05-09-57 PC Minutes 22�
May 9, 1957•
A regular meeting of the Planning Co�nission of the Vi7lage of Golden �
Valley was called to order by President Pennock at 7:30 P.M. Nla� 9,
1957 at the Villag�. Nall. The �ollowing members attended: E�,rald,
Flannagan� LaBissoniere� L�*nch� Putnam, Raugland� Shinder and Velz.
Minutes of the meeting held Apra.l ll were read and approged.
ZIMMEftMA�TT REA.LTY PLAT Representatives of the ZirrBnerman Realty Compa,ny
prese?2ted a new a�rout prepared by Thorshov & Cern�r of a plat for their
area �otrth of Golden Valley� Road on Sweeney Lake for preliminary approval. `
It was brought out that after consultations the Jack Kenned.��s owners
o�' an abut-�ing lot� had decided not to plat -the3r lot jointl�r with the
ZiYrmierman property. Motion by Lynch was seconded b� Shinder azad carried
to grant prelaminary approval conditioned upon the platter�s providing
17t of� the North for egentual widenin.g of Golden Qa11ey Road, altering
th.e tvrn.around area to provide a larger access for road condinuation
through the Kennedy propert�� establishin.g the sanitax� sewer easement,
ana designating the street as K�rle Place.
McCABE PLAT Cha.irman of the Plat Corr�n3ttee announced that this plat for
an area South o� Glenwood Aven.ue opposite Georgia was withdrawn.
DUBERST.t N PROPERTY - Greenvi.e�r Terrace The Presid.ent annovnced that
notwiths anding the Co ssionTS having recommended f3nal approval for
the Greenvi.ew Terrace plat, the Council referred the plat back to the
Commission for reconsideration of the .interests of abutting proper�t�
owners to th.e North. �. nUm.ber of these owners of tracts of land
approximately 500 x 100� spoke with reference to the3.r need of a street
access to permit the developmen-� of these tracts. It was pointed out
that the Corrunission wished to work with these seneral awners toward a
satisfactor� de�elopment of the area, and that close co-operation would.
be required among them. Motion by LaBissoniere was seconded.by Flannagan
ana carried that the Co�nission reconsider final approval. o� the Greenview
Terrace Pla-t. Notion b� I,yn.ch was seconded by �Telz ancl carr�ied to assign
-the plat to the Plat Co�n3.ttee, e�endin� the m authorit� to grant �irxxal
approval for a re-design. providing road access fi or an agreed upon
ar�°°angemen-t of the abutting tracts, or, failing agreement of th.ese several
own.e�s to recom�nend final approval for the GreenTriew Terrace plat re-drawn
to lea�re lots one through si�c in B1ock 1 one unplatted. area. A special
meeting was scheduled by the Plat Conmu.ttee for Sat�urday� May 18 to
consider development of this area, and Chairman Lyn.cYa appealed to other
members to attend the meeting.
Mlarri Mac Compar�r Pla�t Nlr. Bob McNulty appeaxed in behalf of Nlurz°i Mac
Company seeking approval for a road plar`�to serve -thear propert�r in
Auditorts Subdivision #285 South and East of the in.tersection of Wayza-ta
Bl�d. & Coun.ty H�. #18. Mr. McNu.1.t� stated tha-t they were interested in
� -2-
dz�viding the area in�o two commercial lots and concerned with having the
road. plan. appro�ed as soon as possible in order to petition for the
e�ension of sanita,r� sewer laterals into the land. Motion b�r LaBissoniere
seconded by Shinder was carried to refer this request to the Plat Committee
e�ending them authori-ty to recorr�nend directly to the Council. It was
agreed to hold meeting of the Plat Corrm�.ittee on this ma-tter on Saturday'
Ma� 11� 1/�1•
CALVARY TII�LE'L� CHURCH Chairman Ve1z of the Zoning Committee read a report
d.ated N1ay 9 reviewi n.g the meeting of Apri1 25 of the Zoning Committee with
represen�atives of Calvary Temple Church requestinglnstitutional Zon3ng
fo� an area on T.H. 100 South of Cloverleaf Terrace. The report sv.bstantiated
the previous findings oz" the Con�na_ttee and reconunended denial of the reqnest.
