an.d President Pennock presiding. Minutes of the meeting of March 11�. were read and� following a correction to . read "tha.t final acceptance of E]mer Crowl�s plat of Merribee Hi11s 3rd • addition was �urther conditioned upon the p�.atter having dedicated 30 �oot extension of Merribee Drive to the South line of the plat��, the minute9 were approved. ' PLATS Zi�rmierman Rea1t Co. St. Pau.7. - G.V. Roac� near Sweeney Lake (Merlin Villa Construction Co. on agenda . The platters appeared befor� the commission __�� restating their position that the� wished to ha.ve the South lot at the end of the proposed tv.rnaround remain an outlot awned b� the platters and to prov3de a 16-foot easement for access to the lake�for future lot owners in the plat. Mr. Jack Kenned�, owner of land abutting on the East was present �r at the meeting anc1, follo�r�ng considerable discussion regard3ng the � des:i.reability of co-ordinating plan.s for the development of' the two parcels, motion b�r LaBissoniere �ras seconded and carried to refer the Zirr�nerma.n plat to the plat commi.ttee for further study. (The Co�nittee agreed to meet with the part3.es on Saturd.a�r, April 20). DUB�RSTE21�3 PROPERTY PLAT - Moged b�r Lynch, seconded b� Patterson and carried to recorrm�end final approval of the� plat of Greenview Terrace� referred to in previous actions as Duberstein property plat� Section 18. ZO.� Irvin.g G. Bro�m, 6150 St. Croix Ave. - Mr. Irving G. Bro�m appea:�ed before the c>mmission in suppoxYt of his request for the extension of Industrial zoning for a11 of hi� proper-ty in Block 10 & 11 of Yarnell�s Golden Va11e� Outlots. Report of the zon3.ng com�ttee da.t�d April 11 was reada recommer�ding -that the request be ta.bled tan.til specific inclustrial use is indicatea. Motion by Pa�terson was seconded b�r ZaBissoniere to a]1ow the applicant to �rithdraw the request in. v3.e� o� an apparent misunderstanding of t�se coning requirements related to his hatcher� operation and to recoimnend return of the fee accompan�ing the application. Motion carried. Calvary Tem�le Chur�h - I,etter signed by Rev. Gordon K. P�terson of the Cal�rar� Temple Church outlining thei.r proposed construction and use of a site on T. H. #100 South of Cloverleaf Addition was read. Mr. Thomas �Iennum, attorney� and Herman E. Olson spoke in beha].f of the application.. Report of the Zoning coir�aittee 4,r�s read dated April 11 and recommending denial of -the request on the basis tha.t "the size of the church and potential size of the cbngr�gation are not en-�irely compatible to the parcel of land or tb the . neighborhood, and that the attendan.t traffic would not have ad.equate nor safe accesa to the ad�oining ma.jor high�ra�s'�. The Village Engin.eer repor�ed that he had recei�ed some vex�r receat information regarding State of Minnesota � H3.ghwa� plans which mi.ght have a bearing on traff ic incident to this , proposal. Motion b�• Tolg was seconded b� P�ttersonoand carried to refer the matter back to the 2oning committee for consideration of an,y aaditional faets and informa.tion to be presented by the agplieants. -2- �d�e�D. Street Name Change - Tn1. L. Thorkelson9 1�851 28t1� Avenue North, presented a petition sign.ed by 31 persons owning propert� on said street asking that its name be ehanged to Dawnview Terra�e in order to- ubring it in�to confirmity w3.-th otlier Golden Val1��r street names". Motion b� Lynch �ras seconded b�r LaBissoaiere and carried to reco�end approval of the change� the plat ; co�n.ittee ha4i�.g deter�nnined that the proposed name did not duplicate that of an� other i.rj. the Mir�neapolis postal zone erea. H1�DSfICP WAIVEftS The secretary repor�ted that a special meeting was held March 28 for cons3der- ation �o Hardship Wai�,ers and adjourr�ed because of lack of quoa�um. V�RTANCE OF SIDE-S,OT REQUIftIl�iENTS,E l/'2 Yale Garden Homes � The V�.11age Engineer �epor-ted that in view of the condemnatidn proceed.ings �or street acquisit3.ons in Yale Garden Homes the Covnc�.1. suggests that some possible varian.ces in these lots might be in order. Mot3on b�r �'e1z seconded by Pat�+erson and earried that whereas all previous actions of th.e corrnnission and the Cauncil established that lots as designed by the replat o� MorreLl & Nichols would. constitute «buildable l.ots�� �°egardless of fron�Cage or area� the Commission �c�rould take action on ir�diro�.dual requests for front and side �rard setback wa3vers if and when th.�g a re presented. ' Letter of April 9 was read from E�rl Peterson stating tHat he wi.shed to withdraw as a member of the Golden Valle� Planning Commission for the reason that he is establishing residenee outside the v3.11age. Motion by Tolg seconded b� Shinder carried that the secretary write a letter of commendation toMr. Peterson for his sex�3.ees, referring his resignation to the Council and requesting that the�r fi1Z the �acaney b�r appointment of a qualified resident 3n -�he genera,l North Central � a:�ea of the vil7.age. Pres:�dent Pennock bronght up the advisabilit� of the Commission givia�.g eonsideration tm zoning problems insofar as they pertain to non-conforming usage� a.rsd to sma.11 areas zoned at variance wi..th their svrrouadings, to be discussed at a �u�nre meeting. There �ollQwed jou�ment s Bert L� ��Z��� ecreta�y A (� ��iG�. � d�� � � � �