There followed add.itional. discussion related to present and future traffic
conditions bearing upon this application� and an exhibit o� a dra�ring sho�rr.ng
the proposed Ch�ch edifice. Paul Segal presented a petitinn signed b�r a
nUmber of inembers of the Cloverleaf Terrace Association protesting any
rezoning of the area for purposes other tha.r� residential development. Motion
b� SY�inder was seconded by Flannagan and carr�ed vnani mOUSZ�7' �O recouanend
denial of the rezoning request of the Calvar� Temple Chvrch on the basis of
the Zoning Conmiitteets report.
J.I�MESON, 528 SUNNY�II�E 7�AP�E Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Jameson, operators of
an antique and book store� appeared before the Co�nission in support o.f
their request for rezoning �o Co�n.ercial two �.0 foot lots at 528 SurLnyridge
Lane in order to re-establish their business at that location. Chairment of
the Zoning Commit-�ee Velz po3nted out that inasmuch as only� he anc� member
Pu.tnam me� with the applican�s at the site previous to the meeting, a
connn:i.tt�e report had not been prepared. The applicants stated that the�r
wished to construct a residential type of building which woula be nsed for'
both home and business purposes and that a move from their presen-c location
a�c 27th & Riverside� Manneapolis wi11 be necessarJr because of the development
of the Cit�r Freewa�. Both zoning Coimriittee members expressed personal opinions
that al-though the business wovld be a welcome one to Golden Va11.ey� the� viewed
„n'�avo�ably th� rezoning request� whereupon the President requested the Zoning
Co�ni.ttee to continue consideration of the application.
EHESTER W. BARROS, 51,50 �3rd l�venue North Chairman of the O�diaiance Co�.it-tee
Ewald reported that oral.y he and one other member had been able to meet in
consideration of hardship waivers. Motion b�r ZaBissoniere seconded b� Shinder
was carried to again refer the application of Chester W. Barros for a side
yaxd variance at 5150 33rd Ave. N. in order to construct a garage,, to the
Ordinance Committee.
��� '
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A71an K. Hamm.ell 2695 Pe Avenue No. FoLowing an explanation of the �
applica ion of A11.an K. Hamme or a setbacic waiver in order to construct
a home on Lot 18, Block 10� Dawn Acres lst Ad.dition, motion b� Raugla,n.d
was seconded by LaBzssoni.ere and carried to recairmiend approval of the
request that th.e extended street line on the West side of Perr� A�venue
be used to establish the 35 foot setback� proved that this placement o£
the planned house w�.11 not necessitate waivers of side-lot reguirements.
Richarcl E. Ols�.�1211 Wirm.etka Avenue Nor�ch The pres3dent referred
request of Ric c1 E. Olson, 12 1 Wiruietka A�v. N for a side yard waiver in
order to cons-truct a garage at that address to the Orclinance Commi.ttee. ,
Fred Jones H shire Oaks �.th Addition Fred Jones presented a sketeh
for a plan. to pro ect Louisi.ana venue North �o Green V�.11.ey Road an.d to
plat only a por-tion o� that area into lots. Chai.rman of the Plat Comtni.ttee
repox�ted that their Comm3.ttee approved the plan in general.. Motion b�r
Ewald was seconded and carried to reco�run.end preli�ni.na.r�r appra�al condition.ed
upon the applicant presenting an acceptable scaled plat to the Committee °
at its meet�.g o� Ma.y 18. ,
Mr. Joe Goldman Pres3.den-t of Federal Container Co oration appeared
before t e Co�n.ission in suppor�t of a petition to vacate a portion o�
Ardmore Drive Nor�th o� Highway #55• M,N & S Railroad and Max Feld� •
other o�mer5 of abu�ting property �ioir�.ed in the petition. Mr. Goldman
stated that his firm wished to bui7.d'.ta their East lot line, that the� �
would provide a suxface �or the vaca�ed street area, and use it as an ,
access for parking areas to the rear of the new construction. Motion b�
L�.ch seconded by 5`h.inder was carried recommending that the Cotin.cil
p�oceed with the vacation. Administrator O�rens reported, that in the
codification of the Village Ordinances Tracts A9 B and C a.n Re�istered
La;nd Survey t�2b6 had been erroneousl� included in the Ra.ilroad. use area.
Notion by Velz seconded by Flannagan was carried to recorrnnend th�.t the
Colu�.cil proceed to cla,r' � his land classification as Sndustrial.
